Page 6
When these startling words came out from the clock, both got shocked and Matt could see Arthur closing his both ears with his hands. A horrifying demonic possession appeared on his face and his eyes bulged out. Immediately Arthur turned back and ran homewards as though he was horrified by the curse of a ghost. Matt was perplexed when he saw this scene and tried to offer a smile to Santa. Santa smiled back and took Matt’s hands again. Santa again did the same thing with Matt’s hands. He held Matt’s hands between his own hands and rubbed it together as he did it before.
“Look again!” Santa pointed to Matt’s hands and he could see another vision.
“Matt was walking on a sea shore enjoying the beauty of the beach. He could see the ships and yachts anchored in the harbour. Suddenly, a hurricane appeared in the sky, dashed towards the sea at tremendous speed resulting the tides to dance and rise above the ships. The gigantic tides started to sink and swallow all the ships and yachts that had moored in the port. Matt didn’t heed any attention towards these disasters and walked jollily towards the sea as though he was mad. He had worn the pair of shoes gifted by Santa Claus. Some coastal guards noticed it and tried to dissuade him from that crazy walk towards that turbulent ocean which would swallow him at any time into the bowels of it. Then a miracle happened. He started to walk upon the water like he was walking on the firm ground. He walked further for a few minutes, turned around and walked backwards. Thus finally, he reached back safely at the shore.”
That scene also vanished from his hands. Then, Matt raised his head and gave a pleasant smile at Santa. Santa’s glistening eyes seemed like two stars in the sky.
“Thank you, dear Santa. Now, I understand fully how to use these special gifts. If somebody tells lie in front of this clock, it would yell out that the person was lying. And with these pair of shoes, I can walk upon the water like we walk on the ground. Thanks again for these miraculous gifts.”
“It’s OK…. these are not miraculous gifts…” Santa stopped for a moment and continued:
“NEITHER MACHINES, WEAPONS NOR ANY OTHER HUMAN INVENTIONS ARE SUPERIOR TO GOD’S OWN CREATIONS. AMONG HIS CREATIONS, THE BEST ARE HUMAN BEINGS, WHOM HE MADE IN HIS OWN IMAGE AND GAVE THE PERMISSION TO CALL HIM FATHER. IF HUMAN BEINGS ARE GOD’S BEST CREATIONS, HOLY MARY IS THE MASTERPIECE. I am not just praising God. Even if you compare the most efficient computer with a human being, you can see the difference. Never a computer can defeat a human being’s capacity, either by its memory or calculation or by its competency. The reason we all know, men are created by God, but computer is created by men.”
“Certainly, you are right dear Santa!” Jack agreed with his opinion. Santa’s lovely white beard seemed like snowflakes and it shined while the electric lights reflected upon it. Jack and Matt were thinking for a moment and Jack suddenly asked:
“Dear Santa, why didn’t you bring any gifts for me? Do you think that, I am not good enough to accept even a small gift from you?” Jack pretended like jealous of Matt.
“No, dear child, I have a special gift for you. But, promise me…. you will use it only for the benefits of others. You know, until now, whatever I gave others are only for the benefits of themselves, but for you it is an entirely different gift. You should use it only for the benefit of others. So promise me dear child.”
“Yes, dear Santa, I assure you from the bottom of my heart that I would stick onto your words.”
“Dear child, it is not me who is going to give you the most valuable Christmas present. I can give you both my Christmas blessings. I have something to say. I came all the way from my village as your guest, just for one reason; to make you prepare to face new challenges. Now onwards you are going to see, feel and experience miracles in your life. The people cursed you will be going to praise you and the people supported you will be going to thank God for his mercy showered on you. Dear Jack, I have a letter for you written by Angelical Father, Saint Francis of Assisi. I can assure you that, you are going to be the part of a great event, which you would never ever have dreamed of in your life."
While they discussed all these, they could hear a sweet song as being sung by a choir group outside. Everyone sharpened their ears to hear it more clearly. Suddenly the song raised to high pitch. Everybody rushed towards the window and opened it to see the singers. Beside the Batson bungalow, in the mid-air just above the tall apple tree, they could see some luminous figures hovering in the air and it eventually started to encircle the house floating in the air. The figures looked like human beings wearing white linen luminous robes as in the fairy tale story books and movies.
"Wow! Who are they? Are they fairy tale creatures or goblins?" Jack and Matt yelled with amazement.
“Dear children, watch them carefully to know who they are! Can't you identify them with their sweet voice? Just listen carefully to their beautiful song and also to the words they are singing.”
When Santa advised them this, Jack and Matt raised their head and pressed their ears to the windows as though they were eavesdropping to the discussion of some beastly gangsters. They heard a song:
"Holy God, born on earth
Jesus Christ as little child
Look at His gleaming eyes
Watch over His Lovely Face
Let's sing alleluia
Let's sing alleluia
Look God's children
Come to Bethlehem
Praise Your God, Christ the King
Bow Before Him as Little Lambs
He is Your Real Shepherd
He is your only Saviour
Let's sing alleluia
Let's sing alleluia"
"Oh, my God…Holy Angels of God from Heaven!" Jack Batson whispered to Matt, who also became perplexed to see the Angels from Heaven.
