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The Boss of Her

Page 23

by Julie Cannon

  “You were unexpected for me.” Luca traced Stephanie’s jawline with her fingertip.

  A rowdy patron bumped into Luca, jarring her mind enough to force the many questions she had for Stephanie away. But when she looked back into Stephanie’s eyes, she saw open honesty and desire. The night was still young, and there was no way Luca was about to give up this opportunity to get closer. “Want to get out of here?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to spend more time with my friends?” Stephanie covered her mouth with her hand, obviously hiding a laugh. Luca wasn’t prepared for many of the things life was throwing at her, and Stephanie’s sarcasm was definitely at the top of her list.

  Chapter Twelve

  As Stephanie drove along toward home with Luca following in her car, she went through a mental checklist. Her cleaning lady had stopped by the day before, so her house was in order. Stephanie had followed her usual self-grooming ritual as she showered before heading to the bar, and she felt ready for whatever would happen once they arrived at her house. But no amount of preparation calmed the war raging between her heart and mind.

  She was moving to Chicago soon, a fact she kept repeating to herself. She had searched for apartments and saved the most promising prospects. The advancement of her career would exceed any expectations she had in place. But where did Luca fit in all of this? Stephanie pressed her fingertips to her lips. She recalled just how soft Luca’s mouth was, and Luca’s strength as she gripped her hips. She looked in the rearview mirror to make sure Luca hadn’t changed her mind and pulled a dramatic U-turn to escape. Right there in the reflection was Luca, loyal as always.

  Stephanie couldn’t remember the last time she had craved someone like this, body and mind. She had spent a few years searching for this feeling, but work had taken over and Stephanie never felt the loss. Stephanie would’ve overlooked Luca, too, if she hadn’t been forced to work with her. The irony wasn’t lost on her.

  She pulled up to her house. One lamp beside the front windows was on thanks to a timer. Her nerves kicked in full force as she parked and turned off her car. Bringing Luca home was likely to be a mistake. Even if the night was perfect, that’d do nothing but spark the beginning of heartbreak. Then Stephanie felt her body flood with warmth at the thought that the night might be perfect. She climbed out of her car and waited for Luca to do the same. Luca looked nervous as she shut her car door and looked around Stephanie’s neighborhood. The night was quiet, only the wind rustling trees filled the silence.

  “Cute house,” Luca said. The ranch-style home was big enough for Stephanie to live comfortably, but not too big that she’d feel lonely.

  “Thank you, it’s a nice escape from occupational chaos.” Stephanie wanted to say how much she’d miss her little house once she moved to Chicago, but bringing up her transfer would be a mood killer. They walked together to the covered front porch and Stephanie caught herself wanting to share with Luca that it was her favorite spot. But something inside her, an indulgent, romantic side of her that she’d all but forgotten about, hoped she’d be able to share that with Luca as they drank their coffee together the next morning. “Would you like something to drink?” she asked as they stepped inside. “I don’t have much, but I may have a bottle of wine.”

  “I’ll just take a water, thank you.” Luca stood no more than three feet inside Stephanie’s entryway and looked around. Stephanie was a little self-conscious of her house, thinking it could be warmer or more colorful, but she loved clean lines and neutral colors, and loathed clutter. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I rarely drink, but my nerves got the best of me tonight.”

  Stephanie smiled. “Me either. I drink socially, and I’m not social very often.”

  Luca snorted. “I want to tease you, but I won’t.” Luca didn’t look up, and for all the amusement she held in her voice, her body language screamed nervousness.

  Stephanie stepped toward Luca and rested a hand on her forearm. “Luca, relax.” She stepped closer. “And please, tease me if you’d like,” she added in a purr. Luca didn’t move or say a word, leaving Stephanie to wonder just how nervous she was. Concern set in. “Are you okay?”

  Luca’s eyes flew to her. “Yes, I’m definitely okay, I promise. I’m just not very good at this.” Luca grabbed Stephanie’s hand and interlaced their fingers.

  Stephanie led them to her sofa. She sat as close as she could while keeping a comfortable distance. “What aren’t you good at?”

