The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance

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The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance Page 1

by Неизвестный


  Part 1 – Dot


  Chapter 1 -- lost?

  Chapter 2 -- Companies

  Chapter 3 – Remembrance of a company?

  Chapter 4 – on to the rode?

  Chapter 5 – Train

  Chapter 6 – breathing through the air

  Part 1 – Dot


  Chapter 1 -- lost?

  “I had this urge to keep on moving, to take the next step and keep on. I straggle with determination without knowing why. The sun was so hot, it felt as if it was baking me alive. At least that was how I felt at that moment. You have to understand I was famished, tired and did not have the right provisions for the sort of travel I was doing. The most that got me was the hunger, for a moment I had thought I was going to starve. Not I know of such a thing, but that was the hungriest I ever had felt as far I knew.”

  “So, I kept on, not knowing where I was or heading but away from where I came from for reasons unknown to me. I know now as I knew then, even the hunger could not turn me back the way I had came to the place I left.”

  “I don’t remember or know how long I had been walking or traveling for when I saw your figure,…” I nodded my head towards Scared Eye then focusing on the pain on my shoulder as I drifted back to the blazing fire at a distance that was radiating its breath of warmth against my flesh.

  “I considered if I should avoid you or approach you, in a way I knew that there was no way of avoiding you… but my mind started drifting. Gating ideas without match effort to lead me to conclusion you must have food or some sort of provision…” part of the roof of the house started to clasp with a loud thunder to its fall, sending its echo throughout the forest. I closed my eyes as the sparks of burning debris took the air as a disturbed swarm of flies.

  “I am not any sort of Essence of Ka nor kin in any sort of way” I turned my head to the female with golden tips covering most of her face. I never met her sort before. I had was bent but her eyes might as well have been focused on me. She looked as if she just dug herself out of a mud hole, but looked live enjoy. I could not see if she believed me or not.

  I gazed back to the fire before I continued. “I knew that he had a hatchet trigger and some sharp edge bullets shot. I saw it, at least the edges of the sharp edge bullets shot at his sides when the wind stirred his jacket and the hatchet triggers on his legs…. I had ice iron, it was simple for me to put one and two together… I came to conclusion that you had to die… hanger, thirst and exhaustion I felt… I meant to take no chances”

  “I sow you before she arrived” I pointed my chin towards the one they called Ankle Deep. She was a fine woman, attractive and looked friendly enjoy even though being in a state as the others were, as if they all just had straggled out of a mud haul. But I could see that it is just a display, a ‘façade’ that I almost believed to be natural. “You could not have seen me; as you already might already know my vision is remarkably greater compared to the normal you might be accustomed to… I am not essence of ka nor do I have any relation… I remember them being my foe… for some reason I feel it in my nature to haunt them… or to be hunted” I tuned my head to the one they called Ark. I could see the outlines of the intensifier that covered her eyes, she had to be able to since the Essance of Ka or its kin.

  Before I want on I observed there expressions

  “So, I gave in to the fury of battle sending the hanger to the back of my conscious. First, I jumped on the tree, finding it easier to leap on the branches and stems of the trees. When I had gotten close to where you where she came out of nowhere” I tried to jester with my body to indicate I was referring to Ankle deep, not sure if they had gotten it. “I hesitated on the attack. I did not estimate there to be the two of you and I could not be sure if there were more or not… out of reflection I looked around to see if there others that I might had missed… that is when I spotted the camp.” I nodded my head to the burning house. “Which I presume to be yours… where there was a camp I figured there must have been food… I collected my Ice Iron that I had let lose some of the Ice Shots out off. That must have been when one of you herd it clicking back to my holsters. I could not afford to be notice nor gait in a battle in the shape I was in and I might need what strength I had at the camp itself. So I left two ice iron flouting at their position triggered but not induced in precaution to the noise it might make when it joins the holster (the Ice Iron)… I stayed at the top of the tree attempting to blend in not to be noticed as you searched for the source of the sound.

  Before you could give a closer look your attention was pulled to someone in the straw Huts. He had on you with you hatchet trigger, explosions everywhere… the perfect cover, I headed to the camp vacated when I entered from the stone paler. The food cabin was there, I did not question, I started devouring whatever I could lay my hands on”

  “Then you are here, laying like a fucking pig” that was sudden, I could not tall if it was her speaking or ‘something’ else, she still had her sweet smile displayed. The eyes wore terrifying, I couldn’t keep mine to focus on them so I forced my gaze to the blazing house, more like a bonfire no longer a frame. What sort of fire was that? “No, I was attacked or maybe poisoned… all I know is I tried to defend myself before I lost conscious and the first thing I sow was Scar Eyes, when he slammed his bout against my rib.” There had to be others somewhere in the forest, I could see the silhouettes of two at the end of the forest. So far there were five of them. There are other movements that I could not tall if it was the trees or if it was a figure of a person, my eyes are not working properly and there is this something else I could not…it was not my line of vision but I knew that there was something…

  “You finished?” Scared eyes voice brought me out of my thoughts.

