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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  That has to be it.



  Ryan walks into the room and, after helping himself to a cup of coffee, rests beside me. "Sorry I'm late," he offers, taking a sip of the drink in his hands.

  “You weren’t invited,” I mumble.

  "You're only jealous because I spotted her long legs first." He grins. "I like her…in a brotherly way, of course."

  "Of course, you do." I roll my eyes. "The parents want to know my intention toward Poppy."

  “I’d marry her!”

  “Jaxon!” Mom groans. “All because she is pregnant does not mean your brother has to marry her.”

  "You're kidding, right? He's in love with her, why wouldn't he marry her?"

  Heat creeps up my neck and onto my face as Ryan’s big mouth drops me in it. I wrap an arm around his neck and say, “Why don’t you get married?”

  “No way, man. I’m good.” Jaxon grins.

  Dad focuses on him, and Ryan twitches. "We need to have words about that," Dad says.

  “I’m not talking about my…um…my—”

  Dad crosses his arms in front of his chest and grins. “Work?” he offers.

  “Yeah! Work.” Ryan grins and nudges into my side. “So, why are you both on at Jaxon over Poppy? I don’t get it. She’s pretty. She obviously cares about Jaxon and his feelings, or she wouldn’t have come back, especially pregnant. That should go a long way toward accepting her at face value.” Ryan pauses. “And as I said before, Jaxon loves her so, I don’t see the problem.”

  “Just wait until you have a girl pregnant,” I counter.

  “Hell no! Two condoms at a time.” He smirks. “I’m too young for kids.”

  Surprised, I laugh. “How the hell do you feel anything with all that—” I catch Mom’s eye “—wrapping?”

  “I think I’ve heard enough.” Mom squeezes my arm. “As long as you’re happy, Jaxon, then we are.”

  “Oh,” Ryan straightens and winces, “On my way in, Poppy was on her way out.”

  “What?” I move to go and find her when Ryan grabs my arm.

  “She was upset.” He glances between the three of us, and adds, “Maybe she overheard you talking.”


  Ignoring Mom’s wince at the ‘F’ word, I move with speed to the front of the house, sighing in relief as I spot my girl relaxing on the porch. Catching my breath, I take a moment to watch her. The peaceful look on her face as she stares off over to the horizon. The way a hand softly strokes back and forth over her baby bump. Something in my chest flutters at the beauty of my woman. She's a clever girl. Having a doctorate and becoming a Professor at a young age is not easy to do, but she did it. Beauty and brains.

  “Are you going to watch me all day?” she asks softly.

  "I could." I join her, and after only a moment's hesitation, I take her hand into mine. "What did you hear?"

  Smiling softly, she says, “Ryan told you?”

  "Nothing. He said you might have heard something." I glance away, kissing her palm before I rest it on my thigh. My hand covers hers, but I realize it isn't enough. Giving her a slight tug, she follows my lead and settles on my lap. My arms wrap around her waist, and I'm thrilled when she rests her head on my shoulder. "My parents wanted to make sure you and the baby are what I wanted. I dropped you both on them earlier, and I should have known better. I just didn't want you to leave Lexington if I didn't keep you close."

  I continue, “I don’t know what the future holds for either of us, but one thing I am certain of is that I want you and our baby part of mine. Not just the baby Poppy. I had no idea you were pregnant when I went after you the first time, nor did I know when I planned with Ryan to go after you again.” I kiss her forehead. “As long as I’m happy, then my parents’ are. They just wanted to make sure.”

  “Ryan likes me,” she comments, and I tense beneath her. “He does, but as your…um—”

  “Girlfriend is the word you’re looking for.” My lips curve into a smile against the top of her head. “I’m afraid too, Poppy. I’m afraid of screwing up with you because I don’t really know what I’m doing. I never expected you to show up pregnant, but I find that I’m happy you did.” Playing with the ends of her dark hair, I add, “Tomorrow, we’ll move into the guest accommodation at McKenzie’s until we can find our own place.”

  After a long pause, she says, "I don't mind staying here, for now, Jaxon. I don't want to put anyone out."

