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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  “I do,” he led her to where Sherwood was waiting for them in his normal parking spot. “Rachel goes all out decorating and Kane comes for dinner. Since he has Lilibet this year, our routine might change.”

  “How about your parents?” She knew a little bit about his family. At first she hadn’t known he was of one THOSE Sauciers, because Zane managed to act completely unassuming and not like a member of Louisiana’s royal family.

  “I visit with them during Mardi Gras season, usually. They are so busy during the holidays that I don’t think I’m missed.”

  “That’s a shame,” she nestled down into the back of the car. The heater felt good. Rex had found a place next to the door and this time she was sitting between Zane and his lab. “I always watch Christmas movies and I fix one of those small game hens for dinner.”

  “Do you have a tree?” Zane loved the smell of Christmas trees and he missed seeing the magical twinkling lights most of all.

  “No, I don’t put up a tree. I’m alone and it doesn’t seem necessary.”

  “You should have a tree,” Zane insisted. “Everybody should have a tree.”

  “Maybe I will this year,” she agreed with him, not seeing the use of debating the issue.

  “Where to, Mr. Saucier?”

  Zane named a restaurant a few blocks away and Presley considered how things would change at work. “What case will you let me help with first?”

  “What case would you rather work on?” he countered.

  “I promise to keep everything else going if you’ll let me help Adam with the Taylor case.” Laney Taylor’s sad story weighed heavily on her mind. It just seemed if she spent more time on it, she could help.

  “Done,” he agreed. In a few moments they were at Chez Nous, an Austin favorite that Presley had only heard about. “I hope you like comfort food.”

  Zane and Rex exited and Sherwood informed them that he would be waiting, it seems he had brought his ereader along.

  “I feel bad about leaving Sherwood out here. Wouldn’t he like to eat with us?” Presley was unused to the ways of chauffeurs.

  “Don’t worry about him; I know for a fact that my housekeeper is meeting him a few blocks down for a meal. He will be just fine.”

  Zane offered her his arm and they made their way into the restaurant. Their entrance was not unnoticed and it was hard for Presley to tell what garnered the most interest – Zane’s good looks, Rex or the fact that she was his escort. She found herself covering her mouth again, and she had been trying so hard to be more self-confident.

  Apparently Zane had made reservations because they were escorted to a table in a secluded corner. Rex was brought something that smelled really good and a bowl where the waiter poured Perrier water. Presley had to laugh. She was glad he was being taken care of. A menu was brought to Presley and while she read the selection, he ordered a bottle of wine. “See anything you’d like?”

  “I think I’ll have the veal scallopini.”

  “Good choice, I’ll have the duck. And we’d like some chocolate mousse for dessert.” In a moment, they were alone. Starched white tablecloths hang elegantly to the floor and Presley soon became appreciative of them when Zane edged his chair closer to her and found her leg under the table. “I’ve been here many times, but this is the first time I’ve wanted to play footsie under the table.”

  Her dress was a modest length, coming just above her knee, but his curious hand worked the material up until he had it where he wanted it. When his hand glided over her stockings, he groaned when he encountered bare flesh next to the garter belt. Presley hadn’t known what possessed her to buy such adventurous underwear, but since being with Zane, she had become preoccupied with erotic fancies such as sexy underwear and toys and sexual positions. Thank God for the internet. She had found countless sites where she could learn things and buy them without encountering embarrassing situations. “That’s not my foot you’re playing with.”

  “You’re right,” he growled as his finger went farther up her leg and she spread her thighs wide to give him easier access. Her fingers curled over the side of the chair as Zane grazed the silk of her panties, teasing Presley with the possibility that he was about to move them over and touch her while they sat in full view of a dozen people.

  “Zane,” she whispered in a tone that was both a warning and an invitation.

  “Zane Saucier, is that you?”


