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Loving Two Dragons (Awakening Cycle Part 3) (BBW Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance)

Page 2

by James D. Horton

  He strides out, armor clanking, and the door swings shut behind him. My heart beats erratically, my stomach ties into knots, he's going to assault an army with twenty men. If he doesn't succeed we won't stand for long. There's no choice but it does nothing to lessen my fear.

  I finish my rounds quickly. Giving what comfort I can to the men before I slip out and climb the tower. There I will be able to watch Archer's defense. Hopefully it will be high enough that God will hear my prayers and protect my man.

  They're already riding out in a blare of trumpets. A spearhead force in appearance but in reality a feint. It looks like it might work. They're at the first of the catapults when a vial flies through the air and crashes into it, flames explode around the machine. They wheel their horses riding for the next.

  A stampede of horse hooves fills the air as the army rallies to the attack. In moments they're surrounded. Steel flashes but they're outnumbered five to one. Archer is surrounded by his men but one by one they fall. I cry out screaming to God and anyone who will listen as my heart breaks. He'll be killed. Someone has to help!

  A trumpet call cuts through the din of battle. Its source, on a nearby rise, is a single man on horse outlined in the glowing red light of sunset. The horse rears back pawing the air, the light glints off silver armor, and the trumpet sounds again. The man holds up a lance. The army surrounding Archer pauses turning to look at the newcomer.

  As the horse lands back on all fours it charges into the fray. The lance lowers, taking three men out in a resounding crash of wood and steel. Bodies fly as enemy soldiers scream in pain. Cold steel is in the man's hand now and he fights his way to Archer's side. The handful of men remaining to Archer form a circle back to back with each other, the newcomer at Archer's side.

  The surrounding army attacks, reinforcements coming in. This handful of men, ten left, stand against one hundred or more. Over the noise laughter drifts. The newcomer laughs as he fights. He taunts his enemies. Archer is a skilled, even unmatched fighter, but this newcomer- he's an angel of battle come to earth. The speed he moves with, the grace, it's inhuman.

  As he whirls, rises, and dodges men fall before him like trees before a lumberjack. Standing one moment then gone in the next. They present no challenge. He and Archer move in unison with each other. Where one attacks high, the other is low. They reverse, turn, rise and fall as one being.

  There is a beauty to the way they move. A sense, even from this distance, of connection between the two that goes beyond anything I've ever seen or felt. The other men with Archer fall, one by one, then there's only the two of them left but the attacking army pauses. Fear is in the eyes of the enemy as they face the two men standing back to back.

  A large man strides into view wearing armor that makes him appear a demon. He towers over the men around him as he strides through, almost I would think him a giant. The opponents part and close behind him and as he comes closer their morale improves. He starts to run, the earth shaking as each of his massive feet come down. Archer and the stranger say something to each other then they break apart whirling.

  Men start dropping as the giant approaches swinging a massive club with steel spikes. He swings at Archer's head who dodges, ducking under to cut at the giant's legs. The giant dances back out of range but doing so puts him close to the newcomer who lands a strike on the monster’s thigh.

  The giant cries out in surprise and pain.

  "Archer and I worked well together. As I pulled the monster's attention, Archer would attack and force it to deal with him. At last the creature fell before us. The rest of the army fled once their leader was down.

  So not only did we stop the catapults, we actually beat the entire army."

  Men rush out of the gates cheering as the army retreats. There in the middle of the carnage Archer and Logan face each other. They stare for a long time. I begin to fear that they too will fight. Then Archer steps forward and they embrace each other like brothers long lost.

  "We never revealed our true nature if we could avoid it even back then. The Seeming world may not have had the weapons of mass destruction they do now that could take one of us out with little effort, but they had numbers. In sufficient quantity, no matter how good you are, a dragon can still be killed. So maintaining our secret is important."

  Arms around each others' shoulders they make their way into the castle. I stand on the steps to the keep waiting. Archer brings Logan right before me...