  "I'm selfish. I don't want to share you with anyone—at least not yet." I kiss her on the tip of her nose. "I want you to be completely comfortable, and I should have thought about that before I brought you here."

  She frowns and looks away.


  “They don’t want me here.”

  “Who? My parent’s?” I pull her closer and turn her face directly up to mine. “They do want you here. I wish you hadn’t overheard anything, then you’d believe me. They’re good people, Poppy.”

  She squeezes my hand. “It’s all new to me as well. You’re not the only one who is adapting here. I’m scared. I don’t like being scared.”

  “You don’t have anything to be scared of from me. I won’t hurt you and, I hope one day you’ll be able to trust me.” I pause, taking a moment for my emotions to run their course before saying, “Having you in my arms is right where I want you.”

  “Oh,” she murmurs, wrapping her arms a bit awkwardly around my neck. “I’m glad I overheard what I did because you’ve reassured me. It’s what I needed.” She nuzzles into my throat and adds, “I want to be right here with you too.”

  Hearing her sigh softly in my ear sends all kinds of messages to my body, especially the part that she's sitting on. The more I caress her, the more uncomfortable I become. It doesn't matter, because I have Poppy in my arms, and she isn't going anywhere.

  She starts to wiggle on my lap, and the moment I hear a moan leave her lips, my cock becomes hard as a rock. She moans loudly this time, and the sound goes straight to my balls.

  “I’m not going to be able to move if you keep rubbing on me.”

  “I need you,” she hisses.

  Dropping my head against the back of the chair, I groan, arching upwards and clamp my hands to Poppy's hips to keep her still. No way am I going to let her rub herself to climax out here on the porch, nor do I want to come in my jeans—or get interrupted.

  “I need to calm down, and so do you.” It pains me to say those words because I want to carry her upstairs to my bed. “Tonight,” I mumble, gently moving her into the other rocking chair. “Tonight, I’m not going to stop.”

  Her eyes darken with need. “You promise?”

  “I promise.”



  The moment Jaxon leads me inside the house, his mother, Rosie, rushes over and pulls me straight into her arms for a hug. “I’m so sorry you overheard our conversation.”

  My eyes flicker to Ryan, who is slumped on the sofa grinning.

  Rosie holds me at arm's length and continues, "We don't have anything against you. However, it was a big surprise having Jaxon not only bring a girl here but his pregnant girlfriend. It took a short time to adjust. Regardless of the circumstances, I want you to know that you are welcome here.” She smiles, tears hovering on her lashes. “You’re carrying our grandchild and our son—”

  "Mom!" Jaxon interrupts abruptly, and then calmly says, "Thank you for saying that to Poppy. Everything else I'm capable of telling her myself." His hand slides to the nape of my neck, where he caresses with his thumb. “I smell cheese biscuit.” He sniffs the air as my tummy grumbles rather loudly.

  It certainly breaks the ice as everyone laughs while I feel my cheeks heat. “Sorry about that.”

  “I’ve made buttermilk cheese biscuit. The recipe is actually for British cheese scones.” Rosie smiles as we follow her into the kitchen.

  Jaxon ushers me into a seat at the large wooden table before moving to sit besi
de me. "Mom loves trying recipes out from all over the world."

  "Help yourself, Poppy. They're fresh out of the oven." Rosie places a large plate in the center of the table with the hot food. Next, she puts a dish of butter at either side of the table, along with a platter of different meats; ham, chicken, salami, chorizo and, another plate with cheese.

  My belly gives another grumble, and to my amusement, it's Ryan who uses serving utensils and puts food in front of me. Silence descends, and Ryan looks around the table, frowning. "She's hungry." He shrugs. "Jeez. I don't know what's wrong with everyone. I'm helping out a sister." He starts eating his own food while his mother clears her throat.

  “That’s nice of you, Ryan,” Ruben states.

  “Yeah,” Jaxon agrees.

  I nudge into his side, and Jaxon winks then nods toward my food.

  The biscuit (scone) melts in my mouth with the flavor bursting on my tongue. Even though my stomach had been letting everyone know it needed food, I hadn't felt that hungry, but as I eat, I realize I'm starving. "These are delicious," I comment, and Jaxon laughs as I take another.