  I looked at scar eyes startled. “Well, that is all I know or remember.” there was some sort of explosion by the house that was a bonfire. “You don’t know where you were and where you are going, you don’t even know where you are. Dos that sum it all?”

  “No, I remember things but not something that can indicate as specific as to where, when and memories of events I cannot fully picture for some reason. All I remember is I needed to gait away and the only direction was the way I was heading. This was just something I crossed on my road.”

  Scar eyes got up from the log he was sitting on abruptly. “Arc, what is your say?” he asked turning to arcs direction. There was a black something across arcs face that covering her eyes I took as the intensifier. She hesitated, maybe assessing scared eyes.

  “There was nothing and he is a Bu’Jar. Do you still need my services if not I will like to gait my leave” she had turned and started to head to the forest through her last words.

  I set up with a struggle to find ankle deep approaching me from where she was previously squatting some passes away from scar eye. My heart slammed against my rib when I noticed the blade in her hand. I did not have my Ice Iron, which was the first thing I had searched when I sow scared eyes standing over me. For some reason my body was limp besides the tender sensation from where scared eyes had laid his blow. I tried to gather all the energy I had to gait in a position to doge something I knew I could not, I guess just for the creed.

  “Don’t touch him, his blood is tainted” Arc said without losing her stride. I could see ankle deeps face as the lashes of light from the bone fire crossed her face. She is grinning ear to ear, showing her milk white teeth without the actual smile, her eyes wore hard and cold. This is one of those Preposterous Bitches from…preposterous bitch… there was something about perfection. A preposterous bitch right before me, a live
preposterous bitch. I did not know match about them, I only seen a dead male once and that I could not place where. Just that for some reason I found them to be something of a wonder.

  “And besides he might want him alive” Arc said. She was now turned to meet Scared Eyes gaze, who seemed to be standing there deadpan whiting for explanation as Ankle Deep was. In that brief moment I had managed to gain some sort of standing to whatever Ankle Deep might have planned doing.

  “He still lived” Arc said before she turned and continued her elegance walk in rhythm to her slander body that swerved to the dance of the bound fire. Scar Eyes stood there for some time as I crouched in defiance waiting for my fate. I glanced scar eyes to ankle deep and back again trying to decide who will be the deciding factor. After some thought scar eyes started to walk following behind Arc. “He is not our enemy.” he said without turning from his stride. Ankle deeps hand moved to her side to make digger disappear from her hand. Then she started running picking up speed passing scar eyes then arc, seeming to pick up speed with each step.

  “If you want to survive you could follow. There is a ship arriving with supplies that might be able to take you out of this prick of a land.” We looked at each other for a moment before he turned back to his stride. It was gaiting dark, I could not quite make out his face, but there was something about the eyes that where glowing with greenish and blue with some yellow - orange yellow. For some moment I had thought he might be a Bu’Jar… I started too straggled to gait on my feet.


  My eyes where coming back to normal as details I could pick up increased. All my other senses wore still dull compared to my normal state. It was still the same as that unfamiliar state dull since as I had been when I had awoken by the kick I got on my ribs from scar eyes. I could feel the thunder mussels around me when he had kicked me. But the pain seemed to have subside. I wonder if I was rejuvenating as I will have in my normal state.

  I looked up at gazing at the trees, and determine how far high they might be. I knew that I was not capable of climbing, jumping, well whatever way I might have tempted to reach the top. Forget about reaching the top of a tree, I was not capable of doing anything besides this slow walk I was doing to keep up with the silhouette of Scared Eyes and the others.

  I knew that I will lose their silhouette to the speed I was walking. But there were others that wore tracking me. I did not know who they were, but I can feel them around me. I did not know who any one of them where besides the brief encounter that ended with an offer to join there company and maybe a ship to a place I might be from.

  When I look back, I could make out, the light that danced through the trees from the burning house or compound which was bone fire when I had last sow it. It will be ashes and dust pretty soon.

  I started to quest around me trying to gate a better layout of my surrounding. Not as acute as it should have been. I only could gait the sense of feeling from my quest but I could feel Scared Eyes at a distance for me to track without changing my pace. Just to see my limits I pushed myself farther to find a mass of people somewhere at a distance that must be some sort of camp. There was something else though, like the thing I had sensed when I had awaken. This was stronger, larger more visible in my quest. it was familiar than the presence of the others.

  I stood still as I started to feel it starting to move in my direction. Before I could contemplate what to do next it was coming at me in ripped speed. I did not feel it having a threat towards me, but I could not be too sure. So I took the best defiance I could master. To my lack I found a large stick that should do the trick. I held it tight with an angle to puncture the approaching figure.

  I did not let go of my quest as this thing came towards me in ripped speed. I sensed others wore moving toward it and there wore

  I heard the barks before I felt them in my quest, Maybe wolfs, or dogs, maybe some other sort of beasts. They were packs that seemed to be chasing us or trying to follow but they could not keep with the thing that was coming in ripped speed towards me. I also noticed Energy Shots being shot, but the speed did not case.


