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A Dance For Two

Page 11

by Colette Davison

  "Because you think it's wrong?"

  Adam's jaw tensed. "I want you. I'm trying to make sure that's all that matters. I can't do more than that, Luc. I can't make you any promises. Either you're happy with that, or you're not and we both walk away."

  Luc didn't want to walk away. He wanted to spend the next week or so enjoying his stepbrother every second he got. But unless they told their parents how they felt about each other, he wouldn't be able to. They'd have to stay at arm's length, only able to touch each other when their parents were safely out of the house. Even now, the thought they'd be home soon hung over them like a bad omen. But it really wasn't the right time to convince Adam that they couldn't keep their affair a secret.

  "I'm happy with that," he mumbled, even though he wasn't.

  For now, he would make himself satisfied with stolen moments of pleasure. Because that was better than walking away and never getting to have his stepbrother again.


  "Did you speak to Mason about being the dance school's poster boy?" Luc asked Adam over dinner that evening.

  During the school holidays, the main meal switched to the evening, as dance classes were held during the day instead of the evening.

  "Poster boy?" Ken asked, pausing with a forkful of sausage and mash half an inch from his open mouth.

  Luc nodded. "I thought we could use some of your photos," he nodded to Ken and his mum. "As well as some of Mason to help promote the dance school."

  He returned his attention to Adam. It was weird to think his dick had been in Adam's mouth only a few hours before. Or that his tongue had been up Adam's arse. God, he wanted a repeat performance. Maybe they could switch—he'd have to keep himself clean, just in case—or maybe his brother would let him fuck him. Given how much Adam liked to wrestle, he would bet anything his stepbrother liked it hard.

  "So?" he asked, annoyed that his voice had sounded a little odd: a bit too high pitched. "Is he up for it?"

  Adam dropped his gaze and rubbed at his neck. "He wasn't very keen on the idea."

  That wasn't what Luc had wanted to hear, but he was enjoying watching Adam squirm. He only hoped their parents didn't notice the unspoken exchange of desire going on between them.

  "But he talked to his Artistic Director and got permission for us to use a couple of company photos. I've got a USB stick with electronic copies in my bag. He, err... Thinks I should be the poster boy instead."

  Luc wasn't disagreeable to that idea, especially if it meant he got to watch Adam dancing in tights for the purposes of taking photos.

  "I like that idea," their mum said. "Don't you think that would be lovely, Ken? To have Adam on some of our publicity?"

  "It might attract more boys," Ken mused. "And Adam is a beautiful dancer. But how much would it cost to get photos taken?"

  Luc hissed in a breath. More than his parents could afford. "I could try taking some," he offered. "Or maybe I can convince one of my contacts to do me a favour." He tipped his head in Adam's direction. "If you don't mind coming home with me for a few days when I go back?"

  Adam looked up and their gazes locked, making Luc want him even more.

  "I guess I could manage that," Adam said grumpily.

  Luc hoped that was purely for show. It wasn't like they could go from animosity to best friends in front of their parents in a heartbeat.

  "Let me try taking photos first," Luc said. "Maybe we could use the studio out of hours?" Preferably just the two of them, alone.

  "If you could, that would be lovely," his mum said, frowning. "I don't think we could afford a professional photographer."

  "Did you decide about taking on younger pupils?" Luc asked. The question was aimed at Ken, but he made sure to look at them both as he spoke.

  Ken and his mum exchanged a glance.

  "Yes," Ken said. "We'll give it a go."

  Adam grinned.

  "Great," Luc said. "The best way to kick them off is to arrange to do free workshops at the local nurseries." He'd suggested it already, but figured it was worth repeating. "I can make arrangements for that. Do them in the afternoon, so that at pick-up time, the kids can put on a little presentation for their parents. Hand out flyers to them all, offering a free trial lesson."

  "Free lessons," Ken grumbled.

  "I think it'll work," Adam said. "It's a great hook. If we can get a full class of fifteen kids out of it, we could bring in around an extra three hundred pounds each month."

  Luc nodded. "And you never know, you might get more demand and have to put on two classes."

