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Nash's Niche (Behind Closed Doors)

Page 8

by McAllan, Raven

  She clapped and dropped a curtsey. "Perfectly executed, sir." Now it was her turn. Felicity bit her lip and considered her options.

  Nash sniggered. "Perhaps you should just paddle?"

  Felicity ignored him. With a deliberation she knew would tease him, she tied her scarf around her waist and tucked her skirts into it. Nash whistled softly. Felicity twirled around to give him flashes of her legs, and took several more steps back than Nash had, before she slipped off her shoes and tucked them inside her makeshift belt along with her hem.

  "One, two," she muttered under her breath, leaned back on her rear leg, gathered her energy, and moved her weight onto her front leg. "Three." She tensed her muscles and moved. To her delight she had forgotten nothing about the sheer delight of running and jumping with little to hinder her movements. As she approached the water she leaped high into the air and shouted with sheer delight. It was incredible. The air tickled her legs, and her hair came loose from its bun. Nash moved and caught her as she reached him, and tumbled backward to let her land on top of him. As he grasped her arse to hold her to him, quim to cock, he grinned.

  "You fell over on purpose," Felicity accused him, even as she dipped her head to kiss his lips. She pulled back and giggled, even as her mind registered his prick hardening as he moved her over him. "My, my. Here?"

  "Why not?"

  Why not indeed.

  He shifted one of his hands to fondle her arse under her skirts. "Raise yourself an inch or two and draw my breeches down. Then let me lift your skirts and ride me."

  Felicity wasn't sure she'd manage to do as he asked before she collapsed. Her heart was thudding and the heavy pulse in her cunt was clenching and unclenching her muscles. The thought of him filling her was enough to give her the impetus she needed. She sat up on her haunches and dragged his breeches over his erect cock. It flicked out from their confines and waved triumphantly. Felicity sniggered. 'Someone is pleased to enjoy the fresh countryside air." She lifted her skirts and let her cunt skim over the tip of his prick.

  "Tease." He nipped her arse. The tiny sting increased her juices, which she reckoned were ready to cover him.

  "Me?" Felicity tilted her head to one side. “How? I thought your cock was ready to enjoy the freedom of being released from confinement."

  "Hmm, from the confinement of my breeches, yes. Because it ached to be in the confinement of your cunt." He gripped her waist with one hand, his staff with the other and pulled her downward. The first touch as he slipped inside her made her gasp. The second as he thrust into her ready body, made her moan. The third as he muttered, "Ride me, for heaven's sake, fuck me hard," sent her tumbling over the edge.

  Chapter Twelve

  As Felicity's eyes glazed over, and her cunt contracted around him, Nash knew he wouldn't hold on for long. Neither did he want to. Felicity groaned, and let her head fall back.

  "Oh yes, Oh Nash…" Her voice rose and she gasped. "Yessss." It was enough for him to let go. With a thrust upward that lifted his arse from the ground, Nash felt his climax rush over him. He went with the flow and let it roll over him like a tidal wave. His vision clouded, and his body shook with the intensity of his emotions. Nash was dimly aware that Felicity slumped onto him. Her body heaved, and her breath was ragged. As he did his best to gather in air, he rubbed her back in gentle circles and willed his pulse to stop jumping and his breathing to regulate itself.

  Eventually Nash felt able to speak and not sound wheezy. "That love, that was perfection."

  She raised her head and looked at him with slumberous eyes. "Mm. Yes. Must we ever move?" She kissed the tip of his nose and laughed when he wrinkled it. "Have I found your ticklish spot, Nash?"

  "You think I should tell you? My life would be spent wondering when you will attack. Now let me move and dampen my handkerchief for you to tidy up." With more reluctance than he thought possible, Nash lifted Felicity from him, and let her rest on top of him for a second. Then he forced himself to put her to one side and stand up to look down at her. She was sprawled inelegantly, her skirt still rucked up around her waist, and her hair a mess of knots and tangles. Nash's mouth went dry; she looked everything he desired. His woman. Pray she would be so, and he, her man. He wanted her in every way possible. To stand next to him as his wife, and to share the joys and sorrows of life with her.

