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Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3

Page 34

by Azure Boone

  "Lucian, yes, do it."

  He pulled his finger slowly out, nearly beside himself at seeing it covered with her cream. He slid it back in, relishing her desperate, straining grunts for more. Her inner contours gripped and pulled at him with amazing strength, more impatient each time he drew back.

  The careful pressure he kept up with his thumb made her thigh muscles quiver in time with his strokes even as her responses grew more desperate by the second.


  Jessie was too lost in sensation to worry about what Lucian must think about her wanton behavior. Such desperation was hardly attractive, but she was beyond caring. As long as he didn't stop what he was doing to her, he could think whatever he wanted.

  God, the texture of his finger inside her! Incredible! Before, she never would have believed that part of a woman's body could distinguish such detail. Every nerve ending she possessed focused on his touch, while the rest of her being puzzled over getting him to do more.

  The urgency of her need increased until she no longer cared what more he might do, as long as he didn't stop. He drew his finger back, despite her cries of protest, forcing her to lift her hips in an arc off the bed as she sought to pull him back inside.

  His breath against her skin sent waves of fresh heat rolling across her. Then he touched her folds again, sliding his finger back inside, only broader, thicker, stretching her. Two fingers. An expectant heaviness settled across her pelvis.

  A sudden cascade of sensation hit as Lucian moved his fingers independently. Continuing to stroke with his thumb, he somehow leaned up to flick his tongue across her painfully distended nipple.

  Jessie's heart stopped as something inside her broke. Tears rolled over her lashes as surges of uncontrollable spasms rocked her body, muscles clenching and relaxing in a powerful rhythm.


  The sudden change in his human's body across the hall shattered this new power over Dorn. He flew off of Sally, literally, ending with his back against the far wall, staring at her with a confused horror.

  She too bolted up, she too transformed. But there was no fear or confusion in her countenance but…something else he wasn't certain of. Dorn braced as his soon to be wife stormed over. She slapped him across the face. Dorn flashed to the door and blocked her hurried exit. "Don't…go." Even his voice sounded frail and strange to his ears.

  "Why? Do you want to molest me again?"

  He swallowed his immediate response of yes realizing molest wasn't the right term. And no, he didn't want to do that again—wait yes, he did but…he just needed her to stay. He wasn't even sure why. He was never without absolute confidence and the change was nearly debilitating.

  He bumbled words, and to hear it was astonishing. Like his body parts were short-circuiting on him. "I don't know what to tell you." He closed his eyes, still struggling to catch his breath. "This has never happened."


  "All of it. All of this insanity."

  She choked out a gasp. "Insanity? Is that what you called that?"

  He finally felt and understood her emotions. Offense. But not at the fact of what he had done. At the fact he had stopped.

  What he'd felt on the couch rushed to the surface, bringing a wave of need. He stroked a trembling finger along her face, watching the anger melt from her brow as she stared back into his gaze. "You liked it," he said, utterly astonished. He'd felt her positive response but thought he'd surely influenced or forced it.

  No, she hadn't just liked it. She liked him.

  The unfathomable notion caused his body to erupt in blue flames. Literally.


  Lucian watched, heart stuttering, while Jessie went to pieces. His cock surged, reaching toward her. Her face was even more beautiful in passion. Wait. Tears? "Ce am făcut greșit Iubiților,? Te-am rănit?" Damn it, she wouldn't understand what he meant. "What have I done wrong, Beloved? Did I hurt you?" He hadn't reverted to Romanian as much over the last four years as he had in the last couple of hours. "Jessie? Are you okay?"

  Her body finally went mostly still and her breathing evened out. When she opened her eyes, lashes still spikey with tears, Lucian's heart dropped. She must hate him. A much smaller spasm rolled through her body, arching her spine.

  "Lucian, that was unbelievable." A little smile curved her sweet lips.

  He released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Damn! He'd never been so worried. "You're okay? Truly?"