  “The awkward first steps, making the first move.”

  “You did pretty well in the bar.”

  “That was before I was in your house, surrounded by everything Stephanie Austin.”

  “I still intimidate you?”

  “No.” Luca inched closer to Stephanie on the couch. “It’s like being a kid again and finding out you’re going to Disney World—hard to believe it’s really happening and very afraid it’ll be taken away at the last minute.” Stephanie placed her hand on Luca’s thigh and reveled in the firm muscle that jumped beneath her touch. Luca laughed and placed her hand atop Stephanie’s. “That was from excitement, not fear.”

  “I hope I don’t scare you anymore.” Stephanie ran her fingertip along the bend of Luca’s jawline and enjoyed the shiver that jolted the other woman. “You know my deepest secret.”

  Luca’s breathing had become shallow. She turned to face Stephanie fully, causing their legs to press together. Their faces were only six inches apart. “What’s your secret, Steph?”

  “That I’m not at all who I appear to be. That I’m nothing more than a tequila-drinking softie with loud friends and a quaint home in the suburbs. Hardly what anyone would imagine for Stone Cold Steph Austin.” Stephanie was highly amused by Luca’s cringe.

  “You knew about the nickname?”

  Stephanie chuckled. “Of course I did,” she said, running her fingers through the ends of Luca’s chestnut hair. Not one knot stood in protest. “No one is particularly quiet in the office, but Mr. Witlin is the one who told me—after he had stopped laughing for nearly fifteen minutes.”

  “I always did like Mr. Witlin.”

  “He and I are both confounded by the name. What do I have in common with a wrestler?” Stephanie looked at Luca with a genuinely perplexed expression. She thought maybe her assistant could clue her in to the underground workings of the office and the hottest gossip, but Luca’s lips were on hers a second later. Surprise settled into divine indulgence as Stephanie welcomed Luca’s lips, teeth, and hands all over. Way better than office secrets.

  Stephanie turned and sank into her couch cushions, pulling Luca to lie atop her. The weight of Luca’s body pressed against hers drew a quiet moan from Stephanie. Her lips were still parted and puckered when Luca pulled away, flushed and smiling.

  “Now I know your other secret,” Luca whispered, running her lips along Stephanie’s exposed neck. She ran her hand up Stephanie’s rib cage and grazed the side of her breast. Stephanie moaned again.

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re a total bottom. No one would ever expect that.”

  Stephanie looked up into Luca’s dark eyes and fought against her growing smile. “You caught me.” She tugged at the hem of Luca’s simple shirt and dipped her hands beneath. She felt along the soft skin of her abdomen, pressed her fingertips into the firm muscle beneath, and dragged her short fingernails along the waist of Luca’s jeans. “And I’m willing to bet no one would suspect you’d be the one to top me.”

  “I know I didn’t.” Luca lowered herself into a searing, yet gentle kiss, making Stephanie feel like she was melting into the furniture. Luca sat back slightly and grasped both of Stephanie’s hands. She raised them and secured them above Stephanie’s head in a firm grip against the couch cushions. Stephanie tested Luca’s strength and was equal parts impressed and turned on by it. “Don’t move,” Luca whispered harshly before bringing her lips to Stephanie’s neck once more. Stephanie had no intention of moving. Why would she want to? The on
ly movement she made was spreading her legs to welcome Luca into her body further.

  Stephanie’s head fell back at the feel of Luca’s free hand snaking beneath her top. Feeling Luca’s fingertips dancing along her skin was overwhelming in the best way. It had been so long since someone had touched her with unhurried care. Stephanie felt as though every touch of Luca’s was executed with precision and determination, like she wanted to make sure the sensation was never forgotten. If that was her plan, Stephanie knew Luca would be successful. Stephanie whimpered as Luca pinched her nipple through her sheer bra.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” Stephanie said in a near whine. She was being tortured, exquisitely so. Luca held Stephanie’s face and kissed her deeply before sitting up fully. Stephanie was already panting when Luca removed her shirt. Stephanie’s mind nearly short-circuited. She should’ve known something marvelous hid beneath the off-the-rack suits. Stephanie swallowed harshly and tested Luca’s earlier command by reaching out to touch the tempting olive skin before her. Luca allowed it.

