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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Harley understood that she held a family’s dreams in her hand.

  Concentrating, she let herself be immersed in the energy surrounding the ring. Flashes of a wedding came into view, and she could see Libby’s face, radiant and happy. Passion from the honeymoon made her cheeks grow pink, but the strongest impressions she had were filtered through a haze of blue water. “I see clouds of bubbles, an opening like a crevice, he sees something on the floor of the ocean that draws his attention, its shiny. But there is movement – a rush . . .” as Harley spoke everyone tensed and there was nervous shuffling.

  “Something happened to cause debris or rocks to fall,” Harley shook her head trying to see more. “Blackness,” was all she said.

  “Is there a cave down there? Did we find one? Did we check it out?” Jacob started to run from the room.

  “Aron!” Libby sobbed in heart-rending despair sinking to her knees. Avery went to her and held her as she rocked with grief.

  “Wait!” Harley stopped them. “There was an accident, but I did not sense an ending. There was no break in the life force. Whatever happened during the dive, Aron didn’t perish.”

  “You don’t believe he’s dead?” Libby exclaimed.

  As everyone held their breath, Harley stated softly. “No, I feel that Aron survived.”


  After Harley’s revelation, things moved quickly. Blue Hope returned to the waters to check out the cave and the McCoy brothers and Zane decided to call in Vance and Roscoe, the private investigators that the McCoy’s kept on retainer.

  It was a consensus among the family and close friends that the focus of the search should move from water to land. Harley’s reading gave them purpose, but Presley didn’t know what to think. She sat on her legs in the conference chair and watched Zane confer with Jacob. He had worked for hours coordinating tactics to move the effort to a wide-spread search that would include the surrounding islands and to inland Mexico. And even though she listened carefully, she didn’t hear any opinions voiced about possible scenarios of why or how Aron could have left the water without Libby seeing him or why or how he left the area. Another thing that surprised her was Zane’s seeming acceptance of Harley’s psychic impressions.

  “Are you getting tired?” He rubbed her leg; his familiarity was welcome. She had been busy making contacts with him for search teams, some equine and some k-9. Rex had required attention and she and Avery had also gotten lunch for everyone.

  “I’m okay. How about you?” she wound her fingers with his. Even though the situation was serious, she couldn’t prevent her body from responding to him. Her nipples peaked and her clit tingled. Getting back in his bed and his arms was never far from her mind.

  “I’m gonna need a break soon. We’ve done what we can to turn this from a water rescue to a missing person’s investigation. What I’m going to concentrate on now is getting Libby to go home. I don’t feel it’s good for her and the baby to continue to stay here.”

  His handsome face was full of concern. Presley wanted to caress the stubble of his beard that made him look like a sexy rake. “I think Libby needs to go home. This can’t be good for her pregnancy. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re right.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “Wait here.” He took Rex and went where some of the family sat in a side room. When he returned, he told her. “Get your stuff; let’s give them a little privacy.” She picked up her things and they made their way back to the room.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I made the suggestion and Jacob had come to the same conclusion. I think they’re all going home except for Noah. Aron wouldn’t want everything in their lives to come to a grinding halt. The McCoys won’t give up and they’ll hire the very best help that can be had. We’re going to get a good night’s sleep and head back to Texas. How does that sound?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Can we do more than sleep?” Presley had never dreamed she could be so forward.

  Zane just groaned. His erection was already pounding between his legs. “There are a thousand things I want to do to your lovely body, and I will – one erotic thing at a time.”

  Presley glanced around to see who might be in listening range, but they were alone, so she joined in the game. “Would you let me finish what I started in the shower the other day? I have been thinking about how good it felt to kiss you - down there.”

  A laugh of pure delight escaped Zane’s lips. When she had said ‘down there’ her voice had dropped both in loudness and in tone. “You are precious!” He heard the elevator ding. “Are we alone?”

  “Yes,” she said – hesitantly. What did he have in mind? “I don’t want to get arrested,” she assured him.

