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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

Page 17

by Lexi Buchanan

  He isn’t joking either. You can even make out the piercing.

  “I should have given you something else to wear.” Frowning, he continues to stare and only moves his eyes up to my face when the door behind me opens. “It’s Levi.”

  Ryan wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Levi, meet my girlfriend, Gretchen. Gretchen, my cousin, Levi.” He squeezes my shoulders before taking my hand. “I’m going to show Gretchen the view from the back.”

  “Is that what you’re calling it now, huh?” Levi laughs. “I forgot to take pictures and Emma is bugging the shit out of me to send her some.” He winces. “Emma’s my sister,” he adds for my benefit, lifting his phone and snapping a picture of Ryan and me. “She’ll want one of you two as well.”

  Ryan shakes his head and leads me outside, where I find myself mesmerized with the view. Fields and fields of sunflowers go on for miles in front of my eyes. Rolling hills are just full of yellow flowers. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful before.

  “I bet you didn’t know these were out here, huh?” Ryan slips behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, drops his chin onto my shoulder. “This, right here, is what made my decision to go in with Levi a no brainer.” He sighs. “I was most of the way there once I heard his idea, but seeing this, my decision was made. This side of the barn is the one to be opened up. Imagine dining during the day or early evening with that view, and once it’s dark, the moonlight will be overhead.”

  “It sounds amazing, Ryan.”

  “We’ll have to have some sort of glass over the outside dining area to keep the bugs out. However, it’s going to look good…and I’m going to have you on my arm when we open.” He kisses my cheek.

  I turn my face toward Ryan and reaching for his face, I cup his whiskered cheek as I lift my lips to his. “I’d like that a lot.”

  “Hmm, me too.” He moves his lips in sync with mine, tightening his grip on me as our kiss grows hotter.

  “I hate to interrupt,” Levi drawls.

  We slowly break from the kiss and Ryan kisses the tip of my nose before replying, “Don’t you have anything better to do.” He laughs.

  “No. What are cousins for but busting your balls?” Ryan winces. “At least stop with the touching and everything.” He waves his hands around. “It’s damn frustrating.”

  “Hang out at Kenza a bit longer and I’m sure you’ll get hooked up.”

  “Maybe, I will.” Levi glances between us. “I’m heading back into town.”

  “Join us for lunch first,” Ryan invites. “I promise we’ll keep our body parts covered.”

  “Jeez, thanks!” He shakes his head. “I’ll meet you at the Italian down the road.”

  “We can do what I promised, right?” Ryan whispers, his lips trailing down my neck.

  “I’m not dressed for a restaurant.”

  “There’s a small boutique next to the restaurant. We’ll get you a dress.” He kisses along my jawline. “And a pair of shoes that fit you.”

  “The red shoes I wore last night fit me.”

  “Those shoes are ‘fuck me’ shoes, and no way are you strutting around in them today. I’m having a hard enough time not taking you back to my apartment and spending all day between those beautiful legs of yours.”

  Clearing my throat, I move out of his arms and take his hand. “As much as I’d love that, I’m not sure my little pussy could take your penis over and over again in one day.”

  My words have the desired effect, and his mouth falls open before snapping closed. I grin as he walks me back to his truck. Every step he takes is one of frustration. He even limps once or twice. It feels good and fills me with excitement, knowing he reacts to me in this way.

  At the truck, he lifts me inside and gives me a pointed look.

  I smirk in return.

  “You know,” he grabs his erection and after some wrangling gets the large bulge to lie against his groin, “I think I was in high school the last time I had blue balls.”

  Giggling, I add, “It will be good for you to wait.”

  “Easy for you to say,” he grouches.

  I kick the too-big chucks from my feet and curl into the seat, spreading my knees in a way to tease.

  Ryan’s eyes go straight between my legs as a curse leaves his mouth.

  “Drive, Ryan.” I love teasing this man, and the way he reacts to me is all the confidence I need to sit in this way.

