Only Women in Hell

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Only Women in Hell Page 7

by A. R. Braun

  Kevin chuckled. “I don’t know about all that, but thanks.” He put his hands in his pockets. “Well, goodnight, Stacey.”

  She pulled on his arm and took his hand. “Call me.” She pecked him quickly, unlocked the door, and went inside. Stacey slid down the door, carried away with romance for the boy she was falling in love with.

  The butler came to take her coat but, when he saw the state she was in, he smiled and walked away, apparently knowing the score.

  She stayed that way for some time.


  Dick finally had to take a snack break and jogged down the stairs. He whistled a happy tune. He stopped when he saw Stacey sitting at the bottom of the front door. “Where’s Kevin?”

  The sicko brought Stacey out of her trance. “Oh. I don’t think it’s appropriate to have a boy in my room, Dad. It’s only the second date. I don’t know if it’s ever appropriate to have him in there.”

  Dick’s eyes looked crushed. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You think I’m overprotective or something? I told you that you could do it, so quit acting like a little baby and bring him up there.”

  That did it. Stacey’s stomach roiled, and she rose and walked toward the stairs.

  Dick watched her go up. “And I’ll be up in a few minutes to teach you not to use that tone with me. You think you would’ve learned last night.”

  And with that, Stacey’s evening was ruined.


  In the spring, Stacey returned to her house from a football game and dinner. She’d been out with Kevin again.

  She could no longer fight her hormones—since Dick said it was all right—and she wanted the hunk so badly. Stacey pulled Kevin inside after unlocking the door. “Come on, you’ve gotta see my room.”

  Kevin laughed. “Okay. Are you sure it’s all right?”

  Dick came into the foyer with wide eyes. “Ah, I see you brought Kevin home. Did you have a good time at the game?”

  Stacey looked away for a second, then fixed her eyes on Dick. “Yes Dad.”

  He puffed his pipe, glanced away from Stacey and toward Kevin. “Nice to see you again, young man.”

  Kevin nodded. “Sir.”

  “Well, don’t let me get in the way.” Dick walked back into the living room.

  Stacey shook her head. Kevin rolled his eyes, and they enjoyed a silent agreement about Dick’s weirdness.

  She pulled him toward the stairs. He put his arm around her waist.

  They reached her room. Stacey opened the door, leading Kevin in, and he feasted his eyes on the space. “Hmm, cozy room.”

  She took his hand and led him to the bed, where they sat. Stacey trembled and tried to cover it up by rubbing her hands together.

  Kevin met her eyes and started to say something, then stopped himself. He looked as if it took a great deal of effort to spit something out. Still holding her hand, he smiled. “Stacey?”

  She smiled back at him, thinking she could swim in his blue eyes. “Yes?” she almost whispered.

  “You’re… better than the other girls at school. You’re not empty-headed, vain, or meanspirited.” He shifted a bit on the bed, staring harder into her eyes. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  Stacey nodded, glad to be sitting down because she’d lost the feeling in her legs. Her heart skipped a beat. “Yes, I will!” she chirped.

  His eyebrows rose and his eyes widened. “You will? Oh, yeah, of course you will. Awesome.”

  She kissed him. He kissed back eagerly. They rubbed each other’s waists and back. He put his hand on her leg and she let him.

  Stacey’s hand went to his stiff crotch.

  Kevin pulled away. “I don’t think we should. Not yet.”

  “Why not? My foster dad said we could.”

  Kevin smiled, cocking his head. “One day, when we get… married? Is it all right if I say that?”

  She nodded, smiling. “Oh yes, take me away from this place, Kevin! Take me away right now!”

  He furrowed his brow. “Right now? Shouldn’t we finish school first?”

  Stacey glanced at her knees, ashamed she’d made a fool of herself. She met his eyes again. “I don’t care about school. I wanna go away with you… forever. Can we elope?”

  Kevin shook his head. “Why?”

  Stacey sighed.

  “What’s goin on, baby? Why do you wanna leave and marry me now?”