  "That was the first time I laid eyes on true beauty. You eclipsed all things my eyes had seen. In that moment, you stole my heart, no matter that you were his."

  He's beautiful. So handsome, so confident, and he just saved my husband-to-be.

  "Logan, allow me to introduce you to Jennifer, my betrothed," Archer says.

  Logan drops to one knee staring at the ground. "My Lady."

  I smile at him uncertain what to do or say. I glance at Archer for guidance but he watches without a word. My heart pounds in my chest.

  "I pledge my sword and my honor to you," Logan says. "Never have my eyes perceived such beauty. Until the end of time, I would be honored to protect you."

  My chest flutters. There's power in his words. He just met me, how can he swear such? Archer smiles nodding so I take his cue.

  "Thank you sir Knight. Thank you for coming to the aid of my betrothed and my Kingdom. Be welcome in our home," I say. 'And in my heart' is what I don't say. Right then he slid in like a thief in the night, unasked for, but not unwelcome.

  Logan takes my hand and kisses the ring that Archer gave me as a betrothal gift. Then he rises to his feet and turns back to Archer.

  "So, have you room for a new Knight sire?"

  "You’ve always been silver-tongued haven't you?" I laugh.

  "It's a skill," he says laughing too.

  Chapter four


  "There, careful," Remy says to Sarissa.

  There's a round table between them that they both stare down into. Watching from one side it looks like one of those 3D monitors or televisions that they have now. A window into a jungle setting. Two shadow-like dragons fly over the terrain scanning quickly. The shadows are projections of Remy and Sarissa.

  I don't understand the magic of it or how it works. Hell I don't really understand why Remy is the only male shifter who can do magic like he does but I'll use whatever I can to find Jennifer and Logan. Remy holds Sarissa's hand, this is the first time he's let her do this. He calls it 'projecting', though what he's projecting I'm not sure. It's dangerous but the best way to find someone.

  The two shapes drift down closer to the tree line. Blue lines run through the sky and they dodge. As they pass under them there’s a crackling sound similar to an electric line. Remy's hand grips hers tightly as he whispers for her to be careful.

  "Up!" Remy yells suddenly. "Now!"

  The two forms shoot for the sky. Purple lightning crackles out of the jungle towards them. They dodge one way then twist another as the energy chases them through the sky. No matter how they move it follows.

  "Damn it," Sarissa curses.

  Her projection curls under itself then dives. The lightning follows her away from Remy's form.

  "Sarissa, no!"

  I watch as her jaw tenses. She begins moving her body in unison with the projection in the view. She's flying fast, diving into the trees, and pulling up at the last possible moment. I know she can feel the tops of those trees tearing at her belly having done similar maneuvers. It's painful. She grimaces.

  "Up, now," Remy orders.

  "I got this," she says through gritted teeth.

  Remy's projection dives in towards hers. The purple lightning has formed into a ball of electricity that crackles loudly following Sarissa through all her maneuvers. She's tiring, sweat beads on her brow, her teeth are gritted, and her fists are balled as she leans over the table.

  "You do not," Remy says.

  Then his projection drives up and over the ball of lightning. He twists
in mid air flipping around so he's facing the energy head on. His mouth opens wide and he exhales loudly. His projection mimics the motion and a black cloud issues forth from its shadow mouth engulfing the ball.

  I think it's over for a moment as nothing happens. Then the lightning bursts from the cloud and explodes across Remy's projection.

  "AGGHHHH!" Remy screams as his body goes stiff, then convulses and he falls to the floor, white foam coming from his mouth.

  "Remy!" I yell rushing to his side. "Sarissa, retreat. Break out of there!"

  "Damn, I can't break it," she says grunting with effort.

  I kneel beside Remy. Who do I call when the man I normally call is convulsing on the floor?

  "Ugh," Sarissa grunts.

  I grab Remy's shoulders pulling him up. He makes choking sounds so I turn him on his side and pound his back to try and clear his throat. He coughs and more foam spews from his mouth then he gasps.

