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Of Gods and Fae

Page 4

by Tom Keller

  "Holy shit!" he exclaimed as he ran over to me. "You're never going to belie… forget I said that! I thought that computer virus was crazy! But this… what the hell, this is amazing!" Malcolm continued, muttering a few more expletives as he stared at me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I thought I just did." I replied, clapping him on the back.

  "Yeah, but… oh hell," he said as we walked to the front door.

  "You're taking this pretty well," I commented as we went into the house.

  "Oh, this is nothing. You should have seen me before that Bernie guy did whatever he did. I was freaking out! Not that I didn’t appreciate the half-naked girl, I mean Faerie…you know, Sendy. Man, it was just too much at first. And then when she whooshed me here, wow!"

  "Bernie? You mean, Bernd? He's here?" I asked, turning back to him.

  "The little guy," Malcolm asked. "Yeah, he was just here, said he'd be inside waiting for you. Then Charlie wanted to play ball, and… did you know he can talk… well, yeah, sorry, you would know that wouldn’t you?"

  "You can understand him?" I asked, skeptically.

  "Well, sort of… at least, I can now. It’s a long story." He replied, shaking his head in amazement.

  "Ah, good, you have arrived" said Bernd, popping up next to me as I walked into the house. I hate when he does that, I mean, I almost jumped and hit the ceiling when he startled me.

  "Come, come, we must talk," he continued, leading us into the kitchen.

  "Yeah, I guess we should." I replied, noting that Sendy was already seated at the table.

  This was not exactly what I'd expected when I'd asked Sendy to find Malcolm for me. Of course I'd figured he'd freak out. It’s not every day that a messenger from the God's (or at least that was the role I'd placed her in) shows up to talk to you these days. Not to mention that Malcolm had been my friend and partner at the local PD for a lot of years and with few exceptions, probably didn’t have much cause to believe in magic, let alone Gods or Fae. But what was Bernd doing here, and what he done to Mal? Bernd had been hard to get a hold of lately, and a bit different, but at least he was here now.

  I walked into the kitchen as Bernd and Malcolm sat down at the table with Sendy. Hitting the start button on the coffee pot, I turned around.

  "Well, what have I missed?" I asked, knowing that Bernd being here had to be significant.

  "Perhaps you should tell us," Bernd responded. "I can see that you have been busy," he continued, gesturing at Malcolm. "I'm sure he'd like to know why he is here."

  "Perhaps you're right," I answered, walking back to the table to sit down and face Mal. "Sorry, my friend, I just didn't know how to tell you what had happened to me. I figured you'd think I was nuts, so…when Sendy showed up, it just seemed the easiest way to do it."

  Mal started to laugh. "Well, having a naked gi… um, I mean, Faerie, show up in my office certainly got my attention," he quipped. "So why am I here?"

  "You're my best friend and I needed you here. I hope you’re alright with that. I've probably placed you in danger as well. I guess I should of thought of that before bringing you in on it. You can still back out before we go any further."

  "Danger? Hah! Are you kidding?" he said with a laugh. "Naked Faeries that can teleport, magic swords … this is going to be awesome! Besides, we've been through worse, remember that drunk with the handgun on Convention Center? At least this time we'll know who's shooting at us and we'll even have real magic on our side."

  I laughed as I stood up and went to the cabinet. Mal was talking about a call we'd had riding together on patrol one night back in the early '80s. We were just off the Las Vegas Strip and some drunk had gone out on his balcony and started shooting at people. It'd been a nice night and we'd had both windows down. We'd heard these buzzing sounds out the windows and Mal had gunned the car and startled me. He'd looked over at me and said "I think someone's shooting at us." I'd thought he was nuts until I'd looked over at the hotel across the street and watched the guy fire two more rounds with a handgun before going back inside. I could see the muzzle fire but I'd never heard the shots. To make a long story short we'd called SWAT. The problem was that in those days it would have taken too much time for headquarters to call the entire team in so since we were the only two guys in uniform available, we got to go in first. We stormed the room with the then plainclothes SWAT detectives behind us. We walked into four totally inebriated guys celebrating a bachelor party. They were so drunk they had no idea what the guy with the gun was doing. Thankfully no one had been injured and when we found the gun inside the toilet tank the guy muttered that he'd wanted more fireworks to celebrate but ran out of bullets and wanted to make sure the gun cooled off. Anyway, we'd been through some shit together so I guess what he was saying was true. I just hadn't thought he'd take it so well, and then I remembered what he'd said.

