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Urban Love Prophecy

Page 28

by Jessica Ingro

  Miss, you came not a minute too late/

  But for real, a lifetime I’d be willing to wait/

  Feelin’ the weight release but it’s still a debate/

  If this is fate I seen many women that’s fake/

  But listen, I think you a treasure amongst ‘em/

  The dream girl that I prayed for as a youngsta/

  And you ain’t gotta take a day shift, My bank slips/

  Get recycled for encyclopedia pages/

  Just sayin’ but I ain’t here to impress/

  You’re breathtaking even when you ain’t feelin’ your best/

  See that’s the way I feel if anyone’s askin’/

  Ignore these groupie chicks cuz that’s a distraction/

  I know for some dudes, it’s hard to relate/

  But when you’re not here, love, a part of me aches/

  And when we argue we’ll take all the parts that we break/

  And make us stronger to weather any storm that we face/

  When the music filled the space where I was supposed to sing, I looked up and expected to see Jerome, but Jay’s face filled the window.

  I ripped the headphones off my head, burst out of the booth and straight into his arms. My lips instantly found his. I thrust my tongue into his mouth and attempted to show him how much him writing a song about us meant to me.

  As we drank from each other, he backed me up towards the leather couch on the far side of the room. He fell down on top of me, and I welcomed the feel of his body weight pressing down on me. God, I had missed this. Missed him.

  He broke away from my mouth and rested his forehead on mine.

  “I love you,” he panted out. “I’m so fucking sorry, T.”

  “I love you too.” His eyes closed, and relief swept across his face. I realized that was the first time he had heard me say the words, and it obviously meant a lot to him. “And I forgive you.”

  He looked startled at my words. His eyes searched mine for several long moments. “That easy?”

  “No. It’s not that easy. I forgive you, but I’m not completely over it. That’s going to take time. You need to build back my trust.” I ran my hands up and down his back, enamored by the fact that he was here and we were going to try again. It was as if I had to touch him to make sure it was real.

  “You’re everything to me. You’re the breath that fills my lungs and the blood that pumps through my veins. You’re my reason for getting up in the morning and striving to be a better man. Doin’ our own thing just feels wrong. I don’t want that shit no more. I know I fucked up when I let that girl give me head. I disrespected you and what we have that night. I swear that I’ll do my best not to make such stupid choices in the future. I’m not perfect, baby. But I want to be someone you deserve. You were right when you said all I do is take from you. Now, I want to start giving too.”

  “It’s true. You do take, but that’s okay. Because when you give, you fill me up.”

  His eyes warmed, and he kissed me softly. “I’m honored if you think so.”

  “I know so. I couldn’t have gotten through the last few weeks without you. I would have gone completely insane with grief. You gave me back the strength that I needed. You’re helping me move on. It still hurts like hell, but I know I’m going to make it. Because of you.”

  “You’re the best fucking thing that ever happened to me.” His lips moved against mine as he spoke and then he went in for another kiss. “About Marcus. I know it seemed like he was starting shit between us that night. Truth is I was on the fast track to fucking us up all on my own. I was in denial about how much I loved you and how perfect we could be together. I don’t want you to blame him, but I’ll stop hangin’ with him if that’s what you want.”

  “I don’t blame him, and I don’t want you to cut off your brother either. We’ll just have to find a way to spend time with him without me being subjected to his lifestyle.”

  “Okay. That works.” His next kiss had intent in it, but I wasn’t done discussing this.

  “Jay? Stop. We’re not done talking,” I managed to get out against his lips.

  “Smash now. Talk later,” he murmured and went back in for another kiss. I put my hand over my mouth and blocked him. He pulled back to look at me, and when he did, I unloaded what was bothering me the most. The thing that had been holding me back from moving forward with him.

  “I don’t want to be that girl. The one who instantly crumbles and believes what she’s told. It terrifies me that I might be a fool.”