  The pink tip of her tongue swept across her lower lip, distracting him. "No."

  His face must have shown his horror because she immediately smiled.

  "I'm not okay because I want more." She took his hand and drew it to her mouth. "I want you to feel that, too. I want us to feel it together." Her lips traced his knuckles. "I had no idea."

  Lucian's heart started beating again. "I was afraid I'd hurt you."

  "Far from it." She tugged at his hand to draw him further up on the bed until they were face to face. "I'm sorry I scared you." Leaning in closer, she trailed her lips across his jaw until she reached his mouth.

  The silky glide of her mouth on his took over, and Lucian forgot to worry. He gladly let her take the lead, relishing in the innocence of her explorations. Torn between wanting her to linger at his mouth, and needing her touch everywhere else, Lucian slid his fingers into the brushed silk of her hair, rolling a lock between his fingertips and marveling at the texture.

  Jessie left his lips to kiss down over his jaw and neck, then slid her mouth across his chest, pausing to taste every dip and contour, until she reached his nipple. Her tongue flicked across the angel's tear and a bolt of fire shot through him. Unable to lie back and let her have all the fun any longer, he tugged at her hair to draw her mouth back to his.

  Undeterred, Jessie continued exploring with her hands while she returned his kiss. When she skimmed the tips of her fingers lightly over the rippling muscles of his abdomen, he couldn't prevent the sharp hiss that escaped from between their lips.

  Jessie smiled against his mouth as her fingers continued their stealthy descent to the point on his body near bursting with aching need. Need for her attention in any way he could get it.


  Sally's breath rushed out at the sight before her. She wasn't sure what to be, terrified or…okay terrified. Except her body seemed to be other things. Things that had her body hot. Very hot. "You're…you're on fire," she breathed, vaguely wondering if it burned him. By the agonized look on his face, something was excruciating.

  "You should leave."

  Oh? "But…you just told me to stay." Her words were barely audible.

  "I want to do things to you that…I don't think are…" he closed his eyes like he forgot how to speak. "You really need to leave, this is too strong."

  "What…is too strong?"

  Dorn gasped and fell to his knees and Sally hurried to him only to encounter a solid wall of blue air. "I can taste you. You taste…unlike anything in the Heavenly Universes…" He reached a hand toward her and Sally could feel the effort through the strange wall around him. "I need you."

  Those last words penetrated Sally's female parts like molten spikes, a potent hunger so primal and feral, it left her body trembling with the need to be touched by him. "Dorn, I..." That fire inside pranced upon her throbbing ache relentlessly. "Oh God," she gasped, her womb clenching hard and her clit pulsing. She collapsed to the floor when her muscles turned to mush under the intensity.

  A low growl filled the air and Sally gazed at the man from where she lay. Hunched on the floor, he stared at her, eyes glowing with brilliant liquid aquamarine. Why was he doing this, filling her with a terrible need and not touching her?


  "Jessie." It came out sounding like a prayer. She tormented him with her agonizing descent to where he needed her so desperately when he realized her destination. He refused to give in to the need to help her get there faster, especially when her
breasts reached his shaft.

  He undulated his hips and she slid the full mounds over him while sucking at his abs. Lucian rose onto his elbows, watching, fantasizing what it would feel like to slide his length up and down between her breasts while she held them tight together. Her kisses no longer teased but had grown hungry. Her tongue swirled and probed in his navel, rapidly driving him insane.

  "Dumnezeu, Jessie, grăbește-te, iubire" His plea for her to hurry came unbidden as he latched his fingers in her hair and pushed her toward his ache, needing those hot kisses and tongue all over it.

  She gripped his thighs, her fingers eager and digging as she obliged him. Lucian watched in agony as she stroked her face and lips over his cock, making it jerk with desperate desire. She was lost in the moment, eyes closed, mewling and moaning like he was everything she'd dreamed.