  She thought about telling him what Dick did. God, it meant the world to her to spill it right then and there. She drew a few deep breaths. Then she thought about Dick’s warning and what could happen to both Kevin and her.

  She sighed. “I… I love you.”

  “Oh.” He held her then. “I love you, too, Stacey.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. Kevin pulled her close, and they stayed that way. Stacey wanted to hold him forever.

  Kevin pulled away and gave her a concerned look. “That’s really sweet, Stace, but… when we’re eighteen, all right?”

  She nodded vigorously. “As soon as we’re eighteen. Fuck college, fuck everything. Just get me out of here.”

  “You don’t like it here, do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Is that creepy foster dad of yours hurting you? Is that why you want to get out of here so badly?”

  She reached around his neck and pulled her forehead to his. His smooth skin felt so good to her. Stacey was almost able to forget the throbbing pain where her foster dad had beaten her where most couldn’t see. Then she realized that if they made love, Kevin would see her wounds, so this was probably for the best. She loved the smell of his cologne, but suspected she’d like his natural scent even more.

  “It’s just that my foster parents can be temperamental sometimes,” Stacey continued. “Marie’s a bit of a bitch and Dick’s overprotective, though he tries to act like he’s not, letting you come up here. They’re not hurting me.”

  “Are you sure?” His eyes looked a bit perturbed.

  She nodded, wiping away another tear. “Positive.”

  He turned away. “I just knew that old man was weird, the way he followed us that night. It wasn’t right.”

  “I’m sure he means well.” Stacey touched his cheeks and turned his face toward hers. “It’s all right, okay? All parents are weird.”

  Kevin smiled. “Yeah, they are, aren’t they?”

  They chuckled.

  Oh god, if I could only tell you, the love of my life. Weird is not the word. Fucking psycho is more like it.


  Two years later

  After Kevin dropped her off after the last day of school, Stacey felt better than she ever had in her life, an emotional high that tempted her to look down on the rest of the world, though she could never do such a thing.

  Her “family” hadn’t given her much in the way of a birthday party and presents when she’d turned eighteen, but Kevin had taken her out for an expensive dinner and bought her a locket with a picture of him in it, plus an ankle bracelet. He’d suggested a tattoo, but Stacey wasn’t the type.

  This is it. Kevin found an apartment and we’re moving in tonight. Now I have to break it to my foster hell masters. I’m gonna tell them to go fuck themselves. I’m finally gonna get away from that abusive bastard and that crazy bitch.

  Stacey felt guilty about skipping college, but just wanted to be with her man, though moving in with him frightened her. Not as much as her current living situation, though; it had to be better than hell-on-earth.

  As Stacey unlocked the door, the birds chirped and the comforting May sun warmed her back. The orb shone eerily on the outside of the house, highlighting it with an orange glaze. She walked in, singing a song by Dead but Still Moving.

  Jeevsie took her light jacket. “How was school today, madam?” When he smiled, the wrinkles on his face became pronounced.

  Stacey smiled back. “It was wonderful, Jeevsie. Kevin walked me through the halls for the last time.”

  “Very go

  Stacey noticed Dick overdid it on the air conditioning again.

  Well, that’s not my problem anymore.

  Marie waddled into the foyer, her jowls moving as she snacked on a chocolate treat. She’d gained even more weight lately because Dick had been working overtime. Eating was probably all she had when home.

  “All done with school, huh?” Marie asked.

  Stacey nodded. “Where’s Dick?”

  Marie scowled. “You mean Dad.”

  Stacey scowled back at her. “No, I mean Dick! Where is he?”

  She’s fat, but I’m a big girl now. I bet I could take her.

  Marie recoiled, probably shocked that her foster daughter would talk to her in such a manner, though she shouldn’t have been, the way she’d been treating her since she was eleven. “Oh, I see. Now that you’re done with school, you don’t think you have to obey us anymore.”

  “No, I fucking don’t. Would you just answer the damn question? I need to talk to him.”

  “Why are you being so snippy?”

