I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!) Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  “Yes, and I ran my fingers and my tongue over your mouth to show you how I felt about it, didn’t I?”

  She was looking into his eyes and it was as if he were looking back at her. To stabilize herself she had been holding to his shoulders, but now seemed like a good time for a hug. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek. “Yes, you did. I don’t understand it, but I believe you.”

  “I want more of your kisses,” Zane slid his lips over the exposed skin of her shoulder. “Will you stay with me tonight?”


  Zane grinned. “I want to have a sleep over with you.” She looked surprised, but she wasn’t the only one. He was surprised at himself. What had changed? With Presley he had no real fear of rejection. She wasn’t like that. In some ways, she was as vulnerable as he was and maybe that made all the difference. But the main reason was that his body was in sexual overdrive. Years of near-celibacy had ramped up his need to the point that he was literally starved for the touch of a woman. Zane craved sex. He wanted to bury his cock as deep into Presley’s heat as he could.

  “I’m so happy. I never thought I would find someone like you,” she buried her head in his neck and let her body relax into his.

  A niggle of doubt attempted to break through the haze of lust that blanketed every molecule of Zane’s being. Part of him realized that Presley was reading more into this than he intended. But he didn’t have the strength or the ability to deny his body the delights of partaking of the sensual offering of Presley’s sweet embrace. Zane needed the touch of another human being – desperately.

  “Let’s get something to eat and get through this evening as quickly as we can. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  Wow. “Okay,” one small word, but to Presley the short expression of agreement was momentous. She was relinquishing her doubts, her insecurities and her innocence into Zane’s hands.

  Presley Grace Love was a virgin.


  Rex wove his way through the people and Presley held his hand and went with them. The crowd parted, everyone knew their host couldn’t see to find his way, but they also had been around him enough not to be surprised that he moved with a high degree of certainty and assurance.

  When Zane held out her chair, Presley wasn’t surprised. Two plates of BBQ were set before them and Zane leaned over, “what’s on my plate and where is it – clock wise.”

  She hesitated a second, then comprehension dawned. “Baked beans are at two o’clock, potato salad is at six and brisket is at ten. A roll is sitting at high noon.”

  “Perfect, Gorgeous,” he placed a hand on her knee and caressed the soft skin. She jumped. “It’s okay; I’m just getting you used to my touch.”

  Becoming accustomed to his touch sounded like an impossible dream – but one she would love to have come true. He slid his hand up a little farther; Presley closed her eyes and waited to see what he’d do.

  “Zane, aren’t you going to introduce me to this pretty lady?”


  It was Kane.

  “Hello, Brother,” Zane smiled, “meet Presley Love Grace, she’s helping me in the office and keeping me company. Presley, this is my twin, Sheriff Kane Saucier.”

  “Very nice to meet you,” she smiled a greeting.

  “I can’t tell you how glad I am to meet you.”

  Zane cleared his throat as if he were giving Kane a warning and Kane laughed. “Maybe you two could come over for supper one night.” Presley started to answer with a noncommittal nicety but Zane beat her to it.

  “Lilibet’s cooking is always a treat,” was all he said before he moved on to another topic. “I wanted to let you know that the grand jury will convene on Hanks next week and Lilibet needs to get ready to testify.”

  Kane let out a long sigh. “I knew it was coming and I know it’s necessary, but I dread it for her. It’s going to drag up so many unpleasant memories.”

  “You’ll be there with her. She’ll be fine,” Zane assured him. “I’ll take care of all the details. We’re gonna put that bastard away for a long, long time.”

  Turning to her, he explained. “A thug with a grudge against Kane kidnapped Lilibet a while back in an attempt to extort money from our family.” They continued the conversation while Presley tried to listen, but it was hard because Zane was still stroking her leg just above the knee.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Kane left one subject for another. “I know you’ve been handling Noah’s case against that shithead Ajax. I thought you ought to know that Harper has just up and disappeared. She and Noah weren’t seeing eye-to-eye and after the bad experience she had and the beating Noah took for her, I guess she couldn’t handle it. Coincidentally, I just got a call today from a fellow over in Louisiana looking for Harper. I thought you ought to know.”

  “What was his name?” Zane asked quizzically. “Does he have anything to do with Ajax? Could he be part of the BDSM world?”

  Presley’s ears perked up, the conversation was taking an odd turn.

  “I don’t think so, he sounded legitimate. His name was Revel Lee Jones. He said he was an old friend of Harper’s and was just trying to locate her. I didn’t tell him much, but I did say that when or if we saw her again that I would pass the word along.”

  “Hmmm,” Zane mused. “I might ought to check up on him, just in case he’s one of Ajax’s thugs trying to cause more trouble.”

  “Good deal,” Kane doffed his hat at Presley. “If you need me for the next couple of days, I’m headed to New Orleans.”

  “What’s going on? Were you summoned?” Being called home by the family wasn’t always a good thing.

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know,”

  Zane thought his twin was being unnecessarily mysterious, but he let it drop. Right now, he had more pleasant things to think about. “All right, be careful on your trip.”

  “I’ll do it, Brother. I hope to see you again, Miss Love. And don’t let this conniving legal eagle take advantage of you – he bears watching.”

