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Torrid Teasers Volume 33

Page 3

by Crystal Inman

  “This Celine situation isn’t bothering you?”

  Kyra quirked an eyebrow. “The one where she and Kane screw constantly and refuse to marry? That one?”

  “Kyra!” Thane grimaced. “There are some things I choose not to think of.”

  “Then you shouldn’t bring them up,” she snapped.

  The startled look on her father’s face made her sigh. Kyra moved forward. “I’m sorry, Father. I’ve had a long day, and my tongue seems to have a mind of its own.” She hugged him tightly. “This will all work out.” She stepped back and tried to smile. “You’ll see.”

  She bid her father goodnight and shut her door tightly behind her. Kyra lay her head against the solid wood and sighed lustily.

  It all seemed so right when they started this charade. Celine and Kane would wait a couple of weeks before letting the royal parents off the hook. Unfortunately, it hadn’t worked that way at all. Four days in, and Kyra was ready to throw in the towel. Her nerves were raw and painful.

  She was happy for Celine. She had known for a long time that Celine and Kane were inevitable. Kyra snickered. It had been about time they figured it out themselves. But now she felt as though she were paying for being the sister “without a man.”

  And it was seriously beginning to piss her off.

  There was nothing wrong with her. Not a damn thing. She chose not to have a mate. Kyra stripped her clothes off and tossed them on her gilded bed. She plucked two sais out of the air and proceeded to work out her fury with the dangerous weapons.

  * * * *

  Kyra refused to go down to breakfast the next morning. She dressed quickly in mustard-colored pants and a lightweight short-sleeve chemise and snuck out of her room. She wound her golden hair around her head and pinned it in a loose bun. The whole castle could quite simply go to hell.

  She growled and walked toward the animal compound a mile away from the castle. She needed the company of those who chose not to continually shove males in her path and question her about her sister’s love life.

  The rocky road forced her to calm a bit and walk slower. Kyra inhaled deeply at the scent of the trees blooming with great, white flowers. Her shoulders loosened, and she sighed. The next time she had a brilliant idea, she would certainly not take it at face value.

  The trees thinned out as several rock buildings came into view. Massive stables dotted the land and housed the royal family’s horses. Grooms scurried to and fro. There were six pastures filled with livestock. The cattle grazed contentedly on sapphire grass while sheep lay in an amethyst meadow.

  The sun beat down on the land, and Kyra inhaled deeply. The earthy smell of animals combined with that of the land delighted her. There was no place she would rather be.

  Canines and felines lounged about the yard, and Kyra chuckled. No ambition from the furry souls. And they didn’t look as if they cared if she wed or not.

  “Perfect,” she muttered.

  Kyra strode purposefully to the nearest canine house and stopped in the wooden doorway. A silvery female shepard struggled to push out her pups while a half-naked man on his knees hovered over her petting her and murmuring. His bare back was slick with sweat, and his tan britches were smeared with mud and blood.

  There were two pale, slick balls of fur that nosed around at their struggling mother, and Kyra bent quickly to try and help.

  “What can I do?”

  Two flashing silver eyes lifted to look at her. “Make the mother comfortable.” The deep voice washed over her.

  Kyra moved to take the mother’s head into her lap and crooned softly into her ear. She watched as the man gently probed for the pup who was stuck. The mother whimpered and tried to move, but Kyra used her skills with animals to calm the dog.

  The man’s silver eyes flashed over to her again, and she lowered her head.

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “Silence,” the man bit out.

  Kyra closed her mouth with a snap and almost sighed in relief as the man removed the pup. But she felt her chest tighten when she saw the pup didn’t move. She opened her mouth again when the man blew gently on the pup’s nose. Once. Twice. On the third time, the pup whined softly, and the man placed it next to its two siblings.

  The mother weakly licked her pups while they nursed. The man stood quickly and brought back medical supplies. He tended to the mother while Kyra made sure she was comfortable.

