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Halloween Dragon

Page 11

by Liv Rider

  “I know!” Cameron beamed at him. “It’s more than just the props. It’s the lights and the actors and the sounds as well. You have to do it right—”

  “Or don’t do it at all.” He kissed Cameron again. “It really was very impressive. It’s a shame you all rush us through it!”

  “Oh, you would want to take your time, you weirdo!”

  While Cameron’s tone was fond, Parker sat up at that as if stung. “I’m what?”

  “A weirdo.” Cameron glanced at him. “What? You are. You hit on me while I was dressed as a zombie. You’re a massive weirdo.”

  Parker sat in stunned silence. No one had ever dared to call him a weirdo. Single-minded and determined, sure, and Mitchell called him a control freak on a regular basis, but never ‘weirdo’. Going by the soft smile on Cameron’s face, he didn’t mean it as an insult. “And you like weirdos?”

  “I was the one dressed up as a zombie in the first place, wasn’t I?” Cameron laughed. “Yes, I like weirdos.”

  “Oh. Good.” Warmth unfurled inside of him, filling him from head to toe. He didn’t think he’d ever felt happier. “I think I like weirdos too.”

  “Good. Now, where were we? Right, the details!” Cameron explained more about all the preparation that went into the Maze of Terror and where they’d bought or borrowed some of their props. It made Parker want to go through the Maze again now that he knew more of the details and things to look out for. Cameron told him about rooms from past editions, and ideas they had for next year and the year after that, although his enthusiasm waned when talking about next year’s Fest.

  “There’ll be another one.” Parker would make sure of it. No mate of his would be unhappy.

  “You don’t know that.” Cameron sounded resigned. “Not unless you happen to own some place suitable you’ve been keeping quiet about.”

  He drank from his beer. He couldn’t tell Cameron about his plan. Not yet. Not until he’d told him about being a shifter. “Okay. Tell me, in your ideal Maze of Terror, what kind of rooms would you create?”

  “Assuming an unlimited budget?”

  “Of course, and all the secondhand stores have exactly the props you need.”

  “I’d keep the Evil Dead room.” Cameron gestured at the TV screen. “And definitely the room with the clown mannequins…Oh, I’d put some fake graves for zombies to come out of in the graveyard! People wouldn’t see that coming at all.”

  “That would be creepy. What else?”

  “Well, if I had an unlimited budget and I could hire the people for it, I’d put in a revolving room of some sort. Have it spin slowly as you walk from one side of the room the other. It would be really disorienting.”

  “Or nauseating.”

  “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Cameron finished his beer and took Parker’s empty bottle. “Another one?”


  While Cameron was grabbing them two more bottles, Parker realized he hadn’t been paying attention to the movie at all. “Where did the girl go?”

  “Did you miss him having to kill her because she became a zombie?”

  “What? When?”

  Cameron glanced at the movie before sitting back down next to him and handing him another beer. “About ten minutes ago. Did you really miss all of that?”

  Cameron didn’t sound disappointed, but Parker still hated that he’d missed so much of a movie Cameron loved. “You distracted me.”

  “Did I?” Cameron gave him a fake-innocent smile. He took a gulp from his beer, and Parker wasn’t watching his lips close around the bottle.

  “Yes. By talking to me.” And by looking far too gorgeous in a pair of sweatpants.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry I answered your questions about the Maze of Terror.” Cameron curled his legs underneath him and leaned closer to Parker. “But if you insist, I’ll stop being distracting.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible.” He wrapped his arm around Cameron again, pulling him closer.

  Cameron just smiled at him before resting his head against Parker’s shoulder. “If you have any questions about the movie, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  With his mate pressed so close, the scent of him filling Parker’s nose and head, the heat of Cameron’s body, and the way Cameron himself was clearly enjoying the snuggling, Parker couldn’t remember a single thing that had happened in the movie. He tried to pay attention to the screen, and he would’ve probably sympathized with the main character’s panic, but every fiber of his being was focused on Cameron. “How much longer is it?”

