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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 20

by Jessica Ingro

  “Oh my God!” She shouted as she began to come. I slammed my mouth down on hers to drown out the rest of her cries. I continued to plow into her as she came longer than I had ever known her too. Her muscles milked me over and over again.

  “Fuck. You’re so fucking wet, it’s coating my balls. Damn, that’s good, T.” I loved the fact that I was doing this to her. No one else but fucking me could make her come this long and this hard. I could tell by the way she whimpered, growled and clenched my cock like she never wanted to let it go.

  When the tightening in my balls got to the point of pain, I let go of my restraint and grunted with the impact of my release. I buried myself to the hilt and came so hard, I knew we were going to need to change the sheets tonight.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed beneath me. I chuckled into her neck and attempted to steady my heart rate.

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “You were amazing.” Her voice was shaky and full of wonderment.

  I lifted up and looked down at her to see tears snaking down her cheeks. It twisted my heart whenever she cried. And not in a good way.

  “Sorry.” She laughed, but continued to cry. “I think that orgasm messed me up. I’m happy as all hell but I can’t stop crying.”

  “You’re so nutty, baby.” I kissed her nose and pulled out. Her face softened, and I liked that too. Knowing that she liked it when my cock was in her and didn’t want to let it go. “Don’t ever change.”

  “I won’t.” I moved off her and she sat up, probably to go clean up.

  “Oh, gross!” She exclaimed when she saw the damage we did to the bed. I laughed hard at the look on her face.

  “This is what happens when you’re dirty,” I informed her.

  She wrinkled her nose in disgust and looked so damn cute I wanted to fuck her all over again.

  “They never write that stuff in romance books.”

  “Wouldn’t know. Don’t read that shit. So I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Trust me, they don’t. The man pulls out and then they go to sleep. Sex is never messy like it is in real life. Not once have I read a story where they had to change the sheets if they didn’t want to sleep in a wet spot the size of Wyoming.”

  “Shit,” I muttered after I laughed so hard I was afraid I was going to wake Jazzy. “The shit you say sometimes is outrageous.”

  She left the room with a shake of her ass and grabbed a spare set of sheets from the linen closet in the bathroom.

  I helped her change the bed and noted how comfortable it was to do the domestic shit with her. Normally, that shit did nothing for me. Tonight I was enjoying it as much as I would a nice Cuban cigar.

  “Done!” She exclaimed. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to clean up and then crash. You wore me right out.” She pointed to our shared juices leaking down her leg and my cock jerked. The sight of my seed on her was enough to have me getting hard again.

  I willed my cock down when she was in the bathroom and then took my turn cleaning up. Back in the bedroom, I climbed into bed behind her and pulled her in my arms.

  “Night, T.”

  “Night, Jay.”

  Tori snuggled in and almost immediately passed out from exhaustion.

  Around the time her breathing leveled out, I heard her faintly say, “I love you.”

  My heart stopped before it began pounding like a heavy drum in my chest. Even though I knew she was asleep and probably didn’t realize she said it, I kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I love you too.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  My eyelids fluttered open. A knowing smile spread across my face as I stretched my deliciously sore muscles like a cat waking up from a glorious nap.

  I sighed blissfully.

  What a night. That was all I could think while remembering how dirty Jay made me. Yes indeed, I was filthy, and I loved every minute of it.

  I finally pulled myself from the soft bed, padded into the bathroom and did my business. With tamed hair and a clean mouth, I wandered down the stairs toward the muted sounds of little girl chattering and giggles.

  Rounding the corner into the kitchen, my steps faltered at the sight of Jay dabbing pancake batter on the end of Jazzy’s nose and her swatting at him playfully. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times—a man wrapped around his daughter’s little finger is hell on a woman’s hormones. It was the equivalent of a room full of biological clocks ticking like a bomb ready to explode.

  “Morning,” I greeted as I made my way over to the bar where Jazzy was stationed. Jay was opposite her, stirring the aforementioned pancake batter.

  “Tori!” Jazzy shouted as her little legs swung out of control like pendulums hanging from the bar stool.

  Jay turned, and his eyes went lazy as he took my body in. I felt his perusal like a slow, hot caress on every part of me. I attempted to ignore the way he was affecting me and gave Jazzy a quick squeeze that she returned with fervor.

  “Morning, baby. Come here,” Jay’s low voice was impossible to ignore as my focus automatically moved back to him.

  Needing to feel him and without questioning the fact that he was telling me what to do, I walked around to the other side of the bar and straight into Jay’s waiting arms. They circled my waist and tugged me close to his hard and warm body. Just where I wanted to be.

  His lips reverently brushed mine, and I shivered. He pulled back far enough to look into my eyes, and I could tell that he was smiling by the way his eyes were crinkled around the corners.

  “Hi,” I whispered.

  “Hey,” he whispered back. “How you feelin’ today?”

  Catching his hidden meaning, I melted further into his embrace. “Good. Real good.”

  “I’m good too!” Jazzy added and I laughed as Jay cursed, suddenly reminded that we had an audience. Reluctantly, he let me go so that I could get a cup of coffee and he could get back to making breakfast.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked from my place at the fridge. I adored the laidback feel of Sundays. Part of me would have been completely happy with lying around the pool all day, while the other part of me looked forward to whatever adventure Jazzy talked us into taking.