  It was large. It might be mistaken for a wolf of a sort, maybe a gray wolf. But it was not. This was close to a horse and its fur was not as thick.

  It was familiar, it had its fangs out, with a growl that accompanied it, and it seemed to be mad at me.

  It did not rash at me as I had expected, instead it slowed the moment it was visible to my vicinity. It had started to approach me slowly as others started to encircling the two of us. They did not seem to have any inclination to interfere, the pack of dogs growling and barking as they joined the others.

  It seemed that the beast was not going to leap at me anytime soon, so I loosened my grip on the stick and used it as a body support.

  Goodness sake, it was fucking large. Yet it was lean, as it waved around, trying to keep the packs that surrounded it. Its jaws tight, growling its threat, body tense and head low. In a way I was a bit relived that its attention was no longer on me.

  It was Pet, a moon wolf. He supposed to be my partner.

  Then there was a bright light with an explosion under Pet that sent the packs of dogs that surrounded Pet scaring and flying in different directions. Pet seemed to have jumped in the air just before the explosion. Just on that instant I sow another light, well I did no see the light first, I sow a person from another side aiming at Pet, I assume going for the kill. I jumped, going for pet, then I saw the light just before I reached Pet. I met Pets eyes, familiar eyes, we exchanged something I did not understand, but beside that I could see that Pet was in confusion as I grabbed him in the air. He must have seen the light in my eyes, as he gave to the momentum to my fraction of push, as it tried to flex its body along.

  I was no longer tackling Pet. I was not sure what I was doing, there was bright light, then I felt my whole body shake, everything want dark and there was another jolt.

  There was someone shouting…it sounded more of a bark than a shout… but they were fading, everything seemed to be fading around me.


  Chapter 2 -- Companies

  I straggled to open my eyes as memories started to emerge to my thoughts. I remember Pet being there and the last thing was I was in the air alongside him trying to push him out of an energy shot. I have no idea what was going in my mind when I jumped to save Pat. I don’t know what it was, I just felt I had to do it, no I did not feel it I just reacted. I felt… as if there was something….

  “You awake” someone side. I was in a tent of a sort, a camp tent, laying on a bed. It seemed vacant for its size. There was only the bed I was laying on and some storage compartment here and there with two chairs next to a small table. The canvass of the tenet was starched by several beams.

  Arc was seating comfortably on one of the seats facing my direction. She had on a different attires from what she had on when I was being integrated. How long have I been out of conscious?

  “Yes” I replied.

  Dread started to take me as I started to realize what might have happened to Pet. I knew he was not dead. There was something between us that was still holding. I wonder what they had done to him. I knew that he will not have left my side if he still lived.

  “What happened to Pet?” I asked without realizing that she might actually know.

  “Pet?” she asked before she continued. ”the beast is being kept with the Beast Runner”

  Pat was alive, not that I had thought that he was actually dead, just the confirmation filled that gap to what might have happened to him.

  “He is alive?”

  “Yes, he is breathing and kicking just not eating as match as he should. At least that was what they beast runner had said.”

  I stood up on my feet to loosen the tension of my body to realize that the pain I remembered I had when I had lost conscious was gone. I was just hungry and tired. My senses wore not at their peak, they still resembled the state they wore in as before. I tried to
quest out and search for Pet and gait a better layout of my surroundings but I just gave in the exhaustion I felt my self was in.

  Arc picked up a large plate covered with some sort of close of the table.

  “Hungry?” she offered me the food.

  “Yes.” I replied urgently taking the plate and seating back at the side of the bed I had been before. Arc brought me a glass of water as I uncovered the food of the cloth. I started devouring the substantial amount of food that at that moment did not think will be enjoy to fulfill my hunger. As I got half way through the food without chocking, I realized the amount of food that was on my plate was extensive compared to how food was scarce around here. The only explanation was that the food must have been contaminated with the Essence of Ka poison.

  My hunger was subsiding, So I started to take my food slowly with suspicion but I was still taking in substantial mouth full, just was not wolfing it down any longer. I kept my eyes on Ark as match as I could trying to figure out how this all was turning. Arc did not stir to my questioning look as I considered for a moment what her game was. But the hunger won to subside the concern. It felt like I have not eaten for days, so I was back to wolfing it down. Arc handed me a canteen of water as when I had started chocking, she seemed amused for a moment.

  I did not say match as I devoured the food while Arc watched me. I was not this hungry before I had lost conscious.

  “How long was I sleeping?” I asked,

  “Almost four days” she said as if it was mundane not that I expect something different. Four days, the longest I had slept was no more than three. I felt it just then, the shit and piss wore knocking on their doors.

  “Here” she said handing me a bowl of a sort that I did not gait what she was indicating too until she pointed to a spot in a section of a tent to do my does.


  After the awkward moment of me pissing and shitting and wolfing down the food, Arc took me to where I could shower my body. It was by some sort of river that was close to the camp. They had arrogated part of the river by a generator to clean it of the Essence of Ka poison and to a very small dam for just showering that fed it to several portable showering tents along the side of the river.


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