  When he was done, he stood again and nodded approvingly. “We will leave.”

  Kyra eased the mother’s head out of her lap and stood. The clothes she picked earlier now streaked with mud and fluids.

  She shook her head wryly. She would be sneaking into her room to forgo any questions from her family.

  “You have some skill.”

  Kyra’s head shot up at the man’s words. And then she felt her limbs loosen as she took all of him in.

  Six foot six if he was an inch.

  A face that would have made the angels weep with envy. Chiseled cheekbones and lips made to please a woman. His dark hair was cropped short and spiked. Silvery eyes measured her in silence.

  Her gaze wandered lower of its own volition. Muscle stacked upon muscle from neck to foot. His chest was a work of art. Defined by sinewy lines and bulges. Arms that would take both her hands to even fit around. Thighs that strained against the stained tan pants he wore.

  She licked her lips and tried to clear her throat.

  “One usually accepts a compliment.”

  “Thank you,” she said faintly. Her golden eyes widened as he moved closer.

  “I have not seen you before.” He stopped mere inches from her and frowned. “I thought I had met the entire staff.”

  Kyra fought the hysterical giggle that bubbled up in her throat. She doubted the staff included the royal family.

  “I’m new.”

  He brushed his hands lightly against her soiled clothes, and she flushed hotly. “You are not dressed for work.”

  She slapped his hands so she wouldn’t melt against him. “I thought the animal required my aid more than I needed to change clothes.”

  “Wise woman.”

  Kyra nodded haughtily.

  “You will attend me the rest of this day.”

  “I…what?” Kyra swallowed convulsively. She hadn’t heard him right. She couldn’t have.


  “Kyra,” she sputtered.

  “Kyra.” He nodded. “I am Ian. You will attend me this day.”

  “I’m glad you’ve settled that with yourself.” Kyra shook her head back and forth. “It’s my day off.”

  “Your clothes are already ruined, Kyra. You will attend me.”

  And then he had the nerve to walk off.

  She stood there with her mouth agape and blinked twice. No one, in all her years, had ever spoken to her like that. Part of her wanted to zap him right then and there. But then he turned and crooked his finger at her.

  Kyra made a quick decision. She could either go back home and deal with her familial issues, or she could follow the gorgeous man wherever he bid her go.

  She started after him.

  * * * *

  They traipsed all over the yard from one end of the canine compound to the other. Ian checked on every animal and made notations on the pet charts inside each building. Kyra followed closely behind him. As close as she could be without actually being in the same pants. She uttered a small spell so no one else would disturb them. The last thing she needed was to be recognized as part of the royal family.

  He stopped abruptly in the last doorway, and Kyra ran smack into his back. She scowled and opened her mouth to apologize when he turned to her and shook his head. Ian pointed, and Kyra looked.

  There was a wolf mating in one of the stalls with a bitch.

  Kyra’s eyes widened. It was another female shepard. The two mated for another couple of minutes, and then the wolf trotted out of her compartment and stopped stock-still when he noticed the two humans watchin
g him.

  Kyra didn’t know what Ian would do, but she didn’t want the animal destroyed. She reached out with her mind and eased its fears. And then she directed it through the other exit so it wouldn’t hurt itself.

  When the last of its bristly tail disappeared, Kyra breathed a sigh of relief. Until Ian spoke.

  “And what did you tell it, witch?”

  She spun around and growled. “I am no witch.”

  Those silver eyes studied her closely. “You whispered something low under your breath when you saw the wolf. Do you know him?”

  “As well as I know you,” she snapped. “Give me a break.”

  His hands shot out and trapped her tightly.

  Frissons of awareness raced through her body. Ian brought her closer and leaned down to brush his mouth against her ear.

  “Tell me.”

  “I am no witch.” Her gold eyes met his silver ones. “I only thought the soft words would soothe the creature.” She continued. “I didn’t want you to destroy him.”

  “A wolf has no place in this compound. And certainly no place mating with one of my dogs.” Ian folded his arms over his broad chest and waited for her response.

