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His Captive Toy

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by Sophia Gray

  His Captive Toy

  Grim Rebels MC, Volume 2

  Sophia Gray

  Published by Sopris Page Press, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 5, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Sophia Gray.

  ISBN: 978-1386758952

  Written by Sophia Gray.

  Also by Sophia Gray

  Anarchy's Reign MC

  The Baby Oath

  The Bride Oath

  The Biker Oath

  Angel's Keepers MC

  The Baby Vow

  The Bride Vow

  The Biker Vow

  A Rich & Reckless Romance

  His Bound Bride

  His Bound Woman

  His Bound Plaything

  Grim Rebels MC

  His Captive Bride

  His Captive Toy

  His Captive Pet

  The Bleeding Prophets MC

  Consume Me: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Consume Me Faster: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Consume Me Forever: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  The Cantonneli Mafia

  Moan: A Dark Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  Moan Louder: A Dark Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  Moan Tonight: A Dark Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  The Marauders MC

  Submission: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Submit Again: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Submit Tonight: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Sophia Gray

  His Captive Toy (Grim Rebels MC, #2)

  HIS CAPTIVE TOY: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Grim Rebels MC Book 2)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

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  Further Reading: His Captive Pet

  Also By Sophia Gray

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  HIS CAPTIVE TOY: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Grim Rebels MC Book 2)

  By Sophia Gray

  I was his prey. Now, I’m about to be his bride.

  I’VE SPENT YEARS RUNNING from my past.

  But there’s no running from the bad boy with my name on his list.

  He’ll either drag me back into the underworld I escaped...

  Or force me to the altar to become his dirty wife.

  Life’s not easy when you’re the devil’s daughter.

  The things I saw my father do used to haunt my nightmares.

  But that was the past. I’m a new person, now.

  I have a good life. A pure life. A happy life.

  And it’ll stay that way, as long as I keep away from dear old Daddy.

  Too bad he wants me back home.

  He sends his best man to come “retrieve” me – by any means necessary.

  And if my father is the Devil, then Vance Tate must be the Grim Reaper.

  He’s tall, dark, and deadly,

  With twisted tattoos that curve around his bulging muscles.

  And a weapon behind his zipper that looks capable of inflicting permanent damage.

  I know what’s going to happen if I try to run from the hitman.

  He’s going to chase me down.

  Pin me to a bed.

  And screw me senseless.

  But to my surprise, Vance Tate wants something more than to cross my name off his list.

  He doesn’t just want a quick bang, either.

  He wants to make me his wife.

  And God help me if I try to say no.

  Chapter 1


  Teresa got back from work that night feeling exhausted, yet exhilarated. She was still thinking about the events of the day before: her first date with Vance, their night together, and their sudden engagement due to her father’s unexpected and unwelcome visit. She still couldn’t believe she was going to get married to a guy she had just met.

  Although she was not necessarily marrying Vance out of love, but out of necessity, she could not deny that the idea of being with him made her happy. She loved being with him, and maybe, just maybe, it could turn into love. However, she would not hesitate to ask for a divorce if things got ugly. She would not be bound to any man if he was not right for her.

  After his proposal that very morning in her kitchen, they parted ways: he had gone home to change, and she had met Anne to tell her the news. Her best friend had freaked out – who wouldn’t? Teresa herself was still a little freaked out by everything that had happened.

  Teresa smiled when her thoughts traveled to the moment where she had met Vance at the soup kitchen, the Silver Spoons for Charity, where she had walked to after her meeting with Anne. He was already working, getting the tables ready and sweeping the floor, and when she entered the restaurant, the broom slipped from his hands, making a loud noise that echoed through the empty place. All flustered, Vance rushed to pick it up and proceeded to trip over a chair in the process, making much more noise.

  “Dammit!” He swore, his face reddening. Teresa burst into laughter when she saw him being nervous as a teenager in her presence.

  “Do you need a hand with that? It seems that the broom is rebelling against you,” she joked, heading to the back of the restaurant to the storage room.

  “And it’s colliding with the chair, apparently,” he answered back, getting over his moment of embarrassment.

  “The furniture rebels!” Teresa laughed, and when she turned back, Vance was behind her, putting the broom in its place. Suddenly she felt flustered by their closeness: it had only been hours since he left her house, but so much had happened that it seemed longer.

  Vance also looked troubled by her presence, and he looked at her so intensely that Teresa felt her insides burn with fire. She took a step towards him, hypnotized by his eyes, when a voice called her from outside the storage room.

  “Teresa, are you here?” Peter asked. Teresa jumped away from Vance and felt her face burn, ashamed of what she had been about to do. What was she thinking, trying to kiss him at work?

  “Yes, Pete!” she called out, pushing past Vance, leaving him behind.

  The rest of their shift went by with no further incidents, but she felt lightheaded and could not stop herself from smiling from time to time. Even the customers wondered what had happened to her as she was even more cheerful than usual, but Teresa just widened her smile as an answer.

  Whenever her eyes crossed Vance’s –which happened very often– she could not help but giggle like a teenager, and the hundred thousand butterflies had awoken again in her stomach.

  That day, the charity was so busy that by the time she had to leave, she had not been able to talk to Vance even once, and she had to run home to get ready for work when they called her to start early.

  When the night came, and she finally got home, free from all her duties, all she could think of was talking to Vance. But it was so late. Teresa let herself fall on the couch and took out her phone before tossing her purse aside.

  3:45 AM.

  Vance had to be asleep by now.
And yet, Teresa opened her messaging app and started a chat with Vance. She had never texted him before. How strange it was to marry a man to whom she had never texted?

  Hi there, are you awake? she wrote, adding a smiling emoji at the end. The message was delivered, and Teresa looked intensely at the screen for a couple of seconds before putting her phone away. Of course, he wasn’t. Any normal person would be fast asleep by now.

  Teresa sighed. What was wrong with her? She had just been with him last night. And during their shift at the charity. Why did she have the urge to see him again? To be with him again?

  Her phone buzzed, startling her.

  Vance’s message popped onto her screen, and her heart skipped a beat. Hi, Tess. Yes, I am. Why? Can’t sleep?

  Why the hell are you still up? Look at the time!

  The kettle calling the pot black. You are also awake.

  Teresa chuckled before typing a new text.

  I just got back from work. What’s your excuse?

  I was waiting for you, actually. But I didn’t want to bother you, so I’ve been sitting on the couch looking at my phone every five minutes like a loser, Vance confessed.

  Teresa laughed out loud. She could perfectly picture Vance sitting aimlessly at home waiting for her.

  Well, wait no more. Did you want something in particular?

  Just to see you.

  Then come over.

  Teresa held her breath. She really wanted to see him. He was typing an answer.

  I’ll be there soon. Don’t fall asleep!

  And with that, Vance went offline. Teresa smiled and let the phone drop onto her pillow before getting up. Vance would be there soon, and she was still sweaty and gross from work.

  Hurrying and leaving a trail of clothes from the living room to her bathroom, she got undressed and jumped into the shower. In five minutes she was out, dripping but clean, and put on a simple shirt and some jeans. She picked up the clothes she had left around the house and threw them into her laundry basket.

  Teresa was in the bathroom, drying and brushing her hair, when she heard the doorbell ring.

  “Coming!” she shouted.

  She threw the front door open and on the other side, smiling – and a little bit flustered, as if he had come all the way from his place running – was Vance.

  “Hi, there,” he said simply. Teresa laughed and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him inside. She closed the door and faced Vance.

  “Hello,” she whispered. “You didn’t have to come all the way down here at this time...”

  “I wanted to.”

  They were both standing in the hallway, her hand still gripping his arm, just looking at each other. And then Vance closed the space that separated them and kissed her, hard and passionately, as if he had been holding back the urge to kiss her the whole day.

  His tongue played with her lips until she let him in. His hands traveled from her head, messing with her damp hair, to her back, where he drew a path of caresses until his grip found her butt.

  Teresa clung tighter to his neck, getting comfortable inside the embrace, and she noticed a hard pressure on her lower belly that could only be one thing. Noticing how hard he was already with just a kiss made her giggle against his lips. Vance pulled back, exhaling ragged puffs of air, and looked at Teresa teasingly.

  “Do you find it funny?” he asked. His deep, husky voice gave her goosebumps, and now it was his time to chuckle. “Looks like I’m not the only one that’s eager,” he whispered in her ear, and she trembled.

  “Then there is only one thing we can do, right?” she said playfully.

  The next thing Teresa knew, they were in the bedroom, their bodies tangling together, with all their clothes scattered everywhere.

  Chapter 2


  Vance was working at the soup kitchen, tidying and getting the place ready for the service, when the person that filled his thoughts appeared. He had not been able to stop thinking about her since that morning when he had proposed to her. He had asked her to marry him, and she actually said yes!

  He still could not believe his luck, although his stomach churned whenever he reminded himself of the trouble he was in. What would happen when he married Teresa, and she found out that he had been conspiring with her father this whole time? She would abandon him, that was for sure. And she would run away again, to a place where neither he nor her father would be able to find her again.

  The sheer thought of being without Teresa made his skin crawl.