  “Thank you, Sheriff,” Presley nodded her head and smiled shyly.

  Willie sang on, people danced and they ate their fill. Several others came up and introduced themselves to her and she knew she’d never keep all the names and faces straight. It amazed her that Zane always knew exactly who was speaking to them. “You have a fantastic memory,” she complimented him.

  “Thanks,” he brushed off the compliment. “People are leaving; soon we can head up to the house. If you’ll sit here for just a few minutes, I’ll go to the barn and make sure all of the arrangements have been made to ship these babies to their new homes.” Standing up, he leaned over and kissed her on the temple before he and Rex strode confidently off. Presley couldn’t help but notice the looks she was getting from the remaining few who were still lingering at their tables or on the dance floor. She could read their expressions clearly – some seemed approving, but there were a few who gave her odd glances and knowing smiles. Her imagination might be running away with her, but it was almost as if she could hear them thinking that Zane wouldn’t be showering her with attention and kisses if he could see her face.

  A waiter brought her coffee and she took a few sips. Her hand was shaking so much she put the other one up to steady the cup. Gracious! She needed to calm down. Thoughts were rushing through her head like white rapids. She was nervous. Being intimate with Zane was mind-blowing. She wanted it. She wanted him. Desire for the handsome lawyer was cascading through her body like lava.

  Presley didn’t know for sure what he had in mind for the evening, but she didn’t think it was a late-night work session. Could she do it? For so long she had just accepted the fact that a relationship was not in the cards for her. And now, this incredible man had noticed her. Honestly, she didn’t have a clue what he saw in her. Lord, the irony of that thought wasn’t lost on her. And God help her, she would give Zane back his sight if she could, but right now she was grateful that he coul
dn’t see her – because if he could, he wouldn’t want her. No one realized that truth more than she did.

  Chapter Four

  “Well, I’m glad that’s over with,” Zane spoke right behind her causing her to jump the tiniest bit.

  “You say that a lot, don’t you?”

  “Kane always said it was my mantra. I said it after finishing every project, after every distasteful chore, even after every tedious date that didn’t work out like I planned.” He picked up her hair and kissed it. “Are you ready to go inside?”

  “Yes,” she stood up, her knees were weak.

  They didn’t have to walk, Sherwood stood ready to drive them further into the property. “Did the sale go well?”

  “It did,” he allowed her to enter first. “Thank you, Sherwood,” he acknowledged his driver’s help. Rex settled at their feet with a flop and a huff. He was tired, too.

  “Where to, Sir? Am I taking the lady home?”

  “No, we’re going to the house, please.”

  Presley was embarrassed, but Zane covered her hand with his.

  “Very good, Sir.”

  She couldn’t tell what Sherwood was thinking; hopefully it wasn’t bad thoughts about her. When the car pulled up in front of the house, Presley was in awe. It was so beautiful! But it fit Zane so well, “I love your home,” she told him as they exited the vehicle.

  “Thank you, Presley.” Zane unleashed Rex and he ran happily around the yard. “He needs to do his business.” Sherwood left them after a brief exchange with Zane.

  “Will he come back when he’s through?”

  “Yes, Rex is impeccably trained.” A whinny from the barn drew Zane’s attention. “The horses are accustomed to me spending some time with them every night.”

  “Go, if you need to, I don’t mind,” it would give her time to settle her nerves – before – before – whatever was to come.

  “No,” he stepped right up against her, his body heat encompassing her and making her shiver. “I’m right where I want to be.”

  He took her face in his hands and caressed it tenderly, pushing her hair back behind her ears. As he had earlier, he ran his finger over her face, lightly, but this time he retraced the path with his lips. By the time he was finished, Presley was wet and wanting.

  Rex bounded up and Zane got them in the house. He refused to turn her loose. But it was dark. “Can I turn on a light?”

  Zane laughed. “There’s not one on?” At her groan of embarrassment, he chuckled. “It’s okay, I’m teasing. Please, turn on the light. If I remember correctly, it’s to the right side of the front door. Rachel had the evening off and she didn’t know I’d be having company.”

  She found the light and flipped it on, instantly the darkness was illuminated by recessed lighting built into the wood ceiling. Presley took the room in – it was beautiful.

  “Did you find it? Can you see now?”

  She touched his shoulder, “Yes, you have a beautiful house.”

  For a moment her tone reminded him of Margaret’s. The memory gave him an uneasy feeling. “What appeals to you?” He knew what the answer would be: the expensive Persian rugs, the original art work on the walls and the sumptuous leather furniture. All women were impressed by fine things.

  He heard her walk away from him and if he wasn’t mistake, she twirled around – he could hear the tap of her feet dancing on the floor. “I can just see Christmas stockings hanging from this amazing stone fireplace and the hearth is wide enough to sit on and pop popcorn.” He heard her skitter over to toward the dining room. “And the staircase is perfect for sliding down the banister!” Again she had surprised him. Presley saw the world through different eyes than most people.

  Presley ran her hand over the rich wood of the walls and admired the fresh flowers that sat on the sofa table and the dining table. “If you could see where I grew up, and where I live, you’d know why I think this place feels like home.”