  "I will be one second." He turned and walked the few steps to the stream to wash swiftly before tucking his cock back into his breeches. As he soaked his handkerchief and wrung it out a soft hand on his shoulder made him look up.

  "Nash?" Felicity stood next to him. He handed the square of linen to her and turned his back to give her privacy. "How will we manage when your brother is here?"

  He grit his teeth. It was something he'd given a lot of thought to. "Harold is so wrapped up in his plots and experiments he won't notice you. If he does?" He shrugged. "You'll be the housekeeper's assistant or something. However, truly love, if you stick to our rooms I would wager he'll not see you." Or so he devoutly hoped.

  "Hmm, perhaps I should leave?" Her voice was troubled. Nash spun round. His intent to give her space to tidy was forgotten.

  "No, never." He took her shoulders in his hands and held her tightly. "Do not even think it. We stay together, now, and forever. Do you understand? Unless you can look me in the eye and tell me you have no feelings for me, that I matter not one jot, we are a couple. So, what do you say?" He held his breath. If she were determined to leave him he'd do his best to stop her by any way possible. Unless she told him he meant nothing to her, and then … well then… He shut that awful thought out. She wouldn't say that. She could not.

  She didn't.

  "Ah Nash, I won't lie to you. I would feel as if I'd cut my heart out. But I don't want to make things uncomfortable with you and your family."

  "I'll do that without any help, I fear. I've bucked the trend once too often, so presenting us, as a unit, will be no more onerous than anything else I've given them. Now we best move on, check the cottage and return to the hall. Where, unless we have visitors, all who we will ensure go the main door and ring to be admitted, I think the need for secrecy is over."

  Felicity put her arm through his. "Until your brother appears."

  "Until then," he agreed.


  "Well?" Nash asked Felicity a short time later, as they stood in the main room of the ramshackle cottage—or what was left of it. "Is it as you remember?"

  Felicity turned in a slow circle. She shook her head. "That bale was here. Maggie complained about the straw being prickly and sticking into her. There was a battered candlestick over by the window, but Maggie may have brought that for light whilst she waited for me. That's gone. And there was no stool or pail. It was very bare. This looks as if someone has been spending some time here."

  That was what Nash thought as well. "I agree. I'll make sure an extra watch is kept on out. Right, let's away home and reassure the servants that I haven't murdered you."

  "Perhaps that's a good idea. Nash?"


  "Who do you think has been here? And why?"

  "I don't know. But I intend to find out." His voice was grim. Whoever had been trespassing on his land, he would bet they weren't up to any good. If their activities had been legal there would have been no reason not to inform Nash or his staff of the whyfores and wherefores.

  "I wonder if that stranger had anything to do with it all? You know, even though I only saw him briefly and at a great distance, the way he held himself reminded me of someone. I can only hope it comes to me just who that someone is."

  Nash squeezed her waist. "It will come when you're not thinking of it. Right, there's nothing else we can do here, so we'll go back to the manor."

  "And enjoy our last few days of freedom?" Felicity asked him as they walked briskly out of the ruined cottage and along the track. "Before I have to play hide and seek around the house once more? Why do your brother and his colleague have to visit now?" She sounded f
orlorn, and his heart went out to her. If he hadn't been aware it was a probable case of life and death, Nash would have felt the same and been inclined to tell both of his brothers to go to perdition and leave him alone.

  "To save their lives, I fear. And I warn you, I think it is somewhat more than my brother and his colleague. From what Randall said—or didn't say—it's Harry and his match. Harry won't realize that, or if he does he'll chose to ignore it. My brother is at times an enigma." He paused and drew Felicity closer for no reason other than he liked the warmth and the scent of her next to him. The faint perfume of lavender once more teased his senses, and he grinned. "Now I know why my home smells so sweet. Ah, yes, Harry. He acts as if he had no worldly interest in any other person, except for within the parameters of a scientific experiment." He glanced at Felicity who nodded.