  Zane recognized the voice and it was the wrong place and the wrong time to deal with Honey Ross. “Yes, indeed, Miss. Ross. How are you?” A caress on his neck was meant to entice, instead it served to cement Zane’s intent to distance himself from local politics and this piranha. The District Attorney was trying to twist his arm to serve on a committee for the current mayor’s reelection and it just wasn’t happening. Plus, she was trying to get in his pants, and the likelihood of that happening was even less.

  “Have you considered our offer to head up the reelection campaign? We could sure use your unique brand of charm.”

  The whole time Miss Ross was speaking, she never acknowledged Presley’s presence at the table. She didn’t know where to look, so she just looked down.

  “Miss Ross, may I introduce to my newest first year associate, Presley Love.” Zane squeezed her leg. “And my date.”

  His explanation floored Presley. He had acknowledged her, not only as an employee, but also as a romantic interest. Surprise made her jerk her head up and she knew without a doubt that the shock was evident on her face. But the stunned look on Honey Ross’ face was greater than her own. If she hadn’t been struggling to comprehend his words, she would have thought it was funny.

  “Your date?” Disbelief and disapproval rang as clearly as a bell.

  Zane picked up Presley’s hand and kissed it. “Yes, and the answer to your question is ‘no’. We have several important pending cases and my personal life is about to require more attention than usual.

  “I hope you don’t come to regret your decision.”

  The coldness in Honey’s tone was hard to miss. But she left, nearly colliding with the waiter as she did so. Neither spoke until they were alone again. “I’m sorry about that,” Zane apologized. “She’s not one of my favorite people. I just hate we’ll be sharing a podium at the conference.”

  “I think she wanted to be one of your favorite people,” Presley teased. “Women must make themselves available to you all the time.” Before he could answer, she touched his arm. “The duck legs are at six, the potatoes are at ten and the grilled vegetables are three.”

  Again he was touched by her automatic, but matter-of-fact aid. She didn’t make a big deal of it, but she did look out for him. Her gentle concern touched him more than all the fawning in the world would have. “Since I became blind, I have made a habit of closing myself off to women.” Without warning, he found himself opening up to her. “At the time of my accident, I was engaged.”

  Presley put her fork down. This was important, she could tell. “What happened?” It was probably an insane thought, an improbable scenario – but if she were to have any chance with this man, she needed to understand him, because Presley was falling in love with him. No, that wasn’t true – she was already in love with him. She loved his intelligence, his big heart, beautiful body, but what she loved most was how he treated her. Zane treated her like she had value, and that was something Presley had not known before. Even with her grandmother, she had been an obligation, a responsibility that did not necessarily have feelings or purpose. In a move that broke her heart, he tried to meet her gaze. She looked at him with all the love in the world and wished that he could perceive how she was feeling. If he only knew that she could see her unborn children in his eyes.

  “She, uh, couldn’t stay with me. Her closing argument summed up the fact that I’m now only half a man, not a suitable companion for a woman like herself.”

  “Well, that bitch.”

  Presley’s vehement words expressed in her s
oft feminine voice shook him out of his melancholy mood and caused him to laugh out loud. “Thank you, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more eloquent defense.”

  “You’re welcome; she was shallow and short-sighted. You, Zane Saucier are a catch. Any woman in the world would be lucky to have you notice them.”

  Unaware that her words sounded like a magical incantation to his ears, she went back to eating and changed the topic. “This is very good food. Thank you for bringing me. I’m going to enjoy practicing law. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance.”

  Over the course of the next few minutes, they consumed their food and laughed over chocolate mousse. It didn’t surprise them that they both loved it and Presley dared to feed him a few spoon-fulls and then stole his good sense when she kissed a tiny spot of the creamy dessert from the corner of his mouth. It might have seemed that he was trying to end their date early, but what he was really aiming for was to get her somewhere private. “Are you ready? I have some things I need to take care of.”

  “Sure,” she wasn’t ready to go, but what could she say? Perhaps, he had a late meeting. After he paid the bill, he offered her his arm and they made their way back out into the night. Sherwood was waiting for them in his appointed place. “I rode the bus today, and I don’t need to go back to the office. There’s a bus stop right down the street, I can walk.”

  “Not so fast,” he covered her fingers with his and squeezed. “Do you think I would make you take a bus home from our date? What I need to take care of - is you.” Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “I need to be alone with you and I don’t think I can wait to drive back to Bastrop. Can I come home with you?”

  Home with her? Landsakes! He knew how little her apartment was. How could she entertain a man of his caliber in her dinky little rundown digs? But it was obvious he had more on his mind than the ambiance of her dwelling place and she wholeheartedly approved. “Yes, if you don’t mind crashing on the couch.”

  Not exactly what he had in mind. “I was hoping to sleep in your bed, with you.” Sherwood held the door open for them and Presley blushed when he winked at her.

  Fine – two could play that game. “The couch is my bed.” She winked back at Sherwood. He smiled. She could tell he enjoyed Zane playfully sparring with someone.

  “You sleep on a couch?”

  “Yea, I have student loans to repay, I live in a one room apartment,” that was all the explanation he was getting. “The couch is comfortable, though and I like it because I can snuggle up the back of it – it makes me feel like I’m sleeping with someone.” Lord, that sounded pitiful. “But just for you, I’ll make it down into a bed. It is a sleeper sofa.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.” Right now he’d take her on the dining room table if that were the only available surface. But a couch? She didn’t have a bed to sleep in? Zane didn’t like the idea, not at all. “Sherwood, take us to Miss Love’s apartment.”

  It wasn’t a far drive; she lived just south of the Congress Street Bridge, a few blocks off of South First Street. “Can you pick us up in the morning early and bring me a change of clothes?”

  Presley looked for a rock to crawl under, but Sherwood’s happy agreement eased some of her dismay. “Take Rex home with you, Sherwood. I think he needs a little vacation. Let him run in your fenced backyard if you don’t mind.” Zane rubbed Rex’s head and told him he would see him in the morning. “Presley will take good care of me.”

  He had no idea how much she wanted to take care of him. Sherwood looked bemused and relieved and she wasn’t sure exactly why, but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Zane was spending the night with her and she intended to take full advantage – of him.

  They held hands as they made their way into the building and up the elevator. After a couple of tries, she had the door open. “Come in. Can I get you anything?”

  “Yea, you,” he swung her right up against him; not touching her wasn’t an option. “I am so hungry for your kiss.” But he made himself wait as he feathered his fingertips over her face, relearning its features, every one of them becoming so dear to him. “Your face is so beautiful.” At her groan of protest, he insisted. “Yes, it is. I love everything about it – your smooth brow, long eyelashes, high cheekbones and this extremely kissable mouth.” With tender licks and nibbles, he drew her into his web. She’d never know how much she made him feel. Presley brought out new emotions in him, she made him warm and wishful – she made him want things he had thought he would never deserve.

  With longing she touched his face, pushed his hair out of his eyes and caressed the ever-present stubble on his cheeks. Opening her mouth for his kiss, she welcomed his tongue and let her own rub against his – a mutual taking and giving. God, she’d swear that magic was in the air. Miracles were afoot. The pleasure he was giving her was the fulfillment of every dream she’d ever had – the granting of every wish she’d ever whispered in the dark of night when she was all alone and convinced it was her destiny.

  Zane was her grace, a gift of unmerited favor. For some unfathomable reason, he had welcomed her into his world. Desire ripped through her system, making her arch into his body and offer herself to him, the only reward she had to offer.

  Zane’s hands moved under her coat, clasped her hips and pulled her against him so he could grind his cock against her softness. God, he’d never get enough of her kiss! She was becoming as necessary as oxygen to him. “My sweet baby,” he groaned as he let his lips slide over her jaw and down her neck. “I need you so much.”