  Stacey refused to answer and rolled her eyes instead.

  Marie harrumphed. “He’s bonding with his buddy who’s got his crew putting up that construction building next door. What else? It’s his personal little project, a place he can rent out, as well as tool space. Why? What’s so important?”

  Stacey shook her head. “I’d rather tell you both. When do you expect him?”

  “He said he’d be home around eight or nine.”

  That was perfect. Kevin would be coming over after he got off work at nine-fifteen to move her out.

  “I’ll talk to you both at eight or nine, then.” Stacey pointed her finger at Marie. “Until then, just stay out of my fucking way.”

  A shadow seemed to pass over Marie’s face. “Excuse me?”

  “You fucking heard me, goddamn it!” Stacey blew past her, bumping her as she did. Before she climbed the stairs, Stacey wheeled around. “And South Park rules, you fat old bitch!”

  Stacey stomped to her room, ignoring Marie’s death stare.


  Marie shook with fury at the bottom of the stairs, wanting to charge up and give Stacey a vocal reaming she’d not soon forget. But to climb the stairs was a chore she preferred to save for bedtime now that she’d packed on even more pounds.

  Why, that ungrateful little bitch. She’s my husband’s little princess, and now she thinks she can talk to me like I’m a piece of shit. That little twat. That stick-figured piece of garbage. I’ll fucking kill her.

  She placed a call to Dick’s cell phone instead. It rang a few times before he picked up.


  “Dick, it’s your wife.”

  He sighed. “Can’t you see I’m fucking busy here?”

  “Oh, shut it. You should’ve heard what that cunt daughter of yours just said to me.”

  “What did she say? Is she moving out?”

  “She wouldn’t tell me, but she wants to talk to both of us when you get home. Then she called me a fat old bitch.”

  Dick snickered.

  “What are you laughing at, jerk? You want a divorce?”

  “Oh… I’m sorry, honey. Someone helping me out just tripped over an extension cord, and it was hilarious, like Charlie Chaplin.”

  “You’d better not be laughing at me.”

  “All right, I’m glad you called me. I’ll be home when it starts getting dark.”

  Marie sighed. “Well, I think you ought to give her a stern punishment.”

  “Yeah, I’ll handle it tonight, honey. I’ve got to go. Love you. Bye.”

  “Love you too, pookie. Bye.” Marie hung up the phone feeling a little better.

  You just wait till your father gets home, you uptight little cunt of a slut.


  Stacey locked her door, set her book bag on the chair, and collapsed onto her bed. She still loved the soft and comfortable mattress, always would. Stacey rolled over and shut her eyes.

  I was up too late last night dreaming about my new life with Kevin. Just a few hours of rest and it will begin.

  She opened her eyes and set the alarm clock to wake her up at 8:00. She closed her eyes again, pulling a few covers over her because of the Nazi air-conditioning system. It wasn’t long before she fell into a sound sleep.

  In her dream, she told Dick and Marie not only was she moving out of their house and never coming back, but also if they didn’t like it, they could go fuck a cousin. She waited outside for Kevin to pull up. Clad in a hoodie and carrying a suitcase with her best clothes and Furry the rabbit—she’d never forgotten about him—Stacey gasped when the butler surprised her by pulling up in the limo. He rolled the window down and took off his chauffer’s hat, the sun shining on his bald crown.

  Butler Jones smiled. “Need help moving, madam?”

  Stacey shook her head. “I’m getting out of here for good, Jeevsie. I won’t need your services anymore.”

  The butler stared at her knowingly. It was hard for Stacey to figure out. He looked so innocuous… but those eyes. “I think you need to move now, madam.”

  Stacey was confused. “What?”

  Jeevsie glared at her with bulging eyes. “You need to wake up and move right now! Don’t tell them, warn them, or anything. Just leave and tell your sweetheart to meet you at the corner drug store. GO, RIGHT NOW!”

  Stacey became afraid. “Why?”

  “Because if you don’t, you’ll rue the day you were born. Trouble is coming, big trouble!”

