Sorcerer's Captive
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©2003 by Reeva Days. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author/publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including, without limit, e-mail, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and/or imprisonment.
Sorcerer’s Captive
©2003 by Reeva Days
The copious rain was the only natural sound she’d heard in days. The constant drone of the hard drive was the background sound of her everyday life. Dessa pushed herself back from the computer. The mouse cord entangled her wrist and pulled her back, reclaiming its hold on her. Walking towards the large living room window, she marveled at the beauty of the outside world. The birds heralded (or so it seemed) her return to the real world as they serenaded her. She talked to one of the blue jays perched on the feeder nearest the window, eyeing her sideways with a reproachful stare.
“I know, Blue, I look a fright. The computer, you know, it demands more and more of my time.” Looking down at herself, she could not believe it was already past noon and still, she had on the same thing she was wearing the night before. I don’t feel very sexy at all. I need to change!
Gray sweatpants and a white spaghetti strap top were standard issue for her work-at-home attire. Hell, stay at home was all she did. Working as a freelance internet researcher had practically turned her into a machine herself. Last week she dreamt there were computer cables coming out of her scalp. Kind of ironic considering how disconnected she felt from the world since the breakup with her boyfriend a few months back.
The third steaming cup of coffee and the sound of the rain kept her plugging away at the computer, which she’d nicknamed Sorcerer. Not a very creative name, but then again, her entire existence was not a very creative one. Not knowing much about the machinations of the computer made her marvel at its technology, thus the name. It was all magic to her.
The rain increased along with the sound of encroaching thunder. Counting after the flash of lightning clued her to the storm’s proximity. “One thousand one, one thousand two . . .”
She had to get her quota in for the morning before joining the early afternoon chat room break she usually took on the Internet. There were other home computer workers out there reaching out via their computers just like her, taking breaks from their monotonous computer jobs.
She quickly pushed her chair away from the computer as a clap of thunder and flash of light scared her. Her hands were temporarily suspended midair over the keyboard. She waited for another clap. Nothing. After a few seconds she gingerly reclaimed the keyboard with nimble fingers.
She chatted with Wolf, an on-line buddy she’d made friends with four months earlier in a chat room, right at the time of her breakup. Over the past few months, she’d confided in him now and then about the pain of the breakup. She confided in him freely what she withheld from her girlfriends. It was easier sometimes unloading to a person who couldn’t see your face, didn’t judge you or burden you with unsolicited advice.
Her online identity was Red, for her mounds of unruly red hair.
“Red, when u gonna be mine? Aooooooooooo!”
“what’s up, wolf”
“why do u always answer my questions with another?”
“why don’t u ask me a different question?”
“there u go again! come on, we’ve been meeting online for over six months and still u won’t give me the time of day. when we gonna meet for coffee? when?”
“at least get the time frame right. four months. and just ‘cause we live in the same zip code doesn’t mean we have to meet. pretend I live somewhere else.
“thank God for chat profiles, otherwise i’d have no clue about you. At least I know your zip code, my sweet! hey, for all u know, I could be a woman coming on to you.”
“gross! wolf, really. u’r grossing me out big time . . .”
“so put me to the test. I want to meet u.”
Not wanting to get serious with him . . . “I’m an ugly woman with a unibrow and a few missing teeth. I look young for my age, though.”
“a unibrow, huh? sexy! ok, that does it, let’s meet!”
“LOL. u almost had me convinced!”
“stop! okay, okay!” The beauty about computer jobs was that they both could key at remarkable speeds and carry on normal “conversations”.
“listen, gotta go. it’s lightning fierce over here and i’m afraid to stay online any longer.”
“just say when and where and I’ll show up with red roses for my online lady . . .”
“I told you wolf, i’m not like most women. i don’t like red roses, i like yellow roses.”
“that speaks volumes about you, red. i like talking to u, getting to know u better . . .”
Dessa’s smile turned into a painful grimace.
“What the . . .”
Excruciating pain shot through her arms and legs. An ice pick pierced her brain, slicing through it with incisor-like precision. She collapsed on top of Sorcerer. After a couple of minutes, electricity powered back on and the eerie glow from the terminal magnified her pallor as she slumped over the keyboard.
* * * * *
Gotta stop going online when it´s lightening. Damn! Her head ached with a dull, throbbing pain, a headache so painful, she couldn’t open her eyes.
“Awaken.” A male stalwart voice instructed her. Seeing her unresponsiveness, the next instruction was a command. “Wake!”
Dessa struggled to open her eyes but couldn’t. A sleep hangover claimed her lids. Oddly, although she heard the strange man’s voice, she wasn’t afraid. Peeking through hooded lids she thought herself in hell at first. The silhouette of the stranger was backlit by a huge bon fire. Opening her eyes, the dark, inscrutable face loomed just inches above hers. His head was backlit with a halo from the bonfire, not enabling her to make out his face. She moved her head from side to side, inspecting her disturbingly altered surroundings. It was not a bon fire at all, but a huge fireplace big enough for a grown man to stand in.
“Am I dead?”