  “At the next family cookout, you won’t know what to eat because it will all be delicious.” Jaxon smiles.

  Ryan adds, “Mom with our aunts cook up a storm, and our sister, Sofia, is a baker, so she makes the most amazing cakes.” He looks dreamy, and Jaxon tosses a biscuit at him.

  “No!” Ruben states as Ryan goes to throw it back. “We didn’t raise you as baboons.”

  Jaxon laughs. "Me, you didn't."

  “I’m going to stop while I’m ahead.” Ryan stands.

  “That’s what you think.” Jaxon drapes an arm over my shoulders.

  Shaking his head, Ryan smirks and quickly kisses me on the cheek. “It’s nice to have another sister.”

  Blushing, I reply, “Thank you.”

  “What’s going on with you?” Jaxon questions his brother. “You know I saw Poppy first, right?”


  Ryan straightens. “I like Poppy, but she isn’t—” he curses under his breath, “—never mind. I have work to do.” He leaves.

  I'm curious about Ryan. However, I decide to keep my questions to myself for now after that little display of jealousy from Jaxon. Rosie frowns as her older son leaves and, after a quick glance at Ruben, shakes off whatever she was thinking.

  “So, Poppy, we know nothing about how you two met.”

  “Mom,” Jaxon groans.

  “It’s okay.” I laugh at the horror on Jaxon’s face. “I was his college Professor.”

  Ruben chokes on the sip of coffee he’d just taken, so I decide I better come clean.

  “I was a visiting Professor at the University.” I grin. “So not as bad as it sounds. I’d finished my term when we, um, got together.”

  "Hell, no, it isn't." Jaxon quickly kisses me on the lips. "The best thing that ever happened to me." He kisses me again before moving away slightly. "We're going to move into one of the apartments at the top of McKenzie's tomorrow until we can find our own place." He looks at his dad. "Is this okay?"

  "You don't need to ask. You know this, Jaxon."

  "Thanks, Dad."

  “Honey, you both can stay here. We really don’t mind.” Rosie takes her husband’s hand in hers.

  “They need time alone to work this parenting thing out without us interfering," Ruben kisses his wife’s palm. “We’ll be here if they need us.”

  "We'll need you, Mom. Don't worry." Getting to his feet, Jaxon holds his hand out for me. "Let's go."

  “Where you off to?” Rosie asks.


  Ruben burst out with a laugh, which he quickly covers up with a cough. He turns his back and moves toward the sink, turning the faucet on and washes his hands. I'm guessing it's so he doesn't have to look at us.

  My face feels as hot as a furnace. I turn to Jaxon, who grins like an idiot at his parents. "You two are not the only ones who can take naps during the day, together.”

  Horrified, I want to run from the room with embarrassment. I’m sure if Jaxon weren’t holding me so tightly, I would have.

  “Jeez,” he adds, “Poppy is pregnant and needs her rest. What did you think I mean?”

  "Oh, just go." Rosie ushers us from the room while covering her cheeks before she turns to her husband, who smirks at her. I don't miss the way Ruben looks at Rosie as Jaxon leads me from the kitchen.

  “I don’t think we’re the only ones going for a nap,” I comment.

  "Oh, God! They're my parents." He shudders.

  Closing the bedroom door, I drop onto the bed. “If you think you’re getting into my panties now, you can forget it.”

  Jaxon takes my shoes off and stands over me. “Seriously?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed.”

  "You want to nap? Like, go to sleep?"

  I can’t help myself and laugh at the disappointment on his face. “Your parents’ know what is going to happen in this room. I think we should wait until tomorrow night.”

  “Whether or not we both get naked, they’ll think we did, so we might as well do what they assume.”


  “I’m a genius,” he says, tossing his t-shirt across the room.

  My eyes go to his chest and caress downwards over the ridges of his torso, toward the low hanging jeans. I lick my lips at the sight of his erection straining against the zipper. "Poppy," his lust-filled voice melts my panties.

