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To Surprise A Seer

Page 23

by Jane Cousins

  “Hell.” Matias had to speak loudly to be heard over the drumming rain and the far off rumbles of thunder. “Copper wasn’t kidding. Fast and vicious covers it.” He grinned, his teeth flashing white in the now dimly lit cave. “Um, Quinn, what are you doing?”

  Quinn flashed him a smile as she pulled off her remaining sneaker and then stood up, yanking her top off over her head. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “Well, in a perfect world you would be getting naked.” Matias’s gaze was locked onto the raspberry coloured sports bra that clung and lifted full curves.

  “No world is perfect.” Quinn chuffed a laugh as she skimmed down her black stretch pants and stepped out of them.

  “Matching, huh?” Matias was proud of the fact he could even form words, as he eyed the raspberry coloured briefs Quinn wore that hugged her toned, shapely butt. Damning the dim light for obscuring the view.

  “My favourite bikini is briefer than what I’m wearing.”

  “Oh, now you’re just outright taunting me.”

  “Not at all.” Quinn lied shamelessly, walking towards the sheeting wall of water. “I’m hot and sticky and this might be my only chance at cooling off.” She stepped out on to the open rock ledge, into the cascading fall of water and gasped. Ouch, the torrent pelted against her head and shoulders, it almost hurt. Reaching up, Quinn undid her hair, the mass falling down to her shoulder blades, instantly wet and plastered to her.

  Okay, this was no worse than a vigorous pummelling on the massage table, and at least the water, though not cool, was clean and refreshing. Only one thing was missing. Sticking her head back into the cave she was pleased to note Matias’s gaze was fixated on her. “You joining me?”

  As signals went, Quinn didn’t think she could get any more obvious. He had to know what her invitation meant, he wasn’t an idiot, right?

  “I’m good.” Matias shook his head. Bloody hell. The woman was magnificent. Wet. Her underwear all but see through now that it was drenched and clinging to her. Seriously, just who had he pissed off in this lifetime? First his goldfish memory problems, and now someone had sent this gorgeous creature to torment him with her strict hands off policy?

  He’d already determined that since his memory problems might soon be solved he would wait until after he was fixed to pursue Quinn. Prove to her that he was stable and dependable. That he could fit into her lifestyle. That there was a future for them, together. A future? Not something he’d ever had the luxury of contemplating before. And to think Quinn might share it with him? It… she would be worth the wait.

  Quinn almost choked on some water. Matias was saying no? He didn’t want her? What about all the heated glances? The sexy – I’m picturing you naked - smiles? Had he changed his mind? Finding Copper, being so close to potentially solving his memory problems, had she been just some convenient passing distraction?

  No, hold on. She was missing some pretty damning evidence to the contrary. Those tight jeans Matias was wearing couldn’t hide the fact that the man was clearly aroused.

  Perhaps her signal wasn’t as clear as she thought? She had been pushing him away from the moment they met. Reinforcing her boundaries and keeping him at arms length. “Seriously, you should join me.” She held out her hand, beckoning him closer.

  Matias shook his head. “Unlike some people, I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  Quinn grinned at him. “So?”

  Matias had no memory of stripping. One moment he’d been standing there, the next moment he was plastered to Quinn, the water pelting down onto his skull, making his scalp tingle.

  Reaching down he captured her hand in his, thunder rumbling off in the distance. “I shouldn’t complain.” In fact, he should shut the hell up. But he wasn’t willing to risk a potential future with Quinn by taking advantage of her in a weak moment in a primitive Mayan jungle, some five hundred years in the past. That scenario screamed low down sneaky asshole, connotations that would be hard to come back from. “But are you sure?”

  Quinn smiled, blinking rapidly away the falling water, rising up on tip toes to press her lips against his. “I intend to hold you to that promise you made.”


  “Short and sweet, no holds barred, hot, mega-intense sex. Quote. Unquote.”

  Saint Medard, he couldn’t believe he was still hesitating, but that just proved how special Quinn was. How close he was to lo… to really liking her a lot. “What if I could promise more than that?”

