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Captivated On 5th Avenue: Book 3 (5th Avenue Romance Series)

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by Abbie St. Claire

He hugged the baby and me and then Ty took his turn.

  Later that night when I was tucking Ty into bed, I asked him about Ian becoming his dad and he became so excited, it amped him up.

  What was I thinking?

  “Well, the courts have to agree that it’s the right thing to do, so we’ll wait to see what they say, okay?”

  “Okay. Tell Dad I said good night.”

  He melted me.

  * * *

  By the end of the second week, Zoey was doing great and I’d gotten the signed papers from Carson. I’m certain an explosion would be heard when he discovered that I duped him. I kind of wished I could witness it because I had a line for him: How do you take that, prison bitch?

  Shawna was the first of our friends to visit with Zoey and me and they only allowed her in for thirty minutes. “She’s so tiny?”

  “Yes, but not for long. She’s already gaining weight.”

  “Are you breastfeeding or are they using that tube?”

  She touched Zoey’s hand. “Both. I have to pump and I don’t have much yet, but I get more each day. She hasn’t learned to suck, but they said they will start teaching her next week.”

  I put Zoey back in the isolette with the nurse’s help and prayed it would all work out.

  We talked about Carson, and I brought her up to speed on the adoption papers. “You owe that DA a gift card to the boutique and bar,” she snickered.

  Brilliant. “Good idea.”

  “How much longer do they think Zoey will be here?”

  “Another couple of weeks and I have an idea of doing our adoptions quickly so that when we bring her home, we’re one big happy family.”

  She frowned. “Can they do it that fast?”

  “Willa seems to think she can make it happen. Ian is thrilled. Have you seen his hand?”

  “No, what?”

  “He can tie his shoes, grip a fork, write. He’d been secretly doing a new kind of therapy and because of that, he was able to deliver her and save her life. I feel so blessed. Everything is finally going well for us. We’re happy. The boys are happy, it’s so good. Oh and get this, Izzy’s pregnant.”

  “That’s awesome. I know she’s excited.”

  I shook my head. “Mick wanted to wait.”

  “You play, you pay, but in such a good way,” she smarted off.

  Truth to that.

  “That will change when she gets further along. Mick will fall in love with her pregnant body.”

  * * *

  The following Thursday morning, Ian and I attended Carson’s trial. I wasn’t allowed to go in until after I testified, but I couldn’t wait to face him on the stand. I’d been his whipped dog for so many years that I didn’t know how to stand on my own. He used me like a puppet, abused his responsibilities as a father and screwed anything that would hold still. The worst of it, of course, came down to what Ty witnessed. But because of Ian, I learned to value myself, and that’s a trait of which had no dollar value.

  Carson would get his if I had to spend the rest of my life making sure of it.

  The moment I took the stand, I observed his tightened jaw and scouring expression. He appeared physically ready to boil over. It was power beyond words. I told the truth and left nothing out as I made eye contact with each juror. One lady appeared as though she was ready to cry—she understood what it was like for a man to harm a woman. There’s a hell for all of the men that physically batter a woman, but what about the men that verbally harm women and children? Is there a hell for them too? I hoped so because that meant that Carson would get everything he deserved and then some. I didn’t do everything I could to protect Ty way back when because I didn’t know. However, once I saw the real Carson and what he was capable of, the only laws I thought of enforcing were those of the jungle. Don’t get between a mother and her young…

  The prosecutor didn’t keep me on the stand very long and afterward, Ian and I left to see our beautiful daughter.

  The jury deliberated for about an hour. We didn’t wait for the verdict, but I got a voicemail from the DA that Carson was sentenced to twenty-four years in prison. With good time, he was expected to serve at least twelve of it, if not more.

  By then Ty would be out of school and an adult and that’s all I hoped to gain.

  * * *

  Zoey was taking to my breast a little and learning to suck. Ian had been researching preemies and breastfeeding and gave me pointers, which was both sexy and funny. As soon as she could feed from me or a bottle, and weighed over four pounds, she could come home. So we were on target for the goal I named Project Family.

  “So, you wanna tell me how you knew she was a girl before she was born?”

  I started giggling. “I asked the ultrasound technologist to blink really fast if it was a girl, and she did.”

  “Man, you’re sneaky.” He touched my face while I held Zoey.

  “You want to tell me how you knew? Because you said ‘she’s in the birth canal.’”

  Now he started giggling and couldn’t stop. “Smart girl. I love it. Unlike you, though, I didn’t cheat. The doctor accidentally mentioned it when you had your gallbladder attack. I chose not to ruin it for you, but I loved knowing. It was a cool secret to keep. I used to talk to her when you were asleep.”

  The man could melt me…

  Chapter Thirty


  Chelsie’s attorney worked magic to get our home studies complete and the letters of testimony for the adoptions performed so that we could get an emergency hearing. Judge Aiden Townsend was willing to open his calendar for us on the morning we were to take Zoey home.