  “Then don’t be. Be the girl who forgives her man for being an asshole because when she looks at him she knows that he means what he’s saying.” He locked his eyes to mine. “And I mean every single fucking word I just said to you, sweetheart. Never doubt that. And I’ll do my best to make sure you never have to. I’m ready to bet it all on us, as long as you’ll still have me.”

  “Come to the lawyer’s with me tomorrow for the reading of the will.”

  His head pulled back even further, and he looked at me like I was crazy for changing the subject so abruptly. “That’s your answer?”

  “Yes. I mean, no. Wait! I mean, yes. Let’s take this slow. Baby steps. I want you to come with me tomorrow.”

  He gave me a lazy grin full of satisfaction. I wasn’t surprised. He had won. I caved and let him back in my life. I just hoped I didn’t regret it.

  “I’m there. Now, can I kiss you?”


  And boy did he kiss me. It was a good thing everyone had left the room when I was in the booth because by the time he let me up for air, my arms were holding him tightly to me and my toes were curled. I loved every second of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Why is your father’s will being read so late after his funeral?” Jay asked as he helped me down from his Escalade.

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand as we walked towards the office complex where the lawyer’s office was located. “Because Annabelle decided she was so distraught that she was going on vacation to Cabo with Rich for two weeks. We had to reschedule to accommodate her travel plans. I swear I don’t know if I’m going to be able to face that gold digging tramp today without scratching her eyes out.”

  He stopped us in front of the doorway. His hands went to my shoulders and turned me into him. From there one traveled down my back to my ass, while the other stayed around my shoulders. He pressed me closer so that we touched everywhere—chest, hips and thighs. What a delicious way to take my mind off that bitch.

  “You need to keep that shit on lock, T. I promise you that you won’t have to deal with her much longer.”

  “I need you to explain that. You and Jeff have been dancing around the subject for weeks. Tell me what you know,” I pried. My curiosity was at an all-time high and I thought I deserved to know what the story was.

  “Can’t. You need to trust me on this. Can you do that?” He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose, probably to take the sting out of his refusal to answer me.

  I ran my hands under his collar and down the lapels of his black suit. It wasn’t as dashing as the three-piece one he had worn to the funeral, but he looked just as sexy. Especially since he had no tie and the top button of his light blue shirt was open, exposing his thick and corded throat. I had visions of running my tongue along the skin there and tasting him. “What will you give me if I do?” My voice was low and needy. It had been too long since I had him inside me. Not that that always mattered when it came to how much I needed him. Sometimes it was minutes later rather than hours, days or weeks.

  “You wanna smash?” He licked those beautiful, plump lips and I had to fight the urge to run my own tongue along them too.

  “So bad.” My arms traveled up his shoulders and around his neck.

  “Your panties wet? If I slipped my hand up your skirt would you be ready?”

  His words made a fresh surge of arousal settle between my legs and a shiver roll down my spine. “I love when you get nas
ty. It’s amazing how bad you turn me on right before I have to go deal with something so serious.”

  “I’m glad, but that isn’t an answer. Are your panties wet?”

  Deciding to turn the tables I shifted so that my stomach brushed against his swelling cock, making him hiss through clenched teeth.

  “Drenched,” I whispered. His eyes darkened with lust and his head started to descend for a kiss, but I put my index finger to his lips to stop him. “And you’re going to be giving the people in the office quite a show with that bulge in your pants. You’re starting to tent, Jay.”

  He growled and stepped away from me. “You fight dirty. Go inside, but wait for me. I need to try to think of something to get my dick to deflate.”

  I tapped his cheek a couple of times with the palm of my hand and laughed before sashaying inside the building with an extra sway in my hips. I waited outside the lawyer’s door for him. It took longer than I thought it would, and I started getting nervous that he was going to make me late.

  “Took you long enough,” I teased when he finally joined me.

  “Had to call my mom to get my dick to settle, and you know she had to talk my ear off.” He opened the door and waited for me to precede him. “She says hi by the way.”

