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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  A male voice called out. “Zane, did you know it’s the middle of the afternoon? What are you doing in your room?”

  “Who’s that?” Presley whispered as she attempted to straighten her hair.

  “That’s my brother, and he knows exactly what I’m doing. Ass.”

  Feeling shy, Presley followed Zane into the living room where his twin and Lilibet were waiting. Both seemed pleased as punch to see her and nothing would do but his brother go with him and check out the new foal and a new bull he had acquired recently. Their departure left Presley to play hostess to Lilibet since Rachel had already departed. “Would you like some coffee and cake?” She hoped she didn’t offend the sheriff’s wife by playing hostess. Presley had heard it was a role that Lilibet had assumed in this house before.

  “I’d love some.”

  Presley sat out the cake and some plates and gave her visitor access to the variety of one-cup coffee flavors she could choose from. Lilibet’s friendly demeanor and infectious smile put Presley at ease.

  “Are you going to the shower tomorrow night for Libby?”

  “Yes, I am. We bought the cutest outfits you’ve ever seen,” she proceeded to share the purchases she and Zane had made for Libby’s coming twins.

  “Jessie called me this morning and the doctor has pushed her due date out, she’s not happy.”

  “I bet she isn’t,” Presley commiserated. “She is definitely ready to bring that baby into the world.” As they fixed their coffee and cut their cake, the women discussed the McCoy family and how they were sticking together and keeping hope alive that Aron would be found.

  “Well, I believe in miracles,” Lilibet smiled. “I’ve had them in my own life. I survived being kidnapped by a mad man. My brother has turned his life around, I have found the man of my dreams and we’ve been blessed with one little boy and have another one on the way.” Some of this was news to Presley, she hadn’t heard about Kane’s ex-wife trying to cause trouble for him and her role in kidnapping Lilibet. After explaining what she went through and the other woman’s tragic death, she summed up with “Dwayne has brought joy into our lives, we wouldn’t trade him for anything.” Presley had so few memories of her own mother and those weren’t good ones. The idea that Kane and Lilibet had welcomed someone else’s child into their lives with open arms almost made her want to cry.

  “He is a very lucky child to have you.”

  “Speaking of miracles, aren’t you excited that Zane might be able to get his sight back?”

  Chapter Eight

  “What did you say?”

  The blank look on Presley’s face prompted Lilibet to repeat herself. “Don’t you think it’s wonderful that Zane may get his sight back? I’m sure you are almost as thrilled about it as he is.”

  “I’m speechless,” was all she managed to say and it was true.

  Luckily, Lilibet began to expound. “His cousin is a doctor, you know. Willow is one of the premiere neurological surgeons in the south. She’s so sweet and pretty. You’ll love her.”

  Presley was trying to follow the conversation, but her world had just been turned inside out. Why hadn’t he told her? Did he not want her to know? Was she not important enough to him that he’d want to share this huge piece of news? “I’m sure I would love Willow.”

  It was a good thing that Lilibet was so caught up in the conversation or she would have realized that all the blood had drained from Presley’s face. She felt weak and faint.

  “Willow called a family meeting and we all went. Kane and Zane’s parents are powerhouses, you know. They intimidate the heck out of me, but they were willing to pay my ransom when I was kidnapped, so I have learned to respect them and maybe someday I’ll be able to string a complete sentence together in front of them.”

  Presley could hear Lilibet speaking but she only comprehended part of it. That didn’t deter Kane’s wife’s enthusiasm. “The family is ecstatic. You’ll have to get Zane to explain the procedure to you, but from what I understand, it’s almost guaranteed to give him back his sight. It’s understandable he was skeptical and wanted to know more, a previous operation failed, I’m sure he told you.”

  Presley realized there was a lot that Zane hadn’t told her. “No, I didn’t know.”

