Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0)

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Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0) Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  “Granted,” she whispered.

  “Ride me, Glory, ride me.” He helped her move and when she sank down on his aching cock, T-Rex almost shouted. “Fuck!” he groaned.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she began to move – up and down, back and forth, scrubbing her pussy on his groin, biting her lip when her own desire began to rise anew. “I’ll never get enough of you, T. Never.”

  He held her gaze, memorizing her face, remembering the night after lonely night when he was alone in this bed and would’ve given anything to have an angel like this granting him his every wish. “I’ll give you what you need, Glory,” he grated out the words as she rose and fell over him, her tits bouncing, her chest flushed with desire.

  Feeling his impending climax, T sought to bring her with him. Using his fingers, he found her clit, rubbing and swirling, loving the way her eyes glazed as she continued to ride him. “Cum for me, Glory. I can’t hold out. Cum with me.”

  Hearing his desire, seeing his desire – feeling him mighty and hard within her. She leaned forward and captured his lips, letting him hear the tiny cries she made as her body shattered and flew apart.

  When he received the gift of her surrender, T let go, his passion exploding, relinquishing any semblance of control, pouring all he had, all he felt, deep within her.

  As he lay under her, she kissed him, soothed his face, slid off his body, and moved down to his side. Wrapping her arms around him, Glory was silent.

  She’d poured out her heart and her life to him.

  Nothing more needed to be said.


  Over the course of the next few weeks, they settled down into a comfortable routine. No questions were asked; no promises were made. They just enjoyed being together. Glory stretched languidly, another spectacular day with her dream guy winding down. What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than in bed with her man? After a wild rumpus between the sheets, T left Glory in his bed, her hair as messy as the covers wrapped around her. When he returned to the bedroom with half a glass of water in his hand, he placed it down on the nightstand beside her and bent to give her a tender kiss on the forehead. “I have to go out for a few hours.” He was naked and Glory couldn’t take her eyes off his thick cock as it dangled between his legs.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just out. I’ve got some stuff to do.”

  He didn’t seem to want to expound on his plans. “Okay.”

  “I’m gonna go take a quick shower.”

  Glory began to unravel the cocoon of blankets encasing her. “Want some company, sailor?”

  T stilled her with a strong hand, then pulled the blankets back after a moment of thought. He looked his fill of her naked body. Glory’s skin was still red from their latest bout and the evidence of his close-cropped scruff was clear on her inner thigh.

  “Fuck me running,” T said as he exhaled.

  “Gladly,” Glory responded, making a move for her prize.

  He quieted her again, pulling the blanket back over her nude body. “You know I would give or do anything to just lay here and indulge in some Glory Bee, but I’ve got somewhere I really need to be, honey.” The endearment came easily to his lips. Since she’d told him she loved him, the night of the Rougaroux Festival, he hadn’t been able to think of much else. He hadn’t known what to make of it, T was afraid to hope – afraid to trust. He was still the same unworthy man.

  “Okay, if you have to.” Glory was aware T had his share of responsibilities, but she’d be lying if she said her heart didn’t sink just a bit at the idea of him leaving her right now without an explanation – not after everything they’d been through. The unanswered questions that lay between them gave her pause.

  He saw her face drop a touch. “Sorry, baby. I have to do this. But you are to stay right here in this very spot until I get back.” He reached a hand down between his legs and stroked the length of his shaft a few times.

  Glory watched in awe as T caressed himself, gazing straight into her eyes. By God, Glory would never get enough of the way he looked at her.

  T knew he had to get going, but a thought invaded his brain, one that couldn’t be denied. “Touch yourself.”

  “Excuse me?” Glory wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. After all they’d done and shared she was surprised something would shock her – but it did. Glory was raised to be a good Catholic girl, taught that self-pleasure was a sin…but that didn’t mean she hadn’t let her fingers do a bit of walking from time to time.

  “Touch yourself,” T repeated. “For me.”