  Cameron lifted his head to look at Parker, his eyebrows raised. “Any particular reason you’re asking?” He slid his other arm around Parker’s waist.

  He’d decided to let Cameron set the pace so he wouldn’t rush things, and it was obvious what Cameron wanted. “Maybe.” He leaned in to kiss Cameron, cupping his cheek, and Cameron wasted no time pressing forward and deepening the kiss.

  Parker let himself be pushed back by his eager mate, moving to lie down on the couch. Cameron climbed on top of him, nipping at one ear. “I thought you liked this movie?” Parker asked, wrapping one hand around the back of Cameron’s neck.

  “I’ve seen it loads of times.” Cameron kissed him again. “I could probably do a one-man re-enactment of it, if you’d like.”

  “Tempting, but I’ll pass.” He might keep Cameron to it some other time.

  Cameron leaned on his elbows, beaming down at him. “But if you’d rather watch it, I could also stop distracting you.”

  “I think I missed too much of the plot anyway.” They kissed, and Parker ran his fingers through Cameron’s damp hair. His other hand was on Cameron’s back, sliding down.

  Cameron squirmed on top of him, grinding his hips against Parker’s impatiently. He was resting on one elbow and Parker felt Cameron’s hand pull his shirt out of his trousers. A blood-curdling scream started Parker, and Cameron laughed at the resulting flail. “Don’t worry, it’s just the movie.”

  “Is there going to be more of that?” Parker asked, as his dragon was urging him to fly Cameron to safety.

  “The screaming? Because yeah, there’s gonna be a lot more.” Trust Cameron to looked pleased about that.

  “If we’re not going to watch the movie….” He trailed off, hoping his mate got the hint.

  “Yes, you’re right.” Cameron sat up to grab the remote. “Might as well turn it off. I don’t want an elbow in my stomach next time they scream or loudly kill a zombie.”

  “We can watch it some other time,” he promised, sitting up with Cameron still straddling his thighs. “We’re both distracted anyway.”

  Cameron stopped the movie and turned off the TV screen. He dropped the remote on the coffee table, then turned to Parker, smiling at him. “Any more great suggestions?”

  He kissed Cameron’s cheek before nuzzling his neck. “A few.” He pressed some kisses against the skin there, and Cameron tilted his head back.

  “Mm, very good suggestion,” Cameron muttered, his hands pulling at Parker’s shirt again. “Can I make one?”

  “Of course.” He scraped his teeth lightly across the skin, enjoying the way Cameron shivered in his arms.


  Cameron’s bedroom, like the rest of his apartment, had his personal taste all over it.

  “What?” Cameron asked, as Parker looked around before letting himself be pulled over to the bed. “Is that poster with all the zombies a turn-off? I can take it down.”

  “No, I wasn’t—I like your place. It’s very you. All of it.”

  Cameron had a slight frown on his face. “Of course it is. I’ve lived here for four years now!”

  “I’ve lived in the same apartment for seven years, and trust me, yours has ten times more personality.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” Cameron gave him a kiss. “And I bet yours is tidier.”

  “Only because I barely bothered decorating it.” He really should’ve tried to make his
apartment feel like a home. Like his lair.

  “Call it minimalism and say you did it on purpose. Anyway, did you only want to come in here to compliment my taste in interior design?”

  “Of course not.” Parker pulled him closer. “I’d also like to compliment your taste in clothes.” His hands immediately went down to stroke Cameron’s ass through his sweatpants. Maybe it was the fabric, maybe it was wishful thinking, but he got the feeling Cameron wasn’t wearing underwear.

  “I like your clothes too.” Cameron started opening the buttons of Parker’s shirt, then he grinned. “I think they’d look better on my bedroom floor, though.”

  He laughed, then squeezed Cameron’s ass until he yelped. “Same goes for yours.” He couldn’t wait to have Cameron naked before him, to touch him and kiss him all over, to explore his body and find out what he enjoyed.

  Cameron smiled as he helped Parker to pull his button-down shirt over his head. “And we won’t have to worry about getting our clothes mixed up.”

