The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance

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The Relations of Vapor: Dot - Connivance Page 3

by Неизвестный

  He snagged his face against mine adding up the familiarity between us. I rubbed his ears and gave him a hag as tight as I possibly could sensible to the thoughts of almost losing him.


  Without noticing I started to pat on his head. I stopped when his growl made me realize what I was doing to him. That was one of the reasons that I and the elder had called him Pat. I waited for his reaction. Then I felt it, I needed to run. Just before his jaws closed on my shoulders I dogged him and slamming him against the ground. I run.


  After Pat had pinned me for some time he decided that was enjoy of a punishment for me patting him like I did, so he let me go. A thought came to me as I was starting to take the ground, if the Beast Runner and Scared Eyes had considered shouting us down during this case of ours. They might have thought is something series.


  “Pet, is it?” The Beast Runner asked as Pet approached us behind. Scared Eyes had left soon after Pat had started chasing me and left the rest for the Beast Runner to take care of.

  I nodded my head yes.

  “He needs to eat something to eat.” he said opening up a sack he had brought to the field.

  “I am not sure what he has been eating before he got here, but he will not eat anything I seem to bring to him.” another personal was standing to the side as the Beast Runner explained me the circumstances of Pat.

  “ Five days?” I knew pat could go for a couple of weeks without food, if food was dire he might be able to hold up a couple of months before he give in, the most might have been three months. But five days was still a long time in the combination to the time that he might have not eaten from the last time I had sow him do so. I knew this parts of the land there was not match game to be found.

  “Go eat” I said I indicated to pat to the food of sack…

  Pat hesitated unsure if the food was edible. It was one of those grounded factory processed canine meal that he was not familiar with.

  “Can I eat this?” I asked.

  “I snacked on sometimes, when I gait stack in the compounds… it does not taste right for our tangs but it is eatable” he said grabbing a hand full to match on.

  So I my self-grabbed hand full and started matching on it. It did test bitter, nowhere near to eatable. Maybe what he meant was that it will not go farther than what bitterness that it had to its taste.

  After Pet observed me testing the food, he started to wolf down the stack of food that was placed in front of him.


  The Beast Runner and me talked about Pat and his nature while Pat eat. He knew a bit about Moon Wolfs more than I might have expected him to have. After Pat had finished consuming his food he laid down beside where I was seating in his lazy way. He probably was ready to go to sleep.

  “He had not slept for… I am not sure how long… maybe he slept when no one was there but as far as my knowledge he had not slept since he got here.” The beast runner said his attention focused on Pat.

  “He could go at least a week or two without sleeping.”

  “I know. It just that I think he might have not slept longer than that.” I looked at pat trying to determine that but I think the Beast Runner was right. Pat did look exhausted. He closed his eyes and started drifting to the over waited sleep.

  “It is late… we might want to go grab some food before they close the eatery. Unless you don’t mind…” he pointed to what food pat had left in the sack.

  “I will go eat.” I responded. My stomach was starting to growl to the hunger that was in its way.

  When I got up to follow the Beast Runner Pat picked up his head in question but assured him that I will be here when I can just needed to grab something to eat.

  Chapter 4 – on to the rode?

  “You pies of shit! Give this man a meal or I will give you to...”

  “Sorry, I had no idea that he was in your company. I thought he was trying to gait one past me.” said the personal at the check point to the eatery as he let me pass to take a tray out of a young lady that looked closely alike to him.

  “He is my associate.” The Best Runner said as explanation as he grabbed his plate from the lady. “Grab another plate…” I grabbed another plate. The female throw a smile our way as an amusement to the whole scene or as greeting. I smiled back and followed the Beast Runner to the table that he had selected where the meal was going to be consumed.


  The food was not as good as what Arc had brought me earlier today. It was a bit dry and seem to have some flavor I quite did not recognize somewhere in there. But as hungry as I felt I savored every bite. It was not as match food as I will have liked, even with two portions but it was enjoy to subside my hunger.


  We set in the pavilion without any conversation for some time as the Beast Runner started to write something down on a piece of paper that he had taken out of his pocket. It was gaiting cold as the night made its progress, actually it had been cold I just started to feel the cold as my body temperature started to drop.

  I remember snow on my long walk before I had seen Straw Huts on the road. It was a clear memory of a blanket of white on the leveled ground and the outlines of the trees and land. But here there was no trace of snow or the cold, the level of cold it had been on my travel. This was more of a chill than the freezing cold I had experienced. So it had me wondering how far of a distance I had traveled and how long I had been traveling. That part of my memory was vague. And there is the part before that is not just vague it is a void of itself. But there was something about Straw Hut, he might have been chasing me or it might have been me who had been doing the chasing.


  “Dot” the Beast Runner tested the word before continuing. “What sort of name is that?”

