Only Women in Hell

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Only Women in Hell Page 6

by A. R. Braun

  “Just hang onto the front of the stage and push back,” Kevin said.

  She slipped in front of him while he held them off. “I think I’ll stand here.” Stacey felt safe with Kevin, believing he’d be able to fend off the mongrel horde by himself. “Hey, why do they talk in an accent? Are they British or Australian?”

  “No, they’re from here. They just do that for effect.”


  Oh my god, I’m so nervous. I hope they don’t crush us.

  Biff walked up to the mic. To his left, a band member with a shaven head performed a run on his bass. To the right, a man with straight black hair down to his collar flicked his strings. Behind them, the drummer with a Dagwood cut—hair sticking up in spiked tufts on the sides and on the back of his head—rifled out a drumroll.

  “All right, are you fuckers ready to rock out with your cocks and clams out?” Biff gave the goat-horned salute with his fingers.

  The crowd roared in approval.

  “We’re Dead but Still Moving, and it’s apocalypse time, motherfuckers! So fuck you all!”

  Stacey was embarrassed by the language, but also exhilarated by the electric feeling in the air. She was so nervous she thought she’d faint, but endured it to be with her man, otherwise she would’ve run. The amps buzzed, the crowd began to yell, the people in back of them pushed. Kevin took his stance and held them back as she’d hoped he would.

  The band tore into a punk number, and Stacey turned her head to Kevin. The crowd closed in, everyone swaying together as if in a trance. Kevin put his arms around her to keep her from getting crushed. Stacey wondered if that was his hard on pressing against her; she hoped it was his belt, but then, as she turned around, realized he wasn’t wearing a belt. Whoa! Down boy! She giggled a little bit and actually became wet inside for the first time in her life. It was great to be with a gentleman for once.

  Stacey focused on the lyrics.

  “We’re gonna raid your homes, yeah, we’re gonna eat your guts. We’re gonna eat your cooters, yeah, we’re gonna eat your butts. We’re gonna tear your hearts out. We’re gonna eat your spleens. But if you’re really cool, yeah, I’ll make you like me!”

  Stacey turned around and became frightened when she saw a mosh-pit erupt in the middle of the crowd. It grew larger as time went on.

  “We’ll eat your other lips, yeah, we’ll eat your fuckin cunts. While we’re munchin on your face, we’ll shoot blood out of our nuts!”

  The excitement grew to a fever pitch. The pit raged. The drummer started in with a speed-metal beat while the long-haired guy cut a warped lead solo. After five minutes, her nerves calmed. Kevin was putting all of his strength into the stance and, no matter how huge the pit got, they weren’t able to get through.

  Stacey put her mouth to Kevin’s ear. “I can’t hear anything, but I’m having a great time!”


  As Kevin and Stacey came out of the club, a fight erupted outside. Stacey winced as two punk boys went after each other with broken bottles. Coke bottles. Stacey was relieved that she and her date had escaped unscathed and unmolested.

  Kevin yelled something while smiling.

  Stacey looked at him while they walked arm-in-arm. “What?”

  He put his lips to her ear, which sent her juices flowing. “I said what a great show, huh?”

  She nodded. “My ears are still ringing!”

  Kevin opened her door for her and slammed it shut. As he went around to his side, a boy with a shaven head and a leather jacket ran up to him. “Hey! There’s a fight, unless you’re too much of a pussy to get in on it.”

  Kevin said, “I gotta watch out for my girl. You’re so tough, you go win it.”

  “Fuckin right I will!” The boy ran toward the fight, pulling a switchblade from his pocket. “Woo-hoo-hoo!”

  Kevin climbed in and slammed the door. He looked at her. “He’s called PCP.”

  Stacey giggled. She looked at her watch. “It’s only nine. We don’t have to go home, do we?”

  Kevin fired-up the car. “Hell no. Where you wanna go?”

  Stacey shook her head. “I don’t care. Anywhere but home.” She reached over to grab her seat belt and pull the shoulder strap over her.

  She spotted her Dick’s car down the street. Stacey turned to look at Kevin. “Oh no.”

