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Crisis of Conscience

Page 52

by Raymond Franz

  Knorr’s uncertainty re, 295–296

  “last days,” begins, 203, 212

  replaces 1799, 1874 and 1878, 203, 211–213, 227, 261, 269

  seven specific predictions re, 218–219

  source of teaching re, 206–209

  terminal point, 216, 289

  The Bible Examiner, 211

  “This Generation,” 289–310, change re “this generation” retains 1914, 303–305, 476

  “time of the end,” begins, 203, 212

  wavering re, 227–228

  world ends in, 15, 212, 217–218, 220, 225–226, 232–233, 269

  Writing Committee agrees to downplay, 296

  1918, 203, 212–213, 257

  start of resurrection, 269

  teachings re, 237–242

  1919, 212, 289, 302

  replaces 1878 as fall of Babylon, 212–213

  1920, predictions re, 240–243

  1925, 243, 246, 254

  Rutherford, 78, 282

  ‘equal support with 1914,’ 250, 255

  failure of predictions, 264–265, 277

  Jubilee cycles, predictions re, 261

  1935, 16, 330, 445

  1975, 86–87, 129, 269–288, 291–296

  effect on Witnesses, 277–279, 280, 282–287, 337–338

  worldwide famine to come, 276

  1984, no predictions re, 297

  2014, effect of, 449, 475–476

  Davis, Charles, 450–451


  1260, 1290, 1335, 2300, days in book of Daniel, 205–206

  thousand year days, 270

  Day-year formula, 204

  Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News, 144

  Denmark Branch Committee, 173

  Dibble, Rob, 425

  Disagreement, equated with disloyalty, 300–301, 392–393

  Disassociation, 408–409, 506

  Discretion, lack of, 272

  Disfellowshipping, 131, 134–138, 141, 301, 308, 394

  author’s, 415–430

  difference from disassociation nullified, 409–411, 416, 420, 437

  eating with disassociated person re, 416, 420–424

  effect on lives, 7–11, 46–48, 132, 141, 367, 385, 389, 397, 408, 414, 437

  headquarters re, 318, 349, 357, 362, 376, 387

  how policies decided, 55–67

  process of, 46–48, 50

  Dissent, attitude toward, 41–42

  Divisiveness, 409

  author’s avoidance, 41–42, 404–405

  Divorce, policies, 55–58, 65, 66–67

  Dixon, Dr. Lowell, 101

  Doctors, Witness, meetings, 320

  Dogmatism, 231–232, 251, 313, 332, 405, 439, 461

  Dominican Republic, 24–26, 28, 107, 179, 370, 375

  Double standards, 173–186

  as to certainty about teachings, 384

  Dunlap, Edward, 29, 85, 320, 323, 326–330

  “anointed class” re, 329–331, 383

  biographical information, 326–332

  contemplated leaving headquarters, 381–382

  death, 385, 467

  interrogation and trial, 10, 340–344–345, 357, 381–386

  James commentary, 119–121, 317, 329, 346

  judges, committee of five, 383, 385, 387

  Organization manual, 96


  Earthly hope, 375, 378

  Editorial Committee, 72–74, 81, 89

  Elders, 33–35, 55–65, 78, 85, 122, 326, 394–396, 410–411

  Aid book on, 31–35, 95, 122

  appointment, 54

  misrepresentation of change, in

  Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, 31–32

  Elijah, Elisha, 117

  Elitism, 267–268

  Emphatic Diaglott, 211

  End of world, claims re, 235

  Episcopo, (judicial committee member), 353

  Error, claims of benefit, 159–160, 237

  correction of, 231

  Eve, creation of, 273

  Expectations re, 1975, 270–285

  Externals, contrast brought by Christianity, 438, 446


  Face the Facts, by J. F. Rutherford, 14–16

  Factor VIII, 141

  Faith, 52, 228, 323, 383, 395, 433, 434, 454, 456, 462–465

  and works 335, 434, 465

  test, 253, 378

  Faith on the March, by A. H. MacMillan, 73, 78, 202

  “Faithful and discreet slave,” 53, 378

  Russell as, 75–76, 79–80, 250–253

  slave’s word not equal to Master’s, 277

  Faithful men of old 20, 22, 23, 244–245, 262–265

  Family relationships, 7, 436–437

  Famine—1975!, book, 276

