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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

Page 18

by J. G. Sumner

  “Stop! You don’t want to see that!” The air rushes back into my lungs as I try desperately to save Charles from seeing the photo. No man wants to see their child like that. Nor should he ever have to.

  He hesitates for a minute before picking up the picture.

  “Please, Charles. You don’t want to look at it. Jasper will take care of it.” I reach for the photo, but he pulls his arm back.

  “Nonsense. I have a right to know what it is. Maybe I can find a clue that you wouldn’t be able to see.” He stares at it and almost as if in slow motion, he pulls a hand to his mouth and a tear escapes his eye. “What kind of sick motherfucker would do this?”

  He’s silent for a few minutes before finally speaking again. “That bastard is going to fry. He’s never getting out of jail. I’ll make sure of it.”

  I stand there, not knowing what to say. I’ve never heard Charles swear. Jasper has his hands in his pockets. The silence between the three of us weighs heavy on the room. Finally, Jasper speaks. “Sir, I’d like to give it to the authorities.”

  Charles purses his lips as he quietly contemplates what to do. “I appreciate that, but I think this is something I need to take care of. I need to do this as her father. I need to make sure he goes down for this. I notified my contact from the FBI. They should be here any minute. You boys go work on whatever leads you have.”

  I don’t have the heart to tell him we’ve hit a dead end. I don’t have anything left to follow up on. I wish I had a clue as to where to find Kate and save her from any further torture. The only thing I can do is go home and wait for something else to pop up that will indicate where Kate is. If we don’t get another clue soon, we may never find her. The more time that passes, the less she will be in people’s minds, and Matteo will be able to escape to wherever easily. I know he’ll never let her go. He’s getting exactly what he wants. I’m slowly dying inside with each picture of her with another man that I find. Every minute she’s gone, my heart agonizes and is ripped apart a little more.




  I wake up with a pillow under my head and a blanket covering my body. For the first time in days, I’m not exposed. It feels so good I can’t believe it. Despite being tied up, I snuggle into the blanket a little further. For a brief moment, I relax a little.

  The door opens and Matteo walks into the room with another tray of food. Warm maple syrup permeates the air. As he sets the tray on the table, I get a peek of French toast, eggs, and orange juice. My stomach grumbles, and I immediately want to sit up and devour every little morsel on the plate.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Since yesterday, Matteo has been showering me with compliments. Something has changed in him, and he’s even pleasant. Except for keeping me tied up and locked away, he hasn’t done anything to hurt me. He was even gentle when he had sex with me. He took his time and tried to make sure I enjoyed it.

  When I think of being raped, I imagine someone who forces themselves on the unwilling victim to find their own pleasure and not once caring about the innocent victim. That’s exactly what Agent Manchetti did to me. What Matteo did was different. No, I didn’t want Matteo to touch me. No, I wasn’t a willing participant, but it wasn’t so bad. It could’ve been worse.

  “Are you hungry?” He smiles as he rubs the back of his hand on my cheek.

  I close my eyes and imagine it is Tony who’s touching me so delicately. “Yes, sir.”

  He removes his hand and begins to untie one of my restraints. “As long as you do what you’re told, I’ll take care of you.”

  I know this means not to try to escape or any chance of eating this meal will disappear. I don’t fight. I just let him do what he wants. It’s easier this way, and it doesn’t hurt. Matteo takes some pillows off the chair and places them behind my back allowing me to sit up. The change in position eases all the discomfort at once from my ribs.

  I take my free hand and rub my eyes. It’s a simple luxury I haven’t been able to experience in a long time. I relish in its goodness. I smile at the sense of freedom that overwhelms me despite being a prisoner.

  “I’m sure you want to feed yourself, but I’d appreciate it if you would allow me to do it. It’s a simple act which makes me feels as though I’m taking care of you.”

  I quietly grant his request, realizing that it’s not that big of a deal to me, but if I can keep him happy, I’ll continue to get fed and hopefully, keep my blanket and pillows. It’s an easy tradeoff.

