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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 26

by Sable Hunter

  “Jaxson, the second oldest, is the one that couldn’t get away from his love of the land. He, along with his brothers, have bought thousands of acres around Lake Buchanan and formed Highlands Ranch. Only Tennessee has been married and it didn’t last very long, so for now, all the siblings live together in a big rambling house at Highlands. One of their friends in Louisiana was quoting Heath when he said it took all four brothers to keep Ryder and Pepper under control. Apparently the females of the family are giving the males a difficult time.”

  Presley was adding her own comments to the notes, but Zane listened to all without interrupting. She paused to look at him, but he sensed it, and just nodded for her to continue. “Jaxson doesn’t just ranch, he also rides rodeo. So he is gone from the ranch more than Heath is. Last year he was one of the top three PBR contenders and expected to be higher than that this year.” Not understanding, she asked. “What’s PBR?”

  “Professional Bull Riding.”

  “Oh,” Presley shivered a bit. “I’m glad you don’t do that.”

  “I used to. And if I get my sight back, I may do it again.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said calmly and went back to reading, but she didn’t miss his amused chuckle. “Philip, our defendant, is an Indiana Jones type. All of the boys are college educated but the others have business or agriculture degrees. Phillip’s major was archaeology. He has traveled all over the world, but specializes in Native American studies. He has been working for The University of Texas doing research into the history of Enchanted Rock and the lost San Saba Mines.”

  “That’s interesting,” Zane mused. “The McCoys mentioned those two things as soon as they heard who the victim was. Find out everything you can on those two topics. Something tells me that we’ll find others who are as interested in that lost mine as Philip. Greed is as great a motivator for murder as jealousy, maybe more so. Is there more?”

  “A little,” she tilted the screen so she could see it better. All she was wearing was panties and a t-shirt and Zane had worked one hand up under her shirt and his rhythmic stroking of her back was making it hard to concentrate. But she didn’t stop him – who needed to concentrate? She’d rather be petted. “Tennessee, the youngest boy, is more of a loner. He owns a company called Wilderness Way that is called upon in various Search and Rescue operations. Tennessee is a professional tracker and has single-handedly rescued dozens of people lost in the mountains, the swamp and even once the Arctic. He is a member of the International Society of Professional Trackers and has a sterling reputation. In fact, all of the McCoys are model citizens and great philanthropists. Marcus says that you should have no qualms about representing Philip McCoy.” And then she laughed. “Oh, there is a post script. The girls are a different story. Ryder and Pepper have both been known to cause their brothers to lose their tempers, lose sleep and give Heath a few premature grey hairs.” She put the computer down. “I think we’ll like them.”

  “Yea, me too.”

  “So, do you think there’s any chance they’re related to our McCoys?” Presley hadn’t heard anything that would answer that question.

  “I don’t know, I guess it all depends on what Jacob says. Hand me my phone.”

  She did, and in a few seconds, Zane had him on the line. Presley got up to get dressed, but she didn’t go far.

  “Jacob, this is Zane. I have a question for you.”

  “Hey, Buddy! How are you?”

  “We’re good.”

  “’We’re’? Do you have a mouse in your pocket or are you talking about that black hound dog of yours?”

  Zane knew his friend was razzing him, trying to get him to admit he was caught – hook, line and sinker. “No mouse, but I do have a beautiful woman by my side, as do you.”

  Jacob snorted, “About damn time. I’m proud for you, Zane. When’s the wedding?”

  “Just as soon as I can make it happen.” He didn’t want to take time to explain about the operation, besides it was just a tad too personal. “How’s Libby?” Zane didn’t ask if there were any news concerning Aron, because he would have been the first to know.

  “She’s in bed, Zane. This has all been too much for her. The doctor laid down the law. She has to take care of herself and the babies. We’re all worried about her leukemia. Remissions can be tricky things; science doesn’t really know what triggers them or what brings them to an end.