  Quinn caressed his hip, trailing her fingers up over his rib cage, pressing her palm flat over his heart. “You must be tired of being stuck in the past and I’m sick of dreading the future. I just want here and now, is that too much to ask?”

  Matias wanted to delve further into what future Quinn might be dreading, but he was distracted by the silent plea in the stardust blue eyes looking up at him. Water droplets clinging to those dark golden eyelashes. Here. Now. He could give her that. And more, but they could talk about that at a later date. When they were home safe and he was whole.

  Still, a part of him was worried that he was missing a significant clue to the change in Quinn’s behaviour. Of course that was the moment she chose to glide her hand down over his sternum, dipping her hand low to capture his rampant, ready cock in her hand.

  “Playing hard to get, Bubbles? You surprise me at every turn.”

  Matias grinned. “And I don’t intend to ever stop.” Wrapping a hand around her waist, drawing her against him to kiss her slowly and thoroughly. Water cascading around them. Thunder rumbling as lightning lit the dark horizon but all Matias knew, all he was aware of, was Quinn, ready and willing in his arms.

  Quinn’s determination to take charge dissolved, lifting both hands to clutch at his broad shoulders. He tasted like tropical fruit, heat and… she spluttered, pushing herself away, fighting to draw breath.

  Matias grinned, the wall of falling water continuing to sheet down, drumming against his skull and back. “If we stay here we may well drown standing up.”

  Quinn chuffed a laugh that changed into a gasp of surprise as with no apparent effort, Matias picked her up. Seconds later she found herself lying on the makeshift bed of peat moss that had been set up at the rear of the cavern. The moss springy and remarkably soft, even as Matias covered her with the length of his wet, naked body. His lips claiming hers once more as they picked up where they had left off.

  Matias revelled in the velvety softness of Quinn’s bare flesh as his hands roamed over her body. His entire body ached with the need to take her. But he wasn’t so far gone with lust that he would allow his baser instincts to overrule common sense. Quinn wasn’t some barmaid he was coupling with in a store room for a ten minute session of stress relieving, mindless, meaningless nooky. Destined to be nothing more than a one line mention in his journal before his memory reset and he moved on, oblivious to any promises made or feelings evoked.

  This was Quinn. Smart. Funny. Measured and prideful of her self-control. A woman with more certificates of achievements on her office wall than he had fingers. A highly respected member of her community. A woman who didn’t shy away from risks but calculated all the odds before tackling an obstacle. A woman deserving of every shred of self-control he could dredge up. He needed to take his time. Prove that he was worthy of her.

  Quinn had thrown his own words back in his face earlier - short and sweet, no holds barred, hot, mega-intense sex. Oh sure, he fully intended to deliver on that promise… eventually. But for their first time he was determined to take things slowly. Make it memorable. Drive her mindless with need. Blast through all of her shields. Decimate her rigid self-control. Make her want him, not just for now, tonight, but every night.

  Saint Medard. He could only pray that his technique had improved in ten years. At the very least he knew that months of running the beach at Haven Bay had built up his stamina. He wanted their first time together to last… be memorable.

  Hmmm, Quinn was enjoying herself. The
kissing was good… better than good. And the feel of Matias’s hands running over her body sent shivery spikes zinging along her nerve endings, making her heart race and her sex throb. She arched her neck obligingly as Matias trailed heated, soft kisses down over her throat. Hmmm, all good toe curling stuff, except… well, she knew she sounded ridiculous but this slow build up was driving her nuts.

  Any other time she might have appreciated his attention to detail but right here, right now, she wanted hot, she wanted fast and damn it, she wanted an orgasm. Seriously, it was like when she decided to break her strict no-sugar diet. All she’d been able to think about was craving chocolate and when she caved, she’d been none too lady-like devouring that family sized chocolate bar in less than two minutes.

  Not her finest moment, but oh, the sheer relief, as the wave of chocolate bliss crashed over her.

  That’s what she wanted now, toe curling bliss. And damn it, that’s what she was going to have.