  “My mother is from Fengon. She named me after her father. I guess it is a Fengon name.”

  “That might make some sense. I never knew anybody named Dot from Fengon nor anywhere else for that matter but it sound Fengon.” The Beast Runner said taking a sip of tea that one of the girls had brought to our table. “A Bu’Jar from the Lam Nation with a Fengon mother. Interesting.”

  “Which Tribe are you from again?” the Beast Runner continued after he put lemon in his tea to his satisfaction.


  “You are from the Sky tribe. I knew a person from Sky tribe once. He was an interesting person. What was the other four tribes, the binding tribe, the beginning tribe, the night tribe and...”

  “The Gravers”

  “The Gravers. They are the offspring of your tribe?” It had seemed a statement more than a question. I nodded my head when I realized that it was actually a question.

  “The Gravers they wore the ones who thought that they could unite the whole Lam nation.”

  “In a way yes, but the chiefs of their tribes did not know what they actually wanted, not that they actually did not know what they wanted just that some of them thought to only consider the Bu’Jars and its neighboring lands, while others thought the whole of the Lam nation should be included. In the end they did manage to unite the tribes but some of the Lam nations wore not with this whole union of the continent thing.”

  “Yes that was when Circular Bay had joined in to aid Ranging Ore but ended up gaiting in conflict with Eyes of the Ore. That is how Arc had become part of our company. I am not going to go in to farther detail on that it is her too tall if she wish to do.”


  Red slapped her hand against the table to entrap our conversation. She had changed to Red gear of armor from what she had been clothing when I had seen her at the cabin at the animal compound.

  “Hay Runner” she nodding to the Beast Runner as Scared Eyes joined our circle.

  “Sorry to startle you boss, but the boss at the top of the chain order me to look after…” she nodded her head towards me.

  “Runner” Scared Eyes said to Runner to turn his attention back to me.

  “Eye” the Bes
t Runner nodded back to Scared Eyes.

  “We will be leaving soon” Scared eyes said stating to no one in particular.

  Ankle deep and Arc wore approaching our table from the direction that Scared Eyes and Red had come from.

  I tried to analyze what was between Arc and me as the rest kept on with their conversation. There was something about our connection, the connection that she had made with me that I could not quite grasp. I tried to compare it with other connections that I had, although I did not understand the other connection as match besides the fact they wore just there as this was.

  “Hay Dot?”

  “Ha?” I turned to Scared Eyes. He was saying something that I did not listen while I had been lost in thought. I analyzing what have been being said in that brief moment that my attention was else were. There was something about meeting in two hours by the train.

  “Two hours if fine” I said to Red.

  “In half hour I will meet you at were the Beast is being kept.” Then she turned and pointed to Beast Runner and Scared Eyes. “Them, they are going to meet in two hours.” She continued with her pointing to me and her. “We will leave on the first bunch of tracks in fifteen minutes after our meeting. Kepesh peach” she said the last two words in a bit of sarcasm before she turned and left the table.

  “Why are you still here?” he asked to Arc and Ankle Deep as Red left the table.

  “We received a massage that the first escort have been lost and the mountain wagon is not secured. we came back to gait the locations of the second shipments of samples, or the third, or the fourth, or the fifth, if we had their location at hand ready we will not still be here. We will just had want straight to the next location without match bother.”

  “I did not gait anything regarding the first Lab.” Scared eyes said looking over his data tab.

  “Take this and go to the second command in research he will give you the coordination’s you need. I need you to leave know.” Scared Eyes said handing the cards and turned back to the table as they left. Arc and Ankle deep did not as match as glance our way the whole there short visit to our table.


  “Alright so about that beast of yours, I will need to ask Runner here to put a color on him if he is going to be traveling with only one of my agents.” I am not sure if Pat will like having a caller around his neck but he will have to manage. I nodded my head in agreement as I contemplated on the facts.

  “Alright that is settled then, do you have anything that you need to grab from the tent?”

  “No just a jacket.”

  “If you want it you might want to go grab it and head straight to the animal compound.”

  Scared Eyes called up some personals that wore seating a couple of tables from where we had been seating and instructed them to lead me back to the tent just in case I got lost.

  Chapter 5 – Train

  We have been on the Train for almost two hours and it still had not left on its tracks. It was a bit irritating, all the haste that we put in to aboard the train to be stack for two hours and so far nobody have come to tall me when it was going to leave. Those who wore taking the river by the boat bound to the Harbor of the Mist had already left an hour back. One of the train conductors had told me and Red that they did not have the go from the escort team that had want a head of the train to inspect there root. Red had left to take care of something argent soon after she had showed me in to the cart that I seemed to be stack in at the moment.

