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To Surprise A Seer

Page 31

by Jane Cousins

  “That…” She was about to say sounds ridiculous but then she recalled being on the Merry Maverick, and standing on a beach five hundred years in the past. “I suppose that actually makes sense.” She stood up, feeling the need to pace. “But of course no future is completely set in stone. No fate is absolute. So what we saw doesn’t necessarily mean that those events will take place. We can take control, change our destiny.”

  “What if I don’t want to?” Matias rounded the kitchen bench, closing in on Quinn.

  “Don’t want to what?” She’d been so caught up in the theory of it all she’d kind of lost track of the conversation.

  “Change my fate.” Matias took a step closer still. “Avoid my destiny.” Another step. He was expecting Quinn to bolt but she surprised the hell out of him by meeting him half way, so that only a few inches separated them. Man, she smelt good. “You take an awful lot of risks when it comes to your own well-being, Quinn. Blithely opening yourself up to horrible, potentially soul destroying memories, that you re-live again and again, helping others to face their deepest, darkest fears. Stepping up to help me. Travelling through time for me, witnessing the fucking worst day of my life. Getting hurt.”

  “It’s my job to try and help.”

  “You say that like it’s supposed to reassure me. What I don’t get is how easily you risk your own skin when it comes to the big bad world. But how stubbornly you refuse to let me into your personal life. I consider us friends, Quinn.” He’d worked it all out in his head. He’d propose the friend option and insinuate himself into her life so gradually and completely that before she knew it they would be moving in together and using the same tube of toothpaste full time. “And friends share things, both the good and the bad. The fun and the risks. What do you say, friends?”

  This was it. This was her moment to be bold and audacious. Seize the moment. Convince Matias that they were good together, compatible. That if they worked at it, they could find a way to merge their very different worlds to form a mutually beneficial partnership… relationship, or something that sounded a little less dry. “I have several bullet points.”

  “You do?” Matias looked intrigued, the left side of his mouth quirking upwards slightly.

  “Yes. If I may?”

  If Quinn wasn’t running away he’d agree to pretty much anything. And once she finished talking, he intended to tease, tempt and pretty much trick her into agreeing that they were meant to be together. “The floor is yours.”

  Quinn held up a hand and starting ticking off her points. “The sex is good? Between us, I mean, agreed?”

  Matias blinked in confusion. “Er, yes. Agreed.” Where the hell was Quinn going with this?

  “We laugh, enjoy each others company, agreed?”

  “Yes.” He nodded quickly.

  “We challenge each other mentally. Never seeming to lack for a topic of conversation. Agreed?”


  “We both enjoy physical activity. So we have that in common.” Quinn moved onto the next finger. “We recognise the importance of family.” Next finger. “We both originate from magical bloodlines so understand what it’s like to feel different. And that with those unique skills gifted to us, we accept we have a responsibility to live to a higher standard.”

  Matias nodded, Quinn seemed to expect him to.

  “Careers. This is where things get a little tricky, but I think I’ve come up with a work around. I was speaking to several of the Great-Greats and they assure me that a Transportal connection can be linked to a moving object, such as a boat. So if you want to resume treasure hunting full time, you could commute… if you wanted to that is. Or, I suppose I could, though I’m not sure how I would cope with living at sea. But that’s what being a couple is all about, isn’t it? Compromise. Next is our-”

  “Wait. Couple? As in you and I? Together?”

  “For the purposes of this discussion that sounds like a good working definition.” Damn, she sounded uptight and prissy. Which just goes to show despite how bold she was acting she was still a bundle of nerves. Reverting to head shrink mode. “I mean, yes. Is there a problem?”

  Matias smiled, then he started grinning. “Just clarifying. Do you have many more of these…?”

  “Bullet points.”

  “Bullet points to go?”

  Quinn stared at her raised hands for a moment. Counting through the list. “Three more.” She attempted to gauge if her argument so far had swayed him to her position. He was grinning. But then the man might just be happy she only had three points left to make and then he could make a fast escape.