  Matias suddenly found himself flat on his back, Quinn kneeling over him. “Problem?” Lighting flashed, turning the sheet of water falling down the cliff-face a brilliant white momentarily.

  Quinn eyed him, wondering just how she was going to go about voicing her demands without sounding either ungrateful or like a voracious love starved nympho. Seriously, she could feel the heat of his hard cock through the thin barrier of her damp raspberry knickers. He wanted her. She wanted him. What was the hold up?

  Huh, maybe she didn’t need to say anything at all.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Matias watched as Quinn stood up, his gaze travelling slowly up those toned athletic legs, over her torso, until he locked on to those glittering stardust blue eyes. Clear challenge radiating in those depths as Quinn reached up and yanked the sports bra off over her head in one smooth move before pushing her knickers down those long legs and kicking them away.

  For a brief moment she just stood there, naked, letting him drink in the sight of her, before she gracefully resumed her seat on his lap. This time there was no barrier between the length of his cock and her hot, ready, wet core.

  By all the Saints. Thank you.

  “You okay?” Quinn asked, breathless.

  “That was a moan of thanks.”

  Quinn grinned, and waited… and then waited some more. “Um… you’re not doing anything.”

  Sweat broke out across Matias’s forehead as he battled for self control. He daren’t touch her, well, more than he was already doing, given she was seated on his lap. The smallest wrong move and he’d be surging into Quinn, no finesse, no technique. “Oh, there’s plenty going on beneath the surface.”

  Quinn frowned, cryptic much? “Look Bubbles, some of us would like to get some sleep tonight. If this isn’t happening…”

  Matias grabbed her hip, keeping her in place, though it cost him as her wet core shifted slightly, the head of his cock settling at the enticing entrance of her core. “You’re forgetting that currently, I don’t sleep.” He managed to grit out between clenched teeth. Don’t look at those magnificent breasts only inches away. Don’t think about cupping them. Teasing and tasting those dark pink enticing nipples. Control. Breathe.

  Quinn had had enough. She was naked. Sitting on him for Goddess sake. And still the man was playing some sort of game that was doing nothing but stoking her need higher without the slightest sign of relief in sight. “Well then, I suggest you spend all night considering just where this whole disaster went wrong.”

  Matias’s other hand whipped up, he was now gripping both her hips, locking her in place. “All night?” He grinned, then chuffed a laugh. He had all night to prove to Quinn that they were right together. He didn’t need to take things slowly. He had all night to explore, touch, tease and taste every square inch of the woman.

  “I think the heat has gotten to you.” Quinn appreciated the clap of thunder that punctuated her sentence, good timing by the heavens.

  She heaved up, intending to get off the man and retreat to another corner of their bolt hole to get some rest. Well away from the frustrating temptation that was Matias Yanez.

  Matias allow Quinn to rise slightly, then gripping her hips more firmly he pulled her back down swiftly, driving his cock deep into her tight, ready core.

  Quinn gasped in sheer surprise at the welcome invasion. Heavens, that felt good. Better than chocolate. Matias filled and stretched her. It had been too long. She whimpered as he lifted her, withdrawing slightly, only to surge upwards once more. Oh, thank the Merciful Lady. She flung her head back, gasping as he began to fuck her at a fast pace that left her breathless and yet still wanting more.

  She released a moan as he reached up, twining his hand through her hair and pulling her down, so their lips smashed together for a heated, sexy kiss before he leant forward to capture her left nipple in his mouth. Sucking on it even as he palmed her right breast. All good. So good.

  The sensations crashed over… through her. Heart racing. Heat bubbling through her veins. His hands were calloused and they felt so good gliding over her skin, gripping her flesh. Holding on to her so tightly as he alternated between planting soft kisses across her overheated, sweaty skin, and using the edge of his teeth to arouse her further.

