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Generational Sins

Page 4

by Samantha Blair

  "Fuck yes! That toy makes you so tight." She tightened her internal muscles around me. I hissed in pleasure and rewarded her by driving my hips faster. I lowered my hands to her ass, spreading her wider and sinking deeper into her cunt. I worked her nipples with my teeth and relished in her cries as she took every attention I gave her. So good.

  I could feel her legs shaking under me, her hands tugging against her restraints. She was close but I was not ready to release her. I withdrew from her, pulling my cock out of her wet heat, and she cried out in protest. I tugged on her hip, rolling her over and pulling her up to her knees with her breasts pressed firmly into the mattress. I ran my hand over the back of her thigh and over the full curve of her ass.

  "Fuck, I love seeing your sweet little ass in the air." In one fluid motion I sunk my cock into her again. I pulled back on her hips, riding her hard. "You will not come until I permit you. Your pleasure belongs to me." She met my every thrust, taking me as deep as she could. I raised the speed on the vibrator and gently pumped it in and out of her ass in time with my cock.

  Again and again I thrust into her at a hard steady pace. The pressure in my balls grew until it was excruciating, and I delighted in it, holding out as long as I could. I pinched her delicate bundle of nerves between my fingers and felt her tighten around me one last time.

  "Come for me," I commanded, and we both fell over the edge.

  A moment later I withdrew from her overheated body and removed her blindfold. She smiled at me as I untied her and drew her into my arms.

  "I love you so much," I said.

  Chapter 8

  David's blatant rejection stung like a whip. I knew that he wasn't interested in me physically, but when he approached me in that club and put his hands on my hips, I allowed myself, for one brief moment, to fantasize that he might want me. That made it hurt all the worse.

  I couldn't watch him while he ground against that blond slut. Knowing that he was doing it was one thing; witnessing it was another. He was the embodiment of sex in his perfectly fit jeans and his t-shirt that was tight enough to display every muscle. He moved so gracefully. Watching him dance brought to life every forgotten fantasy that I had ever harbored.

  Molly and Jessica both knew that I had a fascination with David, although this was the first time that they had met him. I felt bad about cutting the night short, but they understood. I gathered up my stuff and headed out into the night, grateful just to have escaped without totally embarrassing myself. The walk back to campus wasn't far, and the trip was well lit and fairly safe. I was not concerned about making it by myself.

  I passed by a bookstore/coffee shop on my way back that was open twenty-four hours. It looked dry and comforting inside, so I decided to stop in for a while. Nothing could get me over heartache like a good dose of suspense fiction. I snorted at the thought.

  Two hours and three cups of coffee later, I set down the novel and continued my journey home. I didn't want Jessica and Molly to worry if they beat me back to the dorms and found my bed empty.

  Coming up along the side of the brick building I saw a familiar mop of black hair, drenched from the rain. He was sitting with his back to the wall, his head in his hands. He looked thoroughly defeated. I hesitated. As his friend, I felt like I should at least offer a shoulder to cry on, but I was still hurt from his earlier rejection, and I wasn't sure I could handle two of them in one night.

  I sighed and made my way over. "David?" I asked.

  He looked up at me with weary bloodshot eyes. He looked like hell.

  "Are you okay?"

  He didn't answer.

  "I'll leave you alone if you want. I was just heading in for the night, and I… well… I mean… if you would like someone to talk to..."

  He just stared at me. "Kat?" He croaked weakly.

  Is he high on something?

  "David, you're scaring me. Are you okay?"

  "I don't deserve you," he muttered.

  "What?" I asked. Surely I’d misheard. I sat down in the wet grass beside him.

  "You think that I don't want you, Kat. You're wrong. It's not that I don't want you; it's that I don't deserve you."

  I was stunned. Exactly how was I supposed to respond to a confession like that? "David, how much did you have to drink?"

  He laughed bitterly. "I'm not drunk, Kat."

  "Well you're something."

  "I'm dangerous."

  "I don't believe that."

  "I'll ruin you."

  "David, we can't sit here in the rain. You are soaked and freezing. Come upstairs with me. I'll get you a dry towel."

  "No." He ran his long fingers through his hair, disheveling it even more. "I can't talk to you in there. Come with me?"


  "We'll go for a drive. I know a place that’s quiet. Pack an overnight bag. I'll bring you back tomorrow afternoon."

  "You want me to go somewhere overnight with you?"

  "Yes, Kat. Please? I'll be a gentleman, I promise. I just want to talk to you, need to talk to you, and I can't do it here in your dorm."

  He turned his beautiful blue eyes to me, and I knew that I could not deny him.

  "Please, Kat. Please come with me."

  I didn't really want him driving off in his current state alone. He didn't seem completely stable to me, and I couldn't just abandon him like this. I nodded and then stood to my feet.

  "Just let me get my stuff. I'll meet you here in fifteen minutes?"

  He stood as well. "Yeah, I'll just run back to my dorm and be right back."

  He lifted his hand to my cheek, his face inches from mine. "Thank you," he said softly, "for not hating me." His thumb traced the line of my jaw.

