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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

Page 14

by J. G. Sumner

  “If you drink much more, you’re going to be peeing for days. We can’t have that, so I’m cutting you off.”

  I know he thinks it’s a punishment, but I’m actually okay. My stomach is bloated, and I’m not wanting to put any more into it. “What do you say? Can I use your restroom?”

  He sighs, but doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. I silently wait because I know if I push him too far, the answer will definitely be a no. Finally, without saying a word, he releases the restraints from my ankles.

  “Your legs are free. If you choose to kick me or try to fight, I’ll put them back on and you can shit on yourself for all I care. Have I made myself clear?”

  I nod.

  “I want to hear the words from your mouth.”

  Of course I’m going to comply. This is my first shot of freedom. I have the opportunity to figure out where I am and plan my escape. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now I’m going to release your arms. I want you to know I have a Taser. I won’t hesitate to zap the fuck out of you if you don’t behave. I’m not going to fuck around with your little antics.”

  I knew he was irritable when he walked in, and it only seems to be getting worse. I can’t imagine what’s going on in this guy’s head.

  Once he’s released all the restraints, the green-eyed monster helps me to sit up. My head begins to spin. Dizziness sets in and threatens to incapacitate me to the point I won’t be able to stand. Since the blindfold is still in place, I can’t even look at something to steady myself.

  I close my eyes, not that it makes a difference. “Can you please take the cover off my eyes? I’m really dizzy all of a sudden.”

  “Not on your life. You’re going to have to suck it up.”

  Remind me not to confuse him with a compassionate person. I guess this is a trait of kidnappers and thugs.

  Slowly I steady myself and the spinning starts to subside. Matteo yanks on my arm and pulls me along. I place my feet on the floor, and my knees buckle. He catches me before I collapse to the floor. My muscles are failing me. It’s as though I’ve been unconscious in the hospital for weeks and they’ve atrophied. “H—how long has it been since I’ve walked?”

  “How long do you think?” He’s smug.

  “Judging on how my body is reacting, I’d say at least a week.” I brace myself against the bed and lock my knees in an attempt to prevent myself from falling.

  He chuckles. “I wish it had been that long. Then maybe your asshole fiancé would be dead or at the very least, not my problem anymore. It’s only been two days.”

  I’m not sure how I should feel about this. One part of me is relieved it hasn’t been too long. The other is furious that I’ve lost two days. I have no recollection of anything except him touching me. I’d rather not remember anything at all. “I think I’m ready.”

  The green-eyed monster holds onto me as he guides me to the bathroom. Once inside, I feel my way around searching for the toilet. I fear I could crash into a wall at any moment.

  “Right here.” He guides me to the toilet.

  I put my hands out, searching for where I’m supposed to sit. I find the rim and turn to sit. I wait for him to let go of me. He doesn’t. “Aren’t you going to give me a moment of privacy?”

  The snicker that comes from his throat is insulting. “I don’t think so. Privacy is lost for you.”

  “Hmmph.” I really don’t care at this point. I just need to pee, and it feels so awesome not being in that bed. The feeling has finally come back to life in my hands and feet. I’m definitely going to milk this for all it’s worth. “I don’t suppose I can get a shower while I’m here. Lord knows I’m probably filthy from what you said.”

  “You really are a needy little bitch, aren’t you? I never figured Massimo as the high maintenance type. The answer is no. I think I did a good enough job cleaning you up the last time. A shower is off limits.”

  I really didn’t expect he was going to say yes. I just thought I’d try. “Fine. Can I at least wash my face and hands?” That’s a reasonable enough request, isn’t it?

  “What the fuck is it with you? Why do you feel so goddamned entitled? No, you won’t wash your face. I’m not ready for you to have that blindfold off. We can negotiate when that time comes. Until then, just hurry the fuck up and do what you’re told. Enough with the mindless chit chat. You’re driving me fucking nuts!”

