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Jordan, Olivia - Taletha's Salsa Sweethearts [Studio Seductions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Olivia Jordan

  Taletha shook her head. “My former employee, Matt Fairbanks, was very angry when his employment ended, but I made sure he returned his key before he took off, so he has no way to access the studio. Plus, he moved to Europe, so I think that rules him out as a suspect.”

  “That means it was probably one of your employees that did this.”

  Taletha shook her head. “You’re right, that makes total sense. I just–I just can’t believe that one of my own” Taletha struggled to finish her sentence as tears started welling up in her eyes.

  “What the hell happened here?” Morris asked, storming into the studio. “Taletha, are you okay? And why didn’t you call us the second that it happened?”

  Adam rushed in on Morris’s heels. “I just can’t believe it. Who would do something like this?” They both rushed up to Taletha and put their arms around her. The moment she felt their hands on her body, she lost all sense of composure, sobs racking her body so deeply that she had to lean against both men for support.

  “I’m–I’m–I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I know this isn’t making the report process go any faster.”

  The officer pulled a tissue out of his pocket. “Take your time. You’re going through quite a shock, and this is perfectly normal. Officer Parker and I can stay here as long as you need us to. That’s part of our job.”

  “I really appreciate it.” Taletha blew her nose. “I just can’t think of a single employee who would do such a thing. The only obvious suspect is someone who doesn’t live in the country anymore.”

  “What about Emily?” Adam asked. “She’s not exactly the most scrupulous person at the studio.”

  “Come on, Adam, be fair. This studio means a lot to her, and I don’t think she’d want to attack the place where she earns her livelihood. Plus, you’re great and all, but I’m not sure you’re worth vandalizing a building for.”

  “Sure, shatter my ego,” Adam said, but then he smiled, ensuring that Taletha knew he was joking. “You’re right. I’m just still pissed off at her. But I should give her a chance to redeem herself before I go accusing her of crimes.”

  “But this Emily person has had issues with people at the studio lately?” the officer asked.

  “Yes,” Taletha said. “But I really don’t think—like I said, she and I worked our issues out two days ago.”

  The officer nodded. “Still, I’m going to follow up with her. I’m going to follow up with all of your employees, actually. Since we don’t have a definitive suspect, we have to consider everyone as the potential vandal.”

  “Even us?” Morris asked.

  The officer nodded.

  “But I’m Taletha’s dance partner! We’ve worked together for five years!”

  “Sorry, sir, but that’s the policy. Now, since you’re here, would you like to give a statement?”

  “They already have alibis,” Taletha said. “They were with me most of the night.”

  “But not all of it?”

  “No. As I said earlier, we were, uh, working here until about one o’clock.”

  “But you haven’t seen them since then?”

  “No, we went our separate ways afterwards.”

  “And the studio had not been vandalized when you left?”

  “No. But I did have a funny feeling as I was walking to my car. Like the three of us were being watched, or something like that.”

  “Unfortunately, funny feelings aren’t hard evidence, and since these two were out of your sight during the period at which the studio was vandalized, we’re going to have to get reports from them to make sure their alibis check out.

  Taletha shrugged. “Sorry, guys.”

  “Not your fault,” Adam said. “We’ll be happy to give our statements now, officer.”

  “I’ll be in my office if you need me,” Taletha said. “I want to get on the phone with the insurance company so I can get repairs going as soon as possible.”

  Taletha shut the door to her office and curled up in her computer chair. She picked up the phone intending to call the insurance company, but suddenly, the phone felt as though it weighed one hundred pounds. She dropped it back into its cradle, curled up in her chair, and sobbed.

  * * * *

  “We’ll be checking out the security feeds and inquiring with the managers at both of your apartment complexes,” the officer said once Morris and Adam had given their statements. “But your alibis are pretty sound. Still, please don’t leave town for the duration of this investigation. You may be required to come in for additional questioning.”

  “We understand,” Morris said, shaking the officer’s hand. He looked up at Adam, smiling at the relief in his new friend’s eyes. “We appreciate your help.” He and Adam showed the officer to the door, and then walked to Taletha’s office. Adam knocked on the door, but there was no response. Pressing his ear to the door, he heard muffled sobs. Without a second thought, he opened the door and rushed in.

  “Taletha, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he murmured, scooping her out of her chair and into his arms. Morris was right behind him, and immediately began stroking her hair.

  “I’ve worked so hard. I do everything right. I run a good business. Who would do this to me?”

  “I don’t know,” Adam said. “But when I find out, they’ll be sorry.”

  “Have you called the insurance company?” Morris asked.

  Taletha started crying harder. “I meant to. But I suddenly just got so overwhelmed. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve never let myself act like this before. Even when the shit hit the fan with Matt, I took it in stride.”

  “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately,” Morris said. “When was the last time you had a day off?”

  “I think last month, the day we spent flying back from that competition in Toronto.”

  “A day spent making layovers and dealing with airport security is not a day off. When was the last time you had an entire day to yourself, where you didn’t spend at least part of it working?”

  Taletha shrugged. “It’s been a while, I guess.”