  “How about you skip to number ten?”

  “Oh, okay.” Quinn swallowed hard. Skipping over points eight and nine was no big deal. It’s just she’d put so much effort into the list. She so hated leaving things unfinished. But part of being in a relationship was flexibility, compromise. Okay, she could do this, point ten. “So in conclusion. You strike me more as a short term commitment kind of person, but I’m definitely more into a relationship for the long haul type of personality. So I propose we compromise and set a time limit of two years. At the end of which we can conduct a review and decide mutually whether to continue on with the arrangement.”

  Matias shook his head. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to need to hear points eight and nine.”

  “Really?” Relief swept through Quinn. She really did hate leaving things unfinished. “Okay, point eight. I’m all about the planning and the scheduling. And you’re more about the fly by the seat of your pants and react immediately. But I think that works in our favour. Things will remain challenging. And that’s an important factor when it comes to longevity in relationships. Shocking as it is for me to accept, surprises are a good thing. And you’ve been nothing but since the moment we met. You bring spontaneity to my life. But I, in return, help level you.”

  “Which brings us to nine.” Matias prompted.

  “Yes. Point nine.” She’d come so far. Matias wasn’t running for the door. A very good sign. She could so do this. Shoulders back. Chin tipped upwards she met his gaze and didn’t waver. “And somewhere along the way we fell in love, agreed?”

  “Agreed.” Matias echoed solemnly. Stepping forward those final few inches, he snagged an arm around Quinn’s waist and pulled her in tight. Planting a kiss on those petal soft lips of hers.

  Quinn’s world narrowed to the feel of Matias’s lips on hers. He’d agreed! Her heart raced. Things low and tight in her body melted and relaxed. Except… he hadn’t said the words exactly, had he? What exactly was he agreeing to? She planted her palms against his warm, bare chest and pushed him away.

  “Problem?” Matias’s long dark eyelashes fluttered.

  “You agree? To everything?”

  “Well, not everything. The point about the careers is jumping the gun. I might someday want to head out and do some wreck hunting and if I do, it’s good to know about the Transporter option. But for the immediate future, I think I will be very happy discovering what being a Bar Owner entails besides fixing drinks. Whilst I’ll be spending my free time exploring the most precious treasure I could ever hope to find.” He reached out, pushing a lock of her hair back over her shoulder. “That would be you, Quinn.”

  “Really?” She was about to throw herself at him when Matias held out a hand to stop her.

  “I also have an issue with point ten. This talk of a short-term two year relationship, you can forget that. I want the forever option. The one where we make promises. The one where fate delivers on those scorching hot anomalies. The one where I make you laugh and try and tempt you to eat chocolate. Where we dance. The one where I wake up beside you every day, see your face and it all comes flooding back to me how much I love you.”

  “Goddess.” Quinn was trembling with happiness. “Never stop loving me. Never stop surprising me, agreed?”

  “Agreed.” Matias pulled her in close once more and kissed her. Hands reaching up to push the cardigan from her sh
oulders. “Wait.” He stared down at where his hands were gripping her bare shoulders. “I forgot to ask. What do you see when I touch you?”

  “Us. I see us.” She reached up, her fingers sinking into his damp curls and yanked his head down once more. The bullet points had worked their magic, now it was time to have some fun. She chuffed a laugh as Matias picked her up, twirling her about, striding fast in the direction of her bedroom. It was time for lots and lots of laughter, love and thank Goddess, making those anomalies come true.

  And even more surprises. She had complete faith in Matias that he could deliver on that.


  Four weeks later

  “Let’s just review everything we have discussed today.” Quinn finished the last of her mint, hibiscus and ginger green tea. Placing the fragile cup carefully back on the matching saucer.

  Gaia heaved out an aggrieved sigh. The buttons of her hunter green cardigan straining to contain the bounty of her cleavage for a moment. “Are you sure? He did sneeze… twice!”

  “Insisting Sergei sleep in the garden shed is an over-reaction. Agreed?”

