The Dead Lands Diary Vol. II)
Page 4
Never know. I thank you for your time. I have one final interview and wanna get it today if I can.
Ah. Little spitfire. Have a good one. Don’t be a stranger.
Karen Unheir is everything I was told she was. A total outcast. Rude. Unpleasant. She’s a younger female version of Mark. However, she didn’t stay inside. She roamed around to spread her dickery.
Hi, thank you for agreeing to speak, how are y-
Get to the point already, will ya? I ain’t got all day, buddy.
Oh…you have some duties to attend?
Alright, then. What are your usual jobs here?
Whatever I feel like doing when I’m asked or given a list of options.
Okay. So…how do you like it in Haven?
Just fine. Is this as interesting as your fuckin’ questions get? I’m about to fall asleep already.
Okay…I’ll get right to more stuff then. What happened? How’d you end end up here?
My parents were buddy buddy or friendly with most parents around here…they got it through the grapevine of people heading here and we came. Then they ditched me here with these assholes to check out the zones and never fuckin’ came back. That’s how I ended up here with all these uppity dickheads.
I don’t find them all to be uppity, as you put it. Mark sure as hell isn’t. Or Larry and Todd. Honestly, I find you and Mark to have a lot in common.
I wouldn’t know. Never talked to him. He stays locked in his private little world. Which is what I should start doing, if I didn’t get antsy. I’m not a hermit. Larry and Todd are dicks.
Everyone knows that.
You ever spoken to them?
Then you’re assuming they’re dicks. Both defended this place. One with lethal force. I wouldn’t say that makes them total dicks.
Ooooh. They saved the day once. It was their ass on the line, too, so why wouldn’t they do something?
I think there’s much more to them that you’re aware of. I’ve spoken to them.
So you just want to be an outcast here? You don’t want friends?
I’m fine on my own.
That’s the thing…you’re not on your own. You’re in a community. They work and keep this place safe. On your own would mean being outside the safety of these walls. I was out there…on your own wouldn’t work out there. You’d be dead. You should think about that. If you saw half of what I saw out there, you’d be far more grateful to be in here.
Cool story, bro.
You know…I’m starting to see why you got backhanded.
Wow, you think that’s funny? Fuck you and fuck this. I’m done with this gay shit. Later, fucker!
You have yourself a wonderful day, Karen.
Fuck off.
Toward the middle of the month the weather turned bitter. Low temps made everyone miserable and pissed off. Like the winter before, the only good thing was infected becoming slightly less of a threat. With the exception of the Bolters, of course.
But when the weather turned this frigid, we never went out on any supply runs. Wasn’t worth the risk. All we needed was to get a distance away and end up with a frozen dead battery. Not that we only traveled with one vehicle, but still.
And four of the houses had fire places for those fortunate enough to have ended up in them. Lily had one due to her two children. Jim and Kelly had another for Ben’s sake. Rachel had one and her friends were usually there with her. Lastly, Alan and Ray shared the last one. I’m just glad Mark didn’t have one. Bastard didn’t deserve to have it. Guess Alan felt the same considering one was available before my little band of misfits showed up.
Those of us using solar panels stayed moderately warm during the say, but this time of year is mostly all clouds. Generators are not an option due to the noise attracting the dead as well as anyone that may be passing nearby. We couldn’t wait for the thaw.
It had been a hot summer. We’d lost a newer member to our community...fellow named Chuck. He was with us for a few months. He died last August from a gunshot from afar. Ray was with him but there was nothing that could have been done. Alan was furious and blasted Ray over it all. They had wandered into the Ravenna and Kent areas. Those areas were completely off limits. Chuck didn’t quite know better, but Ray did. Chuck took a bullet to the head and was dead instantly. Ray was nearly hit several times but managed to get away unscathed.
It was that crew I wrote about before. The ones with the box truck gates in the middle of the street between Ravenna and Kent. The one’s that had the heads on pikes outside.
I recall us having a conversation about wondering if they were crazy people warning others…or good people acting like loons to deter would be nuts. Turned out to be the former, obviously. We all leaned to that being the case, anyway. We stayed clear of there because of that uncertainty…now we knew for sure. Luckily, Ray wasn’t followed back to Haven. It effected Ray a good while. He takes things much more seriously now. Naturally, he blames himself for Chuck’s demise, but ultimately it was the work of the Head Hunter’s, as we called them.
Some of us had a discussion of how much of a threat they are. We asked the questions of how many might there be? What if they made their way out here and found us? What if they attacked us? Should we launch an attack on them and try to take them all out for our own security? These questions mostly remained unanswered. With the exception of lunching an attack. Alan all but pulled that off the table.