  My heart skips a beat. I wasn’t prepared for his words. This is definitely out of character for him. He’s usually calm and collected. Now I’m sure things aren’t going as he expected. This could either be really good for me or really bad. I’m not quite sure I want to find out, but I don’t have a choice. Either way, it’s going to be quite the ride.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My time in the bathroom wasn’t nearly long enough. Unfortunately, the green-eyed monster had other plans, none of which included me showering. Now, I’m strapped back down to this bed. I guess I should be thankful it’s not the chair that left my bottom bruised and sore for so many days after I escaped the last time.

  I lie awake, quietly plotting my strategy. I need to figure out a way to get this damn blindfold off. I won’t be able to come up with a concrete plan to escape until I do. I can fantasize all I want about taking down the bad guy and getting out, but the fact is, I don’t know how many people are here, and I have no clue what I’m up against. There could be two guys outside my room, just waiting to snuff me given the opportunity. I need to find an excuse where he has to expose my eyes. Then, it will be game on.

  I’m kind of excited now. I know exactly what I’m going to say. Footsteps approach, indicating his return. This is going to be my opportunity. I just know it. As the steps come closer, I realize there’s more than one person. My body stands on alert as my legs try and close to cover my most private parts. Goose bumps pepper my skin as the hairs rise in caution. My heart rate hits Mach speed and the blood pulses through my veins, making my ears pound. My excitement is gone and the need to survive has kicked in.

  Matteo laughs. “No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to cover up.”

  Doesn’t he think I know this? My body has a mind of its own. It’s instinctual, maybe even innate. I don’t know, but I don’t want anyone seeing me naked except Tony.

  I stop pulling on the restraints, knowing it’s not going to do me any good. If anything, it will make the green-eyed monster mad. That’s the last thing I need right now, especially if I want to have a chance to see what’s around.

  “That’s better. Now I have a little surprise for you. I’ve brought you a visitor. I expect you to mind your manners. If you behave, you might even find the visit pleasurable. On the other hand, if you choose to do something to disrespect my friend, you can kiss any hope of getting back to Massimo goodbye. Do you understand?”

  I nod.

  “Only words. I want to hear that you understand.”

  This man is evil. I can barely form a sentence. The fear of what this visit is going to entail has taken to my throat like a vice grip. “Yes.” I force it out. My voice is shaky, but I manage to do as I am told.

  “Fine then, I’ll leave the two of you alone to reacquaint yourselves.” The green-eyed monster leaves. I’m not sure if I should shout for him to stay or if I’m better off that he’s gone. I hold off on the shouting in case I need him later. The thought of needing the green-eyed monster is foreign. He’s the one who put me here. I can’t imagine he’d do anything to help me.

  The footsteps fade. I’m alone with whoever is standing next to my bed. Apparently, I know this person. However, it can’t be anyone who has good intentions or they’d be working to get me out of this place.

  He places a warm hand on my breast and pinches my nipple, digging his fingernails into it. It startles me, and I try to shimmy out of his grasp.

  “Ah, come on. You can’t fight this. Just enjoy it. I know I will.” Both hands are now tweaking my nipples. Only this time, it’
s hard and it hurts. My chin starts to quiver uncontrollably as I do my best to not scream or cry.

  “Your body, it’s so perfect and ready for me.” I know without seeing him he’s looking over every inch of me. His stare is penetrating. He’s probably salivating. I’m totally repulsed.

  He puts his mouth on my nipple and bites it hard enough that it forces me to whimper. I try to reach for my mouth to stop any noises, but the damned restraints hinder me again.

  “You like that, don’t you? I know you like it rough. You’re a fighter.” That voice. It’s familiar. I know I’ve heard it from somewhere, but I can’t place it. The man is Italian and has a pretty good accent, but his English is perfect.

  He begins to suck my nipple easing away some of the pain inflicted. He moves to the other one, and I am about to jump out of my skin when he bites so hard. I stifle the scream that is begging to escape. “Please stop. You’re hurting me.” Tears escape from the corners of my eyes.