  “Fine. He can move back into the house.”


  “I’ll try to relax.” Gaia unconsciously lay a hand over her bulging five-month swell. “I am trying, really. I’m doing yoga, like you suggested. And I’ve removed the baby gates.”

  Quinn nodded, not allowing her gaze to shift to the shiny new baby lock screwed into the window above the sink, almost beyond Gaia’s reach. She would tackle that issue another day.

  “Okay. One last thing before we finish. I received a copy of your phone records, is there something you want to share with me?”

  A flash of pure stubbornness settled in Gaia’s big blue eyes. “It was just a few phone calls.”

  “Twenty-seven.” Quinn reminded.

  “That many?” Gaia shifted slightly, looking a little guilty now.

  “Yes, all placed within a three day period.”

  “Is she upset?”

  “Luckily for you, more amused. But this stops now. No more hounding any of the major Deities. I don’t know what you were thinking contacting one of the Prophets for something as frivolous as pinning down Hadleigh’s due date.”

  “She wouldn’t even take my call.” Gaia defended.

  “Because she knew why you were ringing.” Quinn gathered up her notes and bag. “She’s a Prophet. All seeing, all knowing of the future.” Quinn fought and won the urge to not roll her eyes. Points to her for being professional. “And tell me. If the Prophet had told you a date, what could you do about it? Babies arrive on their own schedule, Gaia, not one we can plan for or dictate. So promise me, no more phone calls.”

  With Gaia’s reluctant promise ringing in her ears, Quinn stepped into the Transportal, turned around and stepped right back out again, into Hadleigh and Vaughn’s empty bedroom. She was just here to make a quick pit stop before heading home to have lunch with Matias and fight about their upcoming, date not yet confirmed, big, splashy, wedding celebration.

  It was silly really. They’d already had a quick no-nonsense ceremony at the High-Council offices, and were now legally melded, Quinn couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. But Matias was digging his heels in. He thought she… they, deserved something more than a brief, perfunctory swapping of blood and the signing of a legal document.

  He wanted a party. A celebration. Something memorable.

  Which required never-ending discussions in regards to venue options, menus, flower arrangements and a hundred other little things on Matias’s very long, very detailed checklist. He was even insisting they sit down with her cousin, Riya, and discuss the wedding dress. She’d tried explaining to him how Riya’s magic worked. But Matias was insistent and thankfully Riya, rather than being annoyed, was finding the whole thing highly amusing.

  Stepping across the hallway, Quinn entered the room she had strong-armed Hadleigh into designating as the nursery and breathed out a sigh of relief. The walls and ceiling had been painted a soft yellow, and the wood floors gleamed with a recently applied layer of polish. And on the far wall, Fraser had begun sketching the outline of her mural.

  Hadleigh’s first idea for a scene depicting the bloody Battle of Doom Ridge, that took place in the third ring of Hell between the headless Orcs and the venom spitting black Demons, had been shot down by both Quinn and Fraser.

  Instead, they’d settled on Dragons. Glorious fast gold Dragons. Fire breathing silver Dragons. Mischievous reds. Playful blues. Chasing one another, dipping and diving against a backdrop of fluffy white clouds. From the current progress, Quinn was guessing Fraser would have the mural completed in another two weeks.

  Perfect timing. As Erik, one of Hadleigh’s older brothers, would have the first piece of the nursery set he was handcrafting completed by then. A rocking chair. With flying, fire breathing dragons as arms. And more carved into the headrest. No cuddly bunnies or chirping chicks for this baby.

  Quinn considered checking up on a few other tasks she had assigned Hadleigh and Vaughn. Such as trying to get them into the habit of putting away their weapons, rather than just leaving them in untidy piles anywhere around the house.

  But honestly, she had other priorities in her life now. Matias. Arguing with him over their wedding had become her new favourite past time. Mainly because he thought he was being so sneaky and smart. Preparing some scrumptious yummy meal to tempt her. Lull her into relaxing and then he would hit her with his next insane, yet highly romantic idea for their wedding day.