  Matteo skillfully cuts the French toast into bite-sized pieces. He pours the warm maple syrup on top, and I think I’m going to lose my mind as I anticipate the sweet yumminess. He places a morsel in my mouth and I let it sit for a moment and savor it. The tastes of vanilla, maple, and macadamia nuts coat my palate. As I swallow it down, I begin to wonder how I’m ever going to be able to go back to my job as a food critic. It doesn’t matter what is put in my mouth, it tastes exquisite. Maybe when I’m not so starved, I’ll be able to appreciate the good and bad again.

  I quietly finish eating the rest of my meal without any threat of it being taken away. I find without that fear, I’m able to eat at a normal pace instead of worrying if it’s going to be the last bite I ever take. It’s a much more enjoyable experience.

  Matteo takes the tray away and comes back with a basin of warm water. “I’m going to remove your blanket so I can wash you. I figured you would enjoy a sponge bath.”

  “Yes, please.” While I’d really like to take a shower, I’ll settle for this. The idea of having some warm water to clean off the filth left by the various men who’ve touched me sounds amazing.

  He tenderly washes every inch of my body. He takes care to wash my eyes and face. That alone makes me feel so clean, it’s almost liberating. When he reaches my private parts, I wince not realizing how sore they are. Matteo spent hours worshiping and enjoying my body. I guess I should’ve expected I might hurt today.

  “Are you okay?” He genuinely looks concerned.

  “Yes, I’m just a little tender there.” I close my eyes as he resumes cleaning me. You would think I’d be modest having my body exposed, but I think I’ve lost that. Besides, there’s no use in trying to cover up. It would only upset him and wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  “I’m sorry. That’s my fault. I couldn’t get enough of you last night. You took me to someplace I’ve never been. I promise to take care of you and ensure that you heal.”

  I don’t know who this man is. I’m not sure how or why he’s being so kind. The man has been evil for so long and now all of a sudden he’s done a one-eighty and turned into a completely different person. At first, I thought trying to make me fall in love with him was just a game. Now, I think he’s serious. I wonder if he’s ever been loved.

  “Why are you being so kind?” I need to hear what he has to say. It may not change anything, but I want to know.

  “I told you, I want you to fall in love with me.” He doesn’t look up when he speaks. In fact, a look of naivety shows on his face.


  He moves the washcloth down my legs and doesn’t answer right away. “You’re a strong woman, Katherine. I’ve never met anyone like you. You lived through me practically beating you to death. You handled being raped by the agent who was supposed to protect you. The way you responded to my demand to pleasure my son was nothing that I would’ve expected. Through all that, you have a spirit that won’t die. I need a woman like you by my side. A woman who can deal with the life I lead, and I think you fit that bill.”

  He looks me in the eye. I don’t know how to respond. Has all this been some kind of test to see if we were compatible? Is that why he came back? Was all this to break me and Tony up so he could have me for himself?

  “What do you think? Can you ever find a way to forgive and love me?”

  I don’t believe what I’m hearing. This man has taken my world and turned it upside down. After what was one of the happiest days of my lif
e, I’m taken from the life I was planning and now I’m asked to forget about all of that and forge a new path with my kidnapper? The concept is unfathomable. I don’t even know what to say.

  “I don’t know.” I look down, worried that I might have given the wrong answer and punishment will ensue.

  “That’s okay. I didn’t expect you to say you would. We have some time. I’ll earn your love and respect. You’ll see.” Matteo kisses the bottoms of my feet. “Every inch of you is perfection. I love touching you.”

  I stare ahead, trying to process everything. The idea of having time to fall in love with the green-eyed monster means that I’m going to be here for an unknown amount of time. I have nothing to look forward to. I’m going to spend however long with this man. I don’t know if I will ever see my family or Tony again. Life as I knew it before is over. I swallow down the lump in my throat. It’s time to put on my big girl panties and do what I need in order to survive—even if that means spending the rest of my days with this man.