  Stacey took a couple steps back, then heard a loud stomping noise clomping her way, as if King Kong had made his way into the real world and trampled through the streets of her town.

  A huge shadow overcame the limo. An enormous foot sporting a black dress shoe stomped on the vehicle, leaving a crater in the earth. When Stacey looked up while trembling with fear, a giant Dick stood in the sky, blotting out the sun. His evil, black eyes pierced her soul. His shadow now encompassed her and chilled her like a breath of doom.

  In the dream, Stacey screamed.

  Her eyes opened stealthily. She sat up, scared to death, slicked with cold sweat. Her room looked semi-dark as the sun gave its Judas kiss to make room for the cover of night. She looked at her alarm clock. It read eight o’clock.

  Reality came rushing to her rescue. Oh, thank God! It was just a stupid nightmare. She thought about the warning in the dream. Is it legitimate? No, it can’t be. My dreams have never come true.

  Getting up, she decided a quick shower couldn’t hurt. She became excited, knowing Kevin would be here soon to whisk her away. She went into the bathroom and shut the door. She stripped and admired her natural breasts, now grown to full-size. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The hot spray comforted her, especially the shower massager. She lathered up with cucumber melon body wash and rinsed as quickly as she could.

  The urge to masturbate came over her as she thought about Kevin’s muscles, so strong, hotter than anything. She shuddered. No, save it for tonight. She slapped her sex to make it behave.

  “Bad kitty.”

  Stacey finished and wiped the water off the glass walls of her shower with a squeegee. She slid the squeaking glass aside and stepped out to dry off with her lavender terry towel.

  I’m gonna miss these riches, but it’s not like I could enjoy ‘em with that sadist breathing down my neck.

  When dry, she squealed.

  I’m so excited I’m getting out of this death camp, I want to scream.

  She was about to shut the shower door when someone stuck a cloth over her mouth and yanked her backward from behind. Fear made her heart do blastbeats. She screamed as best she could under the cloth.

  Dick’s voice from behind her: “You’re a woman now.”

  Stacey’s mind lurched.

  “And you’re all mine,” he added.

  Before she lost consciousness, Stacey thought she knew what the moist and pungent chemical compo
und on the cloth was.



  Stacey opened her eyes, and terror gripped her like visceral tendrils stabbing their way into her veins. She lay atop a cheap mattress on a dilapidated bed. Stacey rubbed her eyes and opened them.

  The walls seemed to close in on her for her terror.

  At first, she told herself she must be in the apartment Kevin acquired for them. But as she looked around, Stacey realized it was too squalid to be anything Kevin would pick out.

  There were no windows. The bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom were all one room. An institutional toilet stood by itself by an ugly green wall where a roll of toilet paper hung on a silver roll. Right next to it lurked a kitchen with just a stove, a fridge, and a few cabinets; in the “living room” stood an old TV, not even a wide screen. The green, tile walls dominated the whole tiny living space. The “bedroom” was comprised of just the bed and one nightstand with a cheap lamp. The floor was nothing but concrete with a couple of drains placed strategically near the toilet and the bedroom. A mop and bucket stood in the bathroom area, and one door—a huge, metallic monolith—lurked across the room from her.

  Stacey blinked and choked on her spit. This can’t be happening. I was going to get out! She shook her head. I was going to get out!

  Oh my God, I’m in some kind of dungeon!

  She noticed it was a bit difficult to breathe. She bounded off the bed and ran to the door, grabbing the metal handle and yanking for her life.

  It wouldn’t budge.


  She yanked and yanked, screaming at the top of her lungs. She worried at the door until she was psychically exhausted. It wasn’t going to move in this lifetime.

  Stacey turned and slid down the cold, metal door with her back to it until she crouched, her anxiety the antithesis of the love she felt for Kevin after their second date. She bawled like a baby.

  “No, oh my god, oh my god, no, don’t let this happen, please god, no!”

  Trembling so badly she thought she’d have a seizure, she balled up into a fetal position.


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