  "A scientist? I have always thought they occupy a different world to the rest of us."

  "I tend to agree." Nash decided he couldn't share the information that, on Harry's sixteenth birthday, he'd bought a whore for him to learn the art of sensual activity and pleasure. Belle Desire was renowned for her excellence at introducing young sprigs into the exquisite nuances of the joy of sex. Indeed she'd taught Nash all he'd needed. Afterward, Harry had informed him that while it had been an interesting experience, he didn’t think it needed repeating and that it had been a waste of money. Then he'd informed a slack-jawed Nash that if he really wished to give him the perfect gift, he had a list of reading material that was sorely lacking in the family libraries.

  Nash had been stunned, but soon after decided Harry was more inclined to the delights of his own sex, even if he hadn't realized it. He'd given him Carte Blanche at Hatchards, and watched as tome after tome appeared on the library shelves. Not only that: Harry had proceeded to read the books with great delight, and a complete disregard for anything else.

  "Nash? Come back?" Felicity spoke to him and he gave a start.

  "What?" He realized he'd been away in his own little world. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm almost as bad as Harry. I was just wondering what the next however long has in store for us. Apart from inedible meals. Because if Harry's companion is his…" How could he phrase it to be suited to a woman's ears? He'd reckoned without Felicity and her prosaic attitude.

  "Lover?" she suggested without a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

  "Just that." Nash kissed the nape of her neck and watched as she quivered, and her lips parted.

  "Sh, ah…" She smiled. "More please?"

  "Minx. Later. As I was saying if Harry's companion is his lover then be prepared for several weeks of bellyache. And not of the vocal kind. Andre the chef decided Harry should be the love of his life, and Harry's rebuttal resulted in inedible meals. The local hostelry became a home from home until life resumed as normal. Now, once more I fear for our stomachs."

  Felicity's stomach chose that second to rumble. She giggled. "Oh dear, is it warning me to beware?"

  "Very likely, so perhaps we need to stock up and use our energy whilst we have the food to allow us to?" Nash said. "And therefore let's hurry." He increased their pace and Felicity matched him step for step. He wasn't looking forward to the visitors appearing. In any other circumstance he'd be delighted to see Harry. If only he could give Andre a holiday, and not be worried about Felicity. Welland hadn't visited for several days, his staff had reported seeing more strangers in the area than usual, and he had a meeting of the hunt rapidly approaching. Nash decided he had enough on his plate without the added worries of Harry and his companion, and their safety.

  "I need you," he said. Damn the niceties. "Soon and again." His cock thickened in agreement.

  "Thank goodness." Felicity sounded breathless as she attempted to keep up with his ever-quickening pace. "Before dinner?"

  "Oh yes. As soon as I can get you upstairs."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three weeks later Felicity stood back from the window of Nash's bedchamber and watched her lover ride out with Harry's friend. She sighed as they disappeared into the distance. Nash had been correct in his surmise regarding their meals. The food was terrible. Luckily her cousin Maggie had put her foot down regarding the servants' meals, and taken over the cooking herself. She'd then ensured that Felicity got her share once the men had left to do whatever they chose.

  When Felicity heard Nash complain about the burnt offerings he'd endured, she had felt a tiny modicum of guilt. But then he was able to get out and about, to indulge his love of the countryside, to ride his horse, train his hounds, and spend time with other people. He was so busy, Felicity had taken to nipping down the servants' stairs and spending most of her day in their area, only returning upstairs when the coast was clear. After a couple of near misses she'd taken to keeping out of the upstairs study unless she was sure no one was around to disturb her. Once she'd been surprised by Nash. The interesting interlude, involving her, the big armchair, and several scarves wrapped around both her and it had been one of the few hot arousing instances of the long lonely days. She only had to think of it to become wet and wanting.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door and Felicity darted into the bathing chamber, and thence to the top of the servants' staircase. She heard the bedroom door open, and a voice call out, "Nash?" As Nash had left with Harry's companion—Martin, Nash had called him—she could only assume the voice was that of Harry, Nash's brother.