  Fekel, Charles 97, 105, 110

  “Figurehead,” Fred Franz on, 110, 115

  “Fill the Earth,” 16

  Fines, payment of, 452

  Fisher, George, H., 73

  Flag salute, 144

  Followers of followers, 312

  Ford, Desmond, 10

  Fornication, 66–67

  France, Witnesses in prison, 158

  Franz, Alvin, 265

  Franz, Cynthia, 25–26, 414

  Franz, Fred W., 19, 54, 97, 293, 295–296, 318–320, 322–323

  1975 Gilead talk, 107–116

  1975 prediction, 270, 276–277, 280–282

  alternative service, re, 157, 173, 186–187

  apostasy, disbelief in 144,000 equals, 394

  author’s letters to, 442–443

  Beth-Sarim re, 267–268

  board of directors, re role of, 89–90

  death, 441

  divorce issue, 66–67

  doctrinal authority, 30, 35–36, 85–87, 133, 178, 320

  Governing Body, his attitude toward, 68–69, 102–127

  mediator re, 322–323

  Memorial talk, 374–375

  Mexico, policy re, 186

  “teachers” re, 119–121

  Presidency, 119, 125, 128, 320, 322, 440

  Rutherford, relation to, 78, 201

  Scotland, Walsh case re, 89–90

  Franz, Raymond, 97, 404

  background, 13–28

  committee membership and assignments, 296, 316–317

  decision to leave headquarters, 314–315

  Governing Body appointment and resignation, 53–54, 380–381

  service activity, 311

  zone trip, Africa, 322–325

  Freedom, benefits of 453

  conscience, 9–10

  pursuit of truth, 7–8, 467

  misuse, 10

  French, Theotis, 411, 418, 421–422, 426

  Friend, Sam, 356

  Friendships, 435, 457, 459


  Gadsden, Alabama, 337

  Gangas, George, 54, 67, 97, 105, 157, 318, 444

  Generation, “this generation,” 289–307, 320, 476

  Gentile Times, 37, 204–205, 207, 209, 213, 226–227, 229–230, 299, 302

  Gentiles, spiritual, 446–447

  Gilead School, 28–29, 31, 115–116, 283, 297, 320, 327–328, 332, 345, 382–383

  Gillies, Paul, 196

  Glass, Enrique and Leon, 179

  Glass, Ulysses, 328

  God, loyalty to his Word over man’s, 6, 48–49

  “spirit bears witness…we are God’s children,” 330–331, 383

  Godínez, Humberto, 342–343, 362, 376

  Good news, 323, 462, 464

  Good works, 465

  Gossip, 42, 318–319, 356, 364, 369, 371, 388, 429, 434, 458

  Gould, Joe, 342

  Governing Body,

  attitude toward Witness membership, 68, 440, 520

  author’s letters to, 381, 398, 400, 402, 484, 488–489

  chart of structure, 127

  current members of, 444–445

  decision-making procedures, 40–41, 54–55, 131–132, 193, 318

; discussions re 1914, 1975, 280–281, 291–310

  exclusivism and privilege, 315–317, 395–397

  hearing with author, 360–361, 372–380

  history of, 53–93, 95–130

  Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, misrepresentation of history, 98–99

  members’ ages, 294, 444–445

  members’ personal study, 131–132

  “Nethinim” assistants, 446–447

  prospects for reform, 440, 451–453

  qualifications of members, 445

  relation to Watch Tower corporation, 39, 95–130

  reorganization and effects, 95–131

  replacements, 445

  resolution re, “this generation,” 289–307, 476

  secretaries of, 447

  tapes, 399–403

  term, use of, 87

  voting, 65, 193

  Governments, human, end of, 218–219, 240–241

  Graham, Walter, 199

  Great Crowd, see Where is the “Great Crowd” Serving God?, 525–559

  Greenlees, Leo, 54, 97, 102, 110, 123, 125, 157

  Gregerson, Dan, 410–414, 417, 420

  Gregerson, Peter, 337–338, 404, 406–416, 420–422, 425–426, 430

  Gregerson, Tom, 414–415, 420, 422–423

  Groh, John, 54


  numerical, 45, 280–281, 440

  spiritual, 313


  Happiness, How to Find It, by Gene Smalley, 346

  Harp of God, by J. F. Rutherford re, 1799, 1874, 247–250

  Harvest, spiritual, 214

  Headship, 113, 123, 129, 313, 504

  Hemophiliacs, 141–142

  Henschel, Milton, 54, 97, 104, 110, 123, 128, 132, 137, 139, 293, 318, 321, 344, 347, 393, 444