  “Oh we won’t – maybe.”

  As soon as the doors closed, he backed her against the wall. Presley glanced at Rex, poor thing; at least he had the good grace to turn his head. That was the last thing she saw because Zane covered her, blocking the light.

  Placing a hand on both sides of her head, he devoured her lips, making her mewl with delight. He kissed all over her face like he was mapping uncharted territory. “It’s only fifteen floors,” she gasped.

  “Hit the stop button,” he growled.

  Pulling herself from his grasp, she pressed the button, hoping against hope an alarm didn’t go off. It didn’t. He felt down the front of her dress and began lifting her hem. “Don’t you want me to . . .?” she cupped the front of his crotch feeling the large bulge that made her mouth water.

  “Yes, I do – later – now it’s my turn. Ladies first is my motto.” He ran a greedy hand between her thighs. “Spread your legs, I just wanna pet you, Kitten.”

  As he slipped his fingers under the leg of her panties and tugged them to one side, she went on tiptoe, seeking more. “Ummmm,” she couldn’t help but moan. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on. God, his shoulders were broad – his arms were huge and right now he was working to pleasure her. There was a God!

  Zane let himself play between her slick folds. Damn, she was sweet! Every part of her was just what a woman should be. “Describe the color of your pussy for me. And this little down, I feel – is it dark brown or lighter?”

  “Uh – lordy,” she tried to think. It was hard. He was rubbing her slit, spreading her juices around. Any other time she would have been embarrassed to be so wet, but she knew he would take it as a compliment. “My nipples and vagina are a dark pink, sorta mauve, I guess.”

  “Mauve, my new favorite color,” he growled, scraping his teeth over the soft skin of her neck.

  With a sure, firm touch Zane massaged Presley’s pussy, working it with a come hither motion. Sweet-thing rode his hand and bucked her little hips toward him. With his longer middle finger he fucked her tight little hole, making her whimper and cling to him as she begged for more. “I love this, Zane. Don’t stop, Baby, please!”

  “Are you ready to cum for me, Presley?” When she nodded her assent, her face pressed tight on his neck, he gave her what she needed. Taking her clit between his thumb and first finger, he rubbed the small, engorged knot of nerves until he felt her break – shuddering and quivering against him. He held her while her whole little body pulsed. No woman had ever reacted to his touch like this one. Presley was more than special. “God, you make me want you so much.”

  Leaning into him, she lay quiet as he brought her down with long strokes to her back. He had pulled her panties in place and soothed down her skirt. Presley was so happy. “I didn’t know pleasure like this existed. Touching myself feels nothing like what you do to me. Do you ever masturbate?”

  Her candid question stunned him, but he answered. “Yes, my right hand has been my prime source of sex for years.”

  “Why? You’re so good at it.”

  “I guess I was waiting for you,” he admitted. “Jacking off is pale pleasure compared to fucking you, Presley.” He bared his teeth and Presley almost went to her knees in front of him. He was so primally ma
le and she was a willing female. “Do you know what I’m going to do when I get you to the room?”

  “What?” she was breathless with anticipation.

  “I’m going to fill your hot little pussy up and hear you scream and beg for more.”

  His erotic words reignited the embers. Presley could die now and be happy that she had experienced true pleasure in her life. She was almost at the point of melting at his feet when the phone inside the elevator rang causing her to jump. Zane chuckled as he reached for it. “I think they’ve caught us.”

  “Oh, no!”

  “Hello?” He listened. “No, thank you, we’re fine.” He pressed the button. “Oh, look! It’s started up again.”

  Presley muffled a laugh. It was only a few seconds later and they were scrambling off the elevator like kids. Only Rex seemed to have any adult decorum. Presley had never laughed so much in her life. Being with Zane was so much fun – pleasurable, toe-curling, amazing fun! They made their way to the room and opened the door. This time, Presley released Rex. She had left his food out and he made his way over to it. The Lab was hungry and so was she. Zane was still between her and the door and now it was her turn to pounce. She walked right up to him, put her hands on his chest and pushed.