  “Come to me,” he directed her with a seductive tone. “I want you right by my side tonight.”

  Presley felt a bit playful, in fact she felt better than she had in a long time. “So, this isn’t overtime? I thought maybe you brought me here to take notes on some briefs, or something.”

  “Ha! The only briefs I want you concentrating on tonight are mine, and I mean how to get them off of me.”

  She nestled up close to him, confidently and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Sounds like you are going to be playing hard to get.”

  This time he threw his head back and laughed hard. “No, I don’t think you’ll find me holding back. I’m ready to give you everything I’ve got.” He pressed his hardness against her and made her gasp, which reminded him that he needed to take it slow. “Tell me about where you grew up.”

  A bit embarrassed, she hung her head – which he couldn’t see, so she lifted it and just spoke the truth. This man was so far out of her league that there was no use pretending they had anything in common but the law – and hopefully friendship. To hope for more than that was just almost impossible to even conceive. “I lived with my grandmother in a trailer park on the south side of Beaumont. It was clean, but really small and the neighbors made me a little nervous. I’ve only seen my mother a few times and the last time was when I was six years old. And I have no idea who my dad is.”

  She had let her voice trail off and he knew sharing that information with him had been hard. “Don’t you dare be ashamed of who you are – you are beautiful and smart and have one of the sweetest spirits I have ever encountered.” With that declaration, he covered her mouth with his and took her breath away.

  A pitiful whine and clicking toenails reminded Zane that somebody needed to be fed. “Heck, let’s take care of Rex, then we’ll take a shower.”

  Shower? “Together?”

  “You’d better believe together.” Zane took her by the hand. “Come on,” he led her through the dining room – in the dark – to the kitchen.

  She felt on the interior wall where the light switch would normally be and found it. “Wow, what a kitchen!”

  She pulled away from him and began to make little oohing and ahhing noises.

  Zane loved to listen to her. He could imagine her making those same noises when she touched his body. “What are you finding to get so excited about?”

  “A lot of things - like refrigerated cooling drawers, a marble slab and a convection oven. This kitchen is a baker’s dream. I can’t imagine having all of this space and wonderful equipment to use.” She didn’t sound jealous, instead she giggled – the sweetest little sound of total contentment. “You are very fortunate.”

  “I suppose so,” he agreed as he opened the cabinet to find Rex’s meal.

  Presley thought about what she had said, “I didn’t mean to downplay what has happened to you with your eyesight, but I forget. To me, you are strong and brilliant and perfect.”

  Zane felt like a boulder had been lifted from his shoulders. “You don’t think of me as less than a man?” He filled Rex’s dish and sat it down in its standard place.

  Her footsteps fell softly as she moved toward him, the faint scent of her perfume and another clean, sweet scent that he was coming to associate just with her fell on his senses. “Zane, you are more of a man than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  She drew near to him; he could feel her heat before she touched him. Seemingly, without a qualm, she molded her body to his, pressing the pillows of her breast into his chest. Zane felt his cock jump. Holding his face steady with one hand, she kissed him gently on the lips.

  “I need you, Presley,” he groaned.

  “I need you, too,” she confessed as she continued to steal kisses from the corners of his lips. For the first time, Presley felt a heady type of feminine power. Zane wanted her and she was allowed to touch and kiss and enjoy his body. Oh, she knew that she was basically unschooled and probably not the kind of woman he was used to, but she had her hands on him now and this chance may not
come again.

  Sliding her lips down his neck, she kissed a path and started to pull his shirt from his pants with the other.

  “Wait,” he stilled her hand.

  His one word was like pouring cold water all over her, she stilled, moved her hands and stepped back, never saying a word. Presley had made a practice of never venturing where she wasn’t wanted – it just made things easier. “Sorry,” she said simply.

  Zane heard the hurt in her voice. He knew she thought she had overstepped her bounds. “No, hell no,” he grasped her arms. “I loved what you were doing, but it’s been a long time. I want to pleasure you; I don’t want to cum prematurely like some untried school boy.”

  What he said made her feel like she could breathe again. “I don’t think you could do anything wrong with me,” she said softly. “I just love to be close to you.”

  “Damn, you make me feel like a fuckin’ king,” he felt for her hand, spun her around and began walking. “Rex, I’m closing the door, Buddy – you’re on your own.”

  Presley had to take double steps to keep up with him. “I’m nervous,” she announced, just because she thought he ought to know.

  “Why?” He was a little nervous, too, but he had already expressed enough sexual trepidation to have his man-card revoked. What man told a woman that he hadn’t fucked in so long that he had little to no control? Well he hadn’t, in so many words, but he had been damn close.

  Presley could tell they were in his bedroom, she could see the shape of a massive king-size bed, but – as usual – it was dark. Now if he could see her, she would opt for the light being off – but since he couldn’t, she wasn’t going to miss the chance to look at his beautiful body, no sirree. “Where’s the light, Zane?”

  He veered to the left and stubbed his toe on something – “Ow, here,” and light flooded the room. “Come on to the bathroom,” he flipped that light on too.


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