  “Oh, but you’ll enjoy this kind of pain. I know I will.”

  His hot breath invades my skin as he licks down to my stomach. It’s almost like being licked by a dog. I’m so grossed out right now I just want to vomit. Maybe if I do, he’ll get off of me. If I could kick, bite, scratch, or punch, I’d be doing all of it right now. Unfortunately, none of those are options. I have to lie here and let this asshole violate me and pretend I’m enjoying it as much as he is. I guess this is what they call rape. I’m being raped. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. He’s not physically beating me up; he’s sexually assaulting me.

  I so desperately want to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. Knowing I can’t do either, I try to mentally go to another place and time as he jams his fingers into my opening.

  I think about Tony and when he came back to me at the Empire State Building. Even with his beard, he was by far the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. How I long to have him hold me and take me away from this hell. I think about the day he proposed to me and all the firsts we experienced together. The day was magical and there was no one I would’ve rather experienced everything with. I want to go back to that day. I want to have more like that one. Panic! At the Disco’s “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” pops into my head and I begin to hum the lyrics. The words give me an internal strength to endure what my body is being subjected to.

  I play various songs in my head as the man continues his assault. Some of songs are upbeat and make me happy while others give me the strength and motivation to make it through this. I keep Tony in my mind and heart as my brain escapes and removes itself from what the man is doing to me. While I know he’s there, I’ve completely removed myself from my body. I’m like a robot making its way through the depths of hell. It’s the only way I can survive this without him breaking me.

  I’m brought out of my new world long enough to realize an intense amount of pain. Within seconds, my world goes black.

  I’m not sure how long I was passed out; the man is lying on top of me. His body is hot and sweaty against mine. He licks my neck. I’m not sure what his obsession with licking is, but it’s gross. In fact, the entire feel of his body on mine is nauseating. He’s clearly got some sick fetishes going on.

  Even though I have a blindfold on, I close my eyes and take myself to a faraway place. Hawaii. I smell the freesia and orchids surrounding my neck. It’s warm and comfortable here. I gaze down the beach and squint to see Tony riding toward me on a white horse. I’m about ready to run to him as a large tsunami sized wave washes Tony away. He’s gone.

  I stare up into the blindfold. Darkness reigns. I look for the stars that I know will never appear. I search for the life preserver that will never come. I attempt to find life in this body that’s become nothing but a shell when suddenly a bright light blinds me. I shut my eyes. I’ve been begging for this for what seems like forever and when it’s finally handed to me, I can’t even stand to keep them open.

  I allow myself to adjust to the brightness soaking into my lids before I open one eye. The ceiling is above, and it’s bearable so I manage to open the other. My eyes are focused on the man who has relentlessly penetrated my body. I gasp when I realize who it is. “You.” Despite the calm demeanor in which I make my statement, my insides are toiling. There in front of me is a man who was supposed to protect me. This is the man who had the opportunity to set me free. Thank God for Tony, otherwise who knows what would’ve happened. Agent Manchetti is no savior, but instead a monster.

  “Look at me,” he demands in a husky voice.

  I comply with his demand, but allow my eyes to gloss over so it appears that I’m staring at him, but in actuality, I’m falling into my own little world. I go back to that day when Agent Thompson placed me in the car and Manchetti drove us to the petrol station on the corner. Agent Thompson listened to me. He made the decision to take us to safety, and that’s the only reason I’m alive at this very moment. I’m here enduring what is truly the worst moment of my life. I contemplate whether or not death would be better. All of a sudden, Tony enters my mind and makes me fully appreciate that no matter what happens, I choose life. I choose all the happy moments Tony has given me over the past few months. I choose all the times I’ve spent with my best friend shopping, drinking wine, and dancing until the wee hours of the morning. I choose every minute I have with my family. I choose to live.