  Grabbing my I took the red pill! cup, I filled it, and after gesturing to see if anyone else wanted some, sat back down at the table.

  "I'm serious, Mal, it really can be dangerous," I said, taking the two Fae arrows and placing them on the table.

  "What the…! Are those arrows?" Mal asked. "Who the hell uses arrows these days?" Before I could reply Bernd was on his chair and examining them.

  "Sendy has already told me the story," he said, holding an arrow in each hand. "And yes, these are Fae arrows, very dangerous. Our enemies use many weapons, but I am more concerned in how this attacker escaped. You say he used magic to open a portal of some type?"

  "As best I can tell… it looked like some kind of symbol had been drawn on the wall, but it turned to ash after the attacker jumped through. There was no way for me to follow."

  "And you did not sense him?" Bernd asked.

  "No, not until the arrows were launched. But by then he was already running away."

  "Their magic is powerful if they can summon a portal so easily without water or trees. They are strong and becoming bolder, you must be cautious," he said as he placed the arrows back on the table and returned to his seat. He took a few puffs from his pipe and continued. "Let us hope it is just their anger at Marissa's defeat that has made them so brazen. I wonder? But how goes your quest to free the Lilin?"

  "You wish to free them?" Sendy asked, sounding skeptical.

  "Excuse me," Mal interjected. "Forget about the arrows for a minute. What's a Lilin?"

  "Let me answer that," I said, knowing that any explanation by Bernd would be a long one. "The Lilin are, well, let's call them Vampires, although they don’t have fangs. Have you heard the story of Lilith in the Bible or in Sumerian legend?"

  Mal nodded that he had.

  "Ok," I continued. "To make a long story short, the Lilin are the children of Lilith. They're kind of a merging between a demon and a human, sort of. Anyway, what is important is that the Lilin and the Fae were at war and the Lilin lost. Only a couple thousand were alive at the end and the Goddess Demeter made a pact with them in exchange for their lives. The bottom line is they've become somewhat of a second class citizen to the Fae. It's my intention to eventually free them from that magical bond."

  "Vampires, or at least sort of Vampires," Mal declared. "And Demon Vampires as well... you always were too nice. Remember that time you wouldn’t kick a door because…"

  "Mal," I maintained. "This is different. These are not the same beings that started the war with the Fae. Besides, everyone deserves a chance to be free."

  "Okay, I understand that, I really do," he replied. "I'm just asking… But what if they want to finish the war?"

  "Well, then I guess we'll just have to kill them after all. But if they do that it's of their own free will, not because they've got a spell on them. Besides, I don’t think that'll happen."

  "Robert is correct," Bernd interjected. "The Lilin of today are not those that warred with the Fae eons ago. As it stands, already the Fae's power over them is dwindling, thanks to him."

  "Hey, if you say so. I'm just playing Devil's advocate," Mal concede

  "Before we go any further, I wonder, what exactly did you do to Mal?" I asked, looking over at Bernd. "I expected him to be a lot more freaked out—not to mention that he can understand Charlie. And yet he appears to be handling this extremely well, wouldn’t you say? "As I finished the question I looked over and saw Sendy squeezing Mal's arm. Hmm, now that was interesting.

  "You seem to make the most interesting choices in your allies," he replied. "First Siegfried, then Meredith, Diantha and Delia, and now Sendy and Malcolm. As Ouranos himself noted, your allies stand with you out of loyalty."

  "I guess I should say thank you but that still doesn't answer my question." As if he'd never done that before, I thought to myself.