  “Why don’t you let me handle this? I’ll call Lynne over. Between the two of us, she and I can deal with the insurance company and get to work on setting up studio repairs.”

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “You need a day off. Lynne has worked with you since the day you opened this studio, and I’ve been your partner for most of that time. She and I know what we’re doing.”

  “Why don’t you let me take you out and spoil you for a bit?” Adam asked.

  “I really can’t leave my business in a time of crisis.”

  “If Lynne and I combine our powers, we’re just as capable as you are. Go, relax.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, he’s sure,” Adam said, tugging on her arm. “Now come on, let’s get out of here.”

  As they stepped out into the morning sun, Adam scooped Taletha up into another hug. “It’ll be okay, I promise. Morris and Lynne know exactly what they’re doing.”

  “You’re right. I just feel so guilty leaving my studio behind.”

  “There’s nothing to feel guilty about. You need a break from all the stress. And I intend to give you one. So, what would you like to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not used to having time off in the middle of a weekday morning.”

  “Anything you want. It’s up to you.”

  “Honestly? I think I just kind of want to take a nap. I was up a little too late last night.” A slight grin appeared on her face.

  “A nap it is, then. Your place or mine?”

  “Let’s go to mine. It’s not far. Just get in your car and follow me.”

  “You got it.”

  Once inside her cool apartment, the weight of Taletha’s worries began to melt away. She hurried into her room and collapsed on the bed, fully clothed.

  “You don’t want to undress?”

  “I’m too tired to undress.”

“Well if you don’t mind, I prefer to wear a little less clothing when I sleep.”

  Taletha grinned. “Go right ahead. I certainly won’t complain.”

  Adam stripped down to just his boxers, then settled himself on the other side of Taletha’s bed. The second his body settled on the mattress, she curled up around him, placing her head on his chest.

  “I like listening to your heartbeat,” she murmured. Her fingertips began to trace his defined pecs and abs. Adam started to nod off, enjoying her light touch. But his eyes jolted back open when Taletha’s hand slipped into his boxers and brushed against his cock.

  “I thought you were too tired to undress.”

  “I am.”

  “Then how are you awake enough to fool around?”

  “Well, you could undress me, you know.”

  Adam didn’t need any more prodding. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, easing two fingers into her open fly. He was shocked to feel how wet she already was without much in the way of foreplay at all. Sitting up and setting her down on the bed, he pulled off her jeans, taking her panties along with them.

  As much as he couldn’t wait to see her gorgeous breasts again, he decided to delay that particular pleasure a little longer. Instead, he eased her thighs open, spread her pussy lips, and brought his tongue to her clit.

  Taletha’s legs jerked. “Fuck, that already feels amazing.”

  Adam laughed. “I haven’t really done anything yet.”

  “Then I can’t wait to see how it feels when you actually start eating me out.”

  “I think I’m going to tease you a little bit, first.”

  “I don’t think you are.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I thought you said I could have anything I wanted in order to help me relax. Getting off will help me relax.”

  “If you insist.” Admittedly, Adam didn’t particularly care that Taletha didn’t want to be teased. He was just as eager to taste her as she was to be tasted. He pressed his tongue hard into her clit, feeling it pulse. Then, he started to lick. Though he’d promised not to tease, he couldn’t help but start slow. This was his first time to taste Taletha, and he wanted to savor every moment of it. She was fresh, savory, and musky all at once.

  After working her clit for a few minutes, Adam started running his tongue up and down her tender slit, occasionally nipping her pulsing flesh with his teeth.

  “Fuck, you’re good,” Taletha gasped, as her legs continued to twitch.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

  “I didn’t tell you to stop and talk, did I?”

  Adam buried his face back between her legs, driving his tongue into her clit with such intensity that her whole body began to writhe. When he sensed she was getting close, he slid two fingers up into her hot, wet cunt, going straight for her G-spot. He hooked his fingers up around the throbbing button, pressing down in time with the licks he continued delivering to her clit.

  “God fucking damn,” Taletha screamed. Adam felt her entire body lock up with orgasm, then release onto the mattress.

  “So I’m good?” he asked, sliding back up next to her.

  “Don’t be coy.”

  “I’m fucking fantastic?”

  “You know it.”

  “I’ve helped you relax?”

  “You’re even better than a massage.”

  Taletha seemed to drift off. Adam’s cock was so hard that it ached, but he didn’t want to wake her for his own pleasure, not after the day she’d been having.

  Sliding his cock through the slit in his boxers, Adam started fondling the head of his cock, then quickly moving to stroke the shaft. Like Taletha, he was too wound up for much teasing.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Taletha asked, opening her eyes.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “Jerking off.”

  “Did I give you permission to jerk off?”

  “That’s not allowed?”

  “Not if I want you to fuck me instead.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted me to. I thought you were tired and wanted to sleep.”

  “You really need to learn how to ask questions. Now fuck me.”

  Sliding out of his boxers, Adam settled himself on top of Taletha, pressing the head of his cock against her waiting cunt.

  “I said no teasing.”

  “I’m the one on top here.”