  “I bet she was glad to hear I forgave your sorry ass.” I giggled when he swatted me on my butt.

  “She was thrilled.”

  “Can I help you?” The middle aged woman behind the desk interrupted us.

  “Hi. Victoria Watson here to see Mr. Cohen.”

  “Yes, Ms. Watson. Everyone else has arrived and they’re waiting in the conference room. Let me show you where to go.” She stood up and smoothed her dress down before walking on her sensible low-heeled shoes towards the room the reading was being held in. I felt bad for her feet. Even when I was old and gray, I planned on wearing killer heels. There was no other way.

  Following behind her, I gripped Jay’s hand tightly as my nerves began to get the better of me. Things were either going to go very badly in that room or go very well. It was a toss-up with what and who we were dealing with.

  “Look who finally decided to join us,” Rich grumbled when we entered the room.

  It was a small room with a table big enough to only seat six. Aunt Beverly, Jeff, Rich, Annabelle, and two lawyers surrounded the table.

  “Shut it,” Jeff warned him. He stood up from his chair and offered it to me. Such a gentleman.

  I gave him an appreciative smile as I sat. Jay stood behind my chair and rested his hands on my shoulders. Jeff mirrored his pose standing behind his mother.

  The elder lawyer cleared his throat and spoke. “Thank you all for coming here. You’ve been invited today because you are mentioned in Lawrence Watson’s last will and testament. My son here will read Mr. Watson’s final wishes. Scott, please proceed.”

  “Yes, father.” The younger man picked up some papers and began reading. “I, Lawrence Henry Watson, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath…” his voice droned on as he went through my father’s wishes. With each person he addressed, my anxiety level increased.

  Aunt Beverly was given personal items that held sentimental value for her and my deceased uncle.

  Jeff was given fifty percent of my father’s holdings in Watson Oil, while I was given the other fifty percent along with his mineral interests.

  Rich received a sum of one hundred thousand dollars, which was far more than I felt he deserved.

  Annabelle received two hundred thousand dollars for every year they were married, which was three years.

  And I received the rest. The house, the cars, the investments, everything.

  I sat back in my chair and let out a relieved exhale. Tears filled my eyes knowing he left me all that. Until that moment, I had a hard time believing Annabelle hadn’t weaseled her way into receiving more. I hadn’t realized how stressed out it had made me until I felt the relief of a huge weight falling off my shoulders.

  “This is bullshit,” Annabelle exclaimed. She pushed her chair back and abruptly stood. Her eyes flashed with anger. “I’m contesting this will. He told me he wanted me to have more. That’s my house! Those are my cars! And that’s my money! I had to sleep with his wrinkly, old ass for years! I deserve more than a measly six hundred thousand dollars for what I put up with!”

  “It’s my mother’s house. Contest all you want. He knew you were a no good tramp. Just one of many women who came into his life after she died. You were wife number five for God’s sake.” Jay’s grip on my shoulders tightened when I tried to get up, effectively keeping me in my chair.

  “Fuck you, Tori! You can wipe that smug look off your face right now. When I’m done with you it will all be mine and you’ll be left with nothing. Just like you deserve!”

  Jay leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Ignore her, baby. Don’t make a scene today. Your father wouldn’t want it.”

  I huffed and sunk back in my chair. He was right, damn it. I lifted my chin and addressed Annabelle. “Do what you will. In the end you’ll get what’s coming to you. Karma is a bitch. Consider this your eviction notice. You have twenty-four hours to vacate or I’ll have you removed. You can handle that? Right Jay?”

  Over my shoulder, his lips twitched, and he nodded.

  Rich gave each of us an evil glare before taking her hand and leading her from the room while she continued to spout off threats.

  I stood and hugged Jeff and Beverly while Jay stayed close by.

  “Ms. Watson?” The younger lawyer, Scott, walked up to our group and pulled me away.