  Damn, Quinn was so sexy. Her long damp moonlit hair streaming down her back. The soft sounds of breathless encouragement she was issuing only served to drive him into her deeper, faster. Still, he wanted more from her. Rolling them, he loomed over her, lifting one of her legs high onto his hip, adjusting his angle so that his cock slid over her swollen, aching clit, as he pistoned into her fast, hard and deeper still.

  Quinn arched, sighing, his name falling from her lips in a soft, breathless moan of approval.

  Fuck, that’s what he’d been waiting to hear, his name on her lips. He found himself surging in to her even faster, pulling her leg higher so that he could go deeper.

  Quinn’s fingers dug into Matias’s back as she urged him on. Surging up to meet his every thrust. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed directly overhead, the vibration shooting up through her entire body. It was as if they were the only two beings present on the planet. Locked in this heated dance of passion and play.

  Matias growled his approval as Quinn’s tongue flicked across one of his nipples, her soft lips tracing a path up over his chest, his throat, to lock onto his mouth. He surged into her, hips thrusting, as they broke their kiss, both gasping, trying to get the thick, humid air into their lungs.

  “Quinn.” He had to say her name.

  Quinn smiled, her breathing ragged. “Now. Matias.” She dug her fingers into his flesh in encouragement. “Please.”

  As if he could deny her anything. Matias shifted more weight to his knees, the angle increasing the pressure on Quinn’s clit as his cock surged deep into her tight, hot core. Quinn moaned in approval, clenching her inner muscles. Matias’s eyes practically crossed, damn that felt good. He reached down, pulling at her hips, demanding more. Quinn moved under Matias’s command like they were dancing once more.

  Quinn’s whole body was on fire. Yet, Matias kept stoking those flames higher still. With every thrust, tension, need, thrummed through every cell. She needed… she wanted… then he thrust deep, the rigid length of him gliding just right over her clit and her whole body exploded into flames.

  Matias groaned as Quinn’s core clenched him tighter still, yes, nothing had ever felt so good, he thrust eagerly forward one last time as his own climax ripped through his body. His head thrown back, Quinn’s name falling from his lips in one last desperate cry as release tore though him.

  Quinn couldn’t help but smile wearily as Matias collapsed on top of her, welcoming the feel of his heavy weight. Wow. She should probably be analysing what this would now mean, but her brain it seems had turned into mush… happy mush. Sated mush. Damn, she was going to sleep well tonight.

  She half-heartedly batted away at Matias as he planted soft tickling kisses along the side of her throat, nuzzling the sensitive ski
n just below her ear. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Round two?”

  Quinn chuffed a laugh. “I haven’t caught my breath yet from round one. Why don’t we take a nap and regroup later?” She closed her eyes, then snapped them open, disturbed to find Matias’s rich toffee eyes only inches away from her own, a sexy grin gracing those sensual lips of his. “What?”

  “I don’t need to sleep, remember?”

  Oh yes, that stay awake potion he’d taken. “Um, yes… well, surely you need some sort of recharge period?”

  Matias looked down the length of his body, and Quinn couldn’t help but look down also. Her eyes widening at what she saw.

  “You… can’t… really?”

  Matias’s grin broadened further. “Surprise.”

  Chapter Twenty

  That damn stay awake potion, it seems going without sleep wasn’t the only side effect. Quinn wasn’t sure whether she should be sending a thankyou letter to one of her potion making relatives, or lodging a complaint.

  Dipping her hands into the water she’d pulled up from the slow moving river, via a woven basket attached to a vine, Quinn splashed her face before using one of the sleeves she’d ripped from her top to pat her skin dry. There, she stood up, wincing slightly as bruises and sore muscles made themselves known. Heavens, a night of sex with Matias Yanez had proven both exhilarating and a little exhausting. Better than any intense yoga session, that was for sure.

  They’d come together so many times the encounters had begun to blur together. The man had proven insatiable and tenacious. Of course, their first time on the bed of moss was burned into her memory. And the second. And she couldn’t forget the seriously hot session under the sheeting fall of water as the storm began to back off. Her braced against the cliff face, Matias taking her from behind. The tepid water splashing over the two of them doing nothing to cool the raging passion burning between them.


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