The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance

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The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance Page 2

by Неизвестный

  As I took my shower, again Arc was there. I figured that she was assigned to keep me company of a sort.

  Arc explained to me the different part of the camp as she took me back to the tent I was staying in. But my mind was somewhere else. Something was nagging me at the back of my head… Pet. Something, I don’t know what. There was something about Pet that was pulling on me. I felt more and more inclined to assure Pat or it could have been that I wanted to assure myself, regardless what it might have been I wanted to see Pat. I knew he was my partner but I did not know how deep that relation want, I just felt this something between us.

  “We cannot go now” Arc said catching me of guard. At first I did not know what she was talking about but I figured it only could have been about Pat. Pat being the only place that she could be referring to without giving match explanation.

  “Pet” she explained. “The Beast Runner usually tries to gait the dogs running around this time of the day and it usually gaits hectic.” I tried to picture Pat running. I guess I just have to wait, just great full that they have not put him down.

  “It is yours right?” she asked, I was trying to focus on her eyes although there was only that metallic plastic that around her eyes without a specific point for mine to focus on.

  “Well, it will not be right to say yours… what was that they call your sort… something like runners. Not a beast runner but you actually run with beasts Right?” she asked, with her head crooked to her right shoulder, not the normal crookedness a person might have done in a sort of curiosity. It seemed overdone, as if she was acting but did not how.

  I have no idea what she meant, even though that Pet was, well I might consider him to be a Pet, but I cannot have a pet like that, it could eat a person whole if it opened its mouth wide enjoy. Well that might be exaggerations, I am at least a four five bights meal. It did not seem like a creature that could be made to a Pet, he was my partner.

  “He is my partner” I said.

  “You don’t remember anything do you?” she asked after waiting for a moment for me to explain farther. But I did not see it needed more explanation than I gave. But I figured that she already knew, so I shrugged my shoulders, and started observing the scenes around the tent I was placed in with more detail than I had before. Started contemplating what I could use for a weapon of a sort. Just in case of some sort of treat arrived or maybe it was just habit.

  I sow a large rode, I probably could use to… not sure what I actually could use it for.

  “Are you guys keeping me as some sort of prisoners?” I asked just for farther confirmation.

  “What?” she turned her head toward to meet my eyes with an amusing smile on her face? I am not sure if our eyes met. “No, I am not sure if you know, you might have missed it before, but we are ‘the Eroding Team’. Why the fuck we need keep prisoners for.”

  Eroding team, it might have an echo to my thoughts but it was the first time I heard of them but her statement was enjoy of an assurance for now. Maybe if my memories come back to me they will be somewhere in there.

  “You could go any time you wish, although half of the comp will prefer that you had die, the other half will not give a fuck that does not have to do with their work.”

  That was confusing

  “Why help me, you could have just simply let me die by the burning house, or just let left me where I had been shot.”

  I felt her locking her eyes with mine, I locked mine with the metal plastic thing around her eyes. Before given answer she got on her feet and started to walk around. She stood still and crocked her head this time with some precision than she had done previously.

  “You do not know.” a statement more than a question. She started to take of the plastic metal thing around her eyes. It clicked as the springs wore released.

  “Because…” She said as she lowered her hand, from her face, with her eyes closed tight shut. She took a bottle of water to drip on her hand and rubbed it around her eyes. I felt those eyes pulling at me.

  “You are bu’Jar.” She continued. Bu’Jar I remember her indicating it before. I am a Bu’Jar… her eyes opened,

  I wanted to look away but I could not, I was not sure what I was looking at. For some reason I thought the whole universe was in her eyes, it was to match to take in and it was too little to keep of. I knew the balance of it all. It was here and it was there. My heart started its dram against my chest. I fought to my beast to snatch my eyes to what it had been caught in.

  “Keep your eyes on mine.” she said as she started to come closer. “I am trying to help you.” she said as she reached her hands to grasp my shoulders.

  I did not care for her words, I wanted to gait away from her eyes, to run, just do something…

  But I was stack paralyzed as she came closer, and closer to my face.


  “Do you remember me?” she asked. I was not sure how I managed to hear it, the sound was so low. I was not even sure how I knew the lowness of the sound. It was like as if it was already imbedded in my head. And I did remember her, I remembered everything but it was not everything…

  Thoughts started to fill my head. It wore not actually filling my head but emerging from the maze of my memories. I remember having a mother and mostly her character of a sort, the character I held of her, the moments of time that existed between us. I am not sure what to call it, the fact that she was my mother, she was a mother to me as a mother could be. I did not know what to call it, but I understood what it was, so there was no need to look for words. It might be described as a bound but that just seemed too simple of a statement. In its own way that was what it was, a bound of a mother and her child, a child and his mother.

  Following my mother the rest of my mummeries and bounds I had followed back to the mazes of my memories of my past. But that did not complete it all, there were still mummeries that still remained absent. There was something about Scared Eyes and something besides that did not fit quite right.