  "Let's see how this goes," Ken said in a reserved manner. "No point in getting ahead of ourselves."

  "I'll start talking to the nurseries closest to the dance school," Luc said. "See how many I can get lined up in one week, with the free lesson on the Saturday. I'm pretty sure Adam has a free hour on the timetable."

  "Yeah, for lunch," Adam said in a short tone. He glared at Luc, but his lips were curled up into a sly smile. "But I guess I can give that up to help Mum and Dad."

  "Adam..." their mum began, reaching out to touch his hand.

  "It's fine," Adam said. "I want these new lessons to be a success." He stood and started to clear their plates away. "I might go out tonight," he said, once he'd taken one load over to the dishwasher.

  "Oh?" Their mum asked.

  "Yeah, to Magenta or somewhere."

  "Not the Vibe?" Luc asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Adam stared at him. "No. The atmosphere isn't great there. Magenta is much more fun." He sauntered back over to the table and picked up the empty vegetable dishes. "Do you want to come?"

  "Are you sure you want me hanging out with you?" Luc asked. He was more than capable of sounding tetchy too. "You ditched me last time."

  "That's because you were a jerk," Adam snarled.

  "Boys," Ken said in a warning tone.

  Adam sneered at Luc. "I'm pretty sure I can put up with you tagging along, if you behave."

  Luc had to swallow down the chuckle that wanted to erupt out of his mouth. He had no intentions of behaving, especially if Magenta had a dark room, like the Vibe did. He hoped to God it did.

  "I'll behave," he said, though he sure as hell hoped Adam didn't take his words as a promise.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Magenta wasn't exactly heaving, but then it was a Wednesday night. The atmosphere was good, with a decent amount of people on the dance floor. There was a DJ who knew how to play good music without making smart comments over it all the time. The main room was garishly painted in magenta. Even the ceiling was the same offensively bright shade of pink. The dim lights did nothing to reduce the hideousness. Adam had always found it oppressive and headache inducing, but he didn't come to Magenta for the decor. He came because, of the small handful of gay clubs in the city, it had the 'nicest' darkroom. If a darkroom could ever be classed as nice. As an added bonus, the only people likely to recognise him were guys he'd hooked up with previously and none of them would have a clue who Luc was. They could be together and no one would give a shit.

  They sat for a while, each sipping from a bottle of beer. Adam switched between watching the dance floor and allowing his gaze to mentally undress Luc. His left leg jogged up and down, slightly too fast to be in time with the music.

  Luc leaned over, so he could shout in Adam's ear—it was too loud to get away with whispering. "You can't be that frustrated," he laughed. "It's only been a few hours since I made you cum."

  Adam half-laughed, half-scowled at him. "Maybe I have a big appetite. Do you think you can keep up?"

  Luc licked his lips. "I think I can try. Want to dance?"

  They gulped down the rest of their beer, so as not to waste it and then headed to the dance floor. They rested their hands on each other's hips and moved to the music. Luc was a little stiff, possibly because he was self-conscious about his dancing. Adam pulled him closer, so their groins were touching. It only took seconds of grinding against each
other for them both to become hard. He let Luc go and moved behind him, putting both hands on his stepbrother's hips again before grinding and thrusting against his arse in slow movements.

  He wasn't sure how long they danced. Luc eventually loosened up, which definitely made it much more fun. They moved around each other, sometimes holding one another, other times raising their arms above their heads to let the music fully take them. Their bodies stayed as close together as possible, even when they switched to facing one another, or being behind the other. They kissed whilst they gyrated against each other: mouths open, tongues exploring and dancing. Adam loved having Luc's tongue in his mouth, but it also made him remember where else Luc's tongue had been and where he'd like to put his own.

  They danced until the exertion, heat and press of other bodies around them made them both drip with sweat. Luc's T-shirt clung to his chest, revealing the curve of his muscles. He wasn't as toned as Adam, but he was still pretty damned hot.

  "Let's grab a drink," Luc shouted, leaning in. "I need some water."

  They headed to the bar and ordered a pint of tap water each. It didn't take either of them long to down it, replacing much needed fluids that they'd sweated out.