  “Close your legs,” he hisses, forcing his eyes to the road as he turns the truck and points it in the direction of the restaurant.


  He doesn’t answer until he comes to a stop at the lights, and then he slowly turns his face toward mine. His eyes narrow and drift downwards. “Because”—he inhales and slowly exhales—“my dick is hard as fuck with you sitting there, showing me your wet pussy.” He licks his lips and continues, “Your little pink clit is swollen. All I want to do is pull over to the side of the road and shove my face between your legs.”

  “Oh!” I finally do as he asks and close my legs, but only because I need to ease the ache that is building. I rub them together and give a little moan, which has Ryan cursing.

  “You win,” he hisses.

  He slides a hand up the leg of the shorts. I whimper and slide further down in the seat to give him better access.



  “Another one bites the dust,” Rob laughs, making up a couple of cocktails while I pull a glass of beer.

  I give him a sidelong glance and feel myself smiling when I focus on Gretchen. She’s sitting at the bar with Levi for company, while I’m helping Rob, and the two other servers this evening. I couldn’t be happier. Her smile alone is enough to set me up for the day, in more ways than one.

  Coughing to hide another laugh, he says, “I’m curious, though.” He pauses, composing himself, “If you’re wearing multiple condoms at the same time, do you feel anything?”

  I go still and watch him trying not to bust a gut laughing. “Haha, very funny.”

  “I thought so.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re still okay for Jaxon’s bachelor party tomorrow night, right?”

  “Before you closed Kenza to the public, I was on shift, so it’s all good. Besides, I’m curious as to what your uncle Sebastian has planned.”

  “God, don’t remind me.”

  Rob laughs. “You haven’t said what the girls are getting up to.”

  “They’re not. Poppy is asleep by seven each evening, so they’re going to do something once she’s had the baby.”

  “Ah, okay.” Rob moves along, serving drinks.

  Thinking back to the condom remark, I cringe because those words had left my mouth. I mean, when you have a sister and cousins popping out babies, it’s scary shit, especially when at the time of the remark I was still a carefree bachelor.

  Rapidly blinking, I find a stacked blonde leaning on the bar toward me. “You’ve been staring at me.”

  I frown.

  Have I?

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was thinking about something else.” I smile. “What can I get you?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to play?” She pushes her boobs together and I’m happy to know the move does nothing for me.

  Shaking my head, I pour her a glass of red wine. “On the house.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a hand with sharp fingernails moving toward my wrist so, I quickly avoid her grip and move to the end of the bar. Levi laughs and Gretchen looks nervous.

  “Everything okay, here?”

  “I was going to ask you that,” Levi smirks. “You legged it over here as though your jeans were on fire.”

  “Very funny. I wasn’t talking to you.” I lean toward Gretchen, wrap a hand in her long hair and bring her toward me. “I wasn’t aware that I was staring in her direction until she came over and pointed it out.” I brush a soft kiss across her lips. “I got lost in thought thinking about…things.”

  “I be
lieve you.”


  “She’s stunning.”

  Incredulous, I move out from behind the bar while quickly unfastening the apron, which I push it into Levi’s chest. “Take over for me. Back soon.”

  I grab Gretchen’s hand and drag her down the hallway and into my office. The moment the door is locked, I push her forward over my desk, flipping the skirt of her dress up over her round ass. The black thong she wears is soaked as I pull it down her legs, forcing her to step out of it.

  Making quick work of my zipper, I take my cock in hand and press the length between the cheeks of her ass. My hand's cup and squeeze her butt, pressing her flesh together, giving me friction as I rock my hips.

  Gretchen uses her hands to push up slightly from the desk, and my view over her shoulder and down between her tits is superb. However, I nearly fucking come all over her lower back when she unzips the front of the dress and her tits spill out.

  “This is going to be the quickest quickie,” I hiss, align my dick and slide home in one hard thrust. I freeze. So, fucking good. Then— “Fuck me! No condom. Oh, fuck! Don’t move. Don’t even squeeze me because I’ll come. Fuck!”