“Almost. But then again, I can hardly say you were living.”
“Who are you?” Intrigued, her surroundings took second place to the mystery of the man before her. She came up on one elbow on the huge bed.
A wry smile played on Dessa’s pale, full lips. “Funny. That’s my computer’s nickname. I know this must be some kind of a joke, except I just don’t get the punch line . . . Sorcerer.”
“Who is Computer? Is that your male counterpart?”
Oh God! The computer, the lightning! That’s it! I must be dead?
“Are you God?”
A voluptuous laugh erupted from Sorcerer, beautiful white teeth juxtaposed against dark skin. Darker eyes were infused with light, knowledge and mirth. “Some people call me God, but I’m not. That’s part of a sorcerer’s job, to fill people’s minds with the impossible illusions I put in their heads and which they believe are theirs entirely.”
“Oh, so you’re in advertising.”
“Quiet! I don’t understand your talk.”
“Listen, Sorcerer, enchanté and all that, but I gotta figure out where I am and get back home.”
“Not so fast my lady. A few questions first. What is your name and whom are you spying for?”
Dessa laughed then immediately frowned at the pain that it caused her. “My name is Dessa and I’m not a spy! I don’t even know
where I am, Sorcerer.”
“You appeared out of nowhere, found drenched and collapsed in the woods nearby. Probably struck by lightening from the looks of you. And no matter how you got here, the fact is that you are here, you’re a spy, and now you belong to me.”
“I belong to NO one.” Her curls shook in agreement as she spat the words.
Sorcerer´s benevolent countenance darkened as he stood up to his full six-foot plus frame, so fast, the end of his cape snapped at her thigh. She caught a swirl of a purple silk lining. The briefest hint of incense and leather caught her off guard, intoxicating her senses. She was surprised at her response to his proximity. He turned on her in an instant, cupping her right breast in his hand through her thin top as he sat at the edge of the massive bed. A weak protest escaped her lips, but the gloved hand closed more firmly around her breast. He rendered her immobile in his grasp, her pupils quickly dilating. He chuckled as he towered over her. He quickly removed his glove. Hand under her top now, her nipple immediately went erect under his touch. A slow grin spread over his face, crinkling the corners of his green eyes. He was beautiful, powerful and ageless.
“You’re a spy. Now you’re my captive, and soon, my slave. Those are our rules. You spy and you become a slave. And yes, I see you respond to me. Perhaps you knew of my reputation and got a wee bit curious, no? Maybe you wanted me to capture you and torture you in exquisite ways.”
Dessa recoiled at his premature intimacy as he pulled her even closer to him. Still, she was overcome with unwelcome desire.
“Your woman scent tells me what I need to know. You respond without so much as a struggle of consciousness. Your body gives you away. I like that. I wonder how far I could take it now if I had a mind to. You have just sealed your fate, lady, and it corresponds with mine. You are my captive slave for as long as you want.”
They locked eyes as a look moved between them she didn’t quite comprehend. “As long as I want? Gee, I don’t know what part of your last statement to address first. The fact that you want me as your personal slave, or the option of letting me choose the length of time I’m to be your slave, as if there were no other option for me. How arrogant you are!” She removed his hand from her breast.
Sorcerer chortled. “You don’t have a choice, lady. You’ve already turned over your power to me.”
“How so?”
“This is how, my lady.” Gazing into her eyes, he purposefully slid his hand back into her shirt and fondled her other breast. Her response was the immediate intake of air, more shocked by his actions than his words. She was paralyzed. Her cleavage virtually hung in his hand (along with all her other senses), making her feel very vulnerable, yet safe all at the same time. Closing her eyes intensified all sensations. A small sound escaped her as she quickly regained her senses and closed her shirt in slow motion. He regained control of the situation as he quickly pulled her breast out of her top entirely, this time flicking her nipple between his thumb and forefinger repeatedly. She leaned back her head and moaned. She couldn’t imagine anything else now touching her nipple except maybe his tongue. She reeled at the thought.
He was inching his open mouth towards her nipple and try as she might, she couldn’t work up enough resistance to discourage him. Her nipples were now infused with dark pink.
He moved his head down to her breast where he began to suckle; so greedily that he coaxed the tip into a rosy, red point. His new beard roughed up the delicate skin of her breast. It was a contrast between the silkiness of his wet tongue and the roughness of his skin on hers. He pulled down on her skin-tight top and her other breast popped out. He ravished that one as well. He gathered both her generous breasts like a rose bouquet and smothered his rough face into her bosom. She gasped for air. He continued to lick, squeeze and fondle each breast in turn. She didn’t fight him. He kept nuzzling her breasts as she eagerly offered them up to him.
She pulled herself upright. “How dare you! Stop!” How dare you stop!
She imagined what those hands would feel caressing her entire, naked body. “You are no better than an animal, a beast! I’ve barely survived God-knows-what and you’re taking advantage of me! Is this your idea of rescuing me?” What would it be like to be your captive for just one night and let you do whatever you wanted with me? Would I have to feign repulsion when take me at your will? I would love to just give in to you.
