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by Alan Brinkley

  39. C. D. Jackson to HRL et al., n.d., 1936, TIA; HRL Elson interview, 1966, TIA; Elson, Time Inc., p. 323–25.

  40. HRL Elson interview, 1966, TIA.

  41. HRL speech to Association of Advertising Agencies, April 30, 1937, TIA; John K. Jessup, ed., The Ideas of Henry Luce (New York: Atheneum, 1969), pp. 35–43.

  42. Wainwright, The Great American Magazine, jacket copy; Douglas Waples, People and Print: Social Aspects of Reading in the Depression (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937), pp. 5–6, 72.

  43. Wilson Hicks, Words and Pictures: An Introduction to Photojournalism (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952), p. 85; “W. Eugene Smith,” interview in Paul Hill and Thomas Cooper, eds., Dialogue with Photography (New York: Dewi Lewis, 1979), pp. 203–5.

  44. Susan Goldman Rubin, Margaret Bourke-White (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1999), pp. 56–57; William Stott, Documentary Expression and Thirties America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), pp. 5–63; Michael Denning, The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century (London: Verso, 1996), pp. 158–59; Richard Pells, Radical Visions and American Dreams: Culture and Social Thought in the Depression Years (New York: Harper & Row, 1973), pp. 194–251.

  45. Erika Doss, “Introduction,” in Doss, ed., Looking at Life Magazine, pp. 11–12; Daniel Longwell interview, January 13, 1956, COHP.

  46. Life, November 23, 1936.

  47. Life, May 10, 1937.

  48. Life, November 30, 1936, November 8, 1937, August 7, 1939, January 24, 1938, April 19, 1937, August 14, 1939, March 22, 1937.

  49. Life, November 25, 1940, February 1, 1937, December 7, 1936, February 6, December 11, 1939.

  50. Life, April 19, 1937, December 28, 1936.

  51. Life, October 10, 1938; “LIFE and People,” n.d., 1938, TIA; Wainwright, The Great American Magazine, pp. 100–1.

  52. Life, April 19, May 24, 1937, July 25, September 5, 1938, January 1, 1940.

  53. Life, July 18, 1938, February 15, April 12, 1937, November 14, December 26, September 5, 1938, January 13, 1941, October 10, 1938, January 4, 1937.

  54. HRL to Longwell, August 12, 1944, Mary Fraser, “Women,” n.d., 1949, TIA.

  55. Life, April 11, August 7, 1938, February 6, 1939, May 31, 1937, December 11, 1939; Jeanne Perkins Harman, Such Is Life: An Insider’s View of America’s Greatest Picture Magazine (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1956), pp. 19–23.

  56. HRL to JSB, January 16, 1945, TIA; Life, n.d., 1945; Robert B. Westbrook, “I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl that Married Harry James,” American Quarterly 42 (December 1990): 596–602, 610–11.

  57. Life, April 24, 1939, December 12, 1938, December 13, October 25, 1937, September 12, 1938; Terry Smith, “Life-Style Modernity: Making Modern America” in Doss, ed., Looking at Life Magazine, pp. 26–28.

  58. Alfred Politz Research Inc., AUDIENCE: A Study of the Accumulative Audience of Life (New York: Time Inc., 1950), pp. 20–21; Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet, The People’s Choice: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Election (New York: Columbia University Press, 1944), pp. 134–36; Carl F. Kaestle, Literacy in the United States: Readers and Reading since 1880 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1991), pp. 263–66.

  59. John Loengard, Life Photographers: What They Saw (Boston: Little, Brown, 1998), p. 20; William Brinkley, The Fun House (New York: Random House, 1961), p. 3; John G. Morris, Get the Picture: A Personal History of Photojournalism (New York: Random House, 1998), pp. 22–23; Carl Mydans, More Than Meets the Eye (New York: Harper Brothers, 1959), p. II; Rudolf Janssens and Gertjan Kalff, “Time Incorporated Stink Club: The Influence of Life on the Founding of Magnum Photos,” in David Nye and Mick Gidley, eds., American Photographs in Europe (Amsterdam: Vu University Press, 1994), pp. 223–42.