  "Damn you," Sarissa utters still standing stiffly.

  Remy safe, I stand up next to her. The ball of lightning, or another one, is chasing her. She flies well, dodging around it but it's getting closer. It doesn't appear to tire out and she is. The sweat is pouring down her face as she strains to maintain the connection.

  Something flashes in the view just ahead. She dodges around then heads for it with all the speed she can manage.

  "I'm close," she says her voice almost a growl.

  As she reaches the edge of the clearing a massive dragon appears before her, its wings bat the air and she's forced to pull up or crash into it. The creature seems to be of at least three colors instead of one. It's twice as big as any dragon I've seen.

  The dragon roars then exhales. Sarissa back pedals with her wings but there's no time. Another ball of purple lightning issues forth from the dragon and she's taken from both sides as the one chasing her hits as well. Her body stiffens as her eyes roll into her head, then she drops to the floor in violent convulsions.

  Foam comes from her mouth and she's choking. I roll her onto her side and pound her back but it doesn't stop. I still hear her choking. Maybe she's choking on her tongue? I rip my belt off, fold it in half, then force it between her gnashing teeth taking care to make sure her tongue is pressed down. I hold and monitor her until Remy rises to his knees next to us.

  "Bring her to the table," he says motioning to a flat table to the side.

  I carry her over and lay her down on it. It rattles under her with the force of her convulsions. Remy checks her eyes then runs to another table where he begins grabbing herbs and other things. He throws them all in a pestle and starts grinding them as he runs back over.

  Taking some of the concoction between his fingers he forces it into her mouth. Her clenching jaw nips him once locking onto his fingers. When he pulls them back out the teeth marks are bleeding but the convulsions start to ease then stop. He checks her eyes again, nods satisfied, then collapses onto a chair.

  "It will pass in a few minutes," he says.

  "What in hell was that?" I ask.

  "Psychic defenses. Best I've ever seen."

  "That dragon, it had three colors in it, are we looking at an alliance between three of the clans? Could that many of them be buying into this idea of waking the ancients?"

  Remy shakes his head sighing. He never stops staring at Sarissa. I feel for him. She's more than just his apprentice, though I doubt he'll ever admit it.

  "That was a projection as was ours, there are no definitive answers there."

  I nod. Well maybe that's good news. Three of the seven clans united would be a problem. Sarissa coughs loudly then sits up on the table.

  "Ow," she says as Remy gets to her side putting one hand on her shoulder and one on her back to support her.

  "Careful," he says. "You shouldn't have done that."

  "Nor should you," she says.

  "A good apprentice obeys the orders of her master."

  "A great apprentice anticipates her master and is three steps ahead of him."

  Remy shakes his head unwilling or unable to continue the argument.

  "Are you all right?" I ask her.

  "I'm fine. Did you see it?"

  "The dragon defender? Yes."

  "No, the fortress. They're there. I caught a whiff of her scent. They're in Green territory in a fortress. Hiding in the jungle. No way they are there without Green's knowledge."

  "Damn," I say. "That complicates things."

  "Why? We can send a force down there and take them back!" Sarissa says.

  Remy shakes his head no. "No, we can't. That would be a declaration of war."

  "We're already at war. They took Logan and our Queen!" Sarissa says.

  "And we already said it was white who took Logan. We were wrong. This won't go easy with the Council," Remy answers her.

  I pace the floor. There has to be a way. What can we bring to bear? What could Green want? Why are they involved?

  "What about our allies?" I ask.

  "Possible. Right ones wouldn't be a breach of territory. This game is getting deeper. There are more hands at work here than we are seeing."

  "The Wolf. Call in the Wolf. Can you get in touch with Athene?"

  "I can. If he'll come, that is a different story."

  "Do it. We have to get them back."

  Chapter five


  "I remember," I say.

  Lying on Logan's chest I can hear his heart beat a slow, staccato rhythm and the sound of his breathing, even the gurgle of his stomach.