  “Damn, if there is any justice in the world, Aron will come home. Libby has been through enough.”

  “I agree.”

  “Is Jessie still pregnant?”

  This time Jacob laughed out loud. Zane was so glad he could do that, despite all of the heartache the family had suffered. “Yes, she thinks she’ll be pregnant forever.”

  “I bet you are catching the short end of the stick. Is she grouchy?”

  “A bit, but she’s also perfect and I wouldn’t trade places with anyone else in the world.”

  For the first time, Zane could relate. “I understand.”

  “The shark, Patricia Fuller, called me. As bad as I hate to, I guess you need to process the paperwork to make me head of the foundation until Aron comes home.

  Until Aron comes home. No one dared say it any different and Zane understood that.

  “I’ll do it. Now, let me tell you the reason for my call. I need you to tell me about your daddy’s parents.” Zane had a suspicion, but he needed additional information before he said anything more.

  “What are you up to, Zane?”

  “Nothing illegal, just answer the question.”

  Jacob trusted Zane, so he did. “Sebastian McCoy, my daddy, was a man’s man. He was a true cowboy, but I guess you know that Tebow belonged to Mama; Daddy came to town and swept Mama off her feet. He had a talent for making money, I swear the man could smell oil a thousand feet under the ground, but he didn’t have any land.”

  “What can you tell me about his parents?” Zane almost knew what he was going to say, but he needed to hear it from Jacob’s lips.

  “Well, that’s an odd situation. Daddy’s real parents were Sarah and Isaac McCoy, yes – that’s where Badass got his name from. After Daddy was born, Sarah divorced Isaac and married Arlon Cartwright. Arlon raised Daddy, but Daddy kept the name McCoy. I remember them, but not well.”

  “What would you say if I told you that when Isaac and Sarah split, I think they each took a baby? I’m almost certain that Sebastian had a brother whose name was Christian.”

  “How in the hell did you find that out?”

  Zane laughed, talk about a dropping a bomb, he was just about to do it. “If I’m not mistaken, I think I’ve run into your first cousins. Christian had four boys and two girls, and you couldn’t deny these boys. They look enough like your clan to be your siblings.”

  “Why didn’t I know Daddy had a brother?”

  “I don’t know. I’m about to find out if they know any more than you did. Perhaps Christian never mentioned Sebastian, either. What if Sarah and Isaac never told their new spouses or their sons that they had split up a pair of brothers? Hell, when we check their birth dates – they may be twins. Twins run in your family. It’s sad, I guess. Christian is still alive. You might want to meet him. And as for this McCoy clan, it’s as wild as you boys are.”

  “How did you run into them?”

  “Heath, the oldest, owns the resort we’re staying at. I heard the name, then realized how much their speaking voices made me think of you. Presley verified that the family resemblance was uncanny. But the reason I’ve been able to find out so much about them is because they have retained my services. I’m defending Philip McCoy for murder.”

  “Murder?” Jacob was stunned. “Is he guilty?”

  “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?”

  “Well, I don’t have to tell you to keep me informed.”

  “Will do, Friend, will do.”


  Presley followed Zane into the conference room. He had just finished th
e last presentation at the conference and now they were meeting with their newest clients. It was hard for her to keep her mind on business; she was on pins and needles about Zane’s pending operation. And to complicate matters, she had just gotten the strangest phone call – from her mother. It had been years and years since she had heard from her. Kelly Love wanted to see Presley and Presley didn’t know what to think. She was completely shook up.

  “It wasn’t a problem getting you off on bail, Philip. But now the real work begins. I’ve got my partner, Adam, driving up here tomorrow and he’ll handle some of the leg work of the case. I am not turning loose of it, but I have a medical procedure to get through when I get home.”

  She watched Heath McCoy pace up and down in front of the window. The man had to be six foot four. He was intimidating and clearly unhappy that his family was going through this mess. “Philip didn’t kill anyone. What I want to know is how your fingerprints got on that gun they found by the body and what does Holly McBride have to do with the San Saba Mine?”

