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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

Page 21

by J. G. Sumner

  “I gotcha, mate.” Jasper hangs up, leaving the line eerily silent. I put my phone down on the table and lean against it with both arms supporting the weight of me and the world I’ve been carrying on my shoulders.

  I finally pull myself erect and grab the keys off the table. The press conference isn’t going to wait for me, and the rush hour traffic may cause a delay in my arrival. There’s no time like the present to beg for someone to bring my Kate back home. I head through the lobby and hail a cab to Anderson Industries.

  Once I arrive, I crawl out and stare up at the tall metal building. I throw my shoulders back, and take a deep breath before entering. It’s time to man up. I need to let the world see how weak I am and plead for some mercy.

  Once I enter Charles’s office, I’m greeted by his secretary. I don’t wait for her to show me back. There’s no one here. Charles cancelled all of his meetings, and I’m sure he’s sitting behind his mahogany desk sipping bourbon. I don’t know when the last time he’s been home, but I know it’s been a while. Since he saw the picture of Kate and Demetrio, he hasn’t been the same. Much like me, the life has drained out of him. I think he’s aged ten years in just a few weeks. The toll Kate’s disappearance has taken on all of us has been exponential.

  I take a deep breath and count to twenty before opening the door to Charles’s office. I walk in and meet his dark and hazed over gaze. It doesn’t take a breathalyzer to show he’s three sheets to the wind. He tries to stand, but falls back into his chair.

  “You’re early. I was just getting ready. The press should be here any minute.” Charles lifts up his glass. The ice cubes clink around as he takes a sip. The heavy exhales alert me to the fact that this man is in no shape to hold a press conference.

  I walk over to the desk to shake his hand. Charles leans over and spills the half full beverage. I jump back to avoid the oaky liquid from dripping on my clothes. The last thing we need is the press smelling alcohol on both of us. That may take the focus away from Kate.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to speak to the press. Since it’s my cousin who’s taken her, I think it’s important for the public to see I’ll do whatever it takes to find her.” There’s no way I can let Charles go in front of the world, slurring his speech and stumbling over his words. He’d look like an absolute fool and no one would remember what the conference was about.

  Charles drags his head from the wooden desk and it falls back against the chair. “I…d—don’t…know. I sthink we sthould shtick togeder as a famly.”

  Well, that answers my questions. He’s not going to say a word today. “I couldn’t agree more. You and the family can stand next to me while I do all the talking. We’ll look like a united front. I really think this is the best way.”

  Charles nods and holds up his glass. “I like your sthinking.” It’s like he’s a bobblehead, the way it rolls around on his shoulders.

  “All right. I’ll go wait for them out in the lobby and escort the press to the conference room. I’ll get them settled in and come get you when everyone’s ready. Is the rest of the family coming?”

  Charles nods and doesn’t say another word as his head hits the back of the chair and his eyes roll back into the unknown part of his head. Great. He’s out. At least I don’t have to worry about Charles coming out to visit the reporters anytime soon. I can work without fear of this turning into a complete disaster. I leave the office and walk down the plush hall to the reception area. The first of the reporters has arrived. I inform the receptionist to direct the rest of the press to the conference room when they arrive, and I lead the early birds to where they can set up the cameras and sound equipment. I then head to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face and prepare for what will hopefully bring my beautiful Kate home. Even if it doesn’t, I’m heading to the Bronx as soon as it’s over and I’ll walk every damn street until I feel her in me like the day I stood in front of her old apartment building. I will find Kate if it’s the last thing I ever do.

  Chapter Thirty


  Matteo just took my bedpan away and has left one hand free with the remote. He doesn’t monitor what I watch anymore and I decide to flip the various channels searching for anything interesting. I stop on the Fox News Channel and the beheading of an American journalist catches my eye and stops the surfing.

