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The Engagement Effect: An Ordinary GirlA Perfect Proposal

Page 8

by Betty Neels

  He set off after breakfast, saying that he might drive down to the coast and wouldn’t be back before the late afternoon, and then he idled his way to Nether Ditchling, a half-formed plan in his head. He drove into the village slowly and stopped at Mrs Salter’s shop. He went inside, exaggerating his limp, aware that it aroused friendly sympathy. He wished her a sunny good morning and bought a newspaper, and then took the local paper as well.

  ‘Haven’t seen you before,’ observed Mrs Salter. ‘Touring, are you?’

  ‘Hardly that. I’m looking for somewhere to live. I’ve been told that there are several places for sale in this part of the country.’

  It was a shot in the dark that found its mark.

  ‘Well, now,’ said Mrs Salter, delighted to have a good gossip. ‘You’re right there. There’s Appletrees at the end of the village. Nice little place—a bit pokey though, if you have young children.’

  Gregory smiled. ‘I’m not married yet, but I’d want a place where there was plenty of room.’

  ‘Well, there’s Old Thatch, between here and Wisbury, and the Old Manor, a mile or so from this end of the village. Nice place with a good big garden.’

  ‘That sounds just right. There’s an agent?’

  He couldn’t believe his luck when Mrs Salter said, ‘Mr Selby, the Vicar, has the keys. It’s a bit out of the way and the agent has to come a long way. Besides, no one has been to see it for months.’

  Gregory gave her a winning smile. ‘It may be just what I’m looking for. Bless you for telling me about it. Where is the Vicarage?’

  Mrs Salter beamed. ‘See the church? It’s that redbrick house just beyond it. The Vicar will take you round the Old Manor. He’s a very nice gentleman.’

  Gregory smiled again. ‘I hope we shall meet again,’ he told her, and went back to his car. This was going to be his day…!


  THE Vicarage door was open. Gregory pulled the old-fashioned bell and listened to the distant sound of voices and then hurrying feet. The girl who opened the door wider had to be Philly—Sybil’s description of her had been accurate and, he had to admit, spiteful. No looks, but a lovely smile, a mouth which turned up at the corners and beautiful eyes. And her friendly, ‘Good morning,’ was uttered in a soft voice.

  For a moment Gregory felt mean, but then he remembered the Strangeways’ yacht, and he returned Philly’s smile.

  ‘Good morning. I do apologise for bothering you, but Mrs Salter told me that perhaps the Vicar could help me.’

  ‘Come in. I’ll fetch him for you.’ She ushered him into the drawing room. ‘Do sit down. Father won’t be a minute.’

  Gregory sat, but got up as soon as she had left him. The room was large and the furniture in it was good solid stuff, worth quite a bit. There were some good pictures on the walls too, although the armchairs and the sofa were shabby. He went to the window and looked out, then turned round as the door opened and the Vicar came in.

  Gregory smiled his charming smile. ‘Good morning, Sir. I hope I’m not disturbing you, but Mrs Salter at the shop sent me to you. I’m looking for a house and she was telling me about the Old Manor and that you had the keys. I should very much like to look over it at your convenience. If you would suggest a time?’

  A polite young man and I don’t like him. I wonder why? thought the Vicar.

  ‘Why not now? I am free for an hour or so, and it is only a couple of miles from here. Do you have a car?’

  ‘Yes, I’m staying at Netherby House for a week or so.’ Gregory held out a hand. ‘Gregory Finch.’

  The Vicar shook hands. ‘Then let us go at once. I’ll get the keys. The house has been empty for some time. It’s a delightful place, but needs some refurbishment.’

  He went away for the keys, and they were going down the path to the car when Philly called from the door. ‘Father, the Armstrongs have phoned. Mr Armstrong’s worse; they ask if you’d go right away…’

  ‘Of course.’ The Vicar turned back to the house. ‘You must forgive me. An elderly parishioner, gravely ill. I must ask you to come at some other time.’