  1975 failure, view on, 283–284

  alternative service, 157, 187, 510, 521–522

  presidency, 440, 443–444

  Herald of the Morning, 208–209, 211, 229

  Herd, Samuel, 444

  Heresy, early discussion, 318–319

  Homosexuality, 58, 369

  Hope, 331, 377, 404


  Illusions, 311, 434

  Immortality of soul, 448–449

  In Search of Christian Freedom, 491–523

  Infallibility, 231–232, 246, 249

  Infirm special pioneer list, 380


  definition, 339

  methods employed, 390

  thought crimes, 431

  Institutions and intolerance, 452

  Intimidation, intellectual, 229

  Intolerance, 452–453

  Invisibility, aid to credibility, 212, 217, 227, 269

  Is This Life All There Is?, by Reinhard Lengtat, 317

  Israel, conversion predicted, 219, 235


  Jackson, Harold, 285, 363, 367, 388, 394

  Jackson, Geoffrey, 444

  Jackson, William, 54, 97, 105, 110, 157, 172, 269, 318, 321, 393, 522

  Jaracz, Theodore, 97, 123, 138–139, 157, 173, 187, 284, 293, 318, 321, 393, 444, 519, 522

  Jehovah’s Witnesses,

  future prospects 439, 451–453

  many doctrines not unique 448–449

  motivation for leaving 43–46

  persecution of 11, 16–20, 25, 167, 176

  report of activity, 44–45, 280

  Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 72–73, 78, 202, 205, 221–222

  Jehovah’s Witnesses-Proclaimers of God’s

  Kingdom 31, 35–36, 78–79, 81, 98, 105, 126, 207, 229–230, 272

  Jehovah’s Witnesses–the New World Society, by Marley Cole, 88

  Jeremiah, article re, 321

  Jerusalem 261–263

  destruction, 37, 203–204, 237

  not location of centralized organization, 111–114

  Jesus Christ, see also, Christ Jesus

  Joachim of Floris, 206

  Johnson, Larry, 422–423, 430

  Johnson, Paul, A History of Christianity, 431

  Jonsson, Carl Olof, 79, 204–205, 207, 229

  Jubilee, 129, 214, 230, 261, 270, 280

  Judgment, 232, 356, 449, 455, 457, 475

  Judicial committees and hearings, 46–47, 56–64, 383–385

  methods employed, 419–420, 424–432

  Justification, attempts at, 159–162, 237, 264–266


  Keith, B. W., 211

  Kingdom, Christ’s, 226, 235, 319

  beginning of, 202–203, 205, 214–219, 261, 269

  Kingdom Ministry re, 1975, 278–279, 285

  see also, Our Kingdom Service

  Klein, Karl 30, 81, 97, 157, 172, 293, 413, 444, 520–522

  1914, downplaying, 296–297

  Fred Franz, view of as “oracle,” 121

  heresy trials 343, 376, 381–382

  reprimand of, 381–382

  “this generation” 297–301

  Knorr, Nathan H., 73, 97, 106, 128–129, 133, 146, 328, 440, 509

  Aid to Bible Understanding, 29, 32, 35–36

  death, 107, 128

  Governing Body, 54–55, 104

  Mexico, correspondence with, 176–178, 180, 186, 190

  New World Translation Committee, 67

  presidential control, 23, 54–55, 67–68, 84–92, 95–96, 99, 101–102, 118–119, 440

  relationships with Rutherford, Fred Franz, Henschel, 20, 84–90, 104, 117–119, 178, 282

  resistance to administration change, 106–107, 115–116, 121, 124–127, 130

  singleness re, 23

  uncertainty re, 1914, 295–296

  Writing Department, control of, 33, 85, 133

  Kuilan, Nestor, 344–345, 349–350, 368

  Küng, Hans 9


  Labels, 457

  Lang, Robert, 99, 101

  Last days, 203–206, 212, 217–218, 247, 250, 269, 275, 304, 378, 475

  Law, Lawkeeping, 383

  Legalism, 7, 359, 418–419, 523

  Lengtat, Reinhard, 29, 317, 346

  “Let Your Name Be Sanctified,” by Fred

  Franz, 117–118

  Lett, Stephen, 444

  Letters, in disfellowshipping process, 426, 477–489

  Life Does Have a Purpose, by Edward Dunlap, 317

  Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, by Fred Franz 86, 270, 276, 280