  “Hey Baby, what are you doing?”

  “Ravishing you.”

  “Okay,” he was up for that. He went where she guided and found himself flat up against the door. Wow, this was a first, he smirked to himself. “Are you gonna respect me in the morning?”

  “I guess that depends on if you earn it or not,” she whispered as she unbuckled, unzipped and unleashed the object of her desire. “I love the way you’re made,” she sank to her knees so she could get up close and personal with his cock.

  “Take what you want, Presley Baby.” He could feel her warm breath fanning his swollen flesh and he needed more.

  “Do you want it, too, Zane? Do you want me?” She voiced the question, but she couldn’t quite believe he could want her. But to encourage him, she caressed his manhood, luxuriously, rubbing it between her palms.

  “Hell yes.” Cupping her head, he tangled his hand in her hair. “I want your lips on my cock. I want you anyway I can get you.”

  Presley realized what she possessed was the ability to give Zane a gift, a gift of pleasure. He had given to her, now she wanted to give back. With great care, she set out to make him insane. She tantalized the tip of his cock with flicks of her tongue as she pumped his organ slowly, rubbing his balls tenderly with her other hand. Zane groaned. Excited by his reaction to her attention she only tried harder to make him happy.

  Zane thought he might die of a stroke. Presley wasn’t experienced, but what she was lacking in expertise, she made up for in enthusiasm and – God – thoroughness. “Suck me, Baby – suck it deep.” Opening her mouth wider, she took more of him in, laving and sucking on the engorged head. Stroking his shaft, she massaged his balls until his whole body tensed over her. “More,” he demanded, so she opened her throat and let him take over.

  Zane let himself loose, giving her what she craved – what he craved – over and over he pushed in and pulled between her soft, sweet lips. Her hands moved to grasp his thighs, like she was anchoring herself to him, lest she fly away midst the wild winds of passion. God, he was going to come. “Let go, Doll, I’m about to explode.”

  Quickly she let him know how she felt, “Uh-uh,” and held on tighter. Presley wanted him to cum in her mouth. She wanted to taste him. She wanted him – all of him.

  Her willingness and desire to accept him frayed the last bit of control he had. Zane immersed himself in the heaven of the moment; her name was a whisper on his lips. He felt his semen flood her mouth and he felt her throat work accepting his seed. At that moment something changed for Zane. He felt acceptance – period. The doubts he had kept alive in his soul were set free and the pain of the past rolled from his shoulders. And unbelievably, he was still hard as a rock. His desire for Presley Love was off the charts and as she sucked at his release, humming her enjoyment he knew he had to be inside of her – now. “Stand up, Baby. Come to me.”

  Hands under her arms lifted her and Presley reluctantly let go. She wasn’t ready to stop; her whole body was quaking with need. “Okay.” But to her surprise, Zane picked her up from the floor.

  Need throbbed within him. “Put your legs around my waist, I need to be inside of you.” Ah, Jesus – she was so wet. “Guide me in, Kitten. Then put your hands on my shoulders.”

  Presley shook in her excitement. She needed Zane so much. Kissing his cock had made her ache to be taken. Taking hold of his penis, she didn’t understand. “I know you came. Why are you still so hard?”

  Zane snorted and teased. “’Cause I’m a virile stud. Are you complaining?”

  “God, no,” she moaned as she placed the swollen, leaking tip just inside her. “I’m grateful. I’m so hungry for you I could die.”

  “Fuck!” Her admission set his blood to boiling. Taking her by the waist, he began to move her up and down on his cock. He was strong and she was small, he could control their movements with ease. “Just enjoy, Baby, let me do the work.”

  Presley threw back her head and just felt – the stretch and burn as he moved in and out of her was exquisite. She had no fear of being dropped; Zane was massive and held her with great care. And when he bent his head to suck at her breast, she swooned. How her existence had changed? Dreams that she had held close in the dark of the night had come true. Presley now knew what it was like to be desired.

  Zane buried himself deep inside of her, over and over. The only regret he had was not being able to see her. He had no doubt she was beautiful and to see her in the throes of delight – to see his cock pulling in and out of her, covered with her cream would be a sight to behold. But in his heart, he could see her clearly and she was breathtaking.

  Presley raised her head and watched him. Honestly, he was so beautiful she almost forgot to breathe. How had it happened? How did she find herself in this glorious predicament? His mouth was perfect – kissable, so she kissed him, nibbling at the upper lip and he kissed her back. She rubbed her face on the scruff of his beard and tingles caused goosebumps to rise all over her skin. She gazed into his eyes and wished he could see the love reflected in her own – but that emotion probably would be best kept secret. Presley’s waxing eloquent in her mind was cut short when he turned and backed her against the door and began thrusting and pumping in earnest. The grunts and growls he emitted just upped her blood pressure a thousand percent. Zane was pure sex and she met every plunge into her body with an inner caress that she hoped made him as crazy as she was.

  Tension built in Zane’s body. After the powerful orgasm he had enjoyed in Presley’s mouth, the flesh of his dick was so sensitive that he gasped at the excruciating pleasure he was feeling. Every cell of his body bellowed out in demanding lust as he worked his cock in and out of her. He was also not unaware of her excitement and enjoyment for she made it completely evident with her little grunts and whimpers and the honey that flowed so freely over his cock allowed him to glide in and out of the snuggest little pussy he could have dreamed of.

  “Harder, Baby, please. I need harder.”

  Presley’s request almost set off his eruption, but he fought to maintain control in order to give her maximum satisfaction. Bracing her more securely against the solid surface, he gave himself over to rapture. She was tiny, but she was perfect for him. Incredibly, she was able to accept everything he dished out and beg for more. A woman had no idea at the turn-on a man felt when she showed him, unreservedly, that she wanted him, needed him. Perspiration ran from his body in rivulets as his little doll pressed her heels into his hips and canted her pelvis to accept and parry every thrust. Lord Have Mercy! Grasping her hips, he surged deep within her, pounding her with desperate strokes. With a scream of pure delight that was probably heard clear down the hall, Presley came – squeezing and milking his cock and he joined her. “God, Baby
– I want this so much. I love your body.”

  Presley felt him buck – jerk – she heard him cry out his ecstasy and she felt even more of his essence pump into her channel and then spill out to run down her thighs. Zane was pleased, and she reveled in her ability to please him. The only thing she wished was that it could last beyond these unusual circumstances. Presley wanted it to last forever.

  Chapter Six

  Curled up beside him in bed, she slowly and softly stroked his chest. It wasn’t smooth; instead, it was rippled with muscle and covered with a light furring of dark hair. He was magnetically beautiful and kind and he had been good to her. “Thank you for this, Zane. I know it was in the midst of unfortunate circumstances, but I have enjoyed myself so much. It’s going to be hard to return to normalcy.”

  Normalcy? Zane didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to return to normalcy. Presley was fast becoming necessary to him. But what could he offer her? Would she want more with him than the here and now? And what would that do to their working relationship? Because she was an excellent employee and he intended to offer her a full-time job as soon as he got back to Austin and consulted with Human Resources. “I enjoyed every moment with you, Presley.” And then – dammit, he just said what was in his heart. “Does it have to be over?”

  Presley rose up so she could see his face in the moonlight. “No, it doesn’t.”

  She was afraid to say more because she didn’t want to make any assumptions.


  He was afraid to say more because he didn’t want to scare her off.

  So they slept in one another’s arms all night long, content to just be together.


  “Thank you, Zane.”

  “You are welcome and thank you for going with me. Your help was invaluable.” He couldn’t convince her to keep any of the clothes so he fully intended to make sure she was compensated monetarily.

  Sherwood had met them at the airport and Zane had insisted he stay in the car when they got to her apartment. It touched Presley’s heart that he carried her suitcase up. “Point me to your bedroom and I’ll put this case on your bed.”


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