  Sitting up, I fight with my dress and then feel Jaxon’s hands on my hips as he tips me back down to the bed. My panties are yanked down my legs before disappearing. Jaxon places his large warm hands on my belly and caresses our baby. I'm stuck inside my dress, but I can't move. Jaxon is everywhere. His lips slide up my thighs while his hands continue stroking and caressing. I feel the bed dip, and then Jaxon is lifting me up the bed, seconds later the front clasp of my bra is opened, my breasts spilling out.

  “Fuck,” Jaxon curses, his hands cupping my flesh while his fingers pinch and roll my nipples.

  I wiggle to try and get free of the dress, but no luck. The moment I feel Jaxon's mouth between my legs, I buck and find myself held down to the bed. His tongue darts out and plays teasingly with my clit. My head spins, and everything within me clenches tightly.

  “Jaxon,” I moan. “I can’t breathe. Get me out of the dress.”

  He chuckles before rising over me. I feel every inch of him; his torso slides over my belly, his legs slide against mine, his penis throbs where it lies along my groin. My legs wrap around his hips as I’m finally freed of the dress. Jaxon’s eyes blaze heat into mine seconds before he claims my mouth. There is nothing gentle about the kiss as his passion consumes me.

  I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps around me. He's careful of the baby as his body rests against mine. The majority of his weight he keeps from me but being covered in Jaxon is fantastic.



  My cock rubs along Poppy's groin, and my chest softly grazes her nipples. I'm completely turned on by this woman. I don't think she realizes just how much. What I feel for her is a lot more than sex. However, having her naked and writhing beneath me drives me crazy to the point that I struggle to think. I desperately want to thrust into her welcoming pussy and pound her into the bed.

  Her taste on my lips, the way her legs wrap around me and, the way her fingernails dig into the top of my ass, has my breathing heavy with need. I have to physically force myself not to take her the way I want to. Breaking from our kiss, I hold her gaze and capture a hard nipple between my lips—sucking and tugging. She rubs on me while I leak precum on her beautiful skin.

  Switching to the neglected breast, Poppy hisses and, moaning, raises her hips. "Jaxon, inside me," she cries. "Oh, God." Her hips rock and thrust up, trying to capture my cock.

  Changing position, I slide a finger between the wet lips of her pussy and slip a digit inside. Poppy moans and covering her face with her hands, throw
s her head back, arching upwards. I use my thumb to rub and press against her clit and feel her juices coat my finger.

  “I need to be inside you.”


  Pushing her legs wider, I wrap a hand around my dick and stroke a few times, realizing she watches through heavy eyelids.

  “This is because of you,” I tell her, rubbing the head of my cock through her arousal. “All because of you,” I moan the words as I push inside of heaven.

  My fists clench at the feel of her wrapping around me. I want to wrap fully around her, but I can’t with the baby bump so, I grab her bottom and hold her tightly. “Move with me. I want you on top.”

  Her eyes darken as she clings to me with arms and legs. I have us rearranged and snap my eyes shut while I try and breathe through the lust burning through me. I peer up at her. "You're a fucking goddess." I spread my fingers over her bottom, feeling her reaction around my cock. "Ride me, slowly,” I force out between clenched teeth.

  Like a siren, she holds her long hair on the top of her head and gently undulates on me. Her breasts sway, the nipples rock hard. From the position I have on her body with my hands, I help her move. The slow-motion drives me crazy, but I’m determined to make this last.

  Poppy moans and reaches to steady herself with her hands on my chest. Her fingers slide over me until she’s rubbing and pinching my nipples. My dick jerks hard while my balls are so filled that I’m not going to be able to hold off for much longer.

  Surprising the hell out of me, Poppy cups her breasts and starts tugging on her nipples. My concentration goes to hell and, I’m growling as her orgasm pulses and throbs around my penis, tugging my own release free. Jerk after jerk of come shoots from my body and into hers, and nothing has ever felt so fucking good.

  Her hot little pussy continues to ripple, shooting hot pleasure from my balls to the tip of my cock.

  Poppy collapses on me, which must be uncomfortable for her, so I roll us to our sides. I can’t bring myself to leave her body, so I lift her leg over my hip, which keeps me inside.


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