  1. JSBD, March 21, 1939, February 12, 1941.

  2. HRL to Dorothy Thompson, January 13, 1939, TIA.

  3. HRL to René Chambrun, October 12, 1939, HRL, “Time, War and Truth: When Men Take Sides,” internal memo, n.d., 1939, TIA.

  4. HRL to Ingersoll, n.d., 1938, HRL to TIME employees, January 30, 1939, TIA; JSBD, February 14, 1938, April 1, 1939.

  5. Patricia Divver, “The Ideology of TIME,” internal memo, July 21, 1953, JSB Mss.; Ingersoll to HRL, October 28, 1938, TIA; JSBD, November 18, 1938, January 25, 26, 1939, April 29, November 13, 1940; James L. Baughman, Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the American News Media (Boston: Twayne, 1987), p. 115.

  6. HRL to Eric Hodgins, August 3, 1940, Richardson Wood to HRL, August 16, 1940, Manfred Gottfried to HRL, August 23, 1940, HRL to Managing Editors, November 20, 1939, William Benton to Harold Lasswell, October 3, 1939, HRL memo, “Time, War and Truth: When Men Take Sides,” n.d., 1939, TIA; Charles Wertenbaker, The Death of Kings (New York: Random House, 1954), pp. 21–28; T. S. Matthews, Name and Address: An Autobiography (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960), pp. 243–48.

  7. “The Ideology of TIME,” JSB Mss.

  8. Time, May 4, July 20, September 21, November 2, 9, 1936, March 22, July 20, 1937, August 22, October 24, 1938; “The Ideology of TIME,” JSB Mss.

  9. Life, January 24, May 23, 1938, October 23, 1939; Fortune, March, May 1937, August 1938, February 1939.

  10. Time, March 27, April 17, July 10, September 4, 11, 1938, August 28, 1939; “The Ideology of TIME,” JSB Mss.

  11. Life, September 25, 1939.

  12. Life, June 10, 17, July 22, August 26, 1940, January 20, 31, 1941; Time, September 16, November 16, 1940, January 6, 1941; “The Ramparts We Watched,” March of Time, 1939; Robert T. Elson, Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1923–1941 (New York: Atheneum, 1968), pp. 381–85; “War and Peace,” Fortune, December 1939.

  13. Life, January 13, 1941; The New Yorker, October 25, 1941.

  14. HRL to Roy Larsen, Russell Davenport, July 14, 1939, Paul Prentice to HRL, November 14, 1940, TIA.

  15. HRL to FDR, June 11, 1940, HRL to Russell Davenport, October 15, 1940, HRL to Dorothy Thompson, January 13, 1939, HRL memo, “Time Inc.’s General Attitude Toward Foreign Policy,” January 18, 1939, HRL to Manfred Gottfried, July 29, 1939, HRL, “Questions and Answers, n.d., 1939, TIA; HRL to Senior Group, “WAR,” July 26, 1940, Longwell Mss.; Clarence Streit, Union Now: A Proposal for a Federation of the Democracies of the North Atlantic (New York: Harper & Bros., 1939), pp. 1–3, 33–35; HRL to Roy Larsen, Russell Davenport, July 14, 1939, TIA.

  16. HRL to Senior Group, “WAR,” July 26, 1940, Longwell Mss.

  17. “Memorandum for Mr. Luce,” n.d., 1938, “Mr. Luce’s European Trip,” June 22, 1933, TIA; Time, June 17, 1938; HRL dispatch, “Germany,” “Czechoslovakia,” “Paris,” n.d., 1938, TIA; Elson, Time Inc., p. 354.

  18. John Gunther to Frances Fineman Gunther, June 26, 1939, Frances Fineman Gunther Mss.

  19. HRL to Lila, July 28, 1939, LT; HRL to Manfred Gottfried, July 29, 1939, TIA; New York Times, June 28, July 3, 1939; Alice B. Toklas, What Is Remembered (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963), p. 161; Richard H. Goldstone, Thornton Wilder: An Intimate Portrait (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1975), p. 148; Time, August 21, 1939; Elson, Time Inc., pp. 409–12; JSBD, January 13, September 15, 1939.

  20. HRL to Allen Grover, May 2, 1940, Grover to HRL, May 2, 1940, HRL to Grover, May 3, 1940, HRL to Larsen, May 9, 1940, TIA.