Travis suggested doing some recon of them…sneak around and see what we could find out. He and Ray volunteered but Alan was firm against that, too. He did admit it made sense but he had major concerns. Some of us thought he’d end up eventually seeing the logic in taking a closer look just to see what we were up against. It’s something I brought to the table later on, but we’ll get to that.
The snow melting away and the sounds of birds chirping were welcomed with open arms and smiling faces. Through the winter we all felt disconnected from each other. There was hardly a reason to go outside. The only interactions were the occasional runs and shifts patrolling and watching from the walls. We all had shifts for that. Ground patrols and watch guards on the walls were done twenty-four hours a day.
It was in early April Jim and myself knocked on Alan’s door to have a discussion. We hoped that he met us with an open mind and that he would be open for debate. Hopefully not open to an argument. We were still newer here and, although I didn’t think he’d ever throw us out, it’s not something I was going to tempt him to do.
He opened the door with a warm smile as he always does. Quickly, he invited us inside and led us to his small office room. He offered us some small glasses of whiskey to which we agreed. I took this as a good thing…maybe keep things casual until he felt a little fuzzy inside.
ALAN: I’m glad you stopped in, I’m always happy for company. No one pops in much, not even my own daughter. But, hey. I get it. Teenagers!
ME: I understand. I remember being her age.
ALAN: Things were so much simpler…thought we knew everything, then later realized we didn’t know shit.
JIM: Ah, the nostalgia…
ALAN: So what’s up? Business or pleasure?
ME: Both, actually, but we’ll save the business for after pleasure, yeah?
ALAN: Fine by me! How’s everyone? Do any more of those interviews?
ME: No…I got enough at the moment…but I’ll have more conversations. I’m always documenting.
ALAN: Oh, yeah?
JIM: You have no idea…
ALAN: Whatever you say [laughs] how are you Jim? How’s Kelly and Ben?
JIM: Good, good. Thank you. Kelly has been working on gardens with Lily and Tina mostly. Ben is just being a typical fifteen year old. Hanging out with the other kids. They’re older but they have taken to him. It’s good. I’m glad there’s no g
irls his age here as of now…don’t wanna have to chase him around and keep an eye on two kids.
ALAN: Ain’t that the truth! [laughs]. How’s Reggie?
ME: His crazy ass is doing well. His cabin fever has worn off and he’s running around the neighborhood gabbing to everyone.
ALAN: Yeah, I see him all over the place. He’s one easy going man!
ME: He just has that knack of bringing out the best. He’s been working on Larry lately.
ALAN: [loud laughing]. You’re fucking kidding! How’s that going??
ME: Very slowly, Larry usually yells at him and tells him to get the fuck away from him or off his damn porch. Reggie usually just replies with a “I’ll be back, man! Yo ass is gonna talk to me eventually!”
ALAN: Larry and his colorful personality. I wish he’d be more damn social.
ME: No offense, but Reggie has given up on your brother. He’s tried twice. The second time Mark threw a coffee cup outside at him.
ALAN: [sigh]. I’m getting fed up with his bullshit. He may be my brother but he’s an asshole. He wasn’t like this before.
JIM: How was he?
ALAN: A lot like Ray, really. Much more eased and friendly. After it all went to pots he turned into himself. He’s lost faith in everything I think. Just doesn’t care what happens.
ME: That’s the impression I got from him. I haven’t even attempted to engage in speaking to him again.
ALAN: Fuck, I’m amazed you managed to get in and he actually spoke to you at all. As for Reggie…he probably finds his energy and optimism disgusting and annoying.
ME: Ever think he’ll change back?
ALAN: Here’s to hoping! [drinks]. Now, what’s the business?
ME: Well, were hoping you’d be open to a small debate…
ALAN: About?
ME: The Head Hunters.
ALAN: Fuck…let me guess, Ray sent you? Wants to “recon” again? I told his stubborn ass no.
ME: No, no…he didn’t send us. I swear. I wanted to bring it up to you because I feel Ray made a good point. It’s important to know our enemies and know our threats. It’s for the security of Haven. We know all the threats from the infected…we know how they operate and the different stages of them. But, people can be far more dangerous than the infected.
ALAN: Maybe so, but what the hell do you propose we do? We’re not attacking them. I don’t want a fucking war!
JIM: Nor do we. No one is suggesting an assault on them.
ALAN: After Chuck was killed, this place was filled with a scary mix of fear and anger. People whispering about a battle. Others wanting revenge. You remember Larry on his tirade about taking a fight to them…I know quite a few felt that way. Even Ben. Then we had everyone else scared and thinking we were going to be attacked at anytime. Scared teenage girls, revved up teenage boys, and two terrified little kids.
ME: Right, but those fears of an attack were valid fears. Imagine if Ray had been tracked back here…those lunatics might have attacked Haven without hesitation.
ALAN: Okay, so I ask again…what are you proposing? I don’t want Ray doing shit with this. He already fucked up once.