  Me and Pet where placed in one compartment of the Train, that was half of a cart of the nexuses of carts that made up the train. It was large enjoy to fit in Pat comfortably. It probably could have fit in several moon wolfs and still have some room left for them to be able to move around.

  “I am sorry friend, we did not have match choice” I said to Pat as I rubbed my forehead against his neck where the collar was placed. It must have been tight enjoy to be chocking him. I tried to move it slowly around so the pressure want to the back of his neck instead of his throat.

  After the Beast Runner had adjusted the collar he explained to me where the train or more like where me and Red was heading. Eccentric Jam. It is a country next to this one. They wore both on the same continent but the sea suppurated the two from each other. he told me that there wore retires of the Eroding team that wore residing there that could help me with whatever that I might need helping with or I could simply stay with them until I figure out what I want to do next. I asked him if he had knowledge of the units that I had arrived with to this continent. He said that besides the council had ordered to collect us (the Bu’Jars on this continent) to join them in the fight against the Essence of Ka. When I asked why I was not being recruited, he told me that the Eroding team was in some sort of conflict with the unit that managed the recruiting and that he could not say any more than that.


  Something started to hum that I figured to be the engines of the train being fired. Soon we wore in the move, starting to pick up slowly. I wondered where Red could have been, maybe she had taken a different compartment to aboard.

  It did not take that long before I heard footsteps on the top of the compartment I was on. Me an Pat both lift our heads with anticipation. I quested out, not as strong as it should have been but I seem to have a recovered to be able to gait the whole lay out of the moving train. As soon as I noticed the person on the top of the train on my quest the trapdoor on the roof opened up to show Red head emerge from its vicinity. She assessed us for a moment before she slid down through the opening with a back flip that landed her on her feet. The trap door closed behind her.

  “If that thing comes near me, I will press all the fucking buttons on this peace of shit that its life depends on, sending him to sleep that he will never wake from. Tell it to pick a corner and not to move a missile unless I have been informed first.” I looked at the device she was holding as Red walked to seat on a stack of box cases.

  “That sounds fair.” I said in respond to her proposal. I took Pat to one of the corners and instructed him to lay. Which he did. I lied next to him.

  Chapter 6 – breathing through the air

  Pet came toward me running with a speed that increased with each tamp. He jumped from one side of the train to another and another, stretching his body to maximize his leaps. He was coming toward me very fast in combination with the train that was moving under him that I was implanted on to move straight toward him.

  The game started as a joke at first when I took out Pat to the top of the train for him to do his business. We had been sitting in the cart for almost five hours dosing off before I realized that I had been holding on my piss for some time then. Red showed me where the rest room was in the compartment before she dozed back off on the boxes of creates that she had been laying on. After I was done I found Pat also up, I figure he might also want to piss.

  “Take him up top.” Red said lifting her head.

  “You have to be joking.” I said looking out the windows. The train seemed to be moving in vast speed. I had thought the wind probably will drag us of with it to the speed that the train was moving. But Red did not seem to have any inclination other than for Pat to do his pissing outside.


  By the time we had managed to gait on the top of the cart our compartment was located, the train had started to slow down. There was multiple farm fields set rows after rows to the vista of both sides of the train with their corresponding barns and guard posts.

  While Pat was doing his pissing another train sped in the opposite direction sending wind that had us lose our momentum. I slammed on pat, almost sending him of board. When Pat got back on his feet he looked a bit, well I could not say agitated but he came at me as if I was his game. He came with a full speed towards me. Just before we made contact, I used the momentum of the drag of the air and the movement of Pats body that I used as a leverage to flip over him.


  I quickly balanced myself gaiting up on my hand and knees with m
y left leg starched out. Pat reached me, which was not that long of a moment from the time he had started speeding towards me, I put all the pressures I could gait from my feet and arm to gait that push I needed to slam against him.

  He locked his jaws on my shoulder without puncturing my skin. I straggled to gait to his neck, to the back of his neck before he slammed me against something. But there was no way of gaiting to his neck, instead I tried to kick and push as he want for the slam out of reaction more than anything. All this took in an instant of a moment, maybe a second or two.

  Pat fumbled as we hit the moving train to gait his momentum for the slam. I felt his jaws release my shoulder fumbling me against the rails of the emergency exit on the roof of the cart that we had come out of. I tried to catch what breath I had lost from this little fumble while trying to keep my balance to the drag of air that tried to hold me against the moving train.

  “What is happening out there?” Red’s head came out from the emergency exit. I was still trying to catch my breath so I had no response to her question. Even if I was not trying to catch my breath I will still be at loss how to respond to her. After she realized that I had no respond she started looking around to lock her eyes on something. After I caught my breath I turned my head to the direction hers was.

  “He is fast.” she said. Pat was running alongside the train. “I don’t think he is going to manage.”


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