  Luc swirled his fingertip on Adam's chest, in the dip between his breastbones. "Are we going to dance all night, or did you have something else in mind when you suggested we come here?" The gleam in his eyes suggested he was hoping that was the case.

  Adam tipped his head towards the far corner of the room and the door to the darkroom. "It's a lot less garish in there," he informed Luc with a grin.

  "I should fucking hope so."

  The darkroom was painted black, with low lighting that cast everything in a sultry shade of red. It was still brighter in the cruising area than Adam liked, but they weren't going to be hanging around. He wanted the closest thing to privacy the darkroom had: one of the thinly separated cubicles. The sight and sounds of sex were all around them. Men blowing each other's cocks was the tamest thing happening in the open part of the room. The sexy atmosphere was tainted by the sight of cleaning stations on the walls.

  "Do you come into darkrooms often?" Luc asked, as they found an empty cubicle towards the back of the room. Inside, the lighting level was much darker, making it impossible to tell the natural colour of anything. Their clothes, hair and eyes looked black, their skin grey.

  Adam pushed him against the wall, kissing him, before replying. "Sometimes. It's safer than going home with a guy I've only just met. Is that a problem?"

  Luc shook his head and slid his hands beneath Adam's T-shirt. He ran his fingernails down Adam's back, making him shiver.

  'Safer' was a relative term. As far as Adam was concerned, darkrooms had the illusion of safety because they were public. But there were still plenty of dangers: the risk of being pickpocketed, or spiked, being too drunk to realise the guy fucking you had decided not to bother using a condom. Guys often ended up blowing several guys in a night, often at the same time, which increased the risk of STIs. Adam only ever went inside them when he had his wits about him. He chose his partner before entering, and never hooked up with anyone else. If his partner suddenly suggested a threesome, he walked away. Not because he wasn't interested, the thought of it thrilled him, but because the sudden switch-up of intentions left him feeling anxious.

  They contented themselves with kissing and fondling one another for several minutes, Adam grinding his hips against Luc to stimulate both their hard-ons.

  "What did you have in mind?" Luc asked.

  Adam hadn't thought past the need to get Luc alone again. He wasn't sure he was willing to have sex in a place that made him feel more than a little dirty. It was fine for a quick blow job, but he'd never fucked a guy in a darkroom. When he and Luc took that step, he wanted it to be somewhere less seedy. There was already too much about their union that made him feel doubtful without adding sex in a shitty little cubicle to the list.

  "No sex," he said. "Not here."

  Luc grabbed him by the waist and manoeuvred him towards the massive armchair that dominated the tiny space, before pushing him down into it.

  "No sex," he agreed, getting down onto his knees. "But can I still have fun with you?"

  Adam nodded, biting his lip. For once, he felt like letting someone else take control. Normally, he had to be the one calling the shots. He liked to be the dominant partner, but from their few encounters, he'd realised Luc felt the same way. That was thrilling in and of itself. Them both exerting their need for dominance was sexy as hell. But this time he was willing to sit back and enjoy. He lifted his hips clear of the chair, so Luc could strip him of his jeans and socks.

  "Legs up," Luc said, coaxing Adam to shuffle down and drape his legs over the arms of the chair. "I want access to all of you."

  Adam liked the sound of that. He tilted his head back, allowing his eyes to flicker shut as Luc licked his shaft. He let out a whimper as Luc nipped at the soft, delicate skin.

  "Do you like that?" Luc asked. "Do you like it rough?"

  "Yes," Adam gasped. "You don't need to be gentle with me."

  Luc chuckled. "Don't worry, I have no intention of being gentle."

  He worked on Adam's cock and balls, sucking, licking, biting, teasing. Everything he did made Adam shiver and squirm with delight. Then he felt a moist finger pushing against his arsehole.

  "I thought you weren't going to be gentle with me," he murmured. "If you're going to stick it in, do it."