  Philly had joined them. ‘I’ll take this gentleman, Father. Now he’s here he might just as well have a look at the house. He can come back if he likes it and discuss it with you. It’s the Old Manor, isn’t it? I saw you take the keys…’

  ‘Very well, my dear. Lock up well, won’t you? I may possibly be back within an hour or so, and Mr Finch is welcome to wait here if he wishes to know more about the house.’

  He hurried into the street and Philly said, ‘Will you wait a minute while I tell Mother?’ and she went back into the house.

  Mrs Selby had been looking at them from the drawing-room window. A good-looking young man, she considered, obviously recovering from some injury to his leg. She turned her attention to the sports car, and as Philly came in she said, ‘He looks all right, but don’t let him drive too fast.’

  Gregory, seeing her watching him from the window, exaggerated the limp. Older ladies, he had discovered, had a soft spot for the lame.

  He was careful to be politely formal with Philly as they drove the short distance to the Old Manor, and once there he inspected the place slowly, asking all the right questions, discussing the garden at some length, asking about the neighbourhood and the village.

  ‘It is delightful,’ he told her. ‘I should very much like to come again and inspect the place more thoroughly. When is it most convenient for me to come?’

  ‘Well, Saturday afternoons are mostly free for Father, or any time on Monday. He might be called away, of course…’

  He stood aside politely while she locked the house door. ‘Then if I come on Monday around eleven o’clock? I can wait if the Vicar is engaged. I’m able to please myself until my leg is quite fit again and I shall enjoy looking round the church and the village.’

  He gave her a quick look and saw that he was behaving exactly as she would expect him to behave.

  Philly nodded. ‘If you don’t mind having to wait Mother will be glad to give you coffee. You won’t want to walk too far with that leg.’

  Back at the Vicarage they found that the Vicar was still away. Mrs Selby offered coffee and suggested that Gregory might like to wait, but he was satisfied with his morning’s work. He mustn’t rush things. Certainly he must phone Sybil. He thanked her, got into his car and drove away.

  ‘Was he interested?’ asked Mrs Selby.

  ‘He seemed to be. He didn’t say much but he wants to go again and talk to Father about it. He was very polite…’

  Mrs Selby agreed, ignoring the vague thought that she didn’t like him.

  Gregory had said that he must drive back to Netherby for lunch, but he had no intention of doing so; he had told his hostess that he would be away all day and he intended to drive to Bath.

  He had had enough of the country already, and a civilised pub and a decent restaurant would help him to while away the hours. He hoped that Sybil’s plan could be carried out quickly, before he got too bored. He pulled into a lay-by and dialled her number on his mobile phone. She would probably not be home…

  But she was, and avid to hear if he had been able to meet Philly.

  He told her, and listened to her delighted praise. ‘Gregory, you’re a marvel. Now I must get James to go to Nether Ditchling and you must manage to be there…I’ll phone you as soon as I know something. What did you think of Philly?’

  ‘I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss, Sybil.’ When she made an impatient sound, he said, ‘Oh, all right, I’ll help you out. It will give me something to do in all this boring country, and it shouldn’t be too hard to fix up something. I’m already on good terms with the Vicar and his wife, and it’ll be amusing to get Philly interested in me.’

  ‘I knew you’d help me,’ said Sybil, and added cunningly, ‘I met David Smale yesterday; he’s been invited by the Strangeways to join them on their yacht. He had heard that you had been invited too.’

y smiled to himself. ‘Let me know what you plan to do and give me as much warning as you can.’

  It seemed as though the fates were on Sybil’s side. A carefully casual wish that James might drive her to Netherby so that she could see Coralie met with willing agreement.

  He would be free on Saturday. They could have lunch on the way and get to Netherby in the early afternoon, he suggested. Perhaps if he and Sybil saw more of each other—and she had been very sweet and undemanding lately—they could talk about their future. Their separate futures. Her vagueness about it forced him to think that she had no wish to settle down to married life, with a husband and children, and if she would admit that, then they could part amicably with no hard feelings.

  He told Jolly that he would be driving Miss West to Netherby on Saturday afternoon, looking so pleased about it that Jolly went to his kitchen and brooded over a future dominated by that lady.

  But the Professor was looking pleased because there was a good chance that he might see Philly as they drove through Nether Ditchling.

  Which, of course he would.

  Gregory couldn’t believe his luck. Primed by Sybil that she and James should be at the village around two o’clock, he had had no difficulty in asking the Vicar to arrange for him to see the Old Manor again. There was the chance that something would upset their timetable, but he thought it unlikely. They both had their phones; Sybil could ring him when they stopped for lunch and give him a good idea at about what time they should reach Nether Ditchling.

  He made his own plans and spent the best part of the morning playing the dutiful guest.

  ‘Such a charming young man,’ observed his hostess. ‘So thoughtful and so amusing. I shall miss him when he goes.’

  Her husband, in the habit of keeping his own opinions to himself, grunted in a non-committal manner which allowed her to think that he agreed with her.

  Saturday was a busy day for Philly: typing her father’s sermon, since he could never read his own notes, making up beds for Rose’s and Flora’s fiancés, picking the broad beans for Sunday lunch, going to do the church flowers with whichever of the village ladies whose turn it was.

  It was warm for the time of year. ‘Likely it’s a taste of ’an ’ot summer,’ the milkman had said early that morning, a remark which had encouraged Philly to put on a cotton blouse and a denim skirt before going to lay the table for lunch.

  Her mother and father, Katie and Lucy and herself would be there. It was to be omelettes and a salad, with rolls warm from Mr Brisk’s bakery in the next village.

  They all had a great deal to say over their simple meal, for they liked to talk, airing their views, encouraged by the Vicar, who found small talk a waste of time, so that it was later than usual when they got up from the table.

  ‘What time is Mr Finch coming?’ asked Katie.

  Mrs Selby looked at the clock. ‘Goodness, it’s almost two o’clock. He said between two and half past…’

  But there was no sign of him when Katie went to look.

  They washed up and put the tea tray ready, and Philly went to the hen house to cast an eye over a broody hen. By that time it was almost half past two.

  As James slowed the Bentley when they reached the village Gregory slid to a halt outside the Vicarage. Things couldn’t be better; now it was up to Sybil…

  She had seen him; she put an urgent hand on James’ sleeve. ‘Stop, James, do stop. That’s my cousin by the Vicarage gate—remember I told you he was staying at Netherby? I must say hello.’

  They greeted each other as though they hadn’t seen each other for months. Sybil introduced the men and asked, ‘Whatever are you doing here, Gregory?’

  ‘Waiting for Philly,’ he told her with a smile. ‘I’m driving her to Bath to do some shopping. Of course—you know her?’ His glance swept from Sybil to the Professor. ‘We met over at Netherby and we rather fell for each other.’ The lies tripped off his tongue with easy assurance. ‘Forgive me if I don’t stay talking; I’d better see if she is ready.’

  He got out of his car and started up the Vicarage path with an airy wave of the hand. Of course if the Vicar or his wife were to come out now he would be in an awkward spot…but no one came. He turned at the door and waved again, and saw the Bentley slip away.

  He spent a tedious afternoon with the Vicar, inspecting drains and walls and discussing the need for roof repairs, and towards the end of the afternoon his mobile phone rang.

  It was Sybil, phoning from Netherby, and he said at once, ‘You’re in town? This evening? May I phone you back?’ He glanced at the Vicar and said, ‘An old friend in town for a couple of days. Wants me to meet him for dinner.’

  ‘Well, I think you have inspected this house very thoroughly. Suppose we go back to the Vicarage and have a cup of tea and you can drive to town from there? You will want to warn them at Netherby…’

  Gregory hid a grin. Everything was going splendidly. ‘I’ll phone them now.’

  ‘I’ll go and turn the car and start locking up,’ said the Vicar, and wandered off.

  Gregory dialled and said loudly, ‘It’s Gregory. Would you forgive me if I go straight to town?’ and then softly, once the Vicar was out of the room, ‘Sybil, we’re just leaving; I’m having tea at the Vicarage. Any chance of you getting there? There’s nothing to stop you knocking on the door and paying a friendly visit. Bring the Professor with you, of course, and I’ll do my stuff with Philly.’

  He heard her delighted giggle. ‘I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do my best.’