  Light, Vol. 1, by J. F. Rutherford, 235

  Lord’s Evening Meal, 330, 362

  author’s talk, 374–375

  Lösch, Gerrit, 444–445

  Love, superior power of, 460–465

  Loyalty, 458, 505, 511–512

  oath (confession) of faith, or test, 388–389, 436

  organizational, made prime issue, 49, 193, 351, 385, 389, 396, 449, 405

  Russell’s teachings insisted upon, 75–76, 250–253, 261, 266

  Luther, Martin, 6


  MacMillan, A. H., 73–74, 78

  Making Your Family Life Happy, by Colin Quackenbush, 317

  Malawi, persecution in, 167–172, 176, 179, 181, 185–187

  Mali, missionaries’ questions, 324, 325

  Man’s Salvation Out of World Distress At Hand!, by Fred Franz, 91

  Mantle, of authority, 117–119, 128, 441

  Marriage, discouragement of, 17, 20–21

  policies re, 23, 55–65, 141, 267

  Maturity, 435

  McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia, 110

  Mediator, 322–325, 377, 456

  Memorial, see also, Lord’s evening meal Mercante, David, 447

  Mercy, 340, 350, 356, 368, 386, 435, 462


  “cultural organization”, 189–190

  change in status, 194

  military service in, 173–186

  prayer, songs, 189–190

  Military, see also, Alternative Service

  Millennium, 272–280, 301, 304, 435

  Miller, H
arley, 334, 342, 344, 351, 361, 362, 393

  Miller, William, 206

  “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” 80, 243–246, 261, 264, 277

  Minister, “ordained,” 320

  Missionaries, 25, 108–110, 113–114, 116

  Mitchell, Jon, 388–390, 394, 407

  Where is the “Great Crowd” Serving God?, author, 525–559

  Moderation, 314, 317, 362, 373, 405

  Monarchical authority, 69–93

  Montreal, 140–141

  Morris, Anthony III, 444

  “Mother,” organizational, 59, 308, 435

  Motivation, crucial, 441

  Myth, quotation re, 311


  Nebuchadnezzar, 37, 204

  Nethinim, 446–447

  New World Translation, 34, 66, 67, 88, 117, 204, 294, 517–518

  Nigeria, 296–297, 512

  Nixon, Richard M., 359

  Numbers, concern for, 437, 440, 460


  Olson, David, 363–364, 393

  Oracle, 121

  Organization, 377–378

  administration history, 68–93

  concept of, that dominates, 395–397, 432, 440, 448

  control of conscience, 451

  dependency on, 57–63, 395–396, 435

  illusory view of, 92, 395–397

  made supreme issue, 394–396

  proper function of, 312–313, 372–373

  true composition of Witness “organization,” 394–396

  Organization for Kingdom-Preaching and Disciple-Making, 96

  Other sheep, 16, 375, 446–447

  Our Kingdom Service, 387, 405


  Parables, 90

  Paranoia, 359

  Parousia, 379

  Paton, J. H., 208, 210

  Paul, 327, 330–331, 336, 351, 374, 378

  Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy, 122

  Penton, M. James, 439

  Personal relationship, 441, 454

  Peterson, Harry, 281–282

  Pharisees, 165, 339, 389, 406

  Philip, 110

  Pierce, Guy, 444

  Pitchford, Jim, 407

  Ploeger, Charles, 37–38

  Poetzinger, Martin, 188, 318, 321, 373–374, 393, 444

  Poland, 162, 187, 515

  Politics, 169–170, 172, 409, 410, 515

  Porneia, 66–67

  Prayer, 190–191, 194–195, 324

  Predictions, 199–234

  Prejudgment, 361–364

  Presence, invisible, 210–214, 247, 250, 289, 304

  “Present truth,” 256, 259, 294–295

  Princes, 22, 265–267

  Prison, Witnesses in, 141–142, 158, 161

  Privacy, invasion of, 57–58, 364, 366

  Properties, Watch Tower, 40, 190, 438

  Prophecy, by J. F. Rutherