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All the President's Men

Page 41

by Woodward, Bob

  Sloan and, 75, 96

  Stans, Mrs. Maurice H., 64

  Stockton, George W., 209

  Stoner, James, 183, 187–88

  Strachan, Gordon, 100, 125, 159, 170, 196, 202, 214

  grand-jury testimony of, 301–2

  indictment of, 335

  Stringer, definition of, 121

  Sturgis, Frank A., 19–20, 232, 233, 266

  Ellsberg attacked by, 30

  Sussman, Barry, 19, 20, 29, 35, 37, 42, 79, 101, 103, 120, 124, 125, 130, 136, 137, 143, 151, 157, 177, 179–80, 183, 190, 191, 204, 266, 299, 312, 320

  description of, 51–52

  polling fascination of, 199–200

  post-election memo of, 200

  “Switchblade mentality,” 130

  Szulc, Tad, 34n

  Tapes, the, 331–34

  Telephone calls

  reporters’ access to records of, 35–36

  to White House, through Virginia phone, 216, 217

  Texas Committee for the Re-election of the President, 52–53

  Thirty Minutes With (television program), 91

  Thomas, Helen, 92, 290

  Time magazine, 159, 161, 186, 197–198, 217, 233, 270

  on Plumbers, 207, 259

  subpoenas, 260

  Timmons, William E., as recipient of wiretap memos, 110–11

  “Top copy,” 60–61

  Tower, John, 250

  Trojans for Representative Government, 126

  University of Southern California (USC), 125–26, 137, 150

  Valledor, Enrique, 57–58

  Vesco, Robert L., CRP contribution by, 284n, 335

  Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 108–9, 114

  Vietnam war

  Kissinger’s pre-election statement on, 194

  My Lai massacre during, 282

  phony support of Haiphong mining in, 265–66

  Von Hoffman, Nicholas, 231–32, 264

  Wall Street Journal, 33, 102, 285

  Wallace, George, attempted assassination of, 13, 202n, 326

  Walters, Gen. Vernon A., 318

  Warren, Gerald, 156, 181, 217, 257, 259, 278–79, 290

  Washburn, Lang, 66

  Washington Hilton Hotel, Muskie fund-raising dinner at, 149

  Washington Post

  accused of unfairly helping Mc-Govern, 163–65, 181–82, 184–186, 199–200, 218

  Clawson on “paying back” of, 328

  excluded from White House social functions, 220

  Haig on “scurrilous” stories in, 334

  newsroom of, 13

  subpoenas to, 134, 260, 268–69

  television stations of, 221

  wiretapping feared by, 317–22

  Ziegler’s apology to, 311–12

  Washington Star-News, 79, 91, 220, 281, 311

  subpoenas to, 260

  on Watergate burglary, 34n

  Watergate committee, see Senate Watergate committee

  Watergate complex

  description of, 14

  pollution near, 93

  Watkins-Johnson Company, 227–28

  Wentworth, Eric, 182–83

  Westrell, Harlan A., 21

  White, Julian L., 209

  White, Theodore H., 205

  White House Correspondents Association, annual dinner of, 284–87

  Wilkins, Roger, 148, 231–32

  Williams, Edward Bennett, 105, 211, 223, 226

  Buchanan encounter of, 286–87

  Williams, Naomi R., 209


  Kissinger’s authorization of, 313–16

  of reporters, 258–59, 270–71, 316

  Washington Post’s precautions against, 317–22

  Witnesses, ground rules for interviews of, 226–27

  Woodruff, Priscilla L., 209

  Woods, Rose Mary, as Watergate tenant, 14

  WTTG (television station), Haiphong-mining poll of, 266–67

  Young, David, 217

  in Plumbers, 215, 216, 258, 259

  Young, Larry, 150–54, 156, 219

  Young Republicans, 262

  Miami accommodations sought for, 23

  “Z” (informant), 212–13

  Ziegler, Ronald L., 125, 126, 279

  apologizes publicly to Washington Post, 311–12

  on Chapin-Segretti connection, 161–162, 167–69

  on contrition, 335

  on Dahlberg check, 46

  denounces Washington Post for Haldeman attribution, 184–86, 187, 192

  on dirty-tricks story, 145, 146

  first comment on Watergate by, 26

  Nixon and, 302

  on Nixon’s confidence in Dean, 277

  on Nixon’s order to staff to testify, 281

  on Nixon’s possible testimony before grand jury, 323–24

  on “operative statement,” 291–92

  on Plumbers, 219–20


  Rockefeller Center

  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, New York 10020

  Copyright © 1974 by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  SIMON & SCHUSTER PAPERBACKS and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Designed by Edith Fowler

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

  Bernstein, Carl, date.

  All the President’s men.

  Includes index.

  1. Watergate Affair, 1972–1974. 2. Bernstein,

  Carl, date. 3. Woodward, Bob. 4. Washington

  Post (1877). I. Woodward, Bob. II. Title.

  [E860.B47 1987] 364.1'32'0973 87-12938

  ISBN 0-671-21781-X

  ISBN 0-671-89441-2 (Pbk.)

  ISBN 13: 978-1-4165-8950-1 (eBook)




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