  As he spoke about family values, I realized that my life had so much more to it than I realized. All those days and nights of despair were wasted on mindless games. Sobriety means everything to me and my family commitment is what keeps me going.

  When Olivia died, I was pushed into survival mode for Oliver.

  And when Oliver was bullied, once again I prevailed at survival.

  When my father challenged me, I didn’t care what he wanted and actually did the opposite, just to get under his skin. But that’s not love or respect. It wasn’t mutual.

  I now know my triggers. I often communicate with Dr. Starrett and can pretty much predict what he’s going to say before he does.

  Self-doubt is the most harmful factor a human can entertain. It will eat your insides faster than cancer and deliver the nastiest bite. It can suck the life force from you when you least expect it. And I’ve also learned that I am the only one that can cure my disease because it comes from the inside of me. I’ve also learned that to diminish fear, I have to trust myself to handle what life gives me. And now I know I can do that.

  I see my beautiful, amazing, spunky bride beside me. We are adopting each other’s children and becoming one. This is what family does.

  Chelsie is my breath, my water, my light—and I am hers. I was told once that someday I’d meet her. I didn’t believe it. I was also told that my son could have everything, but only if I didn’t hold him back. Today I see the truth in those words. Oliver is getting another chance at having a wonderful woman for a mother. He’s gaining someone in his life who loves him very much.

  And I am gaining another son. One, who at eight years old, begged his mom to bring me home. One who had insight far greater than either of us adults. Someone who saw life like a bouncing ball that you pick up and try again.

  It is spring and the season for blooming, the days are long and the air is fresh. It is our time for our love to spring up from the ashes and grow with which we’ve been given. It’s our time to be happy.

  “Dr. and Mrs. Briggs, I’ve read your petition and understand your family’s story. Some of it is quite tragic and for that I am sorry. But, I see that both of you desire to make your family whole, and it’s my understanding that you’ve got a little girl waiting to go home for the first time. Therefore, it is my pleasure to sign these documents and confirm that the Briggs family ha
s just become whole. We take adoption matters seriously and it is my hope and that of this court that you do as well. Please go and take with you the many blessings of this court.”

  Tears of joy streamed down Chelsie’s face. The boys were happy, and that’s all that mattered.

  * * *

  The drive to the hospital was short. I stayed with the boys while Chelsie picked up Zoey. When the door opened, I felt the electricity of her bright smile sizzle right through me, as she held our daughter tight to her chest.

  We drove home and listened as our little princess fussed about riding in a car. Good thing we didn’t have far to go because it looked like she was going to be a screamer.

  “She likes to scream like her mother,” I teased my wife.

  “You’re bad,” she whispered.

  “Has it been six weeks yet?” She rolled her eyes at my suggestion.

  “As soon as I can, I’m getting snipped along with this gallbladder out.” She let out a sigh.

  “Woman, by then I’ll need to trade you in for a new model.”

  “Go ahead. Feel free to start over. Because I’ll be better than ever with bad parts removed, a tight rear-end and a rebuilt engine.”

  “Ooh, I like the sound of that. Gets my own motor running.”

  “See, we really can master code.”

  Scanning the rearview mirror, I saw two boys wearing headphones and not paying any attention to us. “I think we’re safe until Zoey starts talking.”

  * * *

  Back at home, we welcomed all our friends and family for a cookout and swim party. Life just couldn’t have been any better for us. My dream of owning a wine bar had come to fruition and it was doing great. Though I hadn’t trusted him at first, Jason turned out to be a remarkable friend, and I was grateful how Chelsie brought him into our lives. The downs would come, but together, we proved we could handle them. Chelsie was strong, she finally believed in herself and because of that, she was radiant.

  I pulled my wife to my side for a toast to the gathering. “I want to thank all of you for coming tonight and for supporting my family and me. You’ve shown me, shown us what true love and friendship is all about. You are all family. We would not be here like this today if it weren't for all of you, so thank you.”

  Cheers were heard from around the room.

  I glanced at my boys playing and at my daughter in her mother’s arms. Now this was a life worth living…



  By the fourth month of Zoey’s life, our family was happy and whole. Each morning Ian and I make a commitment to get every bit of happiness from the day.

  I was staying at home with Zoey while Parker and Isabella shared duties at the boutique and helped Sabrina with the bistro. Parker had started a small section of his own bridal couture and was already beginning to get a nice business by word of mouth.

  Izzy suffered a miscarriage and it was as heartbreaking for Mick as it was for her. I knew the idea of becoming a parent scared the bejesus out of him, but when it comes down to it, the fear is gone the minute they put that little one in your arms. They decided to wait awhile to try again and something told me that it wouldn’t take too long. I don’t know, perhaps it was the way they stopped by the house several times a week to see Zoey.

  I know what that’s like. Ty, Zoey, and Oliver were my children. I’d lay down my life to protect theirs. Those boys were such the shielding older brothers that we actually had to field arguments of who was going to “get to” change the diaper. Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts.