  He tensed as Luc did exactly that. Still sucking Adam's cock, he worked his finger in and out for a few long strokes, before plunging a second in with it. He thrust them in and out, hard and deep, his knuckles striking Adam's arse with each stroke. It was wonderful, but Adam found himself desperate to feel Luc's cock buried inside him instead. Fingers were great, but a cock was thicker and longer and he adored the pleasure-pain sensation that came with having someone as big as Luc inside him. He'd set the rules, though. No sex. Not in the darkroom.

  He groaned as Luc's ministrations got more and more frenzied. Fingers pumping in and out, hot mouth sucking, tongue lapping. It was too fucking much. An assault of sensations that made him lose all sense of time and place. Every ounce of feeling in his body coalesced in his cock and arse. He felt Luc's fingers thrust against his G spot, over and over.

  "Fucking hell," he said. "You are so fucking good at this."

  Then he came, his hips bucking as his semen shot from his cock, into Luc's mouth. He felt Luc's throat constrict as he swallowed. His fingers pumped in and out of Adam's arse for a few more seconds before he withdrew. Panting, Adam managed to open his eyes. Luc had rocked back onto his heels and was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, a big fucking smirk on his lips.

  "I know I'm good," Luc said. "Think you can top that? The night is young."

  Adam licked his lips. "Give me a minute." He weakly raised his arm and then flopped it into his lap. "Then I'm definitely up for trying."

  Luc shuffled forward and laid his head in Adam's lap, his chin resting in Adam's pubic hair. "You'd better. I'm expecting amazing things from you."

  "Also, I'm pretty sure I said no sex."

  "You weren't complaining when I stuck my fingers up your arse," Luc said. "Anyway, it wasn't my cock, so it doesn't count. But I'm going to want to do that very soon."

  Adam stroked his stepbrother's hair. "That's good."


  "Because you have no idea how much I want you to fuck me right now."

  Luc tipped his head up to stare at him. "Sure you want to wait?"

  Adam nodded. "Not here. It wouldn't feel right."

  "We might not get to be alone together anywhere else."

  Adam pressed his lips together. "I know. But not here. I can't let you fuck me here."

  "That's okay," Luc stroked his thigh. "I get it. We'll find a way to be alone, I promise."

  Chapter Eighteen


  "When am I getting my marketing manager back?"
Adrianna asked, leaning towards the webcam. "I've been pretty cool about this whole leave of absence thing, but I think you've been gone long enough."

  "It's hardly a leave of absence," Luc said. "I've taken a few holiday days and the rest of the time I've been working my butt off for you."

  "Long distance," she reminded him. "And I know you've been working hard, but I need you back in the office, Luc. There's things you can't do from half way across the country."

  Like accompanying her to the radio and local TV interviews that he'd set up, or personally overseeing the charity gala that she had decided he needed to arrange. But Luc wasn't ready to go home, or even back to work. It struck him as ironic because, a few weeks earlier, he'd been a strict workaholic. Now... now he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Adam, even though it was killing him that they hadn't had more than snatched moments together in a week. All they'd managed to do was sneak in a kiss and a quick grope here and there. His body ached for more and he really wanted to fulfil his promise of fucking Adam as soon as possible.

  "I'll be back into the office on Monday," he said, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

  He couldn't see any way of getting time alone with Adam before he'd have to catch a train home on Sunday, at least not in a place that was appropriate for that level of intimacy.

  "Great," Adrianna replied, smiling broadly at him. "It'll be good to have you back." Her smile faded a little. "I hope you've been able to help your parents out with their business."

  "I think we're getting there," he said. "There's still plenty of work to be done and word of mouth takes time. But I think they'll be able to turn it around and make it successful again."

  At least, he hoped so. It really was too early to tell. But he had spent all week speaking with local nurseries and had lined up workshops at different nurseries each afternoon during the coming week. He and Adam had visited each nursery, partly to show them Adam's Disclosure and Barring Service certificate, but also to introduce themselves and check out the spaces Adam would be using. Except now Luc wouldn't be able to go with him and see his stepbrother in action. He did have everything ready, though. Flyers, with all their social media information on them, and free lesson vouchers, valid for the following Saturday. If they didn't get at least a class with eight pupils out of it, he'd be pissed off.


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