Dessa felt herself get moist thinking of all the things she’d let him do to her. As much as he repelled her with his hurried sexual prowess, she wanted him to take her right then and there on the pitted stone floor. She was at odds with herself. He had put her to an untimely test that had her thoughts (and her pulse) racing. To her, his smile was confirmation of what he was thinking . . .
“Me? My lady, you did not fight me. As a matter of fact, you moaned . . .” he inched closer to her face, she did not back away. “You let me titillate you, so to speak.” Another throaty chuckle. “I could have had you.”
“Oh my. Is that a dare? I should like to keep you here as my slave for a long time if you turn out to be as amusing as you promise to be.”
“Make sure not to anger me my lady, you have no idea of my power or my standing in my kingdom.”
“Kingdom? You’re a king?” Dessa’s shock was evident on her face.
“One day, you will be obedient to me. You will beg me to bow your head at my feet, maybe even kiss them. One day, that is the destiny you will realize you were born to, with every fiber of your being. And for many days and years thereafter I will be the measure by which you judge all other men that try to come near to your heart, body, or mind. One day . . .”
She stared at him in disbelief as a thousand strange thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously. If she could think back on the exact moment when Sorcerer captivated her, it was by that initial swirl of his cape and the intoxicating smell of him. She was spellbound. She mused he was not called Sorcerer for nothing. Although he intimidated her, deep down she knew he would never harm her. However, she longed to be home . . eventually. But first, she had to find out where she was and why. This was worth investigating further, but not at the cost of feeling like a prisoner of limbo.
She was still wearing the same thing she had worn to bed before the lightning struck. For the first time in a long time, she was aware of how awful she must have looked and it bothered her. It bothered her more that she cared what he thought of her. Her led her down a torch-lit stone hallway.
“Take my arm, I will escort you, Lady.”
Where is he taking me now?
Sorcerer offered his arm as they walked to the middle of a room filled with men. Some were openly leering at her. They made her very nervous. Why can’t I wake up from this nightmare? Why?
The old castle was as impressive as it was cool and damp. A huge fireplace roared, yet she felt an uncontrollable chill as she entered the room.
Looking down at her . . . “This is the council room where decisions are made and lives changed forever.” As I will change yours soon.
The council room had heavy wooden chairs fitted with animal skins. Torches burned around the perimeter of the room.
“And in case you don’t understand it yet, you are here because you willed it.” She glanced at him with questions in her eyes.
“I willed it?”
Quietly now . . . “Silence, woman. Take my arm.”
The moment she put her arm on his and he led her inside, she felt like a princess. No, more than that, she felt like his queen. His strong arm felt good and solid against her cool, bare skin. Flashes of him taking her roughly in his arms fluttered through her mind. In her mind, she was naked and her delicate body rubbed raw at the tough of his primitive clothing of leather, furs and hemp closures on his attire as he first took her. She couldn’t stop the flashing of carnal images through her head. She blushed. She was surprised his touch could be so soft yet scorch her skin at the same time. Her! A grown, divorc
ed, and she thought, worldly woman. Sensing her perusal of his chiseled, dark profile, he turned to her with a smug grin. She weakened under his gaze.
He could not help notice her regal bearing as he led her into the council room. All eyes were on her. Sorcerer turned to her. Even dressed in rags she’s impressive.
Still feeling like a regal queen, his next move shocked her into immobility and anger. He faced her squarely, looked into her eyes, grabbed the front of her top and ripped down until she stood half naked before them all. An unearthly hush fell over the room as he ripped off her sweat pants as well, along with the rest of her modesty. The cold stone beneath her bare feet made her teeth chatter. He scrutinized every inch of her body. Their eyes locked. Being a foot taller, she was forced to look up at him to maintain eye contact, which she defiantly maintained.
“Council members, before you is Lady Dessa, a spy, probably from a neighboring kingdom.” A murmur ran through the hall.
Quietly to Dessa: “Unless I put you up on a pedestal my lady, you will always look up to me.” Crimson claimed her chest and throat. His eyes dropped, inspecting her like a fine new horse he’d just purchased. He looked pleased with himself. Yes, she was quite beautiful. Dark red curls cascaded over her fair skin down the length of her supple back.
Dessa angered at her body’s own betrayal as her nipples peaked. Inches from her face so only she could hear: “I shall strip you of more than your clothes. I shall strip you of your demeanor, your decorum, your very pride, until nothing exists but the pleasure you feel at serving me. You will love me. You are to call me Sir, Lord. And later, when you’ve earned the right, you may call me Master. From this moment on, never refer to me by my name or you shall be severely punished. In time, I will become a gOD to you. And your punishment shall be time spent away from me.
She smiled at this last remark.
“You laugh now, but I will laugh later when you will come to worship me and endure anything to be in my company. You will honor the day you can call me Master. Never forget that. You have no will but to serve mine. You will be willing to die in order to please and serve me. You will beg to kiss my feet. Remember this. Do you think you will remember this when you go back to wherever it is you came from?”