  Stephanie’s eyes were glued to her own hands as she traced along Luca’s soft abdomen with featherlight caresses. Luca’s torso was engulfed by goose bumps. Watching them come and go was hypnotic. Just as she reached for the button on Luca’s jeans, the familiar buzzing of her phone filled the silence. Stephanie stopped moving.

  “I’m sorry,” she said shamefully. Luca shot her a warm smile and sat back. Stephanie scrambled about, trying to remember where she had set her purse. She answered the phone as soon as she found it. “Kathy? Is everything okay?” She looked at her watch, concerned by why her sister-in-law would be calling after ten at night.

  “Of course, why wouldn’t it be? Oh shit, I’m sorry it’s late. When you have a kid, you completely forget what living during normal hours means.” Stephanie looked over her shoulder to Luca and mouthed an apology. Luca remained shirtless and sprawled casually across Stephanie’s couch. She pressed her thighs together, teasing the throbbing in her clit with the promise of pressure and friction to come. The desire to hang up on Kathy was overwhelming. “I’m calling because your brother had the brilliant idea we should have an impromptu family barbecue tomorrow afternoon.”

  Stephanie laughed. “Last minute as always.”

  “Yes, and since he likes to announce but not plan, I’m calling everyone to invite them. If you’re free tomorrow, you should stop by for a bit. My parents and brothers will be there, and honestly, I could use a buffer.” Stephanie’s eyes were still on Luca, fixated on the way she was twirling her hair around her long index finger. “Steph?”


  “Yeah, you’ll be there?”

  “Would it be okay if I brought someone?” she said casually. Luca’s hand stilled and she stared.

  “Sure, and I do hope you mean Mitchell’s best friend, Luca. He’s been jabbering about her constantly.”

  Stephanie turned away from the woman in question and lowered her voice. “Don’t mention anything to Mitchell because I don’t know if she’s free—”

  “I’m free,” Luca called out, loudly enough for all sets of ears listening to hear.

  “Oh my God. She’s there?”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” Stephanie said, ignoring Kathy and shooting a glare to Luca. “Can we bring anything?”

  “Just yourselves and some details.”

  “A very noisy toy for Mitchell, got it. Goodbye, Kathy.” Stephanie hung up as Kathy started to threaten her well-being. “We’re going to a family barbecue tomorrow.” Stephanie reclaimed her spot next to Luca but refrained from climbing onto her lap. She wasn’t entirely sure if a familial interruption and invite to spend time with family was a mood killer.

  Luca rested her head in her hand and sat with her elbow propped on the back of the couch. She reached out and fingered the ends of Stephanie’s hair. The gesture was small, but one that spoke volumes of their mutual need to touch and be touched. “I love barbecues and would love to see Mitchell again. But I have an important question, and I’m a bit worried it’ll make me sound presumptuous.” Stephanie’s heart started to beat faster in the pit of her stomach. “If I didn’t feel comfortable on your couch anymore, where might I find your bedroom?”

  “You’re not being presumptuous,” Stephanie said with a quiet laugh. “But you are very sexy and a bit of a psychic, apparently.” Stephanie stood and grabbed Luca’s hand to pull her up.

  As they walked hand in hand toward the bedroom, Luca said, “I actually have a funny story about a psychic. Remind me to tell you about it when we’re in the mood for talking.”

  “That probably won’t be for a while.” Stephanie pulled her shirt over her head and kicked her shoes off. She had never felt as sexy as she did in that moment, under Luca’s intense gaze.

  “I’m okay with that.”

  * * *

  They lay spent in one another’s arms an hour later. The sweat on their skin had just begun to dry. Stephanie nuzzled the nook of Luca’s neck sleepily and lost herself in the scent of sex that surrounded her. Luca drew lazy circles on Stephanie’s shoulder blade, which was as good as a lullaby.