  “I don’t know,” Philip was being honest; he sat with his hands folded on the table. “I’ve never dated Holly; I’ve only run into her a few times in town. This man, Dalton Smith, who I supposedly killed; he’s Holly’s boyfriend and I had no quarrel with the man.”

  “What about this lost mine?” Zane motioned for Presley to come closer and whispered for her to check and see if there were any inquires at the land office concerning that particular piece of property.

  Logging on to her computer, Presley set out to contact the agency that Zane recommended. It was hard to keep her eyes off the people in the room, though. There were two women who hadn’t said anything as yet, but they looked worried. She wondered which one was Pepper and which one was Ryder. There was no doubt they were McCoys, but the girls were definitely feminine. Neither one of the came to their brother’s shoulders and Presley felt like a mushroom beside them; they were absolutely beautiful.

  “I stumbled upon a site that could be part of the mine complex on Highland Property, but I have no proof as of yet. It’s all theory.”

  “Yes,” Zane said, “I realize that, but I’m sure those with the same knowledge and interest as yours would not be that hard to find.”

  “You’re right about that,” Philip agreed. “It’s a pretty close and closed community. Even amateur treasure hunters use social media to access information and make contacts. So you think this could be connected?”

  “The man had to have some reason to be in that hole in the ground.” Heath rubbed the scruff of his beard, thoughtfully.

  “As far as I know, Dalton had no interest in Indian lore, lost gold mines or any other kind of treasure.” Philip interjected.

  “We’ll find the connection; don’t worry.”

  “What I’m hearing is that Smith had some high up connections. I’m worried about Philip getting a fair trial. We don’t have a lot of pull in these parts.” Jaxson swung his chair around and sat in it backwards.

  “Actually, you may have more than you thought you had,” Zane smiled and Presley knew exactly what he was about to do.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m talking about Aron McCoy and his brothers of Tebow Ranch.”

  Tennessee looked up; he hadn’t said anything so far. “I have friends in Blue Hope; Aron McCoy went missing on his honeymoon.”

  “Yes, he did.” Zane felt for his glass of water and Presley helped him with it. “We’re still looking for him, though. It is our hope he’ll be found.”

  “What about these McCoys?” Philip asked a glint of hope in his eyes. He had to be nervous, any man would be.

  “I’ve been doing some research on your family and theirs,” Zane began and Jaxson jerked his head up as if offended and Heath’s steady hand on his shoulder quieted him.

  “Go ahead.”

  “I believe your father and their father were brothers and if I’m right, you have some of the greatest allies you could possibly ever want in the state. You are McCoys and McCoys stick together and they fight side by side. If I was in a battle, there is no one in the world that I’d rather have standing next to me than those men. They are my friends and I have no doubt that when they find out you are family, they will step up to help you and heaven help anybody that tries to harm you.”

  “Hell, I don’t know if the state is big enough for more McCoys.” Jaxson didn’t seem to like the idea.

  “They were here first, Jax. Let’s not play Hatfield to their McCoy; if we’re family, I want to know. I need all the help I can get.” After Philip voiced his opinion, they all nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Good, I’ll get to work. We’ll have one more meeting before I go, and then my partner will be here to help you. But remember, I’m never more than a phone call or an email away. Make sure Presley has all of your email address and cell phone numbers. And I’ll set up a meeting with you and Jacob.” Zane stood up and gathered his things.

  Heath came over to shake Zane’s hand. “If there’s anything we can do about Aron, let me know. Tennessee is a world class tracker.”

  “I know,” Zane patted the other man on the shoulder. “We just don’t know where to look – that’s the problem.”


  Presley and Zane were on their way home. Sherwood had made the trip north to fetch them and Rex had been ecstatic to see him. “Sir, I have news.”

  “What would that be, Sherwood?”