"Yes, my dear children, they are the Angels of God!" Santa Claus said.
"But, we don't see any wings at their back?" Matt asked him doubtfully.
"Dear child, the wings of the Angel are just an imagination of the writers and artists to make the men understand about their supernatural powers. Do you know another thing; the Holy Angels from Heaven are categorised into nine different groups."
“Which are they?” Jack Batson was curious to know more about it.
“The Nine Choirs of Angels from higher to lower hierarchy are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Archangels, Principalities and Guardian Angels.”
" Can we meet all of them?"
" Certainly, dear children…. certainly… not just for this moment only. Dear Jack, from today on you will be visited by many Angels, Saints and the Holy souls in Purgatory. Besides, you will have some horrible apparitions of the souls from Hell. Even Satan and his devils may visit you to hunt you down. But, don't be afraid my child. Holy Trinity One God, Holy Mary, Saint Joseph, all Holy Angels, all Saints and all the holy souls in purgatory will come to your aid and Protection."
"Dear Santa what are you talking about? How would it happen? May I tell you the truth that, I didn't understand anything? I know that God exists, even though the stupid atheists say that He doesn’t. The apparition of Holy Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Michael, other Saints and Angels are real. I understand that Satan and his messengers are prowling about the world to destroy God’s own people. Yet, I can’t understand what you mean by, I am going to be haunted by devils."
Jack Batson spluttered and his voice was quivering and fainted, as though he was a little bit perturbed to know such strange and unusual things. He looked at Santa's face and realized that Santa was observing him carefully.
"Dear child, did I say so? No…no…. never… that is not right. Satan and his evil spirits can’t come into someone’s life, unless they let them in. If you are a child of God, Satan will never be able to come closer to you. Now, leave that matter to God…let me read this letter for you."
“I am surprised, how come Saint Francis of Assisi know me?" Jack Batson stunned.
"It is only because your name has been written in the Book of Life by God." Santa replied.
"Dear Santa, are you sure that my name is written in the Book of Life."
"Certainly, dear child. The name of all the people those who have trust in God is written in the Book of Life, including saints and sinners. God writes the name of each and every person in the Book of Life when He creates them. But God give them the freedom to act on their own wish. People either due to their ignorance or the attraction towards the worldly pleasures fall into sins by forgetting the love of God, the Father. Many people never try to repent of their sins. Thus, after their death, they fail to stand in front of God's Holy presence. Take the case of our very first ancestors- Adam and Eve. When the ancient serpent Satan tricked them, they fell into his plans and committed sin against God. When God came to Eden to visit them, they hid among the bushes, not because they understood that they were naked, but because they knew the holiness of God. And they realised that the shadow of impurity had covered them due to their disobedience to God."
Santa stopped for a moment and looked at Jack and Matt. They were listening to his narration eagerly like two astrologers who are studying the position of the stars, to predict a disaster going to happen in their country.
"Dear children" He continued in the same sweet voice and pitch: "I hope you might have heard that God always punishes the sinners and pull them down into hell. Do you think so?"
“I don't think so. Our God loves everyone, he is not a punishing judge!" Matt replied.
"You are right Matt... you are right… GOD HATES SINS, BUT DOES LOVE THE SINNERS. God loves the sinners, as much as he loves the Saints. Have you read the parable of ‘the Good Shepherd’ who went after his lost lamb and also the parable of ‘the Prodigal Son’? Even though the son had sinned, the Father welcomed him back happily with his whole heart? OUR GOD IS LOVE. HE IS OUR LOVING FATHER AND MERCIFUL MOTHER. YOUR PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, LIFE PARTNERS, SIBLINGS AND CHILDREN MAY ABANDON YOU, BUT, ONLY ONE PERSON WILL STAND WITH YOU FIRMLY FOREVER, THAT IS GOD. So, it is not God who pulls down the sinners into Hell. After the death… the sinners who didn’t repent of their sins in their life understand that, their impurity was caused by their own sins. Such men are afraid to stand in the presence of God. So, they curse themselves and jump into Hell."
Santa took out an old parchment from his pocket and spread it upon a table to help them to read. Jack and Matt looked through it carefully. They could see something written on it, in Latin. Some ink drops had spread hither and thither as if it was written with a feather pen, but the handwriting was very clear to read.
The letter was as follows:
"To dear Jack Batson and Matt Batson,
Greetings and special blessings to you, my dear children, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We were searching for many years, to find out the most suitable person to be appointed as the leader of ‘the Congregation of Laymen Exorcists’, to fight against Satan and his devils and to preach the Gospel of our Lord. As you know, we need more congregations among us to proclaim the faith. Besides, the necessity to preach the Gospel by the laymen is also very important.
