I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  With sureness born of familiarity, Zane turned on the water in a huge tiled shower. Presley looked around in awe. “This bathroom looks like a Roman spa, Zane.”

  “Does it?” right now he didn’t care if they were in one of those outdoor stalls at a state park – if he didn’t get his hands and mouth on her sweet little body soon he was going to go mad. “Let’s get nekkid,” he quipped as he turned around and made a grab for her.

  Presley didn’t try to elude him, she wasn’t stupid.

  “Okay,” immediately her hands went to her own clothes. “I’ll undress.”

  “Let me,” Zane had gone dead serious. “The only way I can see you is to touch you and I want to see you more than I want to see tomorrow.”

  “Just as much as I want to look at you,” Presley couldn’t be quiet. She was determined.

  “Okay, okay,” he had to smile. “Let me pull off my stuff and then we can get to the important part.”

  “Speak for yourself,” she was grumbling just a bit and helping him undo his shirt all at the same time. “I love your body. Tou are so damn fine.”

  Zane chuckled – he was having such a good time. How long had it been since he had experienced such joy just being with another person, especially a woman. What he had missed out on! It was unbelievable! “I am speaking for myself.” Together they got the buttons undone and he began to shrug it off his shoulders – and Holy God – he could feel feather light little kisses dusting across his chest. “Fuck!” The little vixen giggled.

  “Pants, Presley,” was all he could say. She hopped right to it, he couldn’t fault her level of enthusiasm; they did have trouble with the hardware, though. Finally she just swatted his hands away, “Let me!”

  “Yes, Ma’am, Miss Patience,” he stood still while she unbuttoned and unzipped. But when it came time to push them down, she relented.

  “I guess you better do that, this is outside my area of expertise.”

  “No problem.” If he weren’t so damn horny, he might pursue that line of questioning, but he was in too big of a hurry to think. Skimming off his pants, he pushed them aside with his foot and jerked down his shorts and kicked them aside.

  “Oh my Lord,” Presley muttered under her breath.

  “Do you like what you see?” God, he hoped so. He held his breath and he knew her answer when he felt the slightest brush of her fingertips down his shaft.

  Zane’s whole body jerked and Presley was amazed at the response she could draw from this big, sexy guy. “Yes, I think you’re big and beautiful.” With a little more self-confidence, she wrapped her hand around the thick stalk and marveled at how hard and warm it was. As she caressed him softly, she let the fingers of the other hand trail up and down his hard, hair roughened thigh. God, he was all man! Especially the part she held in her hand. And this was supposed to fit inside of her? That might be a problem.

  All right, enough. He wasn’t made of steel. “Hell, I can’t wait, Baby. I’ve got to touch you.” He slid his hands up her arms and held her head, kissing her hard. “Damn, I’m trembling.”

  “It’s okay – it’s just me, I’m nobody special.”

  Zane supposed her humble comment was meant to be comforting, but it just succeeded in making him crazy. “Hell yes, you’re special. Don’t you know what this means to me? You have no idea how lonely I’ve been.” He began mapping her face with kisses as he ran his hands over her shoulders, skimming down over her breasts. “Are there buttons, a zipper or over the head?”

  It was hard to formulate words – a man was touching her body. She stifled a giggle, he had found the turquoise bead insets and were rubbing them between his fingers – and then – oh God! “That’s my nipples.”

  “I’m blind, Presley Love – but I remember basic anatomy.” It was through her dress and her bra, but he was rubbing the little nubbins and the spark he was igniting between her legs was about to catch ablaze. “Turn around,” she did as he bid. Moving her hair aside, he slowly lowered the zipper. “God, you smell good, fresh and sweet as summer rain.” Zane parted the material and pressed a kiss right at the nape of her neck while he undid her bra. “Can I touch you?”

  He was asking permission? Presley thought that was a given. “Yes,” her answer came out sounding like a croaky little frog’s voice.

  “Good,” he slid his hands inside her dress, and around to cup her breasts, pushing her bra up and out of the way. “Oh God, yeah – you feel so good.” Her soft, luscious tits were more than a handful; they were round, firm globes that were smooth as silk with big puffy areolas and hard suckable nipples. He spread his legs and widened his stance so his cock could rub against her ass. “Presley – hell, Presley – I want you so much,” he nuzzled her neck as his hips involuntarily bucked forward, his hardness nudging her softness.

  “I – uh – I, oh God, Zane – I want,” the last word rose in pitch and intensity, and it said it all – she wanted. Presley wanted Zane. New feelings and intense longings were swamping her senses. She laid her head back on his chest and just luxuriated in the wonder of his hands on her breasts.

  Zane was in heaven. Why had he waited so long to experience pleasure such as this? As the sweet woman in his arms pushed back against him and whimpered, he knew why – he needed someone who would accept him just the way he was. And she did. “I need more.” More. He needed more of her. “Hold up your arms,” he directed. She did and he lifted the dress over her head. “Now turn around, Baby – I want to see you.”

  She knew what he meant and her whole body quivered at the thought. “I hope you like me. And before the night is over, I want equal time.”

  “I’ll give you all the time you want.” He rubbed his palms over the slope of her shoulders. “You are so dainty. Your skin is like silk.”

  She eased a little closer to him; there was no way she could stay away. “Thank you, I love your chest.”

  Presley leaned over and nipped him and Zane growled his approval as his hands returned to her breasts again, as if he couldn’t stay away. “Perfect. I love your tits.”

  “Touch me, please.”

  “Where, Presley?” Her desperation just fueled his passion. Being desired and needed was incredibly addictive.

  “My breasts,” she whispered.

  “I am touching you,” he crooned to her, suspecting what she was really asking.

  “With your lips,” she said so softly he almost couldn’t hear. “If you don’t mind – that is.”

  Sinking to his knees, he pushed her tits together and molded them in his hands, caressing and shaping them – rubbing his thumbs over the nipples. “You want me, don’t you?”

  “Please,” she begged. He didn’t make her wait any longer. Zane wrapped his arms around her waist and took a nipple in his mouth and began to suck. Presley couldn’t help but watch his face, his lips as they worked at her nipple. The sensation was exquisite. She clasped his head and stroked his hair as he nursed at her breast. “That feels so wonderful, Zane,” she praised him.

  He switched to the other breast to suck and let his hands explore. Her waist was small, and her hips flared just right. He traced her curves and the image in his mind of her gorgeous body made his lust rise even higher. He opened his mouth wider and drew hard on her breast and exulted in the moan that escaped her lips.

  Presley pressed her thighs together, she was so very wet. Hunger for him consumed her. More than anything she wanted to ask him to touch her between the legs but she couldn’t bring herself to ask. What she was receiving from him was more than she had ever expected. He was licking all around her nipple, nipping and nuzzling and his hands were now moving lower, skimming over her thighs and down her legs. Zane was learning her body.

  Pulling back, Zane sought for control. “You’re beautiful. Your body is perfect. I can’t believe how fuckin’ perfect you are. Presley Love, you have long, smooth, supple legs that I can’t wait to feel wrapped around my waist, a spankable lush little bottom, a tiny waist and tits that a pin-u
p girl would die for.”

  Zane thought she was beautiful. To Presley, his words were a miracle. Of course, he couldn’t see her face, but right now – that wasn’t important. She caressed his shoulders, loving how his powerful biceps flexed. He was holding back. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want you so much,” he ground out the words. Standing up, he took her by the hand. “Let’s get in the shower, I want to kiss you.”

  Presley didn’t want to complain, but a kiss was a bit anticlimactic. But she went, simply put – she’d follow him anywhere. The shower was huge, at least eight foot by five foot. And she counted an incredible fourteen sprayer heads. “This is more like a spa. I’ve never seen a shower like this.” The tile was cream colored with ornate accent tiles and a see-through glass door gave the illusion of privacy. She didn’t get any more time to examine her surroundings, because Zane pulled her against him and began kissing her voraciously - deep drugging kisses. Pushing her against the wall, he rubbed his cock back forth against her front, letting her know how aroused he was.