  He liked how light the mood was between them. Cameron was an amazing person, and Parker was lucky to have him in his life. “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”

  The thought of Cameron wearing his clothes, his scent…oh yes, he definitely wouldn’t mind that at all.

  Cameron let Parker’s shirt fall to the floor before kissing him again. His hands ran down Parker’s chest, immediately fumbling for his belt.

  Parker was too busy tugging on Cameron’s t-shirt to help, and he broke the kiss long enough to get rid of the t-shirt. He let his eyes rove across Cameron’s chest and arms. He was lean, with dark hairs sprinkled across his chest that turned into a finer trail down his flat stomach. Parker wanted to touch and kiss and lick every gorgeous inch of him.

  “Belt.” Cameron’s fumbling distracted him from looking his fill.

  He helped Cameron with the belt, unbuttoning his trousers and pushing them down his thighs until they fell to the floor. When he looked at Cameron again, his mate was smiling as he took in Parker’s body, and his eyes were dark with heat.

  “God, you’re hot.” Cameron pulled him in for another eager kiss, then sent them both tumbling onto the bed and pulling Parker on top of him.

  Parker pushed himself up on his elbows, not wanting to hurt Cameron. “Could say the same thing about you.” He kissed Cameron’s jaw before kissing further down his neck again.

  “Flattery’ll get you anywhere….”

  Parker kept kissing further down, his hands stroking Cameron’s chest and stomach, finding the spots that made his breath hitch, and other spots that made him squirm and laugh. His fingers eventually found the waistband of Cameron’s sweatpants, and he was right, Cameron hadn’t been wearing any underwear. Parker’s own cock jerked eagerly in his boxers. “Will it?” He started to pull.

  Cameron raised his hips to help him along. “Anywhere you like, provided you take your boxers off too.”

  He laughed against Cameron’s chest. “Patience.”

  Cameron just huffed at that, but moved to help get the sweatpants off.

  Parker sat up to throw them on the ground, and pulled off his own socks. “Is this naked enough for now?”

  Cameron was leaning back on his elbows. “Hmm, I guess it’ll do.” He nudged Parker’s thigh with one foot when Parker didn’t move. “You gonna sit there all evening?”

  “Enjoying the view.” Because he definitely was enjoying the sight of his gorgeous mate naked in front of him, all that delectable skin finally on display, his cock already half-hard.

  Cameron pushed himself up further, his face flustered. “Well, stop enjoying it from all the way over there!”

  Parker kissed him again, deepening it and enjoying the pleased hum from Cameron. They lay back down, and Parker’s hand drifted down Cameron’s stomach again. It felt so good to have his mate in his arms, their skin pressed together, every touch sending more pleasure through his body. He hoped Cameron was feeling the same—going by the way Cameron’s own hands were roaming up and down Parker’s arms and shoulders, he was definitely enjoying himself.

  He wrapped his hand around Cameron’s cock, making Cameron moan into their kiss while his fingers dug into Parker’s shoulders. Parker moved his hand up and down slowly, trying to see what Cameron liked, wanting to make the pleasure last. He was going to show Cameron how much he cared about and loved him. He kissed down Cameron’s neck again, finding the patch of skin that had made Cameron shudder in delight before. Cameron moaned this time, tilting his head back. Parker continued his path down Cameron’s body slowly but surely, kissing his chest and licking one of his nipples. Cameron arched his back, panting hard as his hands were on Parker’s shoulders, pushing him further down.

  “Patience.” Parker kept stroking Cameron’s hard cock, and licked the skin just below his belly button. It made Cameron whimper and squirm on the bed, so Parker did it a couple more times. He gave Cameron a quick smile as he raised his head, then moved further down the bed, settling between Cameron’s thighs.

  Cameron’s hands were still on Parker’s shoulders, and he rocked his hips into Parker’s grip as he spread his legs wider to give him more space.

  His mate really was gorgeous all over, and Parker was tempted to suck Cameron’s cock right now. But he hadn’t explored enough of Cameron’s body yet, so he kissed the inside of his left thigh instead.