  Her denial went unheard, Lilibet continued, “I don’t really understand it all, but Kane donated some T-cells and Willow is growing Zane new corneas. It sounds like science fiction, but it is a procedure that has helped others and if anyone can make this happen for Zane, it’s Willow.” The lovely young woman clasped her hands together as if in prayer. “Just think, in a few weeks, Zane might not be blind any longer.”

  “Excuse me.” Presley was mortified, but she had to run to the bathroom. Barely making it there, she sank to the floor as the contents of her stomach came spilling out into the bowl. God, she felt sick. She felt sick and ashamed and devastated and scared absolutely out of her mind.

  “Are you okay?” Lilibet hovered behind her.

  “Yes,” Presley lied. “I must be coming down with something.”

  “Oh, you poor thing.” She wet a washcloth and handed it to her.

  “I’ll be okay, now.” Forcing herself to her feet, she followed Lilibet back to the kitchen and while Lilibet discussed remedies and family news and local happenings, Presley said the right things at the right times and tried to pull herself together.

  Zane was going to regain his sight. The very thought of it was like an answer to prayer. She loved Zane. She really, truly, completely worshiped the ground upon which he stood. There was nothing in the world Presley wouldn’t do for him. If one of them were called upon to die for the other, she would face death a thousand times to preserve his. But he was regaining his sight! Everything within Presley made her want to get up and run and run and never quit running. Because the sad, horrible truth was – if Zane regained his sight, he would see her. There would be no hiding behind imagination or wishful thinking. Zane would see her as she was, and Presley knew she was not at all that he envisioned her to be. In Zane’s mind, in his private daydreams, she was beautiful. But when the harsh light of day shone on her, he would see her exactly as she was – no rose colored glasses or filter of affection would hide the truth.

  In a few minutes, Kane and Zane returned and before she was ready, she and the man she loved more than life were alone. It was all she could to act normal. Should she ask him about the operation or wait until he was ready to tell her? Presley held herself tight around the middle, she was literally shaking.

  He was happy; there was no doubt about it. And she would have it no other way. Standing near to her, he ‘looked’ into her face. “Would you do me the honor of going out on the town with me tonight? I have some good news I want to share with you.”

  Oh, Lord – here it was. “Yes, I would love to.” She made damn sure her voice conveyed all the excitement and gratitude and love he deserved.

  “Good, go get pretty.”


  “I wasn’t expecting this,” Presley could barely contain her surprise. She had followed his directions and dressed a bit casual, but she had figured they were going out to a regular restaurant or perhaps a club. Oh no, when Zane wanted to impress a girl, he didn’t hold back. She was amazed and delighted when Sherwood drove them up to The Vineyard at Florence. Presley had heard of the luxury resort and had always wanted to visit, but had never hoped too. They were escorted to a private villa where a five star chef had left them every conceivable delicacy. A fire burned in the fire place and the solid glass wall by their king-size bed looked out on the picturesque vineyard just down from the rolling hills that separated the mansion from the panoramic hill-country view. “This is magnificent.” She leaned back into his strong chest and just thanked the Lord she had been blessed with this time to share her life with him – no matter how long or short or what the future held; it had been more than worth it.

  “Come on; let’s get a glass of wine. I want to talk with you.” She helped
him with the glasses and to pour the wine. Presley wasn’t much of a drinker, so she had no real appreciation for the vintage and bouquet and all the things that Zane shared with her about the wine. It tickled her nose and made her smile and that was good enough for her.

  “Thank you for bringing me here; I appreciate it so much.”

  She was always thankful; never demanding – never presumptuous – Presley was a breath of fresh air in his world. While Kane had been at Whispering Pines and while Presley had been in the house visiting with Lilibet, he had spoken to his cousin and she had confirmed that Kane’s cells had responded and she had viable corneal material to use in the transplant. And now, he had to tell the most important person in the world to him that their lives were about to change. For the better. “Let’s sit on the rug by the fire. I want to cuddle with you.”