  Lucian worked his hips for more friction. He couldn't resist reaching a hand and placing it behind her head and pressing. The desperate moan she gave said she loved that. Lucian latched his fingers in her hair and pulled, his need leaping beyond his control. "Suck me Jessie."

  With a small cry she took hold of him and devoured him entirely with a ravenous hunger. Lucian grabbed hold of the covers, bowing under the bolt of pleasure, groaning and gasping through the electrical punches hammering his stomach, cock and balls. He threw his head back and cried, "Dumnezeu, da, ea suge greu!"

  Lucian began to wonder if she knew Romanian when she tightened her suction while her lips glided up and down his hard length. And when she slowly opened her eyes, the hungry fire in those mocha depths brought his orgasm on a silver platter.

  He reached for her head, stopping her.

  He wanted his first climax to be deep inside her body while he made passionate love to her.

  "Please…" Sally reached a hand for Dorn, her legs scissoring restlessly, trying to relieve the intense ache between them. Her nipples tightened and became super sensitized, tingling with the desire to be touched, licked, sucked, bit, any and all those things. The deeply grooved lines on his forehead, the strain of his perfect, beautiful mouth, the trembling of his massive body looked like he was trying to lift a mountain.

  His mouth opened in a sudden gasp and his eyes clenched shut, the growling sound turning to deep rumbling, vibrating through her skin. God, she couldn't take it anymore. "Please, touch me," she cried, roaming her hands over her body in desperation, squirming on the floor.

  A second later his hot tongue plundered her mouth and his hands tore away clothes until she lay naked beneath him. Oh God, his skin, he was entirely nude, silky hot muscles pressing perfectly against her body. Sally opened her legs and arched her back as her body erupted in need, his tongue dueling with hers. God, now, she had to have him now. "Please," she gasped, raking her fingers over his shoulders and back, feeling the muscles turn to rock right under her touch.

  His mouth left hers and she could only whimper as his lips moved like a wild fire over her neck, making their way down. The intense heat of his mouth closed around her nipple with the perfect touch, lick and suck. "Oh God, yes!" Sally latched her fingers in his hair. He slid his hand under her and pressed between her shoulder blades, pushing more of her breast into his mouth. Sally tried to help, pulling his silky hair, forcing the connection tighter still while mewling like crazy.

  He captured her other breast in his large hand, his fingers tender and yet tinged with eagerness while his growls reverberated through her body. Jesus he felt amazing between her legs. She clamped his broad waist tight, pulling him, tilting her hips in search for what she had to have. When his thick arousal brushed against her inner thigh, she cried out.

  "Dorn, yes, God yes."

  She whimpered in pain and disappointment when his lips left her breast. Until she realized where they were headed. Oh heaven help her. Would he?

  When his face was between her legs, he looked at her and she thought her heart would stop. The blue of his eyes swirled like boiling liquid. He stared at her while he held her open with his thumbs and slid his tongue slowly along the length of her opening. She could only gasp, unable to take her eyes from his.

  "This," he whispered. "This is what I have to have." He looked down at what he'd just tasted. "Nothing like it in all the Universes." His brows furrowed in concentration and his tongue flicked lightly over the furious ache there. His gaze flew to hers when she bucked under his hands clamping down on her thighs. That growl returned and tickled the sensitive skin of her folds, making her squirm for more. He slid his tongue again, slower, his eyes riveted to her face, watching her reaction. Sally wiggled her hips and arched her back. Dorn's gaze was hypnotic as he placed his mouth entirely on her sex and tenderly moved it side to side over her, using the motion to bury his lips between her folds and make out with her throbbing bud. My God! Her fingers blindly reached to capture his head, wanting, needing to hold him right there.

  Dorn hands switched from pressing her legs open to holding her like a dish, cupping her butt and devouring her essence while she bucked and spasmed under his beautiful mouth.