  And when she failed to agree with his suggestion, and yes, she often just said no for the hell of it, Matias would switch on the charm and lure her into bed, until she said yes to any and all of his demands.

  Hmmm, on second thoughts, maybe she should be drawing out the wedding preparations as long as possible. They were so much fun.

  Smiling, Quinn turned and headed back to the Transporter. Matias should be home by now, whipping up something healthy that no doubt would look and taste insanely sinful.

  Stepping out into her hallway, finding Matias was as simple as following the wave of heavenly scents drifting from the kitchen. Quinn only just remembering at the last moment to wipe the big smile off her face.

  “Hey.” Matias glanced up. Looking ten kinds of decadent in tight faded jeans and a loose white shirt that was missing a few buttons, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Just in time.”

  Quinn placed her notes and bag down and approached, trying to see over his shoulder. “Something smells good. What are you making?”

  “Spinach gnocchi with a tomato and basil sauce.” Matias switched off the burners and grabbed some plates. “So, I was thinking about the bridal bouquet. How about white lilies?”

  Quinn’s nose automatically scrunched up. “Hmmm, lilies, I don’t know.”

  “I thought they were your favourite.”

  Quinn shrugged. “I like them fine, but I’m not sure if they would be right for our wedding.”

  Rich toffee coloured eyes sparkled. “Perhaps what you need is some convincing.” He moved around the bench and pulled Quinn into his arms.

  “What about lunch?”

  “It’s not going anywhere. So, what do you say? About the lilies, I mean.” Promised heat lurked in those dark depths.

  “Well, I think you’d better get started on your opening arguments.” She laughed as he leaned over to plant soft kisses down the side of her neck. “We’ll have a lively rebuttal.” Trying not to moan as one of his hands cupped her rear and the other worked on the buttons of her blouse. “And then…”

  “My closing argument will have you screaming yes.”

  Quinn grinned up at Matias. “I might surprise you by saying no.”

  “Which will only result in another round of lively debating.” Matias promised in a low sexy tone, picking Quinn up, planting her butt on the kitchen island, pushing up her skirt so he could stand between her thighs. His rough, warm hands gliding o
ver the silky material of her pull up stockings. “So bring on the surprises.”

  Quinn placed her hand over his heart. The skin warm beneath her touch, Matias’s heart racing fast. “I love you, Bubbles.”

  “And every day, every moment, I thank the seas and the Saints for that fact. You are the love of my life, Quinn. And one day… very soon, we will have that big party, declaring loud and proud for all to know that you are my wife.”

  “And that you are my husband.” She gasped as his hand slid higher still over her thigh.

  “And you’ll be changing your name, right? Doctor Quinn Yanez has a nice ring to it.”

  “No way, no how.” Quinn’s voice was a little breathier than she would have liked.

  “Do you want to argue about it?” His hand slid higher still, Quinn gasped softly.

  “Fl… flowers is the topic on the table for discussion right now… and I remain unconvinced.” Quinn arched into his touch. “Put the name change discussion down on your wonderfully long checklist… and we can argue about it another time.”


  Quinn pulled his head down, planting her lips on his. “Promise, Mr Matias Bennett. Now that has a surprisingly nice ring to it.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Jane Cousins is a not so mild mannered IT Project Manager by day. Her greatest working achievement has been to perfect ‘the silent glare of promised retribution’ that encourages her team to meet their promised deadlines. Over the years her job has taken her all around the world, requiring she live in the UK, China and Singapore. Now settled in Melbourne, Australia, she has adopted the night time persona of author. Which generally involves donning a silk mask, hunching over a computer and fighting in the name of alpha males and their more than a match female counterparts.

  A huge fan of witty banter and smoking-hot instant attraction, Jane has never let the facts or inconvenient reality interfere with the telling of a great story. Currently she is hard at work on book 11 of the Southern Sanctuary Series – To Fight A Fate – to be released – later in 2017.


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