  “I have asked Rachel to marry me and she’s agreed.”

  “Marvelous! When’s the wedding?” It seems he had asked that question before – oh yeah, with Chloe. His life was changing. Clasping Presley’s hand, Zane decided it was changing for the better.

  “In two weeks, Sir. At our age, there is no need for long engagements.”

  “I’m happy for you, Sherwood.” Presley offered. A little bit of jealousy welled up in her heart. What would it be like for Zane to propose to her? She had imagined it a hundred times, how it would feel for him to go to one knee in front of her take her hand and make her the happiest woman in the world. Oh well, it might never happen. After all, he told her once that he was not the marrying kind and she had told him that she had no intention of marrying either.

  “Thank you, Miss. I have other news, also, Sir.”

  “Your voice tells me that I’m not going to like this news quite as well. What is it?”

  “You have company, Sir. Your whole family arrived at Whispering Pines this afternoon.”

  Zane winced, he had been expecting that. “All of them?”

  “Your mother, father and two girl cousins drove up at three this afternoon.”

  “There go my romantic plans for the evening, Presley. I was planning on us taking a ride on the horses under the moon. Rachel was preparing us a special picnic basket supper.”

  “That’s okay, Zane. Your family is worried about you.” She was as disappointed as he was; she needed this time with him before the operation.

  “You owe me and your brother, Sir. Perhaps you could give me an extra week of honeymoon vacation.”

  “Oh really?” Zane laughed. “What did you and Kane do?”

  “I called him and Lilibet and told him you had plans and they came and got everyone and took them to their house.”

  “Ha!” Zane laughed. “Yes, that is worth an extra week of vacation for both of you and Rachel!”

  “Well, I should hope so,” Presley elbowed Zane. “It would hardly do to give one a week off and not give the other one the same thing. It does take two to have a honeymoon, you know.”

  He surprised her by wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her close so he could whisper in her ear. “Do you want to have honeymoon practice tonight?”

  Calm down, Presley, she cautioned herself. Until he said the words ‘Will you marry me, Presley?’ no proposal had been issued. But she wouldn’t turn down the honeymoon practice, that sounded too good to pass up. “Yes, please. Since I’ve never been on a honeymoon, I need all t
he practice I can get.”

  “I have news, myself,” she had decided to tell him about her mother.

  “What’s that?”

  “My mother called and she wants to meet me.”

  Zane squeezed her hand. “Is this good?”

  “I don’t know. I’m nervous about it, though. I put her off, but I think I may call her and arrange a meeting. I’ll regret it if I don’t.”

  “Let’s make a deal.”

  “What’s that?” she was open to whatever idea he might have.

  “If you’ll be with me through the operation, I’ll be with you through this thing with your mother.”

  “We’re going to have a mutual support system?”

  “I think that’s what couples do, Presley.”

  Wow, he just took her breath away.


  When they arrived at Whispering Pines, Zane checked on his animals first while Presley did some necessary girl stuff. What that was, he could only guess, but he gave her some space, knowing he would be the one to benefit. Rex was glad to be home so Zane turned him loose and let him run. The horses were all well; Frank had taken good care of them. Tonight was going to be special in more ways than one. Before he took Presley out on for their moonlight picnic, he was going to saddle Shalimar and ride her around the corral. “We’re going to have a good time, Girl. Are you going to let me ride you or are you going to pitch me off like a sack of potatoes?” He rubbed her velvety nose. Onyx trumpeted from down at the other end of the aisle and Cheyenne and Comanche’s mom answered. “Listen, everybody is jealous of you.” He made the rounds and gave everybody some special petting time. “I’ll be back in a bit; I have to go check on my best girl.”

  Rachel met him at the door. “Did Sherwood tell you our news?”

  “Yes, he did. Congratulations.” He gave her a big hug. “I’m so proud for you. But I have to tell you, I could see this coming a mile away.”


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