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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

Page 31

by Sable Hunter

  Presley couldn’t keep her hands off of him. She rubbed his big arms, his shoulders – so glad that she was back where she belonged. “Thank you for coming after me.”

  “You never answered my question.” He put one finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his.

  “What question?” Presley brought her palms around to rest on his chest.

  “THE Question.” He emphasized the words.

  “I can feel your heart beating.” She hadn’t taken her hands off of him, and she might never, if she had anything to say about it.

  “It beats for you, Pretty One.”

  “Oh, my,” Presley lost her ability to breathe when the big man went down on one knee. He took her hand in his and kissed her palm. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a ring. “Zane?”

  “Presley Love, love of my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  He looked at her so expectantly. He was so sweet. “You rhymed,” she smiled through tears of joy and he widened his eyes – waiting for an answer, so she gave him one. “You are the dearest thing in the world to me and there is nothing I want more in the world than to marry you.” She watched in awe as he slipped a sparkling diamond on her finger. “Zane, that is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.”

  “It’s not as nearly as pretty as you are, and I know that for a fact, you see, I saw it for myself.” He stood up and touched her face, feathering his fingers over her brow and high cheekbones. “You may not believe me, but you look exactly as I pictured you. I know you, Presley. You are the very best part of me.” He lifted her hair and ran his fingers through it, caressing the strands.

  “Never did I ever expect anyone like you to come into my life. You are the greatest gift I will ever receive.” She smiled at him then, a smile that lit up her whole face – it lit up his life. Hell, his body responded to the warmth of that smile.

  “I can’t wait, Precious. I have to see you.” He began to undress her, marveling at every inch of her gorgeous body.

  Since he had accepted the imperfection of her face, Presley had no qualms about him seeing the rest of her. She helped him shed her clothes and his.

  His body temperature rose. She stood before him, naked and soft and smooth. Her curves were lush and welcoming. Her breasts were two sweet mounds of perfection. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, his eyes feasted on the banquet of her beauty. “This – this is what I was longing for. I could have lived in darkness, but I will be forever grateful for the joy of seeing the woman who has given me more pleasure and joy than I ever expected.” He let his hands follow his gaze, relearning every sweet inch of her body. “I’ve just begun to touch you,” he growled, “and I’m already completely lost. You are my one desire.” Taking her hand, he covered his cock. “See how much I want you?”

  No longer did she doubt that he desired her. Zane could see her plainly and he still wanted her. “I want you more,” she gave him a challenging little grin as she rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the precum.

  “I seriously doubt that.” Before she could see it coming, he picked her up and laid her on the bed. “Fulfill a fantasy for me. I want to watch you touch yourself.”

  His request shocked her, but it also made her hot as heck. “You want to see me masturbate?”

  Lord, her even saying the word ‘masturbate’ did it for him, “Presley you are a perfect combination of innocent and sexy and I have craved to see what you look like when you cum. Tonight, I’m going to get that privilege more than once.”

  He was hers. She could do this. Presley came to her knees and looked her man right in the eye. “Do you want me to show you how much I want you?” She ran both palms up her body and under her hair, lifting it, her breasts rising with the motion. His cock throbbed at the sight.

  “How much do you want me?” he countered her question.

  She was absolutely delectable. Presley’s skin glowed golden in the lamplight and as she caressed her own thighs, teasing her body with little rubs, he sank to a chair in front of her – mesmerized. In the last few weeks, she had given him so much. As he lay in the hospital bed, he had relived the moments when she had opened to him – giving herself to him in the most generous way possible. Open arms, open legs and an open heart. Her mouth on his cock was any man’s wet dream and when he would work his cock into her tight little pussy, he had felt like a fuckin’ superhero. Now, she was before him – making him want her more than ever.

  Keeping eye contact with him, she laid back, watching him as he fisted his cock. Presley was a little self-conscious but more turned on than anything. With a calculated move, she opened one leg, giving him an unimpeded view of her pussy.

  Zane couldn’t be still. He left the chair and went to her, kneeling at the bed. “Sweet Lord” he breathed as he got his first glimpse of her pink, wet flesh. “I’ve kissed you there; it is the sweetest flavor in the world.”

  She felt like a goddess. His eyes were focused on her with a heated, intense gaze. So, she rewarded him by lifting her hips and swirling her fingers through her pussy and around her clit. He groaned and she felt herself grow wet. “Yes,” she moaned.

  Damn! He didn’t know where to look: her gorgeous face, her luscious tits or between her legs. The blood was pulsing in his cock, he couldn’t hold out much longer. Just a taste, he promised himself. Catching one leg, he opened her up further and caught her hand, holding it to one side. Was there a prettier sight in the world? Slowly, he lowered his head, placing a kiss right over her clit.

  “Oh, yeah! I love that!” she bucked up toward his face, wanting more.

  “Uh-uh, continue. I just needed a little something to tide me over.”

  “Zane, you can’t be serious,” but he was, she could tell by his expression. He felt he had missed out on some things and she felt privileged that he wanted her to help him make up for it. He would not be sorry. Her own touch felt good, but that wasn’t what made her body writhe or bow with ecstasy – it was him, all him. She watched his eyes glaze with passion, a red flush of arousal colored his skin. His breathing became shallow and fast, and when he groaned, she only gave him more. With one hand she played with her breast and with the other she caressed the wet folds.

