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Let's Play Ball

Page 1

by Lolah Lace


  Book One

  By Lolah Lace

  Published by Lolah Lace

  Copyright © 2013 by Lolah Lace

  Cover Image by Oleksandr Lishinskiy

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes.

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  To those who have sexy stories to tell.


  None of this went the way I thought it would. I didn’t ask for it. I didn’t pray for it and I definitely didn’t expect it. I was happy with the life I had before her, before she smiled at me, before she let me inside her. But it’s strange how happiness can be redefined in the moment. She made me feel more than alive. She made me feel like my heart was on fire and only she could make it burn. Her heat was intense and I craved it like the air I breathed. I could never get enough. You can’t miss what you never had. But I had her and the passion was heat, the sex was a fire that blazed beyond belief. I’m not a bad guy. I’m not some self-absorbed prick. I’m not an asshole but in the end that’s exactly how I look. Yet, it is not at all how I felt. I was happy.


  * * *

  The day was Saturday April 20th. It was picture day for the Braves little league baseball team I coached. I had been blessed with a daughter as my first child. Just because she was a girl didn’t mean she couldn’t play sports. Our community kids’ baseball was co-ed. I taught my dear daughter Hannah the game of baseball well. At eight years old she was pretty good. I wasn’t opposed to things like ballet or gymnastics. But there was no way I was going to wait for my four year old son Matt and my two year old son Tim to grow up before I got my shot at coaching little league.

  I had been coaching for three years since Hannah turned five. I know they are just kids but I was pretty damn good at it, this coaching thing. I enjoyed it. It was a way to relieve some of the day to day stress that managing my own construction company brought to my boring life. I sent a blanket email out to all the parents of the kids to arrive at the Annerino Park District at 10 a.m. I had to send a separate email out to the mother of the latest addition to the team. Her kid didn’t have his jersey yet. I was told his mother had missed the registration deadline and took one of the last of two spots and ended up on my team. I received the paperwork a few days ago. It had the child’s name, the parent’s name, address, phone number and other pertinent information.

  The new kid’s mother never responded to my email so I called and told her to come early to get the uniform so her son Trey could have enough time to change into it.

  We had never met so when she arrived at the Park District she called my cell. Naturally I missed the call because I didn’t hear it ring. I had a horde of seven and eight year olds around me. I called her right back. She answered and in seconds everything changed.

  “Hello, is this Kari?” I pronounced it like the traditional Carrie.

  “Yeah, hi. I’m here but I don’t see you.”

  “We’re in the back of the lot by the playground.”

  “Okay. I’m by the playground.”

  A small crowd parted and she emerged through them like a famous popstar, Britney Spears, no Beyonce. She spotted me seconds after I spotted her. We were the only two people holding cell phones to their ears. I waved her and her son over.

  “I see you.” She smiled as she approached me and ended our cell call. Her smile wasn’t huge or evasive. It was small but uniquely genuine.

  I placed my cell in my pocket. Her brown eyes didn’t look away. Fuck me. I quickly scanned her face. She’s so pretty and she was black, African American or whatever is politically correct. I guess I suspected that much but I didn’t expect her to be so young and such a hotty. She was wearing blue jeans, a gray fitted thermal shirt and a thin gray leather jacket. Her hair was parted down the middle, shoulder length brown and shiny. Her skin was tanned. No I guess not exactly tanned. That was her natural color. Her brown eyes didn’t wander around the parking lot. They just burned into me, warming me in the chill of the morning. She just looked right at me with her closed mouth smile. There was something beguiling in her grin.

  “Kari.” I said although it was obvious. She is Kari. I instinctively offered my hand.

  “Coach Rizza.” She took my hand in hers.

  There was an electrical current that surged between us. I probably imagined it. Her hands were soft but a little cold. She didn’t shake my hand like a man she just held it for a few seconds before she let go running her fingertips over my palm.

  I reluctantly pried my eyes away from her to greet her wide-eyed son Trey. “Hey Buddy, you ready to play ball?” Trey only shook his head yes. “We’re going to have loads of fun this season Trey. Are you ready to have some fun?”

  “Yes.” He mumbled. The boy was lean and tall. He was obviously her biological son. He looked like her just a shade darker. I quickly thought maybe we could win this year. I have two black boys on my team. Not sure if that’s racist but it was the first thing I thought.

  “Hey buddy I got a uniform for you.” I smiled at the kid and he just looked shell-shocked. I reached into my duffel and retrieved his socks, pants and jersey. I placed the baseball cap on his head and I think I saw I glimmer of a smile creep from the kid. “Get changed up and come get in line with the rest of your team.”

  I handed the gear over to Kari. “Be right back.”

  “Great, just come back to the line.” I looked down at Trey. “You ready for pictures buddy?”

  “Yeah.” He muttered.

  Kari palmed the back of his head and led him toward the park district building. I watched her walk away. I needed to get a glimpse from behind. She was wearing the hell out of those skinny Levis. My cock jumped in my underwear. Chill out buddy, I said to my cock because I view him as my evil twin brother.