  “Do you remember me?” she asked. I tried to say yes, but words could not escape my mouth. In some ways I was paralyzed as I looked in the deeps of her eyes. I tried to node but I was incapable of doing even that.

  I knew that I was from Lam nation, although it is unclear, and that she was also from Lam nation. I did remember her but I did.


  “Now, try to close your eyes” she said in that low voice. I had been straggling to do just that for some time now.

  “Close your eyes” that was not the low voice she had been using, this was a command.

  I pushed, to manage a squint. Her eyes seemed to have closed halfway, or at least it seemed to be only half open. I putt all the force I could manage to close my eyes. It subsided slowly in concurrent to hers. When I managed to do just that I put as match pressure I could around my eye missiles so they lids will not pap open again.

  I just sat there as Arc held my shoulder for a moment before I thought to rub my eyes. I felt as if all my energy had just drained out of me, I was exhausted.

  I felt Arc place her head against my chest and shoulder blade. She was starting to breath in deep breathes.

  I was not sure if this was similar to Questing, but from the state I was when she had finished she must have drained herself.

  I placed my hand over her head feeling her smooth silky hair, as I slide down her back. All her wait came on me, sending as to lay down on the bed.

  Chapter 3 – Remembrance of a company?

  I was having a dream about something that I thought had some importance but I could not recall what it was now. There was constant shouting. Arc was standing with her back to me, with her hands to her face, she seemed to be doing some sort of meditation.

  I wonder how long we had slept it might already be evening already. Might have been night by now. I did not have a watch and there was nothing in this room that indicated which point of the day it was.

  Arc turned towards me after she had placed the metal pla
stic thing around her eyes. As we recognized each other, I realized that there was something between us. Something close to some sort of bound or something like what me and Pat had. But this was different as if it was just in memory without the actual connection.

  “I had never done that before” she said with a smile on her face with satisfaction of accomplishing the impossible.

  “I have been in this company of the Eroding Team since I was very young” she said. Then she seemed to contemplate about something.

  “I knew it had to work if you had a bound with another like me but I was not sure if you did or not…” she trailed of. Bound another like her, actually that was where the memory was coming from. I remember from my young days, me and my pack roamed the lands of the Lams in the time that we wore given for the distance we could travel on foot before we partnered with Moon wolfs. We did not actually stay on foot for the whole of our venture, as soon as we ventured out the boards that separated the Bu’Jar tribes in the land of the Lams, we boarded trains and any sort of vehicle that we possibly could. In our venture we had crossed a group that might have been the same tribe as Arc was, that wanted to go along with when they realized what we wore doing. We had spent almost a year alongside our travel before our pack had to return to be partnered with a moon wolf. During our separation they had insisted we made some sort of connection. I did not know what that connection was Arc had brought it up, it was a bound of a sort to them. The experience was not like what I just had under want with Arc. There eyes had turned to something like an ocean with twinkling lights within them. As if looking an azure sky with bright color full stars that hovered within it.

  “What did you do to me?” I asked, with some confusion… now and then I was starting to recall something of my past, not a full details, but something’s wore starting to come back to me.

  Before Arc could answer my question, Scared Eyes walked in the tent taking both our attention.

  “I have been looking for you” he said to arc with some frustration rubbing his fingers at the side of his head. “I had forgotten where you said you will be when I was looking for you earlier. I have sent Dab in your stud...” he looked around the room and put his attention to me for a moment before he turned back to Arc. “There is something else I need your assistance with. Go to Ankle Deep, she will debrief you with the details.” Arc bowed her head then to me and grabbed some things from the table and walked out the room without waiting for a response from neither of us.

  “Is the beast your enemy or company? A beast like that it could not be your pet. I understand you are a Bu’Jur, from the land of the Lams?” he continued as soon as Arc left the tent.

  “We are going to be moving soon. If it is your beast, you might want to put a claim on it soon.” he said with a sincerity that might have belonged in a dire conversation. “The beast runner is inclined to let it go out in the wild or mercy kill it. I doubt the beast runner will kill it for no reason besides the reasons we have now. If it is not yours…”

  “No it my partner” I did not need to hear any more than I had.

  “Arc assured me of that fact, I just needed to make sure. Like I said the beast runner most likely will not have killed it. He probably will have left it at the beast complex camp with enjoy provision until a unit that handle such matters arrives to take the beast to wherever that they take such…” he had opened the tent door for me to step out as he explained. He followed right behind me as I stepped out to his gesture.

  “What wore they called again? Moon Wolfs.” I nodded my head turning to gait his figure in my line of vision as he stepped out the tent.

  “Arc had insisted that nothing happen to it until it was passed through you…” he trailed of as he led me through the camp that was close to a village.

  “We heading to where Pet is being kept.” I said to the silence of our conversation.

  “Yes” he said picking up his pace.