  Matteo leans over me and licks away the tears silently escaping the corners of my eyes before bringing his mouth to mine. He gently presses his tongue against mine and I pause, wondering if I can allow myself to enjoy this—if I can find a way to embrace this man’s touch. I decide to give in. I participate in the dance he’s trying to lead me in. He moans into my mouth, and I can’t help but think of Tony. More tears slip from my eyes as I give in to what Matteo wants. I take my free hand and rub it up and down his back.

  Matteo pulls back and looks me in the eyes. “You touched me.”

  I nod, unsure if I messed up.

  A smile creeps across his face. “You willingly touched me.” His mouth crashes down on mine as I’m instantly engulfed in his embrace. His erection presses against my pelvis and my bundle of nerves reflexively begins to pulsate. He caresses my breast, and I can’t stop the heat wave rolling through my body.

  How is it possible that my body responds to this man? I can’t stop my internal struggle. On one hand, I know I need to do this to stop the torture of being beaten and raped by numerous people. On the other, I’ve lost who I am and have betrayed the man I love more than anything. Yet, my body wants this. It loves to be worshipped, caressed, and pleasured. It’s almost an animalistic need.

  I give in to my body and move my hand down to his now throbbing cock. It’s so large and despite everything, I want it inside of me. I close my eyes and imagine Tony instead of this man. I think of Tony’s crooked sexy smile and hot breath as he nibbles on my neck. I remember how he knows my body so well he can take me to the brink and then reel me back in over and over before finally allowing my world to crash around me. These thoughts make it all so much easier.

  “Not this time, princess. You need to heal. It’s my job to make you feel good.” He slowly plants kisses down my neck as he moves to my breasts. He spends several minutes on each one giving them the attention they’re desperately begging for before moving down to my sex. If she could talk, she would be screaming for him to take her.

  Matteo dives in with masterful skill. “I love the way you taste.” He continues to lick and nurture my bundle of nerves. My breathing speeds up and my heart races as my climax grows close. I push his head deeper between my legs giving the added pressure needed to send me over the edge as the roller coaster I’m riding makes the final drop. I scream out releasing every emotion that’s been pent up over the last day. I pull on his hair as my body contracts and writhes in pleasure. He continues the stimulation allowing me to complete my ride to the finish line.

  I begin to cry. I’m overcome with emotion. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. I’m sated, lonely, coveted, and scared. Matteo lies next to me and wraps his arms around me. “Don’t cry. It’s going to be okay,” he whispers before kissing my ear.

  I cry myself to sleep, wondering if everything will really be okay.




  Days have gone by and while I’m still tied to this damn bed, things aren’t so bad. Matteo brings me three delicious meals a day, and sometimes even some snacks. Dark chocolate does wonders to the psyche, and I treasure every small treat I can get. I try to think of it as though I’m in the hospital and I’m being waited on while I heal. Perhaps I am. Slowly the pain of losing Tony and my friends dwindles each day. If I think about them too much, the wounds just break open deeper. It’s easier for me to put them in the back of my mind and focus on the present.

  Matteo brought a television in my room yesterday. I never watched much of it before, but now it’s my one escape and I think it might be my crack. I can’t get enough of it. He won’t allow me to watch the news. I’m not sure why. My guess is he wants to keep me isolated from the world outside. Instead, I watch either cooking shows, the home repair channel, or old movies. At the moment, it works.

  The abusive green-eyed monster I knew before no longer exists. If he does, he hasn’t reared his ugly head in quite some time. Instead, I have this man who worships my body and makes it feel good several times a day. It’s not too bad. Most of the time, I remove any emotions and allow myself to enjoy the pleasure. I’m a shell of the person I was, but I’m no longer in pain and more importantly, I’m alive. There’s something to be said for that.

  There are voices in the other room. Matteo frequently has people over, but they’re never allowed in here. I wonder who his associates are and what they are doing. Sometimes I think about asking, but it’s none of my business, and I don’t want to do anything to upset Matteo when things are going so well.