  I turned around and caught wind of the fact I wasn’t the only guy watching her walk away. Caleb’s dad and Payton’s dad were watching Kari also. They were actually foaming at the mouth. My brother Mike had disappeared. Hope he takes being my assistant coach seriously.

  There were kids, coaches and parents everywhere. Everyone had showed up. Only one kid was late. The last kid to arrive was the other black kid on the team Derrick. I chuckled to myself when he arrived with his mother thirty minutes after the given time. What’s with black people always being late? Kari was on time but I will watch her to see if she proves the stereotype wrong. Bullshit, I’m going to watch her because she’s a fucking knockout with a smoking hot rear end.

  Picture day went off without a hitch. I concentrated on my kids. It was easy to do because Miss Kari tight jeans had ventured away and turned her back on the group. She didn’t interact with the other parents at all. She had an earpiece in her ear the entire time talking on her cellphone to someone. In the distance I saw her giggle a few times. Wonder if that’s her boyfriend on the other line?

  After we got the pictures squared away I had to inform Trey’s mother where practice would be held. Since Kari was late to register Trey, he had missed two practices. Actuall
y he only missed one because the other got rained out. It seemed to rain four out of the five days in the week in April. I gathered up my gear which wasn’t much because this wasn’t an actual game. I placed the baseball props we used in the pictures into my duffel and slug it over my shoulder.

  I spotted Kari through the crowd of scattered parents. She was bent over talking to Trey. My cock jumped when I thought about coming up behind her, grabbing her beautiful ass, prying her out of those Levis and ramming my cock deep inside her pussy. I smiled inside and smirked on the outside. What the fuck has gotten into me? I had to scold my perverted inner self. Control yourself you fucking jag off!

  I approached and put on my professional face. “Kari.”

  She turned to face me. “Coach Rizza.” She smiled. Damn, her smile was disarming.

  “Did you get the email about practice?”

  “No I didn’t get it.”

  “I sent it a few days ago.”

  “My email was hacked so I missed some emails. It may be in my spam folder or something. Could you send it again?”

  “Sure, would it be better to text it to you.”

  “Either way is fine.”

  “It just said that practice is Tuesdays and Thursdays five-thirty to seven o’clock at Sunset Park.”

  “Sunset Park? Where is that?”

  “It’s off One Hundred and Thirteenth Street?”

  “Okay,” She grimaced. “I have absolutely no idea where that is.”

  “I will text you the address.”

  “Okay, thanks.” She smiled. I sensed she was trying to end the conversation.

  “So has Trey played baseball before?”



  “No never.”



  It was my turn to grimace. What the fuck? He’s black. He’s never played any sports, as she put it NEVER, huh. There is no wedding ring on her finger maybe he doesn’t have a father. She probably had him young. I can’t tell how old she is but she looks about ten years younger than me. That would make her twenty-six. That would mean she probably had him at nineteen years old or younger.

  “It’s fine. I’ll teach him.” That was a promise. I would give him extra attention. He was black and one of the tallest kids on my team although he was seven and I had eight year olds also.

  “I hope so.”

  “It’s no problem. I’m good at this?”

  Kari went to speak but held back. Instead of words she just bit her bottom lip and smirked. “So practice on Tuesday?”

  “Yeah,” I realized that I had been walking alongside Kari and her son. Somehow we ended up in the parking lot and I wasn’t quite sure how I got there. I recall my daughter Hannah was trailing behind me a minute ago. I turned and looked back and she was gone.

  “Hey dad! Mom’s parked over here.” I turned to the sound of Hannah’s voice. She was standing on the other side of the lot carrying our folded up Braves team banner.

  I turned back to Kari and Trey as they were walking away from me. “Hey Trey! See you at practice buddy.”

  Trey turned back and waved at me. That’s something. His mother did not. I brushed away the odd surge I felt when I touched Trey’s mother. I was sure when I saw her at Tuesday’s practice the intensity would have dissipated. I’m not sure why I felt this way. I had never experienced anything to compare it with.


  * * *

  Strangely, I was looking forward to practice on Tuesday but my luck was no luck. It rained. It started to drizzle at five o’clock. This was quickly followed by a torrential downpour. Practice was at five-thirty so I sent a cancellation email out to the twelve parents of my kids. Well actually Hannah was my kid so there were only eleven parents that received the email and my brother Mike, the assistant coach.

  Tues Practice cancelled

  April 23, 2012 4:59 PM

  It’s raining and supposed to continue for the next few hours, practice is cancelled. If possible get out tomorrow and play catch and hit w/ your kids. We have practice Thrus at 5:30. Let’s hope the weather cooperates.

  We still had one practice left before our first game on Monday. When Thursday rolled around it was sunny with a chance of rain. It hadn’t started raining yet so I didn’t cancel practice.

  It was five twenty-two when Kari and Trey showed up. I checked my cell phone for the time. Why did I do that? Hannah was already running around on the baseball field with a few other kids. Kari approached me with Trey walking beside her. She was parked on the street a few cars away from the baseball diamond. I caught myself studying her movements.