  Presley couldn’t help but read more into his words than he probably intended. Hope blossomed in her heart like a flower facing the sun. As his hands pushed at her clothes, she helped him, holding up her hair as he reached around her to undo the zipper of her dress. “I always need you; I’m shaking with it, Zane.”

  “Lift up your arms,” he instructed and then he made her giggle as they struggled to get her naked. At odd purposes, she worked on his clothes while he kissed her breasts through the lace of her bra. “I swear, I’ve never missed my eyesight as much as I do at this moment. What I wouldn’t give to see how you look. I bet you’re all flushed with desire. Are your eyes glazed over with passion? Do you want me?”

  “I wouldn’t have you blind for anything in the world, but if you could see me, I wouldn’t be here.” Truth tumbled from her lips before she could call them back.

  Zane stilled. “Do you mean that, Presley?” He grasped her by the shoulders.

  She didn’t answer.

  “Do you?”

  “Yes,” she didn’t know what else to say.

  “Who is it that you doubt, Presley? You or me? Do you think you are lacking in looks or am I lacking in character?”

  “No, no, no” she wound her arms around his neck. “The fault is mine, I’m just insecure.”

  “Have I done or said anything to make you insecure?”

  “No,” she had to admit. “You’ve been perfect.”

  “I know what’s perfect,” he found her breasts, pushing up her bra, seeking out her nipples and licking them, sucking – determined to take her mind off her perceived shortcomings. Once his mouth was occupied, he went to work down below, pulling up her skirt and pulling down her panties. God, her thighs were so smooth and soft. The heat of her pussy almost brought him to his knees.

  “Pull your shirt off, please,” she was having a hard time getting where she wanted to be.

  “Damn, tie,” he fumbled and unbuttoned as fast as he could, needing her breast back in his mouth. But Presley had other ideas. She stroked the hard expanse of his chest and he stood still, enjoying the passion in her touch. But what surprised him was when her delicate little tongue curled around his nipple and she began to suck. “Christ!” he wound his fingers in her hair and pulled, testing her reaction. A moan of erotic excitement was all he needed to know. His baby liked to play. God, he was a lucky man!

  Picking her straight up in the air, he found her nipple and began
to suck ravenously. Presley linked her legs around his waist and just held on while he made love to her tits. “Will you make love to me, please? Now? I can’t wait another moment,” she was breathless with need.

  Zane could hear her, barely. His heart was pounding so hard that the blood was roaring through his ears. “Sweet baby,” he let her body slide down his. The heat of her skin was like a magnet, he wanted to get closer and closer.

  “My nipples feel so good against you.” She loved how they caught and drug on the fur of his chest. “You are so sexy.”

  “Lean over the arm of the couch, someplace that you can hold on. This is going to be all you can handle.” He kept a connection as she turned around. “Let me feel you.” He ran his hands over her smooth back, narrow waist and that incredible ass of hers. “Tilt it up to me, Presley. Spread your legs.”

  She braced herself on her arms, she felt feminine and powerful. Her breasts hung down, the nipples were tight and swollen. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked at him – tall, in control with a look on his face that made the cream flow from her pussy. She felt her very core ache for him. “I can’t wait to feel you push inside of me; that’s my very favorite part.” Her eyes followed the luscious line of his body till she saw his cock standing up, firm and proud. “I’m so wet for you. Put him in,” she demanded.

  “All in good time,” he molded her ass in his hands. It was heart-shaped, firm, rounded – “Damn.” He popped her once and laughed when she squealed. And then pure eroticism took over as he slapped her bottom with his cock.

  “Watch me,” his request drew her eyes. God, he was stroking himself, his hand moving up and down the thick, long shaft.

  Presley pushed her ass higher, “Touch me, please.” He did, taking his cock and nudging her between her legs, running the head up and down her slit. Every pass he made, her clit got bigger and more needy. “Zane, it’s hungry. My pussy is starving for you.”


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