ME: I’m just suggesting recon. I volunteer myself and Jim has, too. I know Reggie will as well. Albeit reluctantly.
ALAN: You people aren’t stable.
ME: We were out there…from the start, until you found us. An entire year we were out there. We have experience observing things from far away. Not just infected, we’d scope people. We scoped Ray and Travis driving around. We avoided them like the plague and were always on watch. In hind sight, I would have flagged them down. Tim would still be alive. But, understandably, we were leery of everyone. I’m getting off subject. But we can do it and do it safely. We accidentally spotted them from far away. You know the story and we covered our tracks with extensive effort. We don’t take chances with people. Or the infected for that matter. Believe me, not learning more about them is putting us at risk.
ALAN: Son of a bitch…
JIM: We have the means to do it safely, even if it takes some time. We have plenty of scavenged binoculars and we have those listening devices we found in that electronic store. We have walkie-talkies. We can do this.
ALAN: Fine. Fine. But Ray stays out of this. But I don’t like the idea of just the three of you doing this. You need some help with this. Not Ray or Rachel. Obviously! I suggest asking Travis. He’s got plenty of time out there. He’s not one to take a risk like my son did. Alexis, too. Ask her. She’s good with a gun and bow and tough as nails. Don’t ask Heather, either. She can’t obey simple fuckin’ protocol. Hence why she is on damn lock down!
ME: You got it!
ALAN: I want this organized. Well planned and gone over and over. Before this little operation of yours begins I want to know every detail.
ME: Deal. Thank you. This is a good thing!
ALAN: Even so, it makes me nervous.
ME: Don’t worry too much. We’re just gathering information. Gathering it carefully. We just want to find out what we’re up against in the event there’s a confrontation later.
ALAN: Let’s hope it don’t come to that.
ME: Let’s.
REGGIE: Fuuuuuuuuck NO! Hell no!
ME: Okay…just hear me out.
REGGIE: Oh, no…I heard you the first time, I don’t need a mother fuckin’ instant replay, man! Nope!
ME: Reggie, it’s-
REGGIE: It’s bullshit, Jack! No, sir. You want me to take my happy ass back out there? To scope those loony fucks that we agreed to dodge?? Agreed to dodge long before we even got here!
ME: We need to know the threat!
REGGIE: They cray cray…there…we know the threat. We stay the hell on away from’em!
ME: We need to know how many there are! How they operate.
REGGIE: Yeah, Yeah…makes sense…but why the hell I gotta go? I didn’t sign up for this suicidal horse shit!
ME: I know…I’m asking you to sign up for it.
REGGIE: [laughs] you got balls, man! A little too much. All the hell we went through…nearly died how many times? And you want to risk our asses again?? The fuck, man! Why can’t someone else from Haven do it?!
ME: Some of them would be helping us. We need to form a team for this. I volunteered because we have the most experience being out there. The ones with the most experience here will go with us, they know what they’re doing like us. They’ve been out there enough.
REGGIE: Not like we were, Jack…not like we were. If they had seen things we saw, they wouldn’t want to go out there PERIOD!
ME: They’ve seen a lot, though. Some things the same as us.
REGGIE: Oh, I just processed what the hell you said…you volunteered us?? When the fuck was I gonna know about this? Didn’t think to discuss this loco shit with me first?
ME: It wasn’t like that…I didn’t volunteer you or anyone else. Jim and I volunteered and I said I was going to talk to you.
REGGIE: Kelly know about this dumbass shit?
ME: Well, Jim is talking to her now.
REGGIE: She’ll kill him. She’s gonna be just as pissed as me. Maybe worse, cause she’s unstable sometimes! You know this, man!
ME: Jim will be fine. We’ve always been able to get Kelly on board before…she’ll see the logic in this.
REGGIE: One day she’s gonna tell y’all to stick logic up your asses. Who else are you asking to join this “I wanna die crew” of yours?
ME: For starters, Travis and Alexis.
REGGIE: Fuck’s sake man, they’re kids.
ME: Kids, yeah, but adults, too. This isn’t the way things used to be. We live in a different world. They’ve learned to fight and defend themselves. It’s just the way it is now. They’re capable.
REGGIE: Who else?
ME: I was thinking about asking Todd.
REGGIE: Todd? [laughs]. That I want to hear!
ME: When I spoke with him, he wasn’t nothing like how he was made out to
be. He’s really not bad.
REGGIE: You ain’t gonna ask Larry are you?
ME: Of course not.
REGGIE: Good. He’d get us killed or ditch us. He reminds me off Stan.
ME: He’s far more social than Stan. Stan was the biggest prick we ever knew. And did you say “us”? So you’re on board?
REGGIE: Don’t twist shit, fucker. I never said that dumb shit!