  “Your dogs?” Kyra snorted and lengthened her stance. “They are no more your dogs than this is your barn.”

  “I take care of what is mine, Kyra.” The words held an ominous tone.

  “Bully for you.” She felt the heat surge through her body and struggled to control it. All her instincts were saying to fight. But there was something different about this confrontation. Undertones she didn’t recognize and didn’t know how to deal with.

  “I am master here.” His tone brooked no argument.

  Kyra’s eyebrows shot up. “Master?” She looked at him blandly. “I believe you’re rather full of yourself.”

  His silver eyes narrowed to slits. “You have not been taught the proper way to address your superiors.” He clucked his tongue. “Pity.”

  “For you.” Kyra turned to leave the barn when his hand shot out and closed like a vise around her arm. Before she could react, she was brought flush up against Ian’s iron chest.

  “Let me go,” she demanded. Her heart raced frantically in her chest as she looked up into his silver eyes.

  His left arm was a tight band against her waist while his right hand moved up and undid her hair and let it unfurl down her back. He plunged his hand in it and tangled it through his fingers.

  “You call to me,” he murmured against her throat.

  Kyra shivered at the softly spoken words.

  Longing, dark and deep, spread through her body.

  She could hurt the mortal with a mere thought. Escape his grasp. Instead, Kyra reveled in the strength he displayed. Her breasts pushed high against his hard chest made her long to rub her body against his like a cat needing stroked.

  “Ian,” she whispered, tasting his name on her tongue. And wanting more. So much more.

  And then he covered her mouth with his.

  Heat shot through Kyra’s body and burnt her with the intensity of a thousand suns. She moaned and wrapped her legs tightly around Ian’s waist.

  His tongue stroked hers leisurely, belying the hunger Kyra felt seeping out of every pore of his body.

  She tried to force the pace and felt him chuckle low in his throat.

  Ian lifted his head and smiled down at her. “Such heat, little one. We will explore every inch of it.”

  Kyra trembled at his words.

  He yanked a blanket off a stall and strode quickly to the door against the far wall. She clung to him tightly while he walked down a narrow corridor and into another structure.

  Ian slid Kyra down his body and motioned to the bed behind her.

  “You are a witch. You have bewitched me.” He took her hand and slid it down his body slowly. “Parts of me already belong to you.”

  Her hand brushed against his hard cock, and she licked her lips.

  “You will not master me.” She challenged him. “And I am no witch.” She looked deeply into his shifting silver eyes. Kyra brought his hands up to cup her breasts through her thin shirt.

  “You will bathe me. And I, you.” Ian’s hands moved to her shoulders and ripped her shirt in half. It fell in tatters to the floor. His rough palms moved over her delicate flesh, and she reached up to grasp his short hair.

  Ian smiled and sank to his knees. Kyra trembled as he gently pulled her pants off and threw them at the wall. She moved to touch him, but he stepped back.

  “You first.” He picked her up and cradled her against his hard chest. Ian moved purposefully toward the bathroom. He started the water, never letting her go.

  When the bath temperature suited him, he lay her gently into the water and grabbed a soft, yellow cloth from the sink.

  Kyra watched with wide eyes and a racing pulse. Her pussy throbbed with anticipation as Ian gradually wet the cloth and let it trail over her neck.

  She shivered as water slid from her neck to her hardened nipples. Ian’s finger followed the moisture and lazily circled the nub.

  Kyra arched her back, wanting his touch.

  His thumb rubbed across her pebbled flesh, and she moaned.

  Ian moved the cloth to the nape of her neck and lightly stroked her back. Kyra moved to touch him, but he swatted her hand down.

  “You will have your turn,” he promised.

  Kyra licked her lips and simply waited.

  “Your skin is so warm.” Ian slid the cloth along her shoulders and down to the curve of her ass below the water.

  His other hand trailed from her collarbone, between her breasts, and ended at her belly button.