  For me? A tiny smile crept across her face. The thought of pleasuring herself for T sent a surge of desire straight to her clit and her hand began to wander under the blanket.

  T could see the switch in her face when he told her it was for him. Glory was already the sexiest girl he’d ever been with, or met for that matter, and now she was taking her appeal to whole new levels. Her shy desire to please him was almost as erotic as her delectable body. T’s breath hitched in his throat when he caught a glimpse of the movement under the covers and his focus moved from her face, down to where the blanket covered paradise.

  Glory’s hand seemed to be anything but shy, finding its way to her pulsing clit. After a few pets and rubs, her hips began to gyrate rhythmically. T’s hand was still on his cock and Glory could see by his expression and the way his manhood was expanding that he was enjoying the show.

  Enjoying it was exactly what T was doing, but the blanket now frustrated him and he reached down and tossed it aside.

  Glory openly gasped as the cover came off, exposing her and her risqué behavior to her eager audience of one.

  “Now don’t go gettin’ shy on me, naughty girl.” T smirked when her hand stopped moving. “Go ahead and play some more. I won’t tell on you.”

  Glory’s sudden bout of shyness was flushed from her body with the sexy growl of his words. Slowly her finger began to swirl around the ache in her clit. Each time it passed over the sensitive spot on the top right corner, she twitched.

  T’s cock was at full mast now and Glory’s mouth began to water. She bit her lower lip and moaned, bucking her hips, trying to entice him to crawl between her legs and fill her to the brim.

  Glory’s breathing became labored. She was deep in the throes of pleasure and T was totally enthralled. Part of him wanted to slide in between her thighs and thrust until they both exploded, but he was totally transfixed by what he saw in front of his eyes. A rosy blush crept across her chest and worked its way up Glory’s neck. T looked her entire body up and down, finally stopping on her face.

  “What?” Glory breathed after a whimper.

  T was looking at her so intensely she thought she’d done something wrong.

  “Absolutely-fucking-nothing,” T growled. “You are just so beautiful.” He stood over her and Glory saw his cock flex only a foot or so away from her. “Your mouth is driving me insane.”

  Glory made no bones about it, she turned her head and stared directly at his erection. T didn’t have to ask her; the welcome was in her eyes. He moved a step forward, bringing his dick right next to her face.

  Every nerve in her body came alive. The sensation of performing for T was a heady one, but now he’d introduced his magnificent cock into the equation and Glory’s pleasure skyrocketed. She licked the tip of T’s arousal, letting her tongue slide all the way down one side of his shaft, a task that took quite some time, the man was hung.

  “Open your mouth, baby,” T ordered.

  Glory turned her head to the side and did as she was told, cupping her lips and stroking herself harder. The tip of T’s thick cock passed through her lips a moment later and then he slowly retracted it. “Don’t stop playing,” he said when he saw her hand come off her clit.

  Glory thought about protesting. The feel of his hardness in her mouth made her feel as feminine as possible and her body yearned to worship at T’s altar, sucking him off for as long as it took to br
ing him to climax. But she’d been given orders by this big man who meant the world to her, and the desire to please him struck a chord deep inside of her. So, to earn his approval, she began to pet and play again.

  T moved his hips, fucking Glory’s open mouth while she touched herself. He dipped his cock in slowly, only giving her as much as she could handle before dragging it out and putting it back in.

  Glory was over the moon, never in her life had she felt this much stimulation and she began to shake and quiver.

  T saw the rolling tide rising within her. Glory was about to erupt, but he wasn’t ready for her to stop. Watching her pleasure herself was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen and T wasn’t ready for the show to be over. “You don’t cum until I say.” He withdrew his cock from her gaping mouth. “Understood?”

  Glory’s eyes had been closed, but they opened and she looked up at him. All she could manage was a nod. Her lips refused to form words, they only had one thing on their mind and that was being wrapped around T.