  “Do you want to go back to masturbating? I can make that happen.”

  Adam wasn’t about to toy with Taletha. He hadn’t yet figured out when she was being serious and when she was joking. He plunged inside of her cunt, feeling her muscles envelope him. Hooking his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her up so they were both in a sitting position. He loved the way her smooth legs wrapped around his waist. Wrapping his own hands around her back, he started to bounce her up and down, enjoying the way it felt to control her thrusts, even though she was the one on top of him.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re right on my G-spot.”

  “And that’s exactly where I want to be.”

  Adam took off in a fury, slamming her up and down. She was just at the right angle for him to lean up and bite the flesh of her neck. He couldn’t decide which made him hornier, the salty taste of her flesh or the way she screamed when his teeth pressed into her skin. He moved faster and faster, until the cum in his balls began to boil.

  “Oh, god, Taletha, yes!” he shouted as his cock gave a final throb and sent an electric orgasm shooting through his body. As he felt her pussy squeeze him even tighter and her nails dig into his shoulders, he knew his release had spurred hers on.

  They collapsed sideways on the bed, and he slipped out of her. Taletha curled back up against him and finally fell asleep. Adam stayed awake awhile longer, watching her. Something stirred in his heart, which worried him.

  I can’t be falling in love with her, he thought. Not this soon. But as he watched her rest, he couldn’t deny the power of the feelings building up inside him. Eventually, he realized sleep would never come. Not when he had a beautiful woman to watch and a number of emotions to work out.

  Chapter Seven

  By the end of the business day, Morris hung up the phone and grinned at Lynne. They had contacted the insurance company, placed rush orders for new mirrors and floors, and set up an appointment for new window installation. “We’ve done it.”

  She smiled back. “Was there ever any doubt?”

  “I think Taletha was worried that it wouldn’t all come together without her running the show.”

  “Hopefully, she’ll never doubt our abilities again.”

  “After this, I don’t think she will. Are you sure you’re okay with staying to wait for the window installation?”

  “It’s not like I have anything else to do. I mean, it’s a work day, so my only plans were to come here. I’m usually here until at least eight o’clock anyway.”

  “Okay, if you insist. Thanks so much for your hard work today. I know that Taletha will appreciate it.” He turned to go.

  “Can I ask what’s going on between the three of you?”

  Morris jumped. “Excuse me?”

  “Something is going on between the three of you. I mean, everyone on staff saw the three of you making out at The Copa. I asked Taletha about it when she came back to the club, but you know she’s not really the type to give details.”

  Morris chuckled. “No, she’s really not.”

  “I know it’s not necessarily any of my business, but you’re my friend as much as she is, and I just wanted to see how everything was going.”

  Morris hesitated for a moment. But he and Lynne had developed a friendship from the moment he’d started teaching at the studio. He could trust her to be discreet and give him good advice.

  “So far, this has been both the most surprising and amazing experience of my life. It’s completely changed my outlook on love. I’d never really pictured myself sharing a woman. I mean, I guess I fantasized about casual
threesomes from time to time, but I never envisioned that kind of scenario with someone I loved.”

  “I know how long you’ve wanted Taletha.”

  “I more than enjoyed it. Sharing Taletha showed me that I don’t need to have her all to myself to be happy. Today is a perfect example of that. She had two men to take care of her when she needed help. I mean, you were great too, but”

  Lynne nodded and smiled. “I understand. Go on.”

  “Having a threesome with Taletha and Adam just felt so right. It was the most perfect sexual encounter of my life. I don’t want to fight with Adam over Taletha. I want us to date her together. If you’d asked me even a week ago if I’d ever feel that way, I would have said you were crazy, but now that I’ve had a taste of it, I can’t imagine going back.”

  “So what happens now?”

  Morris shrugged. “I don’t exactly know.”

  “What do you want to have happen?”

  “I want more. I want to keep sharing Taletha with Adam. I want us to move in together. I still want all the things I wanted with Taletha before. I just also want Adam to be a part of the picture.”

  “In that case, I think you should really go home and spend some time with them. Seriously, go. You’ve done enough today, and you deserve a break.”

  “I just—I just can’t shake the feeling that this could all fall apart. Maybe Taletha doesn’t want those same things.”

  “Well, you’ll never know the answer if you hide out at the studio. Go to her. Talk to her. Talk to Adam, too. And if she doesn’t want the same things that you do, you’ll recover. I know you will.”

  Morris nodded. “You’re right. Thanks, Lynne.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. Answering phones and providing relationship advice.”

  “Don’t work too late. Call my cell if you have any problems.”

  “You got it.”

  Morris called Taletha on his way out the door. “How are you feeling?”

  “Great. Adam and I have just been hanging out, mostly napping. You want to come over and join us?”

  “That sounds great. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  As he drove through the neighborhood to Taletha’s apartment complex, Morris tried to let the hurt and frustration he was feeling slip away. Lynne is right. I need to give Taletha the benefit of the doubt until I’ve actually talked to her. He repeated those lines to himself until he pulled up in the parking lot and opened the door to her apartment.


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