  "Good," he says. "I know it must be hard."

  "Since I applied for the job, I've had a lot of déjà vu. Moments where I know something or it feels familiar. I didn't know why. I thought I was going crazy. Or I was drugged."

  Logan laughs and I do too.

  "I see. Do you think that now?"

  "No. Memories are coming back. When you talk of old times, I remember them. Slowly they're coming back."


  "Tell me another time. I want to remember every moment."

  "Well enough."

  He shifts his position against the wall and I adjust with him. Once we're settled, his arm around me, my head on his chest, he begins.

  "Each time Archer and I try to find a way to change fate. We've tried, so many times we've tried. Once, we thought we had won. You always... die at the same age."

  He hesitates the word every time he's had to say it and each time my heart skips a beat.

  "Isn't that odd? I mean like it's not bad enough to be fated to die and come back over and over but always the same age? Every time?" A new thought occurs to me. "Have I ever had a child?"

  His heartbeat increases and there's a catch in his breath. I sit up so I can look at him. He doesn't say a word.


  "Yes," he says at last. "Once."

  "Only once? In how many years? Are they still alive? Boy or girl? What's their name? Did I ... raise them?"

  He hesitates. It's not just his words it's something I feel between us. He's withdrawn from me.

  "That's a lot of questions."

  "What do you expect? I have a child. Or had one? Which is it?"

  "I remember a time when-"

  "No! You don't do that to me. Archer did that. Dodged the question, lied to me about who and what I am. You don't do that. Not you Logan."

  He's not looking directly in my eyes. Something is off. There's something he doesn't want to tell me. I stare waiting for whatever internal debate he's having to resolve.

  "You had come back to us again," he begins. "I tried to stay away after you married Archer."

  "Have I ever not married him?" I ask.

  "Yes. A couple of times you married me instead. Trust me, we thought of that."

  I nod and motion for him to go on.

  "So I left. I was off being dashing and all that. Leading some business ventures and keeping myself busy but always you were in my thoughts. You and Archer started having some problems. He
's a bit obsessive and well that can leave a woman very lonely when she's not the thing consuming his attention.

  So you called me. Phones are the bane of modern existence. I'm half way around the world, trying to stay away from you, doing my best to keep you out of my mind and you call ..."

  Archer's gone again and I'm alone. As usual. There are lots of people around, servants for every need, citizens and hand maidens, but none of them are a friend. No matter how I try none of them see themselves as my equal. They place me on a pedestal. It makes it very difficult to just have a friend.

  So I'm sitting in our apartment, staring out over the twinkling lights of the city with the phone in my hand. I'm not supposed to call him. He doesn't want to hear from me but who else do I have. Who else do I turn to? I set the phone aside and pick at my dinner.

  "Is the meal acceptable Lady?" Chef Louis asks concerned.

  "Of course Louis, excellent as always."

  He smiles nodding. I take another bite. I don't want to offend him. He's very kind and highly talented. Lack of appetite is no excuse to him, he has told me before lack of appetite can be cured by the presentation of the right food. I force myself to finish the meal and then I'm alone, still.

  I grab the phone again. Looking at his number taunts me. He'll answer. I know he will. It's mid-day where he's at, or close enough. This phone is registered to Archer so it won't show him it's me. My blood pressure rises making my head pound and I’m light headed. I push the button without another thought.

  One ring ... two ... three

  "What's up Archer?" Logan says.

  "It's me," I say.

  Silence crackles between us.

  "Jenn - we can't," he says.

  Not him, us. We can't. I know he's right. We can't but I can't stand this anymore.

  "This isn't living. He's not the same without you."

  Long pause.

  "I know," he says.

  "Logan. I can't live like this."

  "Jenn, don't say that, please."

  We talk for hours. Then the next day we talk more. The next night he's in my apartment. Archer's gone, as usual. When the door opens my heart pounds. Is it him or is it Archer?


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