  Placing a hand on Glory’s throat, he guided his length back into her anxious mouth. He was holding her head in place, using her for his own pleasure, and it drove Glory crazy. She undulated her pelvis, fucking the air. All the shame and uncertainty she’d initially felt about performing this way for a man was gone from her body. Glory felt like a goddess, a pornstar, she felt like the sexiest, most feminine woman who’d ever lived and she feared she might not be able to hold back her orgasm.

  T could see the effect all of this was having on her. The feeling of fucking Glory’s mouth was incredible, but this was about her pleasure. This was about her performing for him, about her orgasm, not about his. Although he doubted she needed more stimulation, T couldn’t help himself, her naked body looked so good spread out below him, he grasped her right breast a little roughly, drawing his hand up and pulling her nipple, adding a little twist and tweak along the way.

  Glory damn near levitated off the bed. Just when she thought she’d experienced the most extreme bliss ever, T introduced more stimuli to her already overloaded body and she almost came unglued.

  “Now!” T shouted, pulling on Glory’s puffy nipple one more time. “Cum for me, baby.”

  Glory had already left the earth and it was the sound of T’s voice, commanding her pleasure, that caused her orgasm to rise up and ascend to meet her.

  The circles of her finger became feverish for one white hot moment, but subsided quickly as a climax blasted through her system. Her entire body shook. Glory rode out the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced, moaning with T’s cock still filling her mouth.

  When it was clear to him she was spent, T took his manhood from her lips and stepped back.

  “Where are you going?” Glory managed to ask between gulps of air. “Aren’t you going to finish?”

  T stood at the doorway of the bathroom. “Oh, baby, for me that was just as good as cumming. I love to see you enjoying yourself and now I know for certain how much I love watching you touch yourself for me. But…I’m really late. I’ve gotta run.”

  With that he closed the door and Glory heard the shower running a moment later.

  “Oh, my god,” she said, settling into the bed. “What the hell was that?” Never in her life had Glory experienced anything like what had just happened. T had given her an order and she’d never been so eager to comply in her life. The man had been so confident, so powerful, so in control and all the while, Glory had been coming unhinged in the most spectacular way she could imagine. This had blown her three wishes right out of the water. A knowing smile formed on her face. The man was turning her into an insatiable vixen and Glory liked it. Again, she thought about joining him in the shower, she felt she owed him one, but he’d made it clear he was in a hurry and she didn’t want to make him late. Glory enjoyed the feeling of serenity washing over her…but slowly bad thoughts came creeping in.

  Why hadn’t T wanted to finish? Was it because of her?

  Was she not sexy enough?

  Had she failed?

  Those thoughts came and went, but one thought flew into Glory’s mind and immediately began to feather a nest.

  T had told her he was going out, but he hadn’t told her where. In fact, he’d been vague when she’d asked where he was going, only telling her he had some stuff to do, but not elaborating. Glory hadn’t thought about it too hard until now, but that one single thought sat there and niggled at her and right when she heard the water in the bathroom turn off, Glory finally opened her mouth and put words to the thought in a whisper.

  “Oh, my god. Is he going to meet another woman?”

  This, coupled with his mysterious Sunday trips, scared her. She knew he said he didn’t date, but he didn’t call what they were doing dating either…


  Glory waited all of two seconds after she heard the front door close, before she sprang from the bed and dressed for her mission. A pair of dark blue yoga pants and a plain red T-shirt would serve as her surveillance outfit tonight. She caught a glance of herself in the hall mirror on her way out of the bedroom. Thank God T wasn’t going to see her, because Glory thought she looked anything but cute at the moment.

  Even though she knew it was wrong, Glory found herself sliding in behind the wheel of her old rust-bucket of a truck. She turned the key and the clunker coughed a few times, but refused to start. “Oh, not now,” she groaned, cranking the key again and pumping the gas. Success. The engine came to life in a sputtering cloud of exhaust fumes. “Yesssss!”