  21. HRL dispatch, May 15, 1940, HRL to Roy Larsen, May 10, 1940, CBL to JSB, May 10, 1940, HRL to Roy Larsen, May 11, 1940, HRL to editors, May 11, 1940, George Jean Nathan to HRL, May 23, 1940, HRL to George Jean Nathan, telegram, May 25, 1940, TIA.

  22. HRL to Larsen, April, n.d., 1940, HRL radio addresses, May 22, June 1, 1940, TIA.

  23. HRL to David Hulburd, May 12, 1940, TIA.

  24. Russell Davenport, The Dignity of Man (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955), pp. 10–11; Fortune, April 1940; Warren Moscow, Roosevelt & Willkie (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968), pp. 56–60; Ellsworth Barnard, Wendell Willkie: Fighter for Freedom (Marqu
ette: Northern Michigan University Press, 1966), pp. 152–54; Bill Severn, Toward One World: The Life of Wendell Willkie (New York: Ives Washburn, 1967), pp. 114–17; Life, May 13, 1940.

  25. Oren Root, Persons and Persuasions (New York: W. W. Norton, 1974), pp. 20–36; Donald Bruce Johnson, The Republican Party and Wendell Willkie (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960), pp. 63–65; Davenport to Larsen, May 2, 1940; Larsen to HRL, May 2, 1940, TIA.

  26. Interview with Corinne Thrasher, W. A. Swanberg Mss.; W. A. Swanberg, Luce and His Empire (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972), p. 177; Barnard, Wendell Willkie, p. 137.

  27. HRL to Davenport, October 14, 1940, HRL to Willkie, October 18, 1940, HRL to Willkie, n.d., 1940, TIA.

  28. HRL to Davenport, September 12, 1940 (unsent), HRL to Davenport, October 18, 31, 1940, C. D. Jackson to HRL, October 1, 1940, HRL to Jackson, n.d., 1940, TIA; Vasilia N. Getz to FDR, November 19, 1937, FDR to Homer Cummings, November 19, 1937, J. Edgar Hoover to FDR, December 11, 1937, Corcoran Mss., LC; Alan Brinkley, The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995), pp. 56–57.

  29. Time, May 6, June 10, 24, 1940; Life, May 6, 13, 1940.

  30. Life, July 8, 1940; Time, July 8, 1940; Russell Davenport to Roy Larsen, July 8, 1940, TIA.

  31. Don Parry to HRL, August 9, 1940, HRL to Gottfried, Norris, Matthews, Larsen, September 18, 1940, TIA.

  32. Willkie to Davenport, n.d., 1940, TIA; Time, September 9, 1940; HRL, “Fairly Specific Points about the Willkie Campaign,” August, n.d., 1940, TIA.

  33. HRL to Davenport, September 16, 1940, HRL to Willkie, September 30, 1940, TIA.

  34. HRL to Davenport, September 13, 30, October 11, n.d., 1940, HRL, “Fairly Specific Points about the Willkie Campaign,” August, n.d., 1940, TIA.

  35. New York Times, September 11, October 10, 27, 1940; HRL to Davenport, October 21, 27, 1940, October 28, 1940, HRL to multiple recipients, November 8, 1940, TIA.

  36. Willkie to HRL, December 3, 1940, TIA; New York Times, December 3, 1940; HRL to Willkie, March 28, 1941, Willkie to HRL, June 17, 1941, November 17, 1943, March 17, 1944, HRL to Willkie, March 8, June 8, 1944, HRL, “Personal Memo,” July 31, 1944, TIA; Johnson, The Republican Party and Wendell Willkie, pp. 278–80, 300–5; New York Times, October 10, 1944; HRL to Joseph Ball, October 21, 1944, TIA.

  37. Stephen Early to HRL, September 5, 1940 (unsent), Early to FDR, January 13, 1942, FDR to Early, January 17, 1942, PSF 132, FDRL; FDR to Early, December 3, 1940, Lowell Mellett to HRL, December 7, 1940, HRL to Mellett, December 11, 1940, FDR to Mellett, December 31, 1940, PPF 3338, FDRL; Time, November 11, 1940.

  38. “Meeting at Columbia Club,” minutes, July 11, 1940, Francis P. Miller to HRL, July 19, 1940, HRL to Miller, July 20, 1940, Ward Cheney to HRL, September 23, 1940, HRL to Walter Lippmann, July 29, 1940, TIA.