As you know, every one of us has the vocation to spread the Gospel of Love among our brethren, but only a few has come forward to venture into such a risky journey. If you dare to come forward, your duty will be to help the priest exorcists on their journey to hunt the haunted places and to destroy the evil spirits. As we all know God shows no partiality among his children. God shows His abundant blessings and showers His graces upon His children, without considering, whether he is a Christian, or any other religious believer or an atheist or anyone else. For God, all of us are His children and He is our loving Father and merciful Mother.
The main intention of me to write this secret letter to you is, to request you to find out the stolen Holy Grail, used by Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the very first occasion He became the Holy Eucharist with an intention to be with us forever, till the end of the World. The mystery of the Holy Eucharist is unexplainable and, when we try to understand it is like, counting or measuring the drops of water in the ocean with a small sea shell.
Since the beginning of the 13th century, the Holy Grail has been kept in ‘the Monastery of Holy Face of Jesus’ which is located in the valley of the mountain range of Eccaberre, in the village Eccopodochia. Please help my poor brethren at the Monastery of Eccopodochia, to recover the Holy Grail. If you can be successful in this task, I promise you, I will give you a special present, like the King in our Lord’s gospel gave 10 kingdoms to the righteous servant. You may face many obstacles during the exploration, but never get dejected. Don’t be afraid, God is always with you. When you face problems on your way, you can be assure that, you are approaching your victory. The problems in the life are necessary for you to become stronger. When pains increase, do remember, nobody in the world could become successful without hardships and pains. But, always be happy in our God’s name, because our Father can give you from his immense wealth. Never despair my child, never despair. THESE PROBLEMS AND PAINS YOU FACE ARE THE VERY FIRST STEPS OF YOUR LADDER TOWARDS HEAVENLY LIFE. NO PERSON EVER LIVED AND DIED IN THE WORLD WITHOUT HARDSHIPS.
IF YOU BELIEVE, YOU WILL SEE MIRACLES IN YOUR LIFE. Be patient, don’t be afraid to fight against the evil and reach your goal. My dear children, I give you my blessings. Your humble brother, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Francis of Assisi”
Santa finished reading the letter and gave it to Jack. Matt and Jack glanced over it again. The words disappeared from the letter and the next moment they could see the image of St. Francis of Assisi appearing on it. HE waved his hands and blessed them with a sign of Cross with a beautiful smile on his face. As a thanksgiving for his blessings Jack and Matt waved back their hands and bowed their head.
Saint Francis was in his habit made of sack clothes, that they have seen in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. It was torn and rugged, yet it was glowing like a lighted lamp.
"Dear children..." The image started to speak.
"Wow, Saint Francis speaking!" Jack and Matt jumped with great amazement.
"Why can't you give us an apparition, like Santa Claus did now?" Jack insisted the saint to appear in front of them.
"Because, it is not necessary right now and it has been forbidden by our Lord Jesus Christ. I can only appear when it is permitted by the Lord. He doesn't allow an apparition at an inappropriate time."
Jack took a stern look at Santa. He was smiling while listening to all these conversations. He raised his lips to say something but swallowed the words. He rubbed his cold hands together and his face gleamed in the light as always.
As Jack looked onto his face, he remembered Santa Claus’ history that he learned from his catechism class. As we all know the real name of Santa Claus is Saint Nicolas, who was a dedicated Catholic priest, sacrificed his life for the poor people and died when he was 73. After his worldly life, he went to Heaven and became fortunate to sit on the lap of God, the Father Almighty, for his good deeds and sufferings.
When we closely watch a picture of Santa Claus, we can see his face always shining like a full moon and his eyes glistening like two stars in the sky. But there is a past history of pains, sufferings and sacrifices, which people are seldom aware of. Nobody would believe that it was the same Santa Claus, who travels on the sledge, pulled by reindeers throughout the world. EVERY HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL MAN MAY HAVE A MISERABLE PAST OF TEARS, PAINS, SACRIFICES AND SUFFERINGS TO SHARE.
While they continued these conversations in the guest room, still it was too dark outside and the rest of the family members were in deep sleep.
“Can you please light up a candle and give it to me, then switch off the light.” Santa requested.
“Yes, Santa.” Matt answered and rushed to grab a candle from the chest of drawers in his room.
“Look at the sky!” While Matt went to his room, Santa pointed towards the sky and sai
d to Jack.
“What do you see there?” Santa asked Jack.
“The twinkling stars in the sky.” Jack replied.
“True… Did you know, many people believe that they go to the sky and become a star after their death! What do you think? Do you believe that those stars are our ancestors turned to stars?”
“Never Santa, never. I don’t believe it. But what is your opinion? Is it true?” Jack Batson asked to know his version.
“No dear child, no. Each person has their own soul. After their death, based on the good deeds done in this worldly life, their souls go to either Heaven, Purgatory or Hell.”
He sighed for a moment and continued: “Heaven is not just a place for Saints and Angels in the presence of God. The concept of Heaven is not just a place; it is the state of the soul where there is complete happiness with God.”