  Ian and Jason had worked out an arrangement for every other weekend covering the bar and usually one night during the week. The schedule was rather nice for us to be able to have a home life and they got along great in their partnership. The goal was to have a manager in place within a couple of months so that they didn’t have to be there much.

  Jason was still trying to reel in Sabrina, but she had commitment phobia and their age difference had him in a readier state than her. I didn’t try to push them any further. I know what that’s like. Relationships have to come together organically, otherwise it won’t work.

  Time is like a flowing river. I thought about my relationship with Ian and how many times we were swimming upstream. Since we’d become a family, it felt like we were flowing peacefully—exactly the way it was supposed to be.

  The other night I walked into Zoey’s nursery and saw Ian holding her as he comforted her back to sleep.

  “You helped me realize I had to be a better man,” he said aloud. “I don’t want you to look at me with disappointment when you get older. I need you to be proud of who I am.”

  She cooed.

  His declaration was both precious and painful. Beautiful because he loved her so much but painful because he had that slightest doubt in his mind that he could ever disappoint someone. I knew what that was like with my own issues of being enough for his love. But, when he tells me he loves me and that I’m everything to him—I believe him and that’s all I’ll ever need.

  Love remembers…

  “No matter what happens in this life, remember your daddy loves you more than you’ll ever know.”

  She started to fuss again and he snuggled her into his neck and began to bounce her with his body and pat her tiny back. “Shhh. Daddy’s got this.”

  “Are you sure or do you need reinforcements,” I teased him.

  He turned his body towards me standing in the doorway. “We got this.”

  Yeah, we do.

  I can’t even begin to imagine how things would’ve turned out had Ty not had his meltdown to bring Ian home all those months ago. Putting the boys together and becoming one was the right thing to do. It’s just a shame that we wasted time hurting each other. If only we could’ve communicated how we felt like we can now.

  Timing is everything…

  The hurdles we had to go through were plenty, but one thing remained and that was my love and devotion to Ian and our children. Life won’t be easy and there will be more fires for the Briggs family to put out, but if we stay committed, that’s ninety percent of the battle.

  Both boys were sound asleep when I checked on them and Zoey was cooing in her crib after being fed. Ian was waiting for me to come to bed.

  “What’s your pleasure tonight?” He wiggled his brows.

  “Am I directing?” My tone coy as I removed my robe to reveal a naughty number I’d picked up at the boutique.

  “You’re dressed to die for, so I hope there’s something mischievous on your mind. A fantasy for us to act out perhaps?”

  I glanced at the mirror propped against the wall and down to the rug, before making eye contact with him. “I seem to recall a time on this rug and watching us in that mirror that was about as hot a scene as I can remember. I want you to help me remember it in greater detail.”

  He slid out of bed and came to stand in front of me. Now that he had more use of both hands, he untied the halter-style lingerie with no problem and let it fall to the floor. “You never stop captivating me…”


  His lips were hard and fast on mine, leaving me surrendering completely to him…

  The End

  Also by Abbie St. Claire

  An Unforgettable Lesson

  Ace’s Key

  Booty Call

  Christmas In July

  Consolation Prize

  Conflicted On 5th Avenue

  Complicated On 5th Avenue

  Captivated On 5th Avenue

  Kiss Me-My Ass

  Kiss Me-There

  Kiss Me-A Duet #1

  The Creek, A Novel

  About the Author

  With a creative personality, Abbie St. Claire has always had her nose in a book. Whether one for decorative painting, gourmet cooking or steamy romance.

  "Heck, those books all go together in my mind. My imagination can easily picture a painting session that turns steamy and I certainly see trying to prepare a gourmet meal
while getting deliciously sidetracked with a partner and finishing that meal for breakfast," St. Claire says with a raised brow and twinkle in her eyes.

  An International Best Selling Author, St. Claire focuses her work on writing steamy romance from the "writing nook" in her Houston, Texas kitchen, where she's currently at work on the "5th Avenue Romance Series.

  St. Claire has quite a bit in store for 2016 with finishing the 5th Avenue Romance Series, starting a new series, participation in First Glance and The Diamond Club anthologies, and a Kindle Worlds project with Melissa Foster.

  For her latest news, be sure to sign up for her mailing list at




  For more information:



  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Six Weeks Later

  We were getting ready for spring arrival when I opened a catalog with baby decor. It wasn’t one I’d seen before and it was addressed to the boutique, but to Isabella’s attention. Inside were a bunch of notes in her handwriting.

  “Izzy, did you stash this Baby Me catalog in my pile?”

  Her face froze.

  “Isabella? Is something wrong?”

  She didn’t answer, but her eyes started to water.

  “Wait, are you pregnant?”

  She nodded her head very slowly and deliberate. “Six weeks. I’ve felt like shit. I haven’t told Mick yet because he really wanted to wait. In fact, he asks me all the time if I’m current on my pills.”


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