  “Ryan,” she gasps, moaning loudly. “Come inside me. I’m on birth control. Don’t stop.” I cup her tits and start pinching and rolling her nipples. I hammer my cock in her wet heat, pull on the silver piercing, which drives me out of my mind. My dick jerks so fucking hard, and when Gretchen pulses tightly around me during her release, I squirt a long stream of semen. The stuff just pumps into her and I never want to stop. The pleasure unravels me as I’m on my toes, trying to get deeper. With each small twitch of her pussy, I spill more, rocking my hips in the warmth.

  Entirely spent, I collapse on top of her, pushing her face-first into the desk. “I’ll move. Give me a minute.” I pant, my hands squeezing her breasts.

  “I like having your weight on me. Your hands on my breasts,” she comments. “You’re getting hard again.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m too fucking excited being inside you without a condom.” I pull out and help her to face me with her butt on the edge of my desk. Her red hair hangs in disarray around her face and she looks like she’s just had the best fucking of her life. Not that I’m going to tell her that.

  Too distracted looking at how fucked she is, I’m only aware she’s moved when a small hand wraps around my cock. Her thumb rubs over the head before she puts me at her opening. “I want you again.”

  She wiggles, trying to get me inside of her, which I accommodate by shoving my hips forward. Her eyes roll as she lies down on my desk.

  “I’m never going to be able to work on this desk again. You know that, right? All I’ll see is you naked, offering me your pussy.”

  Arching, she clamps around my flesh, her tits heaving. I’ve only just come, but my release is building in my balls at the sexy nymph.

  “Fuck me, Ryan.” She trails a hand over her tit and tugs on the silver, moving her hand lower and lower.

  I can’t move my eyes from that hand and swallow my tongue when she starts playing with her little clit.

  “Don’t stop doing that,” I hiss, gathering her in my arms and clamping my mouth over her tit. My tongue tickles and tugs on that piece of silver, which drives me insane and she blows apart—her orgasm triggering my own. I spill into her in sync with the tight convulsions wrapping around me.

  Panting, I lie her back down and follow her, my face between her tits while I try and catch a breath.

  “What was I doing before you turned my head?”

  Her hands caress my head while she laughs. “I think you were serving bar.”

  “I don’t think I can walk.”

  “That’s my line considering how wide my legs are spread.”

  “I push myself up and give her a sated grin. “You can spread your legs anytime you want for me.”

  Sliding free of her body, I wince when semen follows my dick.

  “I’m covered in it, right?”

  My eyes follow a trail of semen running down between the cheeks of her ass as it dangles for a moment and then drops to the floor. “You are.”

  “You don’t need to sound so pleased with yourself.”

  “It’s hot as fuck.” I yank my t-shirt over my head and use it to clean her up, taking my time. She watches me through narrowed lids as I make sure she’s dry before I wipe up the drop on the floor. Unable to help myself with her pussy in my face, I lean closer and press a kiss on her clit.

  “Oh God,” she wiggles. “Too sensitive.” One last kiss and I stand, helping Gretchen to do the same. “I can’t believe how you only have to look at me and I’m wet,” she mumbles, distracted with putting herself together. “And when you touch me, my nipples throb and my pussy aches.”

  “Are you trying to get yourself fucked again?” I hiss the question through clenched teeth. “Because I have to tell you, I’m not sure how the hell I’m going to finish working tonight knowing that.”

  Smirking, she moves closer and cups my substantial package, squeezing in a way that means business. “I’ll wait upstairs for you,” she whispers into my ear, nibbling my lobe. “I’ll be naked in your bed.”


  Chuckling, she walks out of the office while I’m left standing in the room like a fucking teenager with my cock so hard, I could pound nails.

  Something has to give, though. We can’t go on fucking like bunnies. We can’t be together without my dick being inside her tight little pussy. Snapping my eyes shut, I know I’m screwed, and it’s only just hit me.