  I focus on the story about the latest terrorist group trying to hold Americans hostage in order to allow them to continue whatever evil ideologies they possess. The story comes to an end and the anchor gives a teaser to an upcoming press conference. “Up next we’ll have a representative from the Anderson family of Anderson Industries who is pleading for the safe return of their missing daughter and family member, Katherine Anderson. Stay tuned for their gut-wrenching story.” In a brief flash, a Tide commercial takes the place of the beautiful blonde reporter.

  The wind has been knocked out of me. I gasp for air. I’ve been living in a fantasy world trying to forget the one I’ve left behind and now I’ve been bitch slapped by queen reality herself. Tears pour down my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away. If Matteo walked in here and saw me crying, I’d surely lose all privileges. I want and need to see who’s speaking on behalf of my family. I wonder if it’s my brother or Kendall. My tears turn into a nervous energy and next thing I know, I’m biting my long lack of a manicure nails down to tiny nubs.

  I’ve been successful in blocking out the world around me and the life I had before I was captured. I barely think of Tony anymore. It’s just easier that way. Now, all the memories and emotions come flooding back like a tsunami threatening to destroy the compound I’ve created around my heart.

  Several commercials come and go and then finally the anchor returns. I’ve never been so thankful to see a reporter take over the television screen as I am now.

  “This is the story we’ve all been waiting for. We’ve heard speculation of the heiress of the Anderson empire missing, now the family is pleading for any help to bring her home. We go live to Anderson Industries.” The screen pans to my dad’s conference room. My heart stops the moment I see Tony. The hairs on my skin stand up, and I bite my lip in attempt to control the menagerie of emotions coursing through my mind and soul. All the feelings I tried to stuff in a little box in a back corner of my mind have suddenly broken through the gates and taken my heart prisoner. How on Earth did I ever think I could forget this man?

  My mom, dad, and brother file in behind him. My dad is so distraught, he can barely stand and uses the table to support himself. I reach toward the television, eager to touch their faces and inhale their scent. The ropes prevent any chance of getting closer to them. I pull harder, but to no avail. I’m stuck tied to a bed in some unknown location unable to get to the people I love the most. How is this possible?

  Tony steps to the mics and clears his throat before speaking. “Thank you for coming here today.” His voice is shaky and he’s working hard to get the words out. “On behalf of the Anderson family, I’d like to plead for your assistance in finding our beloved Katherine. She’s been missing for six weeks. Unfortunately, we are no closer to finding her than the day we were when she went missing. We suspect that she has been kidnapped by my cousin, Matteo Bertalucci.” Tony holds up a picture of the man who’s been keeping me hostage for the last several weeks. The man who’s been so kind to me and provided so much pleasure. I almost forgot I was a prisoner.

  Tony continues. “We are offering a three million-dollar reward for the safe return of Katherine. If you have any ideas of her whereabouts, please contact your local authorities or the number listed on the screen. Thank you.” Tony steps away from the mic as a barrage of reporters pummel him with questions. He doesn’t answer them and instead helps my family exit the conference room.

  The flood channel has opened up and warm tears fall fast down my face. I reach for the television trying to get my family to stop and let them know I’m right here. I silently scream at them to come get me when the screen goes blank.
I look down on the bed searching for the remote, unable to find it. I look to the floor and that’s when I notice Matteo standing next to me with it in his hand. My breath hitches, and my body begins to shake in fear of what aftermath is about to come.

  “You shouldn’t watch that. It’s only going to upset you. That’s your old life; one you can’t go back to.” His voice is calm and monotone. There’s not a hint of anger, which surprises me somewhat, and puts me on alert.

  Matteo gets down on his knees next to the bed, takes my hand, and plants soft kisses to the back of it. “I’ve got some good news I want to share with you.” He smiles warmly, and I haven’t a clue what could be good about the situation I’m in other than he’s going to free me.

  I wipe my tear-stained face and give him my full attention.

  “First of all, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be leaving this place shortly. I’m taking you to an island I purchased where we can live free of harassment and in private. No television, no pesky reporters, and I won’t have to look over my shoulder everyday wondering if today is the day the authorities nab and take me into custody.” His smile broadens.

  He may see this as good news, I see it as he’s dragging me farther away from the people I love and making it next to impossible for them to find me. I force a smile while I try to resolve myself to the fact he’s never going to let me go. As he said, this is my new life. I better accept it and move on.

  “I know it’s a little scary going to an unknown place, but after I tell you the next part, you’re going to be much more excited and realize why we need to go sooner rather than later.” He pauses.

  I don’t know if Matteo is waiting for dramatic effect or if what he’s about to say is something really difficult for him to talk about. Judging by the look on his face, I would say he’s excited maybe even over the moon.

  “Princess, you’re pregnant. We’re going to have a baby!” Matteo jumps up and throws his arms around my neck.

  I gasp for air. All the wind has been sucked from each little pocket holding my precious oxygen. I think my heart has stopped, but then all of the sudden my pulse bounds from the arteries in my wrists. I close my eyes and try to figure out how this could happen. I mean I know, but I chastise myself for the decisions I made a few months back. I had my implant removed, knowing that Tony and I wanted to start a family sooner rather than later. I started taking the pill instead, because it was unknown how long after the implant I’d be able to conceive. Obviously, I haven’t been able to take the birth control while I’ve been here.

  Holy shit! I’m pregnant. It sounds so foreign. Why did it sound so wonderful when Tony and I talked about it and now it’s such a shock? I don’t know how to feel. I’m pregnant with Matteo’s child. I replay the words over and over in my head until the reality settles in. I want to curl up in a ball and dream this away. What the hell am I going to do?

  “Are you sure?” Those are the only words I can produce. Maybe this is some sort of mistake.

  “You’ve been throwing up every morning for several days. I took your urine a couple of days ago and did a store-bought pregnancy test. You tested positive. I sent another sample to a lab and it came back positive. We’re going to be parents. You’re having my baby!” Matteo locks his lips on mine and greedily explores my mouth claiming every inch of it as his, just as he’s done with my body. Now, I’m going to be forever attached to this man who’s turned my world upside down.

  I know I should be somewhat happy. Maybe I’ve just got a warped sense of reality, but this little being growing inside is a part of me too, but it’s so hard to want and love something with someone who I’ve considered a monster for so long. Sure, I could handle being his captive. It wasn’t horrible, but I guess I always had hope I’d get away. Now, there’s another life involved who I will be responsible for bringing into this world. Can I really raise a child in these conditions? Can I live in a world where Matteo can and will use my child as a pawn against me?

  I pull away from him. “I can’t do it. I can’t be a mother to your child.”

  The elation that filled every crevice of his face only moments before fades faster than I can prepare myself for what to say next.

  “What do you mean?”

  I swear I see his eyes getting misty. I think maybe this man has a heart after all.

  “I can’t be a mother when I’m tied up and held captive. I can’t be a prisoner and still be able to teach my son or daughter about all the wonderful things in life like the stars and moon, sand, and the ocean. I can’t do that chained to a bed!” I don’t remember the last time I yelled at Matteo, but there’s no way I’m bringing a life into the world when I’m only allowed to be a mom on his terms and confined to a room. It’s bad enough I’m having his kid!

  He squeezes my hand tight and brings it to his lips. “You don’t understand. That’s why we’re going to the island. You can be free there to walk around and do as you please with our child. You can spend every day nurturing and teaching him all the wonderful things I know you will.” He smiles.

  It’s not lost on me that he called our baby a boy. He’s got this all planned out. He thinks we’re going to be a happy little family who runs off into the sunset and lives happily ever after. That sounds wonderful, if I were running off with Tony, but I’m not. I can’t even imagine that he’d want me anymore. I’m pregnant with another man’s child. How could we mend those fences? Matteo has gotten exactly what he wanted. He tore Tony and me apart. There’s no repairing the damage that he’s caused. There’s no going back to the life I was planning only weeks ago. This is what I have and this baby is what I need to focus on. I need to provide a stable environment where he or she can grow up loved and cared for. How I’m going to make that happen, I have no clue.