  "As I said, you have interesting friends. As for doing something to Malcolm… well, do you recall when I first met you and helped open your mind so that the magic could flow more freely?" he asked.

  "Yes, of course I do," I responded. "Is that what you're saying you did? Why would that work with him, I've never sensed anything other than hum…?" I stopped, looking over at Mal for a moment before returning my gaze at Bernd.

  Bernd stared at me blankly and then his pipe appeared back in his hand. He took a puff and blue smoke started wafting upwards. "None of us are just anything, Robert? We are all many things. In his case, Malcolm does indeed have Fae blood coursing through his veins."

  I must have looked like I was in shock because at that moment Malcolm reached over and tapped the table in front of me. He got my attention.

  "Who knew?" he said with a shrug. "Maybe that's why I'm so good with computers."

  "Let me clarify," Bernd continued. "He is not a pure blood Fae, or even half-blood… yet there is enough of the Fae about him to ease his knowledge of our ways. I merely brought that part to the surface, and that made the transition and the knowledge that flowed out easier."

  "So how did you find out about all this?" Malcolm asked, spreading his arms to indicate the four of us at the table.

  For the second time in a day I found myself repeating the story of how I'd gotten to this point, this time there were no theatrics. When I was finished, Malcolm started laughing.

  "Jeez, and I thought I was having a weird day. Now I understand why you're so fond of these Lilin." he said with a laugh.

  "Tell me about it," I said with a laugh back. "But I'm not sure fond is the right word. I guess it doesn't really matter. The point is that you're here now and as long as you're still in. I have a few things I have to do."

  "I'm definitely in," replied Mal. "So, what's our next move?"

  "Ok, the first thing I have to do is confront my aunt and formally acknowledge this Dryad thing. I'm not sure if you can help with that but that's just one thing on my list. There's actually quite a lot of other stuff you can help with."

  "Ah, so you have finally decided," Bernd exclaimed. He took a deep drag from his pipe and then blew smoke rings toward the ceiling. "Excellent. When do you wish to begin?"

  "What do you think?" I asked.

  "That is up to you," Bernd answered. "Do you intend to formally notify her, or do you wish to… how would you say it, surprise her?"

  "I'm thinking stealth and surprise. I really don't like the idea of too much advance notice, especially after this morning's attack." I answered after a moment's contemplation. "Plus I know nothing of that land or my people so it might be worth scoping it out first. Can you tell me what it's like? I mean how do the Fae there live? Is their movement between different types of Fae or are they segregated by clan or type? The only Fae land I've been to was the Nereid, and even then only the beach."

  "Hmm, how to describe this to you," he murmured, puffing his pipe and blowing smoke rings. "The Dryad and the other Fae on that plane live simply," he finally said. "They are close to their trees and live among them. Although your aunt lives in the city among the oldest trees, many on the outskirts of the land have homes, cottages, if you like. Some farm the land, using their magic to produce fruits and vegetables of a quality not seen in the human world, others hunt. They do have inns and taverns, for many brew ale and make wine, and it is not unusual for other Fae to pass through their lands. Not all Fae are content to sleep on beds of leaves," he added. "They need not fear travelers, for the trees guard well and as a rule only friends are able to cross their borders. It is a quiet life, but a full one. You will not need money, although gold and precious stones are used on occasion. One needs few possessions when magic is at one's fingertips.

  "There was once much movement between the Fae and human worlds. But after The Fall most retreated to their own lands where it was safest and only the boldest have returned," he said, taking his pipe and pointing it at me. "Yes, only the boldest, but do not suppose that those that remain behind are weak. During The Fall their lands were not safe. Remember what you learned at Olympus and from Meredith. Much happened during those times and much has happened since. It will take time to heal old wounds so you must take care. But that is your land and it will welcome you. Although I cannot promise that all Fae will be of like mind."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Have you forgotten the words of Cacilia so soon? You are still a male and some may still view your mother and grandmothers actions as heresy. High Fae or not, you may be tested, and then you will have to prove yourself. This is one journey I cannot go on to look after you."