  It wasn’t difficult to suggest getting back to London. Sybil made her excuses in her charming way, and in the car again she said coaxingly, ‘You don’t mind, darling? I do love the country, but after an hour or so I’ve had enough. We can get tea on the way. Where shall we go this evening?’

  ‘We’ll stop for tea, but I’m speaking at a dinner this evening…’

  ‘Tomorrow we could go to Henley—go on the river.’ When he hesitated, she said, ‘Oh, all right, you don’t want to go. You never do what I want to do, do you? But you expect me to trail down to that cottage of yours and be bored to tears.’

  It seemed as good a time as any. The Professor said quietly, ‘We must talk, Sybil…’

  They were nearing the Vicarage and she shouted, ‘Well, I don’t want to talk. Stop—I want a cup of tea and I’m going to the Vicarage. After all, they seem to keep open house.’

  ‘We can have tea further along the road. You can’t interrupt their afternoon.’

  She pointed her finger at Gregory’s car. ‘Why not? It looks as though Gregory has.’

  Against his better judgement, the Professor stopped the car. Sybil flounced out and up the path to the Vicarage door, half-open as usual. Since they were having tea in the drawing room the entire Selby family saw her—and the Professor coming more slowly.

  Mrs Selby got up and went to meet Sybil. ‘Just in time for tea,’ she said kindly. ‘And your cousin is here on his way up to London. Come in. I think you know nearly everyone here.’ She turned to smile at the Professor. ‘This is a delightful surprise. The girls are always asking when they will see you again.’

  ‘This is an intrusion, Mrs Selby.’

  ‘Nonsense. We love visitors, especially unexpected ones.’

  Sybil was already sitting by the Vicar, being offered tea and cake, and in the general upheaval Gregory took care to sit next to Philly, joining in the general talk and at the same time contriving to pay her special attention.

  Philly, being polite by nature, smiled at his joking description of getting lost, and answered him when he asked her something, speaking in a low voice which the Professor was quick to note. He made civil conversation with the Vicar and stifled the desire to wring Gregory’s neck and then Philly’s.

  Mrs Selby, apparently unobservant, said quietly, ‘Philly, fill the teapot, will you, dear? You’ll need more tea.’ And, after a few moments, ‘James—I may call you James?—would you go to the kitchen and tell Philly t
o bring the other cake? It’s in the cupboard by the Aga.’

  Philly was sitting on the kitchen table, swinging her legs and watching the kettle boil. Part of her felt happy, for the Professor was here in the house and she hadn’t expected that, and part of her was unhappy because Sybil looked so beautiful and so sure of herself, glancing at him from time to time and smiling. She wasn’t surprised that he was in love with her…

  He walked in and stood in front of her. ‘Your mother wants the other cake. Did you have a pleasant afternoon…?’

  ‘Oh, yes. We went walking; it’s so nice being with someone you like, isn’t it?’ Indeed it had been nice; she hadn’t seen Mrs Twist’s elderly father for some time, and there had been such a lot to talk about now that Baby Twist was once more a bouncing infant, the apple of his grandfather’s eye. She went on, wishing that he didn’t look so cross, ‘He’s staying here for a week or two, so we shall see each other quite often. He doesn’t care for London and he’s looking for somewhere to live round here.’

  The Professor glowered and said, ‘Indeed?’ in a voice to freeze any attempt at light conversation.

  It was a good thing that the kettle boiled just then. She made fresh tea and fetched the cake and gave it to him to carry.

  Sybil gave them a sharp glance as they went back into the drawing room and a few moments later got up to go.

  ‘We’re going out this evening,’ she said, and apologised prettily for leaving so quickly, waiting with ill-concealed impatience as James made his more leisurely farewells.

  When they had gone Mrs Selby said, ‘What a beautiful young woman she is,’ and everyone agreed, although Katie, remembering how upset Philly had been when she had voiced her opinion once before, held her tongue.

  Sybil broke the silence in the car. ‘What a nice family—and the girls are so pretty. Not Philly, of course, although she’s quite sweet. And what a surprise to find Gregory almost one of the family. They certainly seemed on excellent terms, he and Philly. It’s time he settled down.’


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