  “Fuck!” he hissed. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her. Lying down beside her, he just took it all it – touching her leg, her arm, kissing her anywhere she pleased. His hips were bucking sympathetically, the head rubbing sensuously on her leg.

  She let her fingers flutter against her clit. “You’ll make love to me, won’t you?” This felt good, but he would feel so much better. Honey flowed. Her thighs tightened, and with rhythmic abandon she plunged two fingers inside of herself, whimpering, “Fuck me, please. Fuck me, Zane!”

  When she gasped his name, he had to act. This was his woman! Her pleasure was his pleasure. Pulling her close, he cradled her head and covered her mouth with his. Pushing past her lips, he mapped the hot cavern of her mouth – licking, branding – tangling his tongue with hers as he possessed her, totally. Zane’s whole body burned and tingled, he rubbed himself against her, wanting to get as close to her as possible.

  Presley ran her hands down his body, loving the ripples and bulges of his muscles, the flat, lick-able six-pack. How could any woman resist him? He was sex incarnate. Reaching between them, she found his erection and palmed it; this was what she needed.

  “Presley, I need to tell you something,” he panted, “I never knew pleasure like this existed. I want you to belong to me, forever.” Taking a breast in one hand, he plumped it and sucked on the nipple like he was starving to death. “I can’t live another moment without being inside you. Before was perfect – wonderful, but being able to see you adds another dimension – I want you more than my next breath. Now, look at me.”

  She tried, but when he covered her body and surged inside of her, burying as much of his cock as he could in the first thrust, she closed her eyes and moaned in complete surrender.

et me in, Sugar,” he flexed his hips, working his way in. “God, you fit me so well. You were made for me, Presley.”

  Letting out a breath, she willed her body to relax and let him in. A delicious feeling of fullness – completion – swathed her body in quivering ecstasy.

  “That’s it,” he pumped again, burying himself to the hilt. “Christ!”

  She melted around him, accepting his thrusts. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she kissed his chest and shoulders while he set a hard rhythm. Yet every time she looked into his face, his eyes found hers. He was taking all that she had, drawing it from her body and remaking her into something more beautiful than she was before.

  An incredible rush of feeling spread throughout her body as his pelvis moved over hers, creating a constant friction, a sublime rolling of heated ecstasy that pulsed in her clit and reached all the way to her hard, sensitive nipples. Every movement of his body rubbed his chest against hers and she pushed up into him wishing she could merge her very soul into his.

  God, he was gonna come first, Zane thought as Presley lifted her hips off the bed, sliding herself up and down his cock. Excruciating pleasure was overtaking him and when she screamed his name, “Zaaannne!” and clamped her body down on his, he exploded. They held one another and rocked together, prolonging their orgasm and celebrating the miracle of love they had been granted.

  A good while later, after they had dozed, talked and celebrated; he climbed from the bed and pulled on his jeans, shirt and boots. “Let’s go see our horses,”

  “You’re like a little boy on Christmas morning.” Presley dressed hastily; there was no way she wanted to miss this.

  “Come on, Rex,” he called. Rex’s job description was about to change, but he didn’t seem to mind. Guard-dog during the day and lap-dog at night would suit him fine.

  As Zane walked out into the clear light of day, he held the hand of the woman he loved and took in the wonder of the world around him. The colors of the trees were richer than he could have dreamed, the sky was a brilliant blue – even the grass was greener than he remembered. In the pasture, the horses were running in the crisp air and the cattle were grazing in the distance. He wanted to throw his arms up in the air and hug the world. But all the blessings surrounding him paled next to Presley. “Stop, I want to look at you.”


  “The love shining in your eyes is the most incredible sight. I never want to forget it.”

  “You won’t ever have to remember, Zane. The love won’t ever dim from my eyes or my heart, I’ll love you forever.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, cradling her in the warmth of his body. “You know, Baby, being able to see you, to look at you is a dream come true. But I want you to know that my love for you is unchanging. I loved you before I saw you, and I love you now. I didn’t need eyes to see your beauty. No eye sees as clearly as the heart and my heart belongs to you.”

  Presley laid her head on his chest. She was finally home.

  Available from Secret Cravings Publishing

  TROUBLE - Texas Heat I

  My Aliyah - Heart In Chains - Texas Heat II

  A Wishing Moon - Moon Magick I

  Sweet Evangeline - Moon Magick II

  Unchained Melody - Hill Country Heart I

  Scarlet Fever – Hill Country Heart II

  Five Hearts - Valentine Anthology - A Hot And Spicy Valentine

  Bobby Does Dallas - Hill Country Heart III

  Published Independently and Available on Amazon

  Hell Yeah Series

  Cowboy Heat - Aron's Story - Hell Yeah I

  Hot on Her Trail - Jacob's Story - Hell Yeah II

  Her Magic Touch - Joseph's Story - Hell Yeah III

  Badass – Isaac’s Story – Hell Yeah IV

  I’ll See You In My Dreams – Zane’s story - Hell Yeah V

  Coming Soon

  Skye Blue - Noah's Story - Hell Yeah VI

  Spinoff Series of Hell Yeah – Cajun Spice

  Burning Love - Cajun Spice I

  Forget Me Never – Cajun Spice II

  Free Read

  On Secret Cravings

  A Brown Eyed Handsome Man – Kane’s story – Hell Yeah Universe

  For more info check out…




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