  "Yeah, something I forgot to mention," I said to Mal. "The Dryad weren't too happy about me. It seems my mother broke some rules having a boy." Then I turned my attention back to Bernd. "Figures, so can I expect a challenge?"

  "Perhaps, you must remember that Marissa is of the Dryad as well and she has had many years to sew discontent. You will need to be cautious," he said. (He seemed to say that a lot actually.) "Carry your sword. Do not be afraid to use it if you must. Above all else remember this, a Dryads magic is bound to the trees… you do not have that limitation yet those same trees are bound to you."

  Yeah, I thought to myself, nothing's ever easy. What else is new?

  "Ok then. Mal, how about you and Sendy head back to your place? She's missing her sisters and maybe you can find some local story or bit of history that might shed some light on their disappearance. She also needs to understand how things work here in the human world. Maybe you can help with that as well."

  I went on to tell him the tale that I had been told by the attorney, Gerald Cornwall. I asked him to research Dragons and any information on missing persons that might be related to Marissa's doings. I knew it was a tall order, but it would give him something to do until I could resolve this issue with my aunt.

  Luckily he was good with it all and we agreed to talk in the next few days. Besides, I could see that Sendy liked being with Mal and I didn't need her underfoot until I left. Especially since I could, after all, summon her at any time. She being with Mal was as good an idea as any. Not to mention that Mal could use some Faerie time now that Bernd had opened up that side of him. I mean he did live alone… and Sendy was quite beautiful, even if she did look a lot younger. But she was a helluva lot older than she looked so he'd just have to get used to that, I had.

  "Sendy, is that ok with you?"

  "Oh, yes," she replied.

  "Good, then help Mal in any way you can and I'll summon you when I need you. It'll probably be soon," I replied.

  With a few goodbyes, Sendy and Mal stood up. She took off her shirt and her wings appeared. Taking his hand in hers, there was a barely audible pop and they were gone. For all its headaches, magic definitely had its uses.

  "When do you plan to visit your lands?" Bernd asked.

  "I guess in the next day or so. Might as well get it over with," I answered as Charlie bounded into the room and sided up next to me.

  "I will go as well," he barked.

  "Like I wouldn’t take you," I said, rubbing his head.

  "You will need guide, Sophie will help," he said as he sat down and scrunched his head into my hand.

  "Ah yes, S
ophie will do nicely," Bernd commented.

  "Sophie, who's Sophie?" I asked.

  "She is a hound like Charlie, although smaller," Bernd replied. "She is from your lands and knows them well, and she can be trusted."

  "Fine," I joked. "What's one more talking animal? Alright then, how many others should I take?"

  "You won’t need Lucinda, but if you wish to, how did you say it… scope it out? A party of two to four will not seem suspicious. Sendy should stay here unless you need to summon her, or at the very least stay invisible. It would be unusual for an Aurae to be travelling among regular Fae, especially a Dryad, as they have seldom been seen since The Fall. But it will be good for you to have others with you to witness your actions when you confront Cacilia."

  We talked about what had to be done when I got there as well as what I intended to look for before I entered the Temple of Demeter. The Temple was the center point of the Dryad lands and it was there that I would have to announce my presence and position as King (That just sounds so weird).

  It wasn’t like I was preparing for a war, but I wasn't naïve. I was certain that there were still some that would be opposed to my plans, if not my very existence. I had already decided to let Cacilia remain in charge of the Fae lands, under my authority, of course. But I still had to decide who to take with me, and I wanted folks that could fight, if necessary.

  "How about Siegfried and Diantha," I suggested. "Or is she going to stand out too much being human and all?"

  "Thanks to Apollo there is enough magic in her to pass unnoticed. Sophie can arrange the proper attire."

  "Good, I think an ally that can’t die will be useful, should things turnout bad. I think I'll take Sendy as well, she can stay invisible until I need her. It might be best to announce my presence to Cacilia before actually taking the throne. It'll still be a surprise but it will sort of show notice," I added. "Plus, if I need to bring in someone else she can fetch them, I assume that what she did with Mal will work there as well."


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