  “There’s one last thing your father wanted us to give you. He asked that it be delivered after the reading. You might want to open it in private.” He handed me a blue box with burlap ribbon tied around it. I looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Private,” he reiterated. Then he touched my forearm lightly and moved away.

  “What’s that?” Jay asked and everyone closed ranks to look at the box.

  “I’m not sure. My father wanted me to have it.”

  “Open it,” Beverly urged, but I shook my head.

  “He said I should open it when I was alone.”

  “Well that’s no fun,” she whined good-naturedly.

  I smiled at her. “I have a feeling I’ll be better off not doing it where I’ll be embarrassed by my reaction. To say I’ve been a bit emotional lately would be an understatement.”

  “I know, sweetheart. We need to get going anyway. I have a tennis appointment in an hour. The new instructor at the country club is quite the looker. You should come by and see for yourself.” Beverly wagged her eyebrows, and Jeff looked appalled by the thought of his mother having sexual feelings, which made Jay and me both laugh.

  “I’ll take your word for it. The country club is the last place I want to be these days.” I wrapped my arm around Jay’s and addressed him. “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah, baby.” He shook Jeff’s hand and offered my aunt a peck on the cheek. It was nice to see Jeff and Jay had seemingly buried the hatchet. I made a mental note to ask Jay about it.

  I said my goodbyes as well and we exited the building together. Once we were outside, Jay lifted me up into the SUV. He rounded the hood and climbed in behind the wheel.

  “Do you want me there when you open that?” He gestured towards the package with his head.

  I shook my head. “No. I think this is something I need to do myself. It had to have been important for him to have the lawyers give it to me when I was alone.”

  My finger idly traced the ribbon and my mind raced with possibilities for what was inside.

  “Okay, but if you change your mind, I’m here for you.” He started the car and pulled out of our spot.

  “Thank you.” I went back to studying the package.

  We were almost to Jeff’s house when Jay spoke. “I want you moving back home.”

  My head swung around to face him. “Home? As in your home?”

s in our home. It isn’t the same without you there.” He squeezed my thigh, but left his hand there. The heat from his hand branding me.

  “You lived there long before I came along,” I reminded him. I wasn’t ready to move back in with him. It was just yesterday that I forgave him and told him I wanted to take our reconciliation slow.

  He gave me a sidelong glance and squeezed my thigh again. “That was before you changed everything. Now the bed feels empty, and your breathing helps me fall asleep.”

  Sometimes, he said the sweetest things…

  “That still doesn’t change anything. Me moving back in negates us taking things slow.”

  “I’m not a young cat anymore. When you find someone that you actually want to spend the rest of your life with, you have to go for it. I want you for life, T, and that means having you in my home and being able to wake up to your beautiful face every day. Can’t do that when you’re across town.”

  I leaned my head against the headrest and closed my eyes against the emotions building in my chest. God, he made it so hard to say no to him. Especially when he was being so open with how he felt.

  “I need to think about.”

  “T—” he started, but I held up my hand to stop him.

  “Please. You can’t push me into this. I need to think about it.” I was proud of myself for putting my foot down and not letting him sway me. I swore he always got his way because he was relentless about making you do whatever he wanted.

  “Okay, baby. I can respect that.”

  The car pulled to a stop in front of Jeff’s house. I leaned over in my seat and ran my hands through his hair that was starting to grow long and look like a mini afro.

  “I need a cut.”

  “I like it,” I said while watching my fingers.

  “Well, I am pretty fly.” He leaned over and kissed me. “I gotta get back to the office. I’ll pick you up tonight for dinner. Pack a bag ‘cause we’re overdue for some fun.”

  My lower lip stuck out in a pout. I wasn’t ready for him to leave. With a flick of a wrist my seatbelt retracted and I climbed over the console, straddling him in his seat. I reached my hand down and found the controls to his seat. It slowly moved back, giving me more room to move. Next it reclined. The whole time he watched me with hunger in his expression. His hands ran up my sides and then cupped my breasts. I arched my back wanting more.


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