  Cameron grunted in frustration. “Come on!”

  Working his way from knee to hip, Parker kissed his hipbone before avoiding the cock right in front of him and kissing his way down Cameron’s right thigh. He kept stroking Cameron’s cock, slow and steady.

  “Parker,” Cameron managed, “if you don’t suck my cock right now I swear I will get up and go back to watching the movie.”

  “You’re the one who suggested we move to the bedroom,” Parker said innocently, but he could hear his mate’s frustration was genuine, and clearly he’d been teased long enough. Before Cameron could say anything, Parker opened his mouth to let the hard cock slide inside.

  The moan Cameron let out at that was the best sound Parker had heard his entire life. He was making his mate feel this good. He was making Cameron moan with every breath. He was making Cameron dig his fingers into his shoulders.

  Parker’s own cock was rock hard just listening to Cameron and tasting him. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have Cameron stroke his cock or suck it, because it was difficult to imagine anything more enjoyable and satisfying than listening to him whimper in pleasure as Parker took his cock deeper. Cameron’s sweet scent was so much more intense here, and he could smell how much his mate wanted this.

  Parker had let go of Cameron’s cock to put both hands on his hips. Cameron rocking back and forth like this was fine, and Parker wanted it to stay that way.

  Cameron’s hands ran up to stroke his hair and neck before moving down his arms and shoulders, and any part of him Cameron could reach.

  Parker bobbed his head up and down, experimenting with going faster and slower, pressing his tongue against the head, and figuring out what Cameron liked best.

  “Parker.” His name came out in a ragged moan, and oh, that was the best sound he’d heard his entire life. “Parker!”

  He felt Cameron tremble and tried to take his cock even deeper. He didn’t want to make Cameron come already, not so soon, so he’d have to be careful. He wanted to draw out the pleasure for the both of them and make sure this was the best sex Cameron ever had. Until, of course, the next time the two of them had sex.

  Cameron gasped his name again, and Parker could sense his mate was close. He lifted his head, enjoying the sight of Cameron lying under him with his eyes closed and his face and chest flushed. He had done that. He had made his mate look so happy.

  “You need to catch your breath?” Cameron opened his eyes to look at Parker.

  “No. Just wondering where you keep your lube?”

  That made Cameron scramble for his bedside cabinet, Parker sitting up to give him s
pace. With Cameron turned over to rifle through the drawers, Parker was finally able to get a good look at his bare ass. He wouldn’t have minded if Cameron had taken a little longer to find the tube that was thrown at his chest. Cameron laughed as he lay back. “Took you by surprise, did I?”

  “Enjoying the different view.”

  “Hm-mm.” Cameron moved to get more comfortable. “When do I get to enjoy the view of you being fully naked?”

  “Soon.” He wanted to have Cameron prepared first.

  Cameron let out a disappointed grunt, but moaned as soon as Parker went back to giving him a blow job. He nudged the back of Cameron’s knee, and he got the hint and raised them both so Parker could actually reach his ass with his slicked up fingers. It was difficult when he couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but he had Cameron’s noises to guide him. It wasn’t long before he had two fingers inside of his mate, and his whimpers became more desperate.


  Okay, desperate and a little frustrated.

  “Parker, if you don’t—oh yes, that’s so good—if you don’t fuck me soon, I swear I’ll….” Cameron’s voice trailed off into a moan before he could finish the sentence.

  His mate was wonderfully eager and demanding, and if he thought he was ready, then who was Parker to disagree? He’d managed to get three fingers inside of Cameron, and that only made his mate push down for more. He lifted his head again. “You already grabbed the condoms?”

  “Uh huh.” Cameron reached for the package, then gasped as Parker removed his fingers. He was breathing hard as he threw a condom at Parker.

  Parker pulled down his boxers, smiling at the pleased hum from his mate. “Worth the wait?” he teased, throwing the boxers next to the bed.

  “Too soon to say.” Cameron grinned eagerly. “Hurry up.”


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