  “Hey buddy you ready to practice?”

  “Yeah,” Trey murmured. He was a shy kid. That was pretty obvious.

  “Hi Kari.” I tried to keep my eyes above her shoulders. She was completely covered in a long sleeved black and yellow Disney’s The Lion King hoodie, blue jeans and sneakers but for some reason I viewed this boyish getup as sexy.

  “Hi, Coach Rizza.” She half smiled. This time it wasn’t as warm and inviting as before. I knew I imagined the surge or whatever the weird warm feeling I got when I first laid eyes on her.

  “Hey Trey, you got a baseball glove?” I asked.

  Trey looked up at his mother. “Oh I left it in the car. I’ll go get it.” Kari said as she scoffed at her own absent-mindedness.

  Kari trotted off leaving me with Trey. “Hey Trey, follow me bud.”

  I lead Trey across the grass to my brother Mike. He had two of the smaller kids with him. He was showing them how to swing the bat.

  “Hey Mike get Trey a bat, a twenty-six. I need to get him a baseball glove. I will be right back.”

  “Okay. We’re missing three kids.”

  “They didn’t send me an email. They should be here.”

  I jogged away from Mike and across the lawn. I reached the side walk and landed at Kari’s car. She was rummaging through the trunk of her silver Camry.

  “Hey.” I startled her with my sudden appearance. “Did you find his glove?”


  I was too focused on her face to observe that she was handing the glove over to me. I felt like a total moron when I realized I was staring at her. I snapped out of it and looked down at her hand and the tan and black baseball glove. I took the glove in my hands, finally.

  “Will Trey be able to make the first game?”

  “Yes.” She clipped. That was two yeses.

  “Are you coming to the game?”

  “Yes.” That’s three. What’s with the one word answers? She’s not being herself. Why did I say that? I don’t even know her. Seems like something happened somewhere from here to the car. Maybe she’s on the rag?

  I had the goddamn baseball glove in my hand so why was I still standing here. Talk or walk Mason. “Practice is over at seven.”

  “Okay.” This time she muttered one word and two syllables. She didn’t even look at me. Her eyes dropped down and treaded somewhere in the trunk. I guess I was being dismissed. What the fuck?

  “Okay.” I said and walked away feeling confused and lost. I was also a little angry but I wasn’t sure why. She hadn’t done anything to me but I felt dejected.

  Our first meeting was so warm and welcoming, then now, nothing. Women are weird. Black women are superweird.

  I tried to teach my kids all the little league tricks. First lesson steal as many bases as possible. Stolen bases equal points. I released the kids back to their prospective parents at six fifty-eight. I wondered if Kari would get out of her car and grace us with her presence.

  A few of the other parents came up to chat with me but sadly she did not. Trey walked to the car and got in. She pulled out her parallel parking spot slowly. I caught wind of her moving car. No really I was just eye stalking her. We locked eyes as she maneuvered around the cars that lined both sides of the street. I’m not sure why my
hand went up but I waved at her and my new buddy Trey. Shit she waved back. She’s strange. I don’t understand her. But why am I trying to? Understand her.

  I felt a small hand tug at the bottom of my shirt. “Hey dad, what is mom making for dinner?”

  “Pasta primavera.” I said to my daughter.

  “Yummy.” Hannah smiled with her crooked teeth.

  “Sweetie, help me pack up our gear.”

  Hannah run off toward the fence where all the bats, balls, helmets and catchers gloves were strewn down on the grass. I followed her after a second. This is going to be a hell of a season.

  After I piled all our gear into the car, I went home. After dinner I was horny more so than usual. I suspected why but I didn’t feel any need to give credence to my adulterous thoughts. After I put the kids to bed, I went downstairs for a beer. I hoped that Tess would still be awake. I quickly drank the beer down and knew for sure I was horny. I rubbed the head of my cock through the nylon fabric of my shorts. I went upstairs with every intention of making love to my wife.

  When I reached the bedroom I was confronted with the truth. There would be no sex. Why? My two year old had escaped his toddler bed when I was downstairs and crawled into bed next to Tess. Tonight I am the odd man out. Tess was already sleeping on top of the sheet. I guess I should be disappointed but I’m not. Shit happens. Life happens. I left the bedroom and went back downstairs to the kitchen to grab another beer. I turned the TV on in the living room and decided to watch a movie. The Departed was on HBO. After two more beers I fall asleep on the couch. I woke at 2 a.m. I trekked upstairs to bed.

  I had a hard time going back to sleep and I knew why. While I was downstairs on the couch I had dreamed of her. The dream was so real. It was unlike any other dreams I had. One difference was I remembered it when I woke.

  In the dream Kari was there with me, only us. She was wearing a sexy bright red bra and panties. She had on these incredibly high heeled apple red shiny pumps. In the dream she was standing in front of me while I sat there watching her every move. But she didn’t move. She just watched me as I watched her. After moments of only this, she smiled her beautiful closed mouth smile. That was all I could remember from the dream. Why am I dreaming about her? How do I make it stop?


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