  “Monica is coming to pick up Little Miss here. I want to have a word with her when she does. Then we can do whatever you want.”

  “Anything I want?” I asked coyly, hoping to wipe the frustration from his face at the thought of dealing with Monica.

  My plan worked as his face broke out in a smile and he said, “Anything.”

  That one word was extremely loaded. I knew exactly what we’d be doing. There were a lot of rooms still left in this house that needed to be christened. I was in the mood to see how many we could get through before nightfall.

  “I’ll take you up on that later, mister.” I swatted his deliciously sinful behind and hauled myself onto the barstool next to Jazzy.

  “Will you do my puzzle with me?” She asked with so much charm I felt my heart melt at just the sight of her.

  “Sure thing, honey. How about after we eat though? Those pancakes smell good. Don’t they?”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” she hummed and resumed bouncing in her seat. “Daddy makes the best pancakes.”

  “I bet he does.”

  “Why don’t you get the syrup out of the fridge and nuke it in the microwave like I taught you,” Jay interjected.

  I watched in delight as she jumped off the stool and raced to do her task.

  “Anything I can help with?” I asked him.

  “Nope. Just sit there and look beautiful. I like eye candy first thing in the morning.”

  “Is that all you like first thing in the morning?”

  “Depends on what you’ve got in mind?” He gave me a salacious grin that I could look at all day, every day.

  “What time is Monica coming?”

  He turned and looked at the clock on the wall. “‘Bout an hour.”

; “Well, see, I was thinking of instituting a Sexotic Sunday session if you’re interested.”

  “That’s a whole lot of S’s. What exactly would I be signing up for?”

  I leaned forward and beckoned him closer. Once he leaned in, I lowered my voice to be sure his daughter couldn’t hear us from the other side of the kitchen. Licking my lips I explained what I hoped every Sunday would be for us.

  “Sexotic Sunday means a Sunday that is both sexy and erotic. It involves some suck and swallow, mixed with a little slap and tickle. You game?” I licked my lips again and this time his eyes followed the movement. I so had him where I wanted him.

  “Sunday just became my favorite day of the week if that’s how you want to spend them. But you mean a lot of suck and swallow, right? Because if you don’t, we might need to revise the plan a little.”

  I sat back in my chair and laughed hard. “So much for equal opportunity.”

  “With a mouth like yours, I’ll take that chance. Don’t worry though, I’ll make it worth your while. I think I’ve heard you scream a time or two about how much you like my tongue.”

  “You have no idea.” I winked and decided to make myself useful before little ears picked up on the very adult conversation we were having. I got up and pulled some dishes from the cupboard to set our places at the island.

  Jay plated the pancakes and sausage before we all dug in. At the first bite, my eyes rolled into my head, and I let out a loud moan, making Jazzy giggle and Jay squeeze my thigh.

  “These are like the best pancakes ever. How did you get them so fluffy and buttery?”

  “That’s my secret,” he replied and leaned into my ear. “Maybe later you can persuade me to give it to you.”

  “For that bit of information, I would definitely suck and swallow,” I said in a low, breathy voice.

  “I’m going to come so hard down the back of your throat, you aren’t going to know what hit you,” he whispered.


  In answer, he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth and gave me a sensual bite.

  “You’re on,” I breathed, more than a little turned on.

  “Daddy, can Tori come with us to New York?”

  “New York?” I raised my eyebrows in question to him. This was the first I was hearing about this.

  “Yeah,” he said in between a bite of food. “Going to tend to some business next week. Told Jazzy she could go.”

  “And me? Were you planning on telling me? It’s not like it’s on your schedule.” I could feel my irritation rising exponentially.

  He wiped his mouth and set down his silverware before turning fully towards me. “No need to get your panties in a bunch. I planned on asking you.”

  “When? When you were boarding the plane?” My bitch factor was also rising. I didn’t like being the last one to know something. Especially something like him heading all the way to the East coast for God knows how long.

  “This is great.” His stool scraped as he pushed himself away from the table. “Here come the true colors. Jazzy, I’m getting in the shower. If your ma shows up, tell her to wait for me. Yeah?”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Oblivious to the tension around her, Jazzy addressed me. “Can we do my puzzle now?”

  “Sure honey.” I watched Jay’s retreating back and felt myself wither a bit inside. I absolutely hated the fact that he walked away, almost as if it wasn’t important enough for him to argue over. He had to really be pissed. But then again, so was I. I deserved to be a part of his day-to-day life now that we were together. And that included being informed of his plans to leave the damn state. I didn’t even know how long he intended to be gone.

  Halfway through Jazzy’s Disney Princess puzzle, I heard the front door open and a melodic voice call out, “I’m here!”

  My stomach dipped, and a nervous energy filled me when a gorgeous woman came into the family room and Jazzy raced over to her.

  Monica. In the flesh.