  She watched him with eyes darkened to a shining gold that could have melted the largest of icebergs.

  Ian’s right hand soaped up the washcloth and streamed along her breasts while his left moved inches lower, stopping right above where she so badly wanted it.

  “Touch me.”

  His silver eyes gleamed. “I am, woman.”

  “No.” Kyra took his hand and slid it between her legs with a moan. “Here.”

  “Here?” Ian’s hand parted her pussy lips and stroked her folds softly. “You want my hand here?”

  She arched her back up. “Yes.”

  His index finger circled her throbbing clit and rubbed it gently. “Do you like that?” he murmured against her ear.

  “Yes.” Kyra reached up and brought his mouth to hers. She licked his lips and flicked his mouth lightly. “Make love with me, Ian.”

  He pulled back a bit. “Bath first.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I don’t suppose we could speed this up a bit, could we?”

  “Are you always so impatient?” Ian’s hands moved over her body.

  “Yes.” Kyra opened her mouth to order him to do something else when he slid two fingers deep inside her. She almost bit her tongue as Ian bent his head and took her taut nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue against the hardness while he moved those fingers in and out of her.

  She clutched his bare back and raised her hips from the water while he pleasured her. But she wanted more. Needed more.

  “Enough!” she fairly shouted.

  “We are done?” Ian lifted his head with an innocent expression on his face.

  “You are driving me mad!” Kyra wriggled away from him and stood quickly. She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at him furiously.

  His eyes slid over her bare body bit by bit, missing nothing. “You are most beautiful, Kyra.”

  She let the water out and stepped out of the tub. “Your turn.”

  Ian arched an eyebrow but said not a word. He undid his pants and slid them down his muscular thighs.

  Kyra’s eyes widened at the sight of his remarkable cock. She felt moisture slide down her leg. She could almost feel him inside her. Before she could say a word, Ian sat in the tub and turned on the water. He lay back and closed his eyes.

  “You will wash me now.”

nbsp; “Yes.” She scrambled down on the blue chenille rug and picked up the washcloth. Kyra started at his chest and traced every chiseled line. Then she moved up to his jaw and memorized the contours. His large body barely fit inside the tub.

  Kyra dipped the washcloth into the water again and stroked every inch of his body under the guise of washing it. He was absolute physical perfection. She slid his cock into her hand and caressed the smooth hardness. Ian’s hands clenched on the side of the tub though he never opened his eyes.

  After she thoroughly scrubbed every inch of him, Kyra stood and dropped the washcloth in the sink. Then she stepped into the tub with Ian.

  His eyelids fluttered open, and those silver eyes pinned her. “You wish to join me?”

  “I wish to slide your cock inside me.” Kyra crouched down with her legs on either side of him. She kept his gaze as she slid him inside her wet pussy. She threw her head back as he filled her completely. Her pussy seized around his hard length, and Ian groaned.

  Kyra leaned forward, drawing him even deeper. She pressed her breasts against his bare chest and locked her arms around his neck.

  “I wish lots of things, Ian.” She rocked against him, reveling in the feel of her body against his. Kyra groaned with pleasure as Ian’s large hands grasped her hips and shifted her tighter against him.

  “You are so hot. Tight.” Ian moved his mouth against Kyra’s neck. He nipped lightly while she rode his cock smoothly, not allowing an inch between their slick bodies. He rotated her hips in small circles, and she gasped as she felt her orgasm spread through her body with a swiftness that took her breath away.

  “Come for me, Kyra.” Ian sank his teeth into her neck, and she trembled on the verge before her body convulsed tightly and broke into a million pieces. She vaguely heard Ian murmur her name as he pumped his cock deeper inside her before he, too, came.

  Kyra sank limply against Ian’s body and rubbed her cheek against his muscles. “The best bath ever.” She felt him chuckle.

  “We are not done, Sunshine.”

  She looked up quickly. “Sunshine?” Her pulse raced, as she feared he knew who she really was.


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