  With every last once of strength that I had, I turned away from him and went into the building. My head was spinning. I was high on caffeine and adrenalin. It was late, but I felt incredibly alert. I wondered where David wanted to take me, I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about, I wondered why he was sitting outside my dorm in the pouring rain in the first place, but most of all I wondered what in the hell he meant when he said that it wasn't that he didn't want me. Did that mean that he did want me? There had been times where I thought that might have been true, but then why didn't he just ask me? It was clear from the club that he was not shy. He had no problem approaching women. Was it just me?

  I left a note for Jessica telling her that something came up, and I wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. She would probably freak out over it, but I wasn't about to go into detail on a post-it note.

  I threw some clothes and my basic necessities into my backpack. I pulled my damp hair up into a ponytail and took a quick glance in the mirror. Molly and Jessica had insisted that I wear makeup and now, thanks to the rain, it was a runny mess. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and washed my face. Thankfully I wasn't too drenched. My clothes were still mostly dry, and I had only been wearing them for about three hours so I opted against changing. My friends had worked really hard to give me this look, and I was going to take full advantage of it. If David had seen something that he liked tonight, I was going to stick with it. I would wear leather pants every day of my life if it got him to notice me.

  I picked up my umbrella and headed back down the stairs. A moment later a black BMW pulled up to the dorm and David stepped out. He looked better, more composed than he had been. I thought he was going to be okay. He took my bag and put it in the trunk. "Is this all?"

  "Is what all?" I asked.

  "Your stuff?" He looked confused. "This is all you want to bring?"

  "We're just going one night right?" Had I misunderstood? "We're coming back tomorrow so I only need one change of clothes?"

  "Yeah." He still looked bewildered.

  "So, what else would I need?"

  "I don't know," he said, but then a broad smile crossed his lips. "It's just that every other girl I've ever seen would have packed at least three times this much stuff for an overnight trip. You are an anomaly, Miss Katlyn.

  I shrugged. He opened my door and took the umbrella from my hand. A moment later he climbed into the driver's side.

  "So where are we going?" I asked.

  "It's a surprise," he said.

  "I hate surprises."

  "All of them?"

  "Yes. All of them."

  "I'm still not telling you." He smirked at me. Smug bastard.

  He took a few back roads and then pulled onto the interstate. He wasn't kidding when he said there would be a drive.

  "When I was little," he started, "my mom used to tell me that I would someday meet a girl who would get stuck in my head and wouldn't get out. She told me that this girl's voice would become the voice of my conscience."

  I looked at him, not quite understanding.

  "You are the voice inside my head, Kat, and I can't deny that any longer." He waited for a response.

  "I'm not really sure what you want me to say, David. First you approach me in that club, then you run of with some blond bimbo, then I find you outside my dorm looking like someone ran over your dog, and now you're telling me that you hear voices, specifically my voice, in your head. I'm a bit confused."

  He ran his hand through his drying hair. "I know, and I'm sorry. I will try to explain."

  He thought for a minute and then began again. "We're friends. Right?" I nodded at him.

  "I really enjoy your company, Kat. I love spending time with you. I think we work well together..."

  "David, I get that you're not into me physically," I interrupted. I had to cut him off. I couldn't bear to hear the lets be friends speech from him. "I mean you have so many beautiful women to choose from, I..."

  "No. Kat, please don't interrupt me. I need to say this. I told you before that you were wrong to think that. I do want you. I want you physically and mentally and in every way that a man can want a woman."

  Uh oh, here comes the but… "But..." ...told you so.

  "I am not good for you."

  "How about you let me decide what's best for me?"

  "You don't want a physical relationship with me, Kat."

  "Don't tell me what I do and do not want."

  "You wouldn't like my brand of sex."

  "And what brand exactly is that, David? I am not some naive little schoolgirl. I am capable of making my own decisions regarding sexual activity, and what I find acceptable."

  "Damn it, Kat. I don't want to have sex with you. I want to fuck the shit out of you. I want to tie you to my bed and make you beg for it. I want to spank your beautiful ass and make you suck my cock. Fuck! I want to do so many dirty things to you—things that would make you run from me if you had any idea. But you deserve so much better than that."

  Oh God. In my wildest fantasies, I never dreamed that I would hear those words falling from his perfect lips. If he said one more sentence, I was going to orgasm right here on his heated leather seats.

  "Kat?" He looked at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I will control myself I just, fuck..." He slammed his palm against the steering wheel.

  "David?" I tried to bring my breathing under control. "I'm not afraid of you."

  "You're a terrible liar, Kat. Your heart rate is increased, along with your breathing. Your pupils are dilated. Your cheeks are flushed. You are scared shitless."

  "You are seeing the right physical signs, David, and coming to the wrong conclusion. You know very well that those can be indicators of more than one emotion."

  He looked at me, then back at the road. "What are you saying?"

  I waited for him to put the pieces together.

  "No. No. You can't tell me that you want those things. That is not excitement. You have no idea what you are saying."

  "Ask me what kind of sex I like, David."

  "No, Kat. You are better than that."

  "Better than what? Better than submitting myself to you physically? Why do you think it's so wrong for me? I am not ashamed to admit that the thought of being tied to your bed has me soaking my panties. Lots of people like rough sex, David. There is nothing wrong with that."