  Kevin furrowed his brow. “What? What’s going on?” His eyes found the grotesquerie. “Hey, isn’t that your dad’s car?”

  “He’s not my dad. He’s my foster father.”

  Kevin’s eyes looked hurt. “What’s he doing out here? I can’t imagine your foster dad liking Dead but Still Moving.”

  Stacey shook her head, feeling dread and horror.

  “What is he, a psycho or somethin?”

  Stacey just looked straight ahead.

  It figures Dick would ruin this.

  Kevin opened his door. “I’m gonna give that old man a piece of my mind.”

  Stacey grabbed his arm. “No, don’t. Just drive, please?” Stacey turned her head.

  Dick had left.

  “Fuck!” Kevin started the engine and took off. “I’m gonna go find him. What is he, overprotective or something?”

  Stacy nodded. “He worries about me, doesn’t want to let me get date-raped or something.”

  Kevin shook his head. “Date raped?” He put his eyes back on the road. “Come on, Stacey, something weird’s going on here.”

  “No, honest. He’s just a bit anal retentive.”

  Kevin frowned. “Whatever. Your old man needs to see a shrink or somethin.”

  “I mean it. I don’t want you to fight my dad, okay? Okay?”

  “Fine.” Kevin peeled out from a red light and started speeding.

  “Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  “All right, we’ll go to Lucini’s. It’s my favorite Italian place—okay with you?”

  “Sure.” Whew! I should get the Oscar for that one.

  Kevin tore into Lucini’s and slammed on the brakes.


  Dick killed the Audi’s engine as he spied on them from a parking lot across the street. He shook his head.

  He’d better not be getting her into trouble and ruining my good name. I can’t just sit here and watch them eat. Fucker-ducker. Well, piss on ‘em. I guess I’ll go home to the fat ass. I think they saw me anyway. Maybe the cow went to bed, and I can beat Stacey’s ass for being so happy, the selfish bitch. How dare she talk to me like that!

  Oh shit, if they did see me, I’d better let her have him up to her room so I don’t come off like an overprotective psycho.

  Dick turned the ignition key, swore, and drove away, pulling into the street.


  “Pasta primavera for two, please.” Kevin wasn’t able to get Stacey’s foster father out of his head.

  “And to drink?” the fetching, black-haired waitress asked.

  “Coke all right with you?” Kevin asked Stacey.

  “Diet Coke, please,” she answered.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right.”

  The waitress finished writing down the order. “Comin right up.” She fluttered away.

  Something in this scenario stinks and she needs to fess up.

  Kevin glanced across the table at Stacey. “You sure your dad’s not weird?”

  “Foster dad, I said,” Stacey answered. “No, he’s not. He’s just…”

  Kevin shook his head. She should know exactly how her foster father was. “Just what?


  Stacey noticed Kevin looked especially handsome when lit by the table’s candles—picturesque even. The light highlighted his soft features, making them bob here and there, and he made it hard to concentrate.

  How could she tell Kevin what an enigma her foster father was?

  Stacey searched her mind for the word he’d used. “He’s eccentric. Just drop it, okay?”

  He nodded. “Ah.”

  The waitress brought their sodas a
nd breadsticks. “Here you go.”

  The delicious scent wafted over to her. There were two kinds of sauce, including her favorite, cheese.

  “Thanks.” Kevin dipped his breadstick. “Mm-mmm.” He swallowed the piece, took a drink, and looked at her. “Didn’t you eat supper before you left?”

  “No, I just pecked at it. I wanted to eat with you.”

  “I never get enough to eat. They call me the human garbage disposal at home.”

  Stacey looked around the restaurant. Conversations thrummed, employees stacked dishes, and crackling fire spewed upward from skillets.

  “You know, “Kevin continued, stealing her attention back, “I’m good friends with the Lucini’s. Mob friends, you might say.”

  Stacey stared at him while devouring a breadstick. She washed it down with her drink. “Quit kidding around.”

  “Forget about it,” he said in his best Italian-gangster voice. “You want I should rough him up?”

  Stacey laughed out loud, then felt her face go into hot-flush mode as several people looked at them. “Now look what you’ve done. Everyone’s staring at us.”