  She joined him by the hearth. “Help me, Darling.” She did, and they sat their glasses of wine on the hearth where both could reach them easily. “Now give me your hands.” She did, but her hands shook in his. “What’s the matter?” he raised her fingers to his lips. “I have good news, nothing for you to tremble over.”

  “I’m just excited,” she lied.

  “I want you to know what you have come to mean to me,” Zane spoke low as he turned her hand over and kissed the palm. “The day you walked into my office was the best day of my life. Not only have you saved a woman’s life, you have become someone upon whom I can rely. I have no doubt you will make partner someday.” Yea, and the firm’s name would be Saucier, Barclay and Saucier, if he had any say in the matter. But today wasn’t the day to propose, that day may very well come soon, but he didn’t want anything to overshadow the importance of his asking her to become his wife. He had a plan. There was a method to his madness. “More important than work, though, is how you’ve stepped into my life and heart and restored my faith in humanity. It has taken five years – and you – but you have given me back my confidence. You have given me back my sexuality. You have given me a reason to get up in the morning that has nothing to do with a job or a case or an obligation.”

  Presley couldn’t hold back the tears if she tried. Zane heard her little gasp and he pulled her close and kissed the dampness from her cheeks. “Don’t you dare cry, I owe everything to you and now I want to tell you the most amazing news.”

  Should she tell him that Lilibet had already told her? No, she decided, he needed to do this. No use spoiling this for him. “Tell me, my love.”

  She did love him; Zane could feel the love with every fiber of his being. “My cousin is a very good surgeon, and she has convinced me to have surgery on my eyes, again. We tried a transplant once before, but it wasn’t successful. It’s almost guaranteed to work, and the details just amaze me. It involved harvesting my twin’s stem cells and culturing them on an ordinary pair of contact lenses.” He went on to explain how the lens would be placed on his own damaged corneas for several days and that, at the end, his sight could possibly be restored. “Isn’t that amazing, Presley?”

  He pulled her into his lap and she wound herself around him. “It’s the best news in the whole world, Zane. I am so, so happy for you.” She kissed him all over his face. The tears she was shedding were tears of joy. No matter what happened between them, she could never regret that his vision could be restored.

  “Just think,” he whispered as he buried his face in her neck. “It won’t be long till I get to see your face for the first time.”


  Every moment was precious. Presley intended to love him within an inch of his life. As he undressed, she stared, memorizing every detail. Massive shoulders shrugged as he took off his shirt. Lord, she loved to see the man without a shirt, his wide chest rippling and that dark band of hair across it that arrowed down below his belt buckle. When he pulled off his pants, she couldn’t have looked away if her life depended on it. Long muscled legs, tanned from the sun, strong as tree trunks made her want to go up and wrap one of her legs around his and rub herself against him till she came. Zane was her weakness.

  He moved onto the big bed, pulling back the sheets and invited her to join him. “Come to me, Presley. You are the only one I want to celebrate with.” She drew nearer, already weak with want. His arm came around her waist and he pulled her on top of him, then rolled them over, bracing his body above hers. Presley caressed his chest, curling her fingers through his chest hair. “Just think, soon I’ll be able to see this beautiful body, not just touch it.”

  Zane pushed his cock into her thigh and Presley felt the soft flesh between her legs begin to melt. She didn’t want to think about him seeing her, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted him. “Kiss me, Zane. Kiss me so deep and hard that I’ll never be able to forget you.”

  “I won’t give you a chance to forget me,” His mouth covered hers, slanting against it, Zane’s tongue stroking and pushing against her lips, licking the seam till she let him in. Presley wrapped her arms around his shoulders, one leg over his, just like she had envisioned. A wild and desperate hunger rose within her as she kissed him back, pushing her tits up against his chest. He rose up over her, and the way he looked down at her made her wonder if he could already see. “If the operation works, our first night together, we’re going to sleep with the lights on, just so I can look my fill at you.” He cupped the mounds of her breasts. “I can’t wait to see the color of your nipples, to see how my hands look when they are full of your tits.” Presley trembled at his words, as much from the excitement as from the thought of being vulnerable to his gaze. “I want to see this precious mouth,” he lowered himself to kiss her again, and this time she took control, sucking and nipping, pushing her hand down between their bodies to stroke his cock.

  “You are like no other man in the whole world; there is none like you. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to be able to touch you like this.” A groan of appreciation slipped from his lips, as he was drawn to her breasts, nuzzling and licking at her nipples. Presley watched him, fascinated by the way he worked the sensitive tip. When he opened his mouth wide and sucked hard, she felt herself grow wet and achy. “Take me, Zane. Take me hard and fast and deep.”

  Her need just multiplied his. Rolling her to her side, he spooned her, enveloping her body in his, one arm under her, her legs resting on top of one of his. “You like this, don’t you, Baby? You like me to dominate you, take control.”

  “God, yes,” she couldn’t deny him anything. He nipped her neck, licking a hot patch to the sensitive place behind her ear.

  “Let me in,” he spread her legs, bringing the top one to rest up on his, opening her wide, splaying her so he could reach between her legs from the back, testing her readiness. Taking his cock in his hand, he drug it in the honey, pressing right at the place he wanted to be the most. “How much do you want me, Presley? Beg me for it.”

  Oh, she could beg, but there would be repercussions. Pushing her ass back into him, she wound an arm around his neck and thrust her tits out. “Do you ache for me, Zane? Does your cock want to push inside of me? Do you want me to squeeze you, milk you?” As she pumped her hips back against him, his cock was nestled between her legs, lodged in the valley of her slit; she was riding the ridge of his cock, slowly – driving them both into frenzy.

  “You’re playing with fire, Sunshine,” he growled in her ear as he pushed hard into her with one mighty thrust. She arched her back and he held her steady by cupping her breasts, holding on to them as he pumped. “Feel us together, close your eyes and know who you belong to. It’s me who’s stretching you, filling you.” Presley tightened around him. “That’s right, Baby, hold me tight, milk me,” he crooned.

  “Don’t stop, please,” she finally begged as he had asked her to. She loved how he felt inside of her, thick and hard, blistering and burning her from the inside out.

  “I can’t stop, Honey,” he pulled her head back so he could kiss her. “You love it as much as I do, don’t you?”

  “More,” she conceded
, wishing she could hold him to her forever, wishing she could be just what he wanted, just what he needed. With every bit of control she had, she tightened around him, holding on to the tip end as he pulled out and pushed back inside of her in the erotic dance of love. “Love me, Zane,” she demanded, wishing with all her heart that she could be as beautiful as he thought she was.

  “I do, I do,” he pulled out just long enough to push her to her stomach.

  She went to all fours, knowing exactly what he wanted. Zane’s hands were constantly touching, soothing and rubbing her body. She knew it was his way of ‘seeing’ her. “You love me?” she sought clarification.

  “Damn right,” he pressed into her again, wrapping her hair around his fist and pulling on it, exerting a measure of control as he thrust and pumped in and out of her. Zane was lost in Presley, completely lost, “I love making love with you.”

  Ah, a clarification – no matter. It was true, no matter the emotions involved, she was his to do with as he pleased, there was no way she could deny him anything. Pleasure pulsed through her body with his every stroke, his every caress. He buried himself as deep in her body as she held him in her heart. The flames of orgasm flashed over her and she shattered, clawing at the sheet trying to hold on, biting her lip in an effort to keep from screaming out her feelings. She felt like a rag-doll, helpless as his arms tightened around her. And then it was over – Zane shouted her name as his cum jetted into her, their essences mingling even as she could feel a disturbing premonition that their lives would soon separate.

  Afterwards she lay in his arms, just watching the shadows dance across the wall as the curtain moved in the slight breeze from the window Zane had cracked open. He loved fresh air and was always opening doors and windows. She knew that his blindness made him slightly claustrophobic. She smiled. There was no way she could resent the opportunity that he had to regain his sight. It was an amazing turn of events.


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