  I’m in a serious fucking relationship. There is nothing to panic about. I’m a grown-ass man at twenty-eight. I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t have a significant other, so why the fuck is my heart about to beat out of my chest with panic? Gretchen is beautiful on the inside and out and…and I’m in love with her.

  Oh. My. God!

  How the hell did that happen?

  Stop being an idiot.

  I wipe my sweaty palms down the leg of my jeans and move to grab a clean black t-shirt, dropping the other in my gym bag. Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I exhale a shuddering breath and head back to work.

  Rob gives me a knowing glance and Levi is busy kissing face with a dark-haired girl. At least I can avoid one of the two or I can keep my head down and avoid both.

  Gretchen is the only girl for me, that is all I know. I just need to figure everything else out because the thought of marriage and kids scares me to death. However, we’ve only been together a week even though it was four years in the making.

  No need to panic.


  The McKenzie Men

  Sebastian stalked into Kenza, where his nephew’s bachelor party was taking place. He looked around. Found his brothers. And headed straight toward them. They’d already claimed the large round booth nearest to the bar. He shook his head. Apart from getting older, the dynamics were the same. However, Noah had been part of the brothers since he’d met Ramon. Also, Sebastian’s son-in-law—he still hadn’t gotten used to referring to Derek, who was nearly as old as he was, in that way—and his brother, Michael’s, son-in-law, Garrett, tended to join them.

  He’d never seen that coming. His daughter, Madison, was head over heels in love with Derek, so who was he to complain? All he ever wanted for his daughter was to find a man who cherished her. She had in Derek. Didn’t mean Sebastian didn’t wince every time he heard the man referred to as his son-in-law. Made him feel twenty years older.

  Lucien, his oldest brother, sat nursing an Irish whiskey, his eyes on him. Sebastian grinned and shoved his brother over to make room. “So”—he met each one in the eye—“I think we need to embarrass our kids and give them the condom talk.”

  Ruben choked on his drink while Garrett and Tanner gave him a confused look.

  Sebastian explained, “As the boys reached the age of fifteen, we gave them the ‘sex’ talk and showed them how to put a condom on a ba
nana.” He grinned. “At least there were no accidental pregnancies while they were still at school.”

  “Jaxon was still at school,” Ruben added, about his son.

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. “He’d finished, so knocking Poppy up doesn’t count.”

  “They loved that talk,” Lucien commented, dryly.

  “What about the girls?” Derek asked.

  Ruben groaned and dropped his face into his hands. Lucien chuckled. Ramon snorted while taking a drink. Noah hit him on the back. And Sebastian was bursting to tell Garrett about his wife, but he glanced at Michael first. That did it. It took a lot to embarrass his brother but remembering giving Sirena the birds and the bees talk, did it every damn time.

  “The girls got the talk”—Sebastian smirked—“however, Sirena, so we discovered, had done her own research.” He shook his head and met Garrett’s frown. “Before you get the wrong idea,” he added. “She’d known the talk was coming, so had used her father’s computer to find everything out for herself, her aim, to embarrass us.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Michael moaned. “Her search history can never be unseen.”

  Garrett laughed, relaxing. “Do I want to know?”

  “I’m never repeating it.” Michael lowered his voice. “Lily thought it was hilarious, as did my brothers.”

  “Sirena asked questions,” Lucien told Garrett. “Lots of questions about, um, certain parts of the male anatomy.”

  Ramon grinned. “As Michael is her father, we did the right thing and sat back and watched him squirm while he tried to come up with answers.”

  “I did offer to answer her questions, being an expert on the male anatomy, but I got scowled at by her father,” Noah added with a wink at Ramon.

  Sebastian bust a nut laughing. “Michael sweated and finally told her to ask her mother…I still think we should have recorded it.”

  “Bastards! The lot of you,” Michael grumbled.

  Derek cleared his throat, “Do I want to know how Madison reacted to such a talk?”


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