  Jessie paused and let Lucian's length pop from her lips. He wanted to make love to her. She couldn't have been more happy about anything in her life. He sat up and kissed her, aggressive, pushing her down onto the bed, his breath hot and hard in her mouth, his hands eagerly kneading her breasts. Once between her legs, those gorgeous green eyes stared down into her face, full lips parted, dark brows pinched in ecstasy as he rocked his length against her folds. Jessie stared right back at him, sliding her inner thighs along his muscular sides, stroking with the soles of her feet along his silky muscled legs and tight butt. He was beautiful with his arms braced on either side of her, muscles flexing. He finally leaned and kissed her softly, whispering Romanian against her lips. God she couldn't wait any more. She reached between them and took hold of his shaft and rubbed him on herself. She pressed his thick tip to her entrance and arched her back in anticipation and need. "Do it Lucian."

  More whispered Romanian just before he entered accompanied his choked gasp. Jessie clawed at his hips, squirming under him, needing him in her in that exact instant. His size made her feel like a virgin. "I don't want to hurt you." His words were a strained rasp.

  Hurt her? "Please, do it. Now. I need you." She didn't care how desperate she sounded. It made no difference. Because she truly was that desperate. She needed him to possess her, to claim her forever, while she did the same to him. "The only way you'll hurt me is if you don't."

  And still he hesitated, hovering barely inside her, his body trembling with a need that matched her own.

  Jessie shifted her legs to gain leverage and instinctively angled her hips. Contracting her thighs, she drew him deeper and he took over from there.

  Uttering a groan, he thrust himself inside her, buried to the hilt. A brief pause to allow her body to adjust to his intrusion, and he withdrew to thrust again. And again. He set an intense rhythm, driving Jessie's body toward a massive release.

  The feel of powerful muscles flexing under Lucian's smooth skin endlessly fascinated her but he refused to let her have time to explore to her satisfaction. With one hand under the small of her back, he used the other for leverage to lift himself to his knees, keeping Jessie's body impaled. Sitting back on his heels, he let her ass rest on his thighs.

  "Trebuie să uit fata ta." The soft syllables touched every part of her, without even knowing what he said. "I must watch your face." The translation made her a little self-conscious but the passion in his eyes quickly made her forget.

  Every sensation in her body quickly centered in her pelvis, every muscle quivering. With strong hands on her waist, each stroke touched a spot inside her that ratcheted up the tension, tightening muscles and leaving her straining to meet him again.

  His full lips parted and his eyes glazed over as he watched her face. Soon, delicious grunts accompanied his every breath and his brows furrowed hard. He tightened his hold on he
r hips and began jerking her onto him, faster, harder, his mouth opening wider as he watched her breasts move under his dominance, watched her cry out from the intensity. Finally his eyes clenched tight and he let out a beautiful roar, the muscles in his chest, stomach, and neck flexing with the most powerful release. At seeing the angel on his body tremble and glisten with his passion, everything within her uncoiled at once, a massive wave rolling through her body. Lucian fell onto her and drove in one final time, right as a screech filled the air.


  Sally's butt hit the floor abruptly and Dorn was suddenly standing, his chest heaving. "I…I have to be there, I have to go."

  And then he was gone, just like that, leaving Sally ten seconds from the greatest explosion she'd ever had. Maybe he'd saved her life, because she felt like she may have died from it. At the same time, she was pissed. How dare he leave her like that?


  Not even an army of demons entering the room at that point would have bothered Lucian. He was away on a journey to a place called Jessie nirvana and Dorn's sudden appearance was entirely insignificant.

  It didn't even occur to him that he stood near the bed, bare chested. He barely fathomed even the strange symbols on his chest glowing aquamarine. But then a screech filled the room loud enough to burst his ear drums with an explosion of blue from Dorn's torso.

  A conglomerate of oh-fucking-wow proceeded to follow. All while Jessie's perfect body milked his mind-blowing orgasm, a larger-than-the-house creature erupted from the angel's chest and the angel shouted words Lucian didn't even try to understand. Suddenly the dragon-snake-looking beast swam around the room and sucked up the blue and white light that blinded Lucian.


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