  The realization gives me an inner strength I didn’t know I had. I look away from Agent Manchetti’s face knowing that if I’m going to survive, I have to focus on what’s around me. This may be my only chance to visualize my surroundings and plan for the escape I’ve been hoping for. For a second time in what is probably under a minute, I’m shocked at what I find around me. I’m being held captive in my old apartment on the Upper East Side. This is the one I rented out when I moved into the building in SoHo. This is the one where I chose to leave behind my old life and move on as the brave and unwavering Kate. I come here as Kate, resort back to Katherine, and reemerge to a stronger version of the woman I’ve become. This fucker will not break me. I won’t let him. Go ahead, Manchetti, get your rocks off and get the fuck out of me. You’re not welcome here.

  Without warning, my old bedroom door flies open. The green-eyed monster stands before me angrier than I’ve ever seen. “What the fuck are you doing? I told you to leave the blindfold on!” He approaches Manchetti, and I note the look of the devil in his eyes.

  Manchetti continues pumping away inside of me. “I want to see her face as I cum inside of her. I want her to know that I won, that she didn’t gain her freedom. I own her fucking body!”

  “You don’t own shit! Get off her.” Matteo grabs the blindfold and covers my eyes back up. It’s okay, because I know this apartment like the back of my hand. I could walk it with my eyes closed and never run into a single thing. And if the rest of it is like the bedroom, there is minimal furniture to worry about.

  “I’m not done. Just give me a few more minutes.” Manchetti pushes into me harder and faster, begging for the release I’m sure he’s starving for.

  “Not this time.” Before I know it, my body is freed from the weight that was constricting my chest and mind. Internally I smile knowing that Manchetti is no longer in control. In some weird way, I think the green-eyed monster may have done me a favor—one which he may soon regret.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I barrel down the hall and don’t even bother to knock before entering Jasper’s apartment. Excitement oozes from my every pore. As the door flies open, Jasper’s head whips around from the computer screen he’s been staring at for God knows how long. The room is smoky. The ashtray next to him is filled with cigarettes. As I get closer, the redness in his eyes indicates it’s been a rough night. He hasn’t slept in ages. He feels guilty for Kate’s kidnapping and has been searching tirelessly trying to find any small clue that would lead us to her location.

  “I thought you were going to quit those death sticks.” I immediately make
my way over to the windows and open them in hopes of airing the place out a little. I can’t stand the smell of smoke and the way it lingers on my clothes when I’ve been around it.

  “They’re called fags, and this isn’t the time to focus on my bad habits. You rushed in here for something, so tell me what it is so I can get back to work.”

  The lack of sleep has made my friend a very cranky man. I hate it when he gets this way. “I’ve got some news.” The smile I lost at the sight of Jasper slowly returns.

  “Are you going to spill it, or are you just going to sit there grinning like a little bitch?”

  I ignore Jasper’s sarcasm and get to the point. “They found Manchetti.”

  Jasper stands and stretches his back. “Who found him, and how did you learn about it?”

  I’m smiling from ear to ear. Agent Manchetti may not have any information on where Kate is, but he’s been working for my cousin for a long time and disappeared with him after she escaped. “Charles learned it from Agent Thompson.”

  “I doubt he’s singing like a canary. Any word on where Matteo is?”

  I shake my head. I know I shouldn’t be this happy. We don’t even have any information that can help us. Deep down, I have this feeling that he’s a key to this puzzle. He can help get my Kate back.

  “Mate, I don’t mean to be a downer, but it could be a coincidence that he’s here. There may be nothing more.”

  I nod. “You’re right, but I’m not going to lose hope. They’ll get something out of him that will lead us to Matteo. They have to. I know Charles. He’ll apply pressure to ensure that guy spills whatever he knows.”

  “I guess all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and keep looking.” Jasper walks into the kitchen and grabs some orange juice out of the fridge. “So where did they find him?”


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