  39. “Memorandum of Meeting,” July 25, 1940, Joseph Alsop to HRL, July 23, 1940, Francis Miller to HRL, July 23, 1940, HRL to Francis Miller, July 25, 1940, HRL, “Memorandum,” July, n.d., 1940, TIA.

  40. HRL to Lew Douglas, July 15, 1940, HRL, “War Diary,” July 28, 1940, TIA; Elson, Time Inc., p. 435.

  41. HRL, “War Diary, July 27, 1940, TIA.

  42. Ibid.; Time, July 29, September 9, 16, 30, 1940; Robert E. Herzstein, Henry R. Luce: A Political Portrait of the Man Who Created the American Century (New York: Scribner’s, 1994), pp. 17–20.

  43. HRL to Ward Cheney, November 18, 1940, Cheney to HRL, November 26, 1940, HRL to Cheney, November 27, 1940, TIA.

  44. JSBD, December 24, 1940, January 2, 21, February 1, 1941; HRL to Robert McCormick Adams, October 25, 1941, HRL speech to Association of American Colleges, January 9, 1941, HRL speech to Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, Tulsa, January 11, 1941, HRL speech to National Automobile Dealers Association, Pittsburgh, January 22, 1941, TIA; Herzstein, Henry R. Luce, pp. 171–74; Elson, Time Inc., pp. 461–64.

  45. JSBD, June 1, 1940; Swanberg, Luce and His Empire, pp. 170–71.

  46. Life, June 3, July 22, October 28, 1940, June 5, 1939.

  47. MacLeish, “Draft of a Statement of Belief,” July 25, 1940, HRL to MacLeish, July 10, 1940, HRL to Leighton Stuart, January 6, 1940, TIA.

  48. “When We Say ‘America,’” in John K. Jessup, ed., The Ideas of Henry Luce (New York: Atheneum, 1969), pp. 89–90.

  49. “War,” HRL to Senior Group, July 26, 1940, TIA; Elson, Time Inc., pp. 412–13, 461–64; Herzstein, Henry R. Luce, p. 179; Daniel Longwell to HRL, August 5, 1940, Longwell Mss.

  50. Life, February 17, 1941; Henry R. Luce, The American Century (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941).

  51. “Response to Mr. Luce’s THE AMERICAN CENTURY,” March 14, 1941, TIA; Gail Goodin to The Editor of LIFE, February 22, 1941, Russell B. Coover to HRL, February 18, 1941, H. L. Burton to “Life Inc.,” February 15, 1941, A. Taltosh to HRL, February 16, 1941, J. Frederick Emanuel to “LIFE,” February 17, 1941, Robert E. Duffy to HRL, n.d., 1941, HRL Mss. Boxes 107–108, LC.

  52. Freda Kirchwey, “Luce Thinking,” Nation, March 1, 1941; W. A. Swanberg, Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist (New York: Scribner’s, 1976), pp. 250–51; Ronald Radosh, Prophets on the Right: Profiles of Conservative Critics of American Globalism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975), pp. 217–18.

  53. HRL to Robert A. Taft, May 26, 1943, HRL to William Ernest Hocking, March 23, 1944, HRL to Bartley Crum, October 29, 1957, TIA.

  54. Baughman, Henry R. Luce, p. 135.

  55. John C. Culver and John Hyde, American Dreamer: A Life of Henry Wallace (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000), pp. 275–80; Edward L. and Frederick H. Schapsmeier, Prophet in Politics: Henry A. Wallace and the War Years, 1940–1945 (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1970), pp. 29–33.

  56. Henry A. Wallace, “The Price of Free World Victory,” in Prefaces to Peace (New York: Simon & Schuster et al., 1943), pp. 369–75.

  57. Ibid., pp. 373, 375; Henry A. Wallace to HRL, May 16, 1942, Wallace Diaries, vol. 10, p. 1575, Wallace Mss.; Richard J. Walton, Henry Wallace, Harry Truman, and the Cold War (New York: Viking Press, 1976), pp. 10–14; Jessup, The Ideas of Henry Luce, pp. 121–22; Dwight Macdonald, “The (American) People’s Century,” Partisan Review 9 (July–August 1942): 294–301; Eric Foner, The Story of American Freedom (New York: Norton, 1998), pp. 232–33.