  The door creaks open and I’m face-to-face with Demetrio. I instantly try to curl up in a ball, but the restraints prevent the reflexive movement from happening. Suddenly, I’m very grateful for the protection my thin blanket offers.

  My heart races and my body begins to protest against the ropes in an effort to run and hide. “What are you doing here?”

  Demetrio stares at the floor. He’s ashamed or embarrassed. I can’t tell.

  “I won’t hurt you. My father just asked me to come in and check on you to see if you needed anything.” He still refuses to make eye contact.

  I begin to settle as I realize he’s not here to hurt me. My fear is replaced by anger and hatred. This man knew my life. He knew I was happy, and he helped his father take me away from all that. Why? Why would he do it?

  “You want to help me? You can free me and take me home.”

  He mutters softly to the ground, “I can’t do that.”

  “Why? Why would you willingly keep me locked up here? I know why he does it, but why you?” My anger gets the best of me and for the first time in I don’t know how long, the fight is back in me. I want answers to this sick and twisted game.

  “All I can say is this is bigger than just you.” Demetrio steps out and closes the door without saying anything more.

  I’m speechless. For once in my life I don’t know what to say or ask. Things just don’t make sense. I think about yelling and screaming for help, but I know it won’t get me anywhere. I’ve acquired so many freedoms since I’ve been here, and I really don’t want anything taken away or worse yet, one of the people out there forcing themselves on me. I decide to keep my mouth shut and mull over the seed of information planted in my brain. Hopefully that nugget can be stored away for good use at a later date. Or maybe it was just given to provide a false sense of hope. Either way, it’s not doing me a lot of good now.

  The hackles that arose because of Demetrio goes back down. I settle into the comfort of my bed and the pillows that now surround me. Pillows are a luxury that I’ve never taken for granted. I loved them at the Waldorf in Rome and I still treasure them every day. There’s something about lying in a mound of pillows that makes me feel pampered.

  I settle back in to watching the cooking channel. Rachel Ray is on. At one point, I used to hate watching her. She banters mindlessly about stupid things. Many times, I’ve screamed at the television to just cut the crap and give
me the important things, like what I need to know to cook the dish—not that it would’ve turned out edible in the least, but I’m trying. Now, I welcome her chit-chat. It’s almost as if we have a friendship. Sure it’s one way, but I’d gladly listen to her than silence filling every second of my day.

  Thirty-minute meals. It’s such a foreign concept for me. My attempt usually takes an hour or two. Fortunately, Tony and I eat out a lot. Or at least we used to. Tony is a fabulous cook and makes amazing meals for me. I really don’t think there’s a more perfect man out there. His emerald green eyes are straight from the city of Oz. They are unlike anything in the world. His smile makes me swoon and my heart flutter like a little school girl. His washboard abs constantly put my body on edge waiting to lick them clean. No one has ever made me feel the way he does, and I doubt anyone ever will.

  As if on cue, Matteo walks in the door. My cheeks go warm as though I’ve been caught doing something naughty. I know he wouldn’t approve of me thinking about Tony.

  “Are you okay?” He cocks his head to the side quizzically.

  “Yes, I just thought it was your son coming in again, and I was a little embarrassed.” It’s a good lie.

  Matteo shuts the door and approaches the bed. “Why would you be embarrassed?”

  The question seems to be ridiculous. “I’m tied here spread eagle with barely a cover for the world to see. After what we’ve shared lately, I don’t feel right being exposed to other men.”

  He leans down and kisses my forehead. “You don’t have to worry about that. You’re mine now, and I’m not sharing. I think I know just the thing that will make you feel better.” Matteo leaves the room with the door open behind him.

  I don’t hear any voices, only silence. I’m thankful for this and hope that he’s true to his word about not sharing me with anyone. I’ve learned really quickly to say the things he wants to hear. When I do, things go very well and I’m usually rewarded.


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