  Since they’d been living together, she’d ridden exclusively with T. He assured her this old clunker bucket would work in an emergency, and he’d promised to set her up with Spicer for a full overhaul later. Well, later hadn’t come and as far as Glory was concerned, this constituted an emergency. She might not get it started again if she turned it off, but the only thing on Glory’s mind right now was following T to see if her worst fears were true or not.

  Her mind raced with a million different possibilities as she drove down the road. She kept an eye on T’s taillights off in the distance. It was a good thing traffic wasn’t ever heavy in these parts, because Glory drove tentatively, part of her pleading on the inside to just turn around and go back to the idyllic existence she enjoyed at T’s place.

  If he was seeing another woman, did she really want to know?

  T had been clear about his intentions, this whole thing with them was just casual. Temporary. They’d both agreed there were no wedding bells and bassinets in their future. For her it was because of her sickness, for T – well, she wasn’t really sure why. Something was strange and she hadn’t been able to find out exactly what – not yet, anyway.


  She hit the steering wheel with her hand. If all he wanted was a good time for a short time, why should Glory go and screw that up with her suspicions?

  Pulling to the side of the road, she let the old truck idle. The engine rumbled, almost stalling right there in the dark. If it cut out, Glory would be left sitting there just waiting to be snatched up by the Rougaroux. “It’d serve you right. Following him around like this.” Up ahead, T’s truck rounded a corner and disappeared out of sight.

  Glory put the old vehicle back into gear and eased onto the road, heading in the same direction as T. No matter how much she didn’t want to be that girl who let her imagination run wild, she was exactly that girl right now, worrying herself to death that he was seeing someone else. Maybe she didn’t have a full claim on the man, but he had a hold on her in a way Glory never knew possible and she needed to know, for her own sanity if nothing else.

  She had to hurry to catch up to T-Rex. Glory knew that just around the corner was Loreauville, a small community with very few stop lights. There was one set straight ahead where T could go in different directions. If she lost him at the light, she probably wouldn’t be able to find him again and the truck was sounding worse and worse as the seconds ticked by.

  T took a right at the light
and Glory just made it in time to see him heading into the heart of town. When he pulled in front of a shop. Glory slid into a parking spot across the road and watched T get out of his vehicle. Good lord the man looked fine. He hadn’t dressed up to go out, but Glory knew T would turn heads even if he was wearing a potato sack. He didn’t really need the clothes to impress, he was impressive all on his own.

  It was early in the evening, the sun had just gone down and the building T went into was obviously closed for the day. The sign above the big garage door out front said Spicer’s Boats and the i was dotted with a red jalapeno pepper. Glory wasn’t familiar with the establishment, but it looked to be some sort of marine repair shop. T had mentioned he would call ‘Spicer’ about her truck, so he must be stopping by to talk about the vehicle she was currently sitting in – spying on him.

  After what seemed like forever, Glory started tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. “What is he doing in there?” Consulting the clock on the dashboard, Glory saw T had been in the shop for almost twenty minutes. Her brain began to run wild. She started to convince herself there was some sexy redheaded woman behind those doors, dressed in nothing but a pair of tight overalls and her and T were knocking boots on the dirty grease-stained floor.

  “Five more minutes and I’m going in there,” Glory said aloud as the engine sputtered in front of her. Almost as soon as she had made the declaration, the front door of Spicer’s Boats opened and the tall unmistakable figure of Rex Allen Beaumont, Jr. came sauntering from the building. Someone followed him out. It was too dark to see any details, but the person was definitely a male, almost as tall as T. Glory watched the two dark figures shake hands and say goodbye.

  While she skulked behind the wheel, T pulled out of the driveway and hung a left, heading further into town. He didn’t seem to be out to have any clandestine sexual rendezvous behind Glory’s back, but she wasn’t about to let him go that easily. The truck engine was sounding worse, but Glory fell in behind and followed T for another mile or so as he made a few turns before pulling in behind a big white church.


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