  A muttered imprecation and a sigh floated through the doorway, and then there was the sound of footsteps going toward the door to the study. Several minutes later, the steps got louder and again she heard the man speak.

  "Bloody Nash, why does he keep the other door locked? Now I have to go through here, and I need to write my formulae and …" The voice got too faint to understand the words as there was the sound of the door to the hallway closing.

  Felicity waited until she was certain both rooms were empty, and walked from the bathing chamber, across the empty bedroom and toward the study. She was aware this was the only way for anyone other than Nash and herself to enter without permission, for the door to the hall was locked, and she knew fine well after their near miss Nash held the only other key. She let herself in and sat in the big chair that held so many memories, and swung it around in an idle unthinking manner. It stopped so suddenly on its revolution that Felicity was almost jerked to the floor.

  She stood up and bent down to see what had snagged under it. A scarf. Specifically one of her silk scarves that Nash had used so creatively. And there was no way that the recent visitor could have missed it if he had been more than a few yards into the room. The only reason she hadn't noticed it was because her mind had been preoccupied. Now she groaned. It had been several days before that they had played so successfully and she couldn't dare to hope that the study hadn't been visited since then. Damn Nash, why hadn't he seen it?

  With a sigh large enough to lift the papers in the desk, Felicity locked the door that led into the bedroom, rechecked the one to the hall was indeed secure and surveyed the room. As it seemed certain she would have the next few hours to herself, she might as well continue with her work in sorting all Nash's stud figures out. She was so engrossed in her task that the first she knew of Nash's return was silk over her eyes and her sight taken from her.

  Her chair was spun around so fast that Felicity thought it might take several seconds for her stomach to catch up with the rest of her body. "Waaa…" She didn't get any further as a hand was placed over her mouth. Tempting as it was to nip the palm she resisted. She was much too interested to know what happened next. Of the fact it was Nash who had her thus, she had no doubt, as his special essence surrounded her.

  "Ssh, let me show you how exciting life can be." Nash's voice was low and full of desire. As she began to sit up and lean into him, her legs and arms were fastened, and cool air wafted over her thighs and quim. Felicity shivered as her skin became covered in goose bumps, and her body tightened in anticipation of what might happen next. As she hoped, his mouth came down
on her nub. His tongue lapped at her juices that had rapidly collected, as if they were waiting for his touch. Felicity bit her lip as his tongue flicked over her sensitive core and he used his lips to sip the evidence of her arousal.

  "Don't scream," he said in a warning voice. "Can you do that for me, or do I gag you?" She knew if she asked him to he would. But the thought of material filling her mouth didn't appeal.

  "Will… quiet…" She whispered the words. Then she bit hard on her lips and clenched each fist as best she could as he renewed his attention to her body.

  It was so arousing, cocooned in her own secret world of passion and shadow that it was impossible not to whimper. Her body was so hot, she wanted to be cooled by water, but at the same time needed the heat to grow and consume her. Nash covered her lips with a finger. She gave into temptation and licked it, as he nipped her nub.

  Felicity's body rocketed over the edge of the chasm she'd been teetering on, and she soared. One corner of her mind registered how her skin prickled and her cunt throbbed. Even behind her closed eyelids she saw stars of every color imaginable. She sucked hard on Nash's finger, unwilling to lose even one iota of the sensations ricocheting off her and then bombarding back onto her to stir her senses.

  How long they stayed like that, his mouth soft on her cunt and his finger in her mouth, Felicity didn't know, or she realized, as her body quieted, didn't care. She felt loved, pampered, and safe. A yawn overtook her and she gave a quiet laugh. "My Lord you have worn me out."


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