  58. Wallace, “The Price of Free World Victory,” pp. 374–75.

  59. HRL to Stanley K. Hornbeck, November 13, 1939, Hornbeck to HRL, November 18, 1939, HRL to Ambassador Hu, February 14, 1941, Box 281, Hornbeck Mss.; “Five Years of United China Relief,” n.d., 1945, Lauchlin Currie to HRL, April 12, 1941, HRL to Thomas W. Lamont, April 15, 1941, United China Relief financial statement, April 19, 1941, HRL to James G. Blaine, March 22, 1941, HRL to Bernard Baruch, April 19, 1941, TIA; HRL to Frank Altschul, Altschul Mss.; Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., to HRL, April 2, 1941, TIA.

  60. Jonathan D. Spence, The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolution (New York: Viking, 1981), pp. 275–352; Takashi Yoshida, The Making of the “Rape of Nanking”: History and Memory in Japan, China, and the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 11–42; HRL, “China: To the Mountains,” June 4, 1941, Helen Meyer to HWL and ERL, May 16, 1941, “Mr. Luce Comes Back From China,” compilation of HRL cables, n.d., 1941, HRL to Thomas W. Lamont, April 22, 1941, TIA.

  61. HRL, “China: To the Mountains,” June 4, 1941, TIA.

  62. Ibid.

  63. Ibid.; “Mr. Luce Comes Back From China,” unsigned Time Inc. Memo, n.d., 1941, TIA; New York Times, June 18, 19, November 30, 1941; Helen Meyer to HWL and ERL, May 16, 1941, HRL CBS radio speech, June 11, 1941, HRL speech at United China Relief dinner, June 18, 1941, HRL speech to Rochester Chamber of Commerce, April 22, 1942, HRL to Gottfried, November 3, December 26, 1941, TIA; HRL to Larsen et al., June 16, 1941, JSB Mss.

  64. Theodore H. White, In Search of History: A Personal Adventure (New York: Harper & Row, 1978), pp. 13–55; Thomas Griffith, Harry & Teddy (New York: Random House, 1995), p
p. 8–14.

  65. THW to David Hulburd, June 9, 1939, TD; “Ploughshares Into Swords,” unpublished manuscript, 1939, THW to Gerson Herzel, October 4, 1940, THW Mss.; Theodore H. White, “China the Ally,” Fortune, September 1941.

  66. Time, May 19, June 2, 9, 1941; Life, May 26, 1941; Elson, Time Inc., p. 467.

  67. Time, November 17, December 8, 1941; New York Times, November 26, 27, 1941; Washington Post, November 27, 1941.

  68. Time, December 8, 1941; Life, December 8, 1941.

  69. Elson, Time Inc., p. 484; Swanberg, Luce and His Empire, p. 189; Time, December 15, 1941; Life, December 15, 1941; JSBD, December 17, 1941; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview.

  70. Swanberg, Luce and His Empire, p. 189; HRL to Ursula Vossvon Wehren, June 25, 1948, TIA; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Leslie Severinghaus interview.

  71. HRL to FDR, December 16, 17, 1941, FDR to HRL, December 22, 1941, PPF 3338, FDRL.


  1. JSBD, February 25, 1942, December 29, 1944; Time Inc., “Memorandum for U.S. Employment Service: The News Publishing Activities of TIME Incorporated,” September 24, 1942, JSB Mss.; “News for the Gulf,” Business Week, September 25, 1943.

  2. “Analysis of Roper Survey, June 1942,” n.d., TIA; THW to David Hulburd, June 14, October 11, 1942, THW Mss.; Time Inc., “Memorandum for U.S. Employment Service: The News Publishing Activities of TIME Incorporated,” September 24, 1942, JSB Mss.; Robert E. Herzstein, Henry R. Luce: A Political Portrait of the Man Who Created the American Century (New York: Scribner’s, 1994), pp. 397–99; Robert T. Elson, The World of Time Inc.: An Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1941–1960 (New York: Atheneum, 1973), pp. 37–42.

  3. Life, December 15, 22, 1941; HRL speech before a Life dinner meeting, July 17, 1942, TIA; HRL, “Basis for an Editorial Program for all Publications in 1943,” JSB Mss.


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