  He had to do something about it. He had to come clean to Teresa, but he couldn’t bear the idea of her hating him. He was sweeping the floor when the door opened, and there she was, even more beautiful than when they parted, not even a couple of hours ago.

  Startled, the brush slipped from his fingers and ended up on the floor. He rushed to pick it up, cursing his clumsiness, when he tripped over a chair. The noise echoed through the empty restaurant along with his curses.

  “Dammit!” He swore. He felt the heat rush to his face like a damn fifteen-year-old schoolboy. Teresa started laughing, and he damned his luck again.

  “Do you need a hand with that? It seems that the brush is rebelling against you,” she joked. Teresa headed to the back, and he overheard her fumbling about the place, leaving her purse and getting ready to work.

  “And it’s colliding with the chair, apparently,” he answered back, still mortified. He headed to the back to put the broom in place. Teresa was facing the cupboard, and she did not see him coming. He got a good look at her from behind and smiled before leaving his tools in their place.

  “The furniture rebels!” Teresa laughed and turned around. She looked surprised when she saw him standing there, very close to her in the narrow space of the storage room. His heart started racing, and he saw her cheeks reddening: at least he was not the only one affected by their closeness.

  So much had happened between them in the last hours that he did not know what to think, what to say, or what to do now they were alone. Vance locked his eyes on hers, feeling raw desire burning inside of him. She took a step towards him when a voice called her from outside the storage room.

  “Teresa, are you here?” Peter asked. Teresa jumped away from Vance, and he cursed Peter for his bad timing.

  “Yes, Pete!” she called out and rushed out of the place, leaving Vance behind.

  Vance took that time to catch his breath and calm down. If Peter had not appeared at that very moment, he did not know what he would have done. He was about to jump on Teresa and regretted the missed opportunity.

  For the rest of the day, he followed her with his gaze and could not help but smile whenever his eyes met Teresa’s. Every time she caught him looking at her she would smile, chuckle, and get back to work, more cheerful than before. When she left, Vance had not even had the time to say something to her, and at the end of his shift, he went home quite frustrated.

  He was heading home, taking the long road, the same path he followed when he found those books for Teresa, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Jimmy Love. Vance hesitated before answering the call, but he knew that ignoring his boss would not make him disappear.

  “Yes, boss?” he asked nonchalantly.

  “Do not yes boss me, lad!” his boss’s voice screamed down the line. He sounded drunk, and Vance frowned. Drunk already?

  “Sorry, boss, is everything alright?” Vance decided that acting innocent would be the best course of action for the time being.

  “What was all that about this morning? Why were ye at Teresa’s place? And how is that yer gonna marry, when ye said ye were not even close to it?” he spat.

  Vance sighed slightly before answering. “That was true, boss. I was not even close to marrying her, but your convenient appearance gave me the perfect opportunity: marry her to shield her from you,” he blurted out. “When she realized that by marrying me you could not force her to marry anyone else, she accepted immediately.”

  He heard silence on the
other end of the line for a while. He pictured his boss’ face contorted by the effort of thinking under the influence of alcohol.

  “That’s bloody brilliant, lad!” he finally exclaimed. His laugh sounded like a hyena barking, and Vance thought he had never heard such an awful noise. “I want ye to come back immediately now that the wedding is on. I need ye at the club, even if ye have to come and go every day,” he ordered.

  Vance gulped. He had hoped to delay that moment as much as possible... If he ever went back to the club at all.

  “I’ll have to help out with the wedding, boss, but I’ll try to get there as soon as possible,” he lied through his teeth, but luckily Jimmy Love was in a good mood and seemed to take the bait.

  He went on for a minute or so about the great things they were going to do together before hanging up the phone. Vance sighed, suddenly tired. Since he had started his new mission, talking to his boss always left him exhausted, and he knew why: he had started to grow a conscience.

  There was a voice inside of him that said again and again that what he was doing to Teresa was not right; that he should not be lying to her in order to bring her to the place she hated most, and that she would never forgive him for it. It made him feel sick.

  Vance could not imagine a life without Teresa – or rather, he did not want to. He surprised himself thinking about their wedding and picturing a life together: after the wedding, they would go somewhere far away, where no one knew them. Then they could buy a house together, maybe even have kids...

  And the most surprising thing of all was that the club was not a part of his vision. He did not want to make Teresa go back to the life she had run from, and he did not want to go back either. How could he have changed so much in so little time? A week ago, all he could think about was inheriting the club.

  But now that he truly knew who his boss was, and could only imagine the kind of life Teresa once had with him, Vance wanted nothing more than to get as far away from it as he could. He wanted to be a good man for Teresa and give her everything she deserved, not hand her over to her abusive father.


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