  When he didn't respond I continued. "Just give me a safeword and we'll go from there. We can figure out the hard limits together."

  He looked at me like I was insane. “What’s a safeword?

  It was my turn to be surprised. David was a natural Dominant; I was a natural submissive. I knew that going in. What I didn't know was that David had no formal training. Apparently he had picked up his habits from his father, which was disturbing, but he'd never read a book on BSDM, never seen it practiced, never been with an experienced partner. He had no idea what it meant to be in a healthy D/s relationship. He didn't use safewords or even understand them. He would for me though; I wouldn't be with him without one.

  We drove for two more hours and talked through all of it. I have never in all of my life had such an eye opening conversation. He expressed deep fears about hurting me. He told me about women he had hurt in the past physically and emotionally. I told him about Cody, my previous Dom, and about my sexual experiences. He laid everything out for me and trusted me to keep his secrets. I laid everything out for him and offered myself up for his pleasure.

  By the time we turned onto the long gravel driveway, I was sure that he knew more about me than any other man had ever known. He knew my fantasies. He knew my fears. He knew my history, and what I wanted for my future. All I could do now was wait for him to make a decision. He would have to decide if he was willing to try with me.

  This would be new to him, a new way of combining his physical desires with an emotional relationship. He had a lot of physical experience, but this would be completely new ground for him in many ways.

  It was new for me too. My previous Dom, Cody, had recognized my submissive nature and had taken the lead with me. It was clear from the beginning with him though that our relationship would be purely physical. Cody had trained my body, but I had not allowed my emotions to be a part of that process. This would be different. I wanted David in many ways, not just physically.

  "We're here," he said, bringing the car to a stop.

  Chapter 9

  It was Friday, and also my second day back to teaching school. I'm not sure whose brilliant idea it was to start on a Thursday, but I was glad that the weekend was quickly approaching. My first two days back had been difficult, but the new crop of kids was great. There were always a couple that would push their boundaries the first few days, to see how tough you were, but I could handle them. Being with a strong Dom, like David, had actually taught me quite a few tricks in regards to classroom management. Most of the time it was only a matter of using the right tone of voice with them. The kids were good at heart. They just needed to know where the lines were and how to work within them.

  The parents, however, were not quite as likeable. I had three mothers and one father already pestering me about how wonderful their children would be and trying to explain to me why I should never discipline them. They had no idea how spoiled their children were. These kids were going to be incapable of doing anything on their own, and it was completely the parent's fault.

  Of course I would have kids on the other end of the scale as well. At least these parents put forth an effort. Some parents I would never see, regardless of how many phone calls I made, or events I held with an open classroom.

  David and I had made the decision not to have children. We both liked kids, but in many ways we feared parenting. It was not an easy thing to do well, and neither of us had very good examples modeled for us. David's father was a psychotic deviant, and his mother was the world's biggest doormat. My own mother was a drug addict who had abandoned me early in life and then later died of an accidental drug overdose. The one good parent among them was my dad, whom I had loved very deeply, but by no fault of his own, he'd left me as well.

  My dad had done his best with me, but it had not been easy growing up without a mother. I spent a lot of time down at the police station being babysat by the newest
rookie on the force. I didn't mind - it was like having a whole array of older brothers - but I didn't get much female companionship. Every now and then a female officer would join the force, but they would often resent hanging out with me because they thought it was too stereotypical for the women to get stuck with the kids. It was an unfortunate case of feminism gone awry.

  As a result, David and I both decided that we could teach and mentor and help other people's kids without having our own. We had too much baggage between us to risk burdening a child.

  I shut my briefcase and turned out the lights in my classroom. I hoped David's day at school had been productive. I knew he was itching to be done with his degree. This year would bring a lot of changes for us.

  I crossed the parking lot to the spot where I had left my truck in the shade of a tree. I slowed my stride and squinted my eyes. Was there something on my truck? A white piece of paper was flapping in the breeze under the windshield wiper. As I neared, I could make out David's elegant script on the outside. Oh God, David wants to play.

  The outside of the note simply said Katlyn. The inside was also to the point. Check your glove box.

  I opened the door to my truck and laid my briefcase on the passenger seat. I reached over and opened the glove box. A small, red box tumbled out. David must have put it there last night. I hadn't looked in here all day.

  I opened the lid and found another note, this one longer.

  My Dearest Katlyn,

  I hope that your first week back to school was enjoyable. To celebrate the start of your new year, I would like to take you to dinner. Please proceed to the restaurant mentioned below immediately. I am very much looking forward to our evening together.

  The Runway Restaurant

  12 Airport Drive

  With deepest love and affection,

  Your Master

  P.S. Prior to your arrival, I will expect you to have removed your panties and replaced them with the enclosed gift.

  I pushed the tissue paper in the box aside and looked at the other contents. It was a butterfly vibrator. It was supposed to be worn in a manner similar to underwear, but the crotch was open and the front section contained a small vibrator, designed to rest directly on a woman's clitoris. In essence, vibrating, crotchless panties that usually came with a remote. The remote was not in my box, which probably meant that David had it. Fuck me now.


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