  “It might be a bit complicating to bring the moon wolf along with us.” Scared Eyes going before me to lead me to a narrow walk way. “We are taking the trucks to our next advised location from the council.” He gave me a quick glance. “Maybe you two could take the next viable trains to one of the cities in between where we will have more trucks viable.” It really did not matter to me in which way of travel that we took, as long as it got as where we needed to gait. I did not even know where we wore going to consider way of travel. But for now I decided to just ride along with the wind to wherever it might take me. I followed strides behind Scared Eyes as he led me to some sort of garden or it might have been part of a forest.


  The Dog compound was seven eight miles from where the camp was located. It had several suppurated sections that housed whatever sort of animals that the unit might had. I followed Scared Eyes as he led me on trough the compound to some sort of cabin in the corner to the left side of the entrance. Some dogs came running when we reached the cabin in a playful manner around Scared Eyes, while others came to take my scent and growled when I reach to touch them. I looked around as Scared Eyes played the dogs, in wonder where Pat could be as the dogs that had came left to play with Scared Eyes after they had taken my scent.


  When we stepped in the cabin, there were several people sitting around a table cascading in lighter while playing some sort of card game. The lighter stopped as soon as they sow noticed us enter the cabin.

  “Hay boss”, the one with a hat that was low enjoy to cover his eyes said gating up from his seat, soon followed by the others.

  “No need” Scared Eyes said, waving his hands in their direction as he walked to cupboard, to grab what looked like some sort of sheets of papers.

  I nodded my head to the awkwardness of the gaze I was getting. Some of them nodded back as the rest ignored my greeting and want back to their game. They wore not speaking nor was there any lighter besides the occasional communication for the progress of the game.

  “Where is the best Runner?” Scared Eyes asked looking over a data log that he had picked up instead of the sheets of paper.

  “He is with that monster of a beast that tried to eat Arcs new toy.” A guy with a cigar in his mouth side. a female seating next to him gave him a nudge with her elbow.

  “What?” He responded with his hand spread in puzzlement.

  “Who told you he was her toy?” he shrug. “And how many time do I have to tell you to stop bring up Arc.” She got another shrug with a clueless expression. She turned her head to Scared Eyes remembering that he was still there.

  At first I did not gait who this toy was. But after some consideration and connecting Arc and me, it came to me, I was this toy.

  “Yes boss, he is with that beast a thing they brought five days ago, something about the beast not eating right or something. He had seemed agitated the last I had seen him. If you ask me boss, I think he might need to gait laid, or something. I will lay with him if he had put some effort; there need not even be an effort, all he had to…”

  “Thank you Red” Scared Eyes cut her off waking toward me to head out the door.

  “Boss” several of them said touching there tip of hut, other without just nodded their head.

  “By the way Red?” Scared Eyes tuned just before we existed.

  “This is your next assignment” he said nodding to me, indicating that the assignment was me before he existed out the door without waiting for a response.

  “Wait, is that the guy boss? With the Arc thing and the beast.” someone called out as the door closed behind us.


  “Nice company.” I commented trying to break the silence that was between us as he led me to the section where the animals wore housed.

  We walked in the gates of one of the compounds that was mostly empty. It was double fenced leaving a barrier cage in-between the two fences. They had large stalls like cages around the compound against the fence. Most of the stows in this section was racked and some part of the inn
er fence had been nocked to a tilt without giving in its boundaries.


  “I will have shot it dead by now if it was not for Arc and the Beast Runner” Scared Eyes said noticing me noticing the wreck.

  We stood there with a silence as we looked around. There were several stows that still there grip to stay leveled. From one of them, the farthest from where we stood, I heard some sort of growling coming from and someone saying something I could not quit pick up. I knew that pat was in there. Scared Eyes started to lead us in that direction.

  A man came out running to slide a short distance from the stow to turn to meat Pat that was chasing him. He had some sort of stick pointed towards Pat. Pat came at him with the whole of his mouth wide open to enclose it on the laying body.

  “Fuck with this!” Scared Eyes said as he took out his Ice sling, separating it to several sling formation with different size barrels pointed at Pat. I was not sure what to do as I took a moment to process what was happening before me. I knew Pat had noticed me.

  Before Scared Eyes could loosen the Ice Sling at Pat, pat was thrown to one of the racks with the rode still clamped in his mouth. He got up, looked our way then back to whom had to be the Beast runner. Scared Eyes had dropped his hands no longer aiming it at Pat. Pat hesitated for a moment, so I sought him out with my quest and gave it something I understand to be a pull. Something I remembered to be as a call. Quickly Scared Eyes raised the Ice Sling back as Pat sped with ease to words our direction. He might have understood what Pat was doing as he gave him room to tackle me down.


  We looked at each other for a moment trying to fill in the gap that was between us. Even though that my memory have returned for the most part it still felt unfamiliar to make any sort of connection besides the images I held. I could not read the expression those eyes held, I could never read the expressions of moon wolfs. But between me and Pat, it was something different. We knew each other, there was something between us and we had a bound, some sort of packet between us. I never understood what it was from the moment we first had acquainted with each other by the elder. I did not even understand what it was after the ceremony had concluded, he was just a pap then for his sort close to the size of a pony. It was when we had started running that I had started to understand what it was.


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