  “I don’t want to ruin the moment…”

  Stephanie sat up slightly. Despite the slight twinge of fear she felt at those words, her focus remained on the delectable feel of her bare breast pressed against Luca’s skin and the way her swollen lips still tingled. This was the kind of moment that clung to your heart forever. “You really need to work on your introductions.”

  Luca laughed lightly. “I’ll take that into consideration, boss.” Luca kissed her gently. “You’re amazing, this is amazing.” She ran her fingers along Stephanie’s collarbone and down to the peak of a pink nipple. “But my mind keeps wandering to what’s next. I can’t do casual with you. You’re not just any woman, and I don’t think I’ll be able to convince my heart of that lie.”

  Stephanie’s throat tightened and her eyes burned with unexpected tears. She felt the same way about Luca, and as obvious as it was every day, she’d tried to keep her growing affection buried. She placed her palm on the center of Luca’s chest and focused on her heartbeat, rapid after her confession.

  “I feel the same way. It’s not every day that someone waltzes into my life like this. I’d be a fool to think you’re ordinary.” She pulled the sheets down Luca’s body and nearly lost her thoughts in the way her pale lilac sheets contrasted with Luca’s dark nipples. “You are far from ordinary, Luca Garner, and I believe you came into my life for a reason.” Stephanie didn’t bother to fight off the waver in her voice. For the first time in a long time, she felt her heart open courageously.

  “So, what do we do?”

  “We take our time. There’ve been no formal announcements yet, which gives us time to explore this. Let’s take this time to really figure out what we want. You may not even like me after spending so much time with me.” Stephanie pinched Luca’s side, drawing out a deliciously girly giggle.

  Luca swatted Stephanie’s hand away. “I wholeheartedly doubt that, and I know you won’t give up Chicago.”

  “I won’t—”

  Luca placed her finger against Stephanie’s pink lips. “And I’d never ask that of you.”

  “I’ll fight to make this work.” Stephanie spoke against Luca’s finger before kissing it gently. “But I do think it’s in our best interest to focus on the now.” Stephanie drew Luca’s leg between her own and pressed her center against Luca’s thigh. She was still wet from Luca’s earlier manipulations. Stephanie’s body had forgotten all about its fatigue and was now listening to her heart. Spending every moment wrapped around and filled by Luca was exactly what she needed. Sleep be damned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “As much as I love everything you’re doing right now, we really need to get out of the car. I don’t want your brother coming out here to find us like this.” Luca laughed at Stephanie’s exaggerated whine. They had been parked out front of Stephanie’s brother’s home for over twenty
minutes. Every time Luca reached for the door handle, Stephanie would pull her in for a kiss. Luca wasn’t about to complain, but she was beginning to worry about the quality of her first impression with Rick.

  “I can’t help myself,” Stephanie mumbled between kisses. “Your lips are amazing.”

  “Every inch of you is amazing, but there are people waiting for us and I really want a hot dog.”

  “We spend one night together and you’re already choosing hot dogs over me,” Stephanie said with exaggerated disgust.

  “Food is a necessity that gives me energy, and I’m pretty sure you prefer me to be energetic.” Luca got out of the car just as Stephanie reached for her. “Barbecue now, touching later.” Luca went to grab Stephanie’s hand as they walked up the front walkway leading to Rick’s house but wasn’t entirely surprised when Stephanie pulled away. “Are we not out while we’re here?”

  Stephanie frowned at her. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve brought anyone to meet my family. I guess I forgot proper etiquette.”

  Luca stepped into Stephanie’s space on the doorstep. She smiled softly, pouring as much affection into the gesture as possible. “How long are we talking?”

  “Years. I didn’t even bring my last serious girlfriend around because my family never really seemed interested in meeting her.” She shrugged. “Maybe I didn’t seem all that interested in her, either.”

  “And me?” Luca intertwined their fingers again.

  “I’m very interested and I know Kathy is—” The front door swung open.

  “Kathy’s what? I heard my name.” Kathy looked between the two women as she dried her hands on a dish towel.

  “I was just saying how happy you are that Luca could make it,” Stephanie said. Kathy’s eyes dropped to their joined hands and her face lit up. “And how happy I am that she could make it, as well.”


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