  “Are you wet for me?” he fingertips danced over her lower belly, delving between her legs.

  “Yes, I’ve been wet for you for days,” she admitted her weakness.

  “Good, because you know I’ve been hard for you. Even when you slipped up to the couch to watch me sleep, I got hard for you.”

  His revelation made her gasp and squirm. “How did you know?” God, she was embarrassed.

  “I could hear you. I heard soft, little footsteps and shallow breaths that caught with excitement.” He trailed his lips over her shoulder and took the cord of her neck in his mouth and bit it gently. “And I could smell you, not only your natural sweet scent and perfume; I could smell your arousal.”

  “Oh, God,” Presley wasn’t sure how to feel. Truthfully, she could only feel. He had stolen her ability to think.

  “Oh yeah,” he growled. “You’re wet. And I fuckin’ love the way your pussy feels. I like it that you’re not bare, but you’re soft and downy, trimmed short. I’m gonna love moving my lips back and forth over your treasure.”

  Presley’s womb contracted with need as he made a come hither motion with his fingers, spreading her juices from back to front. Her clit throbbed with anticipation and she was so overwhelmed with arousal that her whole body jerked in response.

  “Lean back, I’m going to pick you up.”

  “What?” The next thing she knew, Zane had placed both hands under her bottom and lifted her up – and up.

  “Put your legs around my neck.”

  “Oh my God!” she grasped the ledge at the very top of the shower and held on for dear life. Her legs were splayed open and her pussy was right in his face. “I’m too heavy, what are . . .” And then he transported her to paradise as he began licking and kissing her slit, his tongue rasping over the tender flesh, singing it with each touch.

  “Zane!” Presley cried out as she arched her back and pressed her shoulders against the wall, pushing her pelvis more fully in his face. “I need you, please,” she moaned. This was pure heaven. It was unadulterated ecstasy. “More, more,” she pleaded. What Zane was doing to her was the most pleasurable thing she had ever known in her whole life.

  Lord help, she tasted good. Zane flicked his tongue around the perfect berry of her clit and reveled in the honey he lapped up with his tongue. Presley wanted him. She wanted him – the blind man. He was pleasing her; he was making her pulse with joy. “Cum for me, Doll. Let me know how much you want me.” He closed his lips over her clit and began to suck and hum and she went wild. Tightening his grip on her waist, he held her steady while she bucked and jerked in his arms.

  “God! Yesssss! Zane! Please!” Sweeping, sweet arcs of pleasure whipped through her body as she panted and strained to get closer to him. Even in the dampness of the shower, perspiration beaded up on her body and it was because she was on fire – literally on fire for a man for the first time in her existence. “I don’t think I can stand it,” she whimpered.

  Oh, yes she could. He was going to give her everything he had and then he was going to take all she would give him. Zane ached. His very soul hungered to become one with this woman. His cock was so swollen and distended that precum was leaking from the tip. If he didn’t get some relief soon, he would explode involuntarily just from giving this incredible woman sweet pleasure.

  Moving one shoulder farther under her, he freed one hand to play with. Flicking his tongue on her clit as he suckled, he pushed two fingers inside her tight little canal and eased them in and out – in and out and when he did she screamed – she literally screamed and it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. Zane Saucier had brought a woman to a raging orgasm and he felt like a fuckin’ king.

  Stars exploded and galaxies collided as Presley felt for the first time an orgasm she didn’t give to herself. He held her while she quivered, letting her down slowly, her body sliding against his. “Thank you, Zane. I loved it, thank you so much.” Her adoration and gratitude couldn’t be contained.

  “It was my pleasure, Presley,” and that was no lie. Cradling her next to him, he loved how her body molded to his. When her little hands edged between their bodies and found his cock he almost went to his knees. “God, yes,” he groaned.

  Presley sank down, unsure of what she was doing, but determined to do it anyway. She held his member and caressed it, rubbing her cheek against it. This was part of him and therefore it was beautiful. She held it upright and licked it from bottom to top. For every little move and touch she gave him, he rewarded her with a moan or gasp. Clearly, Zane was not unmoved by her attention. With a tiny smile, she studied the head of his cock. “Can I taste you?”

  “Yea,” he growled, the only word he could manage to say.

  Presley was desperate for him; her lips trembled as she licked them. Could she do it? He was big and hard, heavy in her hand, the base so thick that her thumb and second finger wouldn’t meet. The huge mushroom head was dark red and throbbing and she couldn’t resist swiping her tongue across it. The drop of clear liquid at the tip was salty and tangy and she wanted more. Fitting her lips tightly to the top, she slipped them down and over, sucking the end of his cock into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it.

  “Ah, damn,” he groaned as he held her head, tangling his fingers in the air. “That’s so good. Suck me, Baby.”

  Ecstasy made Zane’s toes curl. The muscles of his legs became like stone. All of his concentration was on his cock as it was enveloped in the wet, hot haven of Presley’s mouth.


  What the hell?

  Presley, bless her heart, was so into sucking him that she couldn’t hear whoever was beating down his front door. Hell! God, he was close. This little angel was sipping at his cock like it was the finest wine and if he had to. . . .


  “FUCK!” he bellowed and Presley jumped.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “There’s somebody at the damn door and they’re not going to go away.” Shit! “I’m sorry, Baby.” He stepped out, grabbed a towel and stalked out of the bathroom. “Somebody better goddamn be dying.”

  Presley stood up and stepped out of the spacious shower. She took a towel and dried off and slipped back into her clothes. What had happened? She heard voices.

  “Who is it?” Zane asked gruffly as he swung the door open. “This better damn well be something important.” He had just walked away from a beautiful woman and a blow-job and he was not happy.

  “Zane, God, Zane, we need you. Why didn’t you answer your damn cell phone?”

  It was Noah.

  “I was busy,” he expected Noah to realize he was standing here in a damn towel and get the idea that he might possibly have feminine company.

  But he didn’t. Instead Zane heard him hit the door facing with his fist.

  “Get in here. What’s wrong?”

  “He’s missing, Zane.”

bsp; “Who’s missing?”

  “Aron. Aron’s missing.”

  “What? How?” Zane felt a horrible feeling in his gut.

  “He and Libby went snorkeling and when she came up – he didn’t.”

  “God, are you sure?”

  Noah’s voice cracked. “Yea, I’m sure. Zane, can you come help, please?”

  “Let me get my pants on, we’ll be right behind you.”


  “Are you dressed?” Zane came back and he seemed disturbed. She hoped he wasn’t regretting what had happened.

  “Yes, I didn’t know what was going on.” What they had shared had been more than wonderful, but something had happened to dampen his mood. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to go to Tebow Ranch, Aron’s missing.”

  “Missing? My God! How?”

  “I don’t know very many details, only that he and Libby went snorkeling and Aron didn’t surface.”

  “He drowned?”

  “Hell. God, I hope not.” All the time he was talking, Zane was dressing.

  “Did they find a body?”

  Zane felt for her and pulled her close. “Noah didn’t say so,” he squeezed her tight. “We have to go, but I just need to hold you for a minute.”

  She let him hold her, taking what comfort she could give. Aron McCoy was his friend.

  “Hold me as long as you want, I like to be close to you.”

  When he finally let her go, she knew it was time to go. “Do you want me to call a cab?”

  “No,” he tucked her hand in his arm. “I need you with me. And not just for work reasons, although we’re going to have work to do, too. Do you mind?” He stopped in his tracks. “It is after midnight, am I asking too much?”

  “No!” she petted his arm with her free hand, “I want to help you and the McCoys if I can.” All she could process was that he wanted her with him and ‘not just for work reasons,’ whatever that meant.

  Zane smiled. “That’s all I needed to hear. Let’s go.” He hooked Rex up with his halter and hesitated. “Do you drive?”

  “Yes,” she answered slowly. For a moment she didn’t understand what he was getting at. “Oh sure, you don’t have to wake Sherwood. If there is a vehicle you don’t mind risking with me, I’ll be glad to drive us.”


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