  Kevin glared at them. “Hey, what’s youze starin at, uh? Take a freakin picture.”

  They turned away.

  Stacey snickered behind her hand. “You’re a nut.”

  “Yeah, well they better look away, uh? Or I’ll lean on the kid.”

  Stacey laughed heartily. “Stop, goof!”

  The waitress brought their pasta dinners. She placed the delectable-smelling food before Stacey, and the latter stared at it, thinking the waitress lightning-quick.

  As if in answer to her thought, Kevin said, “Wow. That was fast.”

  “Enjoy,” the waitress said.

  “Give Guido my best.”

  “I will, Kevin.” She winked at him and walked away.

  Stacey looked him over. “Do you know everybody?”

  “Eh, the mob connections go deep, uh?”

  She pointed a breadstick at him. “Are you really in the mob?”

  Wow! If he is, he can have my foster dad rubbed out.

  “No, I’m just shitting you, even though you’re my favorite turd. Eat your pasta.”

  Stacey’s heart sank, but she smiled and dug in, nonetheless. Kevin did the same.

  There’s no getting away from my sick foster father.


  Kevin pulled in front of Stacey’s house at eleven. He turned toward her. “Guess we’re early, huh?”

  Stacey looked at him and nodded, fidgeting. “I really had fun, for once.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  Stacey’s heart melted for him and what he’d been through tonight. “Sorry about my foster dad.”

  Kevin shook his head. “I still think I should tell him off.”

  “Oh.” She bit her nails. “No, don’t. I don’t want you to get hurt.”


  Stacey dropped her hand and looked straight-ahead. “I heard you’re not supposed to kiss on the first date.”

  Kevin smiled. “Then I guess we’d better have a second one.”

  “Yeah, let’s do.”

  “Tomorrow all right? We could see a movie. You know, plan B?”

  Stacey remembered Jenna. “Oh, darn it. I’m supposed to have Jenna over.”

  “So get out of it.”

  Stacey smiled. “Okay, I think I will. I’ll have to have her over Sunday night or something. But she’ll be disappointed.”

  Kevin shrugged. “She’ll get over it.”

  Stacey turned to him. “I’m supposed to ask you if you’ve got any buddies that might like Jenna.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  A long, awkward silence followed.

  Stacey looked at her feet. “Well, goodnight.” She opened the door.

  “Goodnight,” Kevin answered. “Hey, I’ll be looking forward to our second date.”

  She grinned. “Me too.”

  Stacey trembled from the frosty evening, realizing for the millionth time that only winter nights surpassed winter days for discomfort. She walked slowly toward the door and didn’t want to go inside.

  I wish he’d whisk me away from here like Prince Charming.

  Kevin fired up the engine and pulled into the street. She waved at him and he waved back. He sped into the night. His tires screeched.

  As she reached the door, the butler opened it for her. “Did you have a wonderful evening, madam?”

  “Yes, Jeeves, it was wonderful.”

  Dick walked in and Stacey’s stomach roiled. He puffed on a pipe. Dick blew a couple of smoke rings. “Did you have a good time, Stacey?”

  Stacey nodded and brushed past him, heading for the stairs.

  Dick hurried and caught her before she ascended the landing. “Hey, if you want to bring your boyfriend upstairs on the next date, it’s fine.”

  Stacey wheeled on him. “Huh?”

  “Well, you know, it’s acceptable.”

  Her mind lurched, and she started up the stairs, looking over her shoulder.

  He’s the missing link.

  Dick chuckled as he waltzed into the living room.


  The next day, Stacey called Jenna.

  “Hello?” Jenna said.


  “No, the Purple People Eater. Who’s this?”

  “It’s Stacey.”

  “Oh.” Jenna giggled. “How was your hot date?”


  “Don’t hold back. Give me all the gory details.”

  “Yeah, later, listen—”

  “Okay, shy girl.” Jenna giggled again. “Hey, all set to stay the night?”

  “Well… about that.”


  “Kevin and I had a lot of fun. Since we didn’t get the chance to see a movie, we thought we’d go out again tonight.”

  “Oh.” Jenna sighed. “I see.”

  “I apologize. Maybe tomorrow night, okay?”

  “No, I’ve got morning and evening church.”

  “Oh yeah, me too. How could I forget? I guess I’m love-struck. Next weekend, then?”

  “Yeah, sure, or the weekend after that, or the weekend after that.”

  “No, it’s not like that. Please don’t be mad.”

  “But you promised!” Jenna sighed. “What are you, a nymphomaniac or somethin?”

  “No… we didn’t… do anything.”

  “What am I supposed to do tonight?”

  “Well, I asked Kevin if he had any buddies that would wanna date you, and he said he might.”

  “Really?” Jenna went back to giggling. “Oh goodie!”

  “So don’t be jealous, okay?”

  “Yeah, I guess I’ll live. Hey, don’t give him any. Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?”

  “Oh God, Jenna, I wouldn’t.”

  “You gonna kiss him, or did you do that already?”

  “No.” Now Stacey giggled. “Tonight.” Stacey heard little ones crying out in the background.

  “Ooh, good for you. Wait a minute.” Jenna yelled their names, a muffled sound, probably because she covered up the receiver. “I’m trying to talk on the phone, you little gremlins!” The connection burned brighter. “Okay, I’m back.”

  “Something weird happened, though. My dad…”

  “Your dad what?”

  Stacey thought about his murderous threat. “Oh, never mind.”

  “What? What? No secrets between friends.”

  “Hey, my mom’s telling me to get off the phone. Talk to ya later?”

  Jenna sighed. “Fine. Bye-ya, studette.”

  Stacey giggled. “Bye.”

  Whew, that was a close one.

  Marie knocked and came in. “Stacey, it’s time to go shopping for church clothes.”

  Why do you bother?

  “Okay Mom.”

  Marie smiled at the proper noun and left.

  Big, fat, fuckin witch. I can’t stand her.

  Dick knocked and walked in. Stacey’s stomach turned.

  “Hey, going out with your beau again tonight?” he asked.

  “Dad, he’s not my boo, or whatever you said.”

  “All right, your date, then. Going out?” He scratched his head.

  “Yes Dad, we’re going out.”

  Dick winked at her. “Remember what I said last night.”

  Stacey purposely rolled her eyes.

  With that, he left.


  After a delicious meal at TGI Fridays and an action movie, Kevin walked Stacey to her door. A full moon, the cyclopean eye of an impartial chaperone, watched over them and made sure they wouldn’t do anything they’d regret. She remembered the disastrous beacon from when she’d first been beaten at age eleven. That voyeur moon could watch all he wanted. Tonight, things were going Stacey’s way.

  “My dad says it’s okay for you to go up to my room.”

  Kevin’s eyes goggled. “It’s only our second date. I thought he was overprotective. What’s he want us to do that for?”

  They reached the door. Stacey shivered from the cold and pulled her winter coat over her as she stared at the full moon. “I dunno.” Tell him, tell him what Dick does right now! He’d beaten the crap out of her last night, and she’d bet another savage welcome awaited her tonight. Dick probably said Kevin could come up to her room only because he knew they’d caught him spying, being overprotective. All she could think of was his death threat, though, and who knew what he’d do to poor Kevin?

  “Maybe it’s the full moon,” she added.

  “No, he’s strange.”

  Stacey giggled. She looked him in the eye, knowing what came next, but not knowing how to go about it.

  He’s the guy. It’s his job to make the move.

  Kevin locked eyes with her. “You know, I don’t understand why every boy at school isn’t after you. You’re beautiful.”

  She couldn’t have been more thrilled. “Thanks. You’re really handsome yourself.” She rubbed noses with him, giving him an Eskimo kiss.

  He took the opportunity. He touched her hips gingerly and kissed her. The kiss lingered, then ended.

  Stacey thought heaven couldn’t have been this euphoric. Her smile came naturally instead of by her own volition for once. “That was hot.”

  Kevin grinned, also. “I had a great time. Are we on for next weekend?”

  “You bet. I had a great time, too. You don’t know what this means to me. I never get to have fun. You’re my god.”


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