  Holy shit she was gorgeous. She looked older than I imagined. Could be the years of partying when she was younger had taken a toll, but it did nothing to diminish the beauty that was there. She had long, shiny black hair, brown eyes and mocha colored skin. Her body was slender with the exception of her large chest. Which upon further inspection had to be fake.

  “I’m sorry, you are?” She asked with no small amount of disdain in her voice.

  Deciding to be the bigger person since I was hoping to be a part of her daughter’s life for a long while, I stood up and crossed the room with my hand extended.

  “That’s T, mommy!” Jazzy answered before I could reach them.

  “Tori,” I corrected. “It’s nice to meet you. Monica? Right?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry, Tori, but this is the first I’m hearing about you.” My mouth gaped at the insinuation that I didn’t mean anything to Jay or Jazzy and thus she hadn’t known about me. This was really the worst point in time for me to be meeting her after Jay’s and my argument earlier.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it,” Jay replied as he walked into the room. A small part of me wondered if he purposely stayed away until his ex arrived. I tried to quiet that growing monster and focus on what was taking place in that room.

  “Do I?” Monica put her hand on her chest and acted taken aback by his declaration. “Then again, it doesn’t really matter does it? She’s just another piece that will come and go in our daughter’s life. I’m just curious to see how much she uses you for in the meantime.”

  “Jazzy? Do you want to go outside and play with me?” I asked, thoroughly uncomfortable with where this conversation was leading and not wanting the little girl to be subjected to it. What started off as a decent morning was quickly spiraling down the toilet.

  “You aren’t going anywhere with my daughter. Jazzy, go get your stuff upstairs so we can leave.”

  Poor thing looked torn and didn’t know what to do. I gave her an encouraging nod, and she retreated quickly upstairs to do what her mother told her to do.

  “Monica, I want to know what bullshit you’re pulling lately. I’m getting sick of your shit. You forgetting to pick Jazzy up is fucked. And then all of a sudden you want me to spend more time with her after years of trying to keep her from me. I’m more than happy to have her, but I know as well as you do that you’re up to no good. So, you best come clean now and save yourself a world of hurt later.”

  Monica’s faced twisted as Jay called her out on her recent behavior. She went from quite gorgeous to downright nasty.

  “I’m not up to anything and it sickens me that you’d complain about having more time with our daughter. Does this have to do with her? Does she not want a little girl hanging around here? Or is she one of the ones who try to use our daughter to get to you?”

  “I warned you and I’m done with you being a bitch. You show that side to Jazzy?”

  “Jasmine,” she corrected.

  “I call her Jazzy and you know it. Don’t care if you have a fucking problem with it.”

  “Whatever, Jay. Maybe you should stop worrying about me and start worrying about your piss poor decisions. Like her.” Monica pointed at me and I desperately wanted to either punch her or run away from her. I did not want to get dragged into this issue just so she could take the heat off of her.

  “This isn’t going to work. You trying to turn the tables like this. I’m going to find out what your ulterior motive is and when I do I’m not going to be happy about it.”

  “Do you even have a job, sweetie? Or is he supporting you?” She chose to ignore Jay and go after me instead. I squared my shoulders and decided if she wanted to be rude, I could be rude too.

  “Yes, I do. I work at Rucker Records.”

  Monica started laughing. “Of course you do. So he is supporting you then.”

  “That isn’t true. I take care of myself perfectly well,” I argued. I was beginning to get livid with her for suggesting I couldn’t take care of myself.

  “And that nice
Bentley out there? I’m assuming it’s yours, right? Did Jay buy that too?”

  “That’s none of your business,” Jay jumped in, but I wasn’t going to let him defend me.

  “As a matter of fact the Bentley came with me. Jay didn’t need to buy it.” I chose to leave out the unfortunate fact that it technically belonged to my cousin. She didn’t need to know that. “I have my own money and stand to inherit quite a bit more when my father dies. Not that it’s any of your business as Jay just pointed out.”

  She gave me a catty grin and shook her head. “I’m sure you will inherit some money. Of course, that will be long after you’ve taken Jay’s.”

  “Like you did?” I asked her, catching her by surprise. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting me to go there. “I’m sure the next time your electric needs to be paid, Jay will be more than willing to keep the mother of his child from being left in the dark.”

  “You bitch!” She shrieked and lunged for me, but Jay positioned himself between us.

  “You just fucked up. Hard. You want to play games? Fine. You ain’t gonna do it with me or with Jazzy.”

  “What do you think you’re going to do?” She challenged him back.

  “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer. In the meantime, you better find a way to pay for one for yourself. Not only am I going for custody, but I’m going to cut you off where it hurts. Gone are the days when I keep my wallet open for you.”

  “How dare you threaten me? Without that money, your daughter won’t have food and water and whatever else she needs. This is low, even for you.”

  “She can get whatever she needs here. I’ve been generous to a fault when it comes to you. I bought your house and gave you whatever you wanted in hopes that you’d be happy and raise our girl right. Instead, you’ve become even more bitter and entitled than you were. I don’t want my daughter to grow up learning to act like that. This shit you’ve spewed at Tori is the final straw. Just because you spread for money doesn’t mean she does.”

  “You’d know all about that seeing as how for years I’ve continued to spread for you. Does she know that?”


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