  “Okay, I’ll try. When do we leave?” We might as well take off sooner than later. I’d rather get out of this bed and have the opportunity to walk freely in the sand along the beach of whatever island we’re going to. Knowing Matteo, he’s spent a pretty penny ensuring that we live in absolute comfort. There’s no way he’d let his child grow up in an unsavory shanty.

  Matteo claps his hands together. “This is fabulous news. I’m going to make you and this baby so happy. We’re going to leave in two days. Until then, I need you to rest. I’ll have a doctor come and check you to make sure you’re healthy enough to travel.”

  I sigh. “I don’t know any doctor who’s going to treat me when I’m tied up in a bed.”

  Matteo wipes the hair from my face and stares into my eyes. “I won’t have to tie you up. You’re going to behave yourself. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to our baby, would you?” Matteo extends his strong hand to my abdomen and affectionately strokes it as though he’s rubbing our baby’s back.

  And so, it begins. It wasn’t hard to predict. He has to have control over everything. This baby is going to be the easiest way for him to do that. Of course, I would choose my baby’s life over my own. What mother wouldn’t? I nod compliantly.

  “You need to get some rest. I’ll bring you something to eat shortly. Is there something special you’d like? I’m sure you have all sorts of cravings.” The ecstatic man who was so full of life when he announced my pregnancy, is back. His plan is working out perfectly for him, and now he’s like a kid in a candy shop. How wonderful for him.

  “I don’t want anything to eat. I think I just need to rest for now.” I look down at the hands wringing their fingers in my lap. I know they’re mine, but they seem so foreign.

  Matteo tips my chin up and brings his lips to my forehead leaving his mark as he waits a few extra seconds before pulling back. “I do love you, Katherine.” He squeezes my arm before leaving the room.

  I’m not sure how this man can claim he loves me, when the only person he loves is himself. I close my eyes and try to make sense of everything. I can’t believe this is what my life has turned into. How could this possibly happen? Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected my future
would head in this direction.

  I try to plan some way to escape. Perhaps I could get him to untie me and then I could run out of the building and find someone to save me. I can hope that would work, but I don’t even know where I am. I may be in a bad neighborhood and fall into the arms of someone who treats me much worse than Matteo. Besides, if I ever did escape, I’d always be looking over my shoulder. He won’t ever leave me alone, and he sure as hell wouldn’t let his kid grow up without him. If he didn’t come for me, he would definitely find our child and take him or her away. I don’t think that’s something I could ever live with.




  I wake up to Matteo gently shaking me. I pull my tear-stained crusty face from the pillow and slowly sit up. My limbs are free and I’m able to move everything at will. I bring my hands to my face and rub the puffy clouds of skin surrounding my eyes. I can only imagine what a hot mess I must look like.

  “I brought you some food. How about you stand up. You can sit at the table and eat.”

  For the first time since I’ve been here, I don’t want to get out of bed. I shake my head and lay back down. I try to place a pillow over my head, but he won’t let me.

  “Katherine, you’ve got to maintain your strength to ensure this baby is healthy and thriving. I can’t let you intentionally harm yourself. Now, I demand that you sit up and come eat. I’ll expect you to get out of bed several times a day and perform some easy exercise.” He takes an arm and lifts me up to the side of the bed.

  I don’t know what he’s been reading or who he’s talked to, but he’s taking this pregnancy thing seriously. I guess I should be happy for that. At least I can be assured he’s not going to do anything to force me to lose this child. I slowly come to my feet and like all the other times, I’m a little light-headed. I hold on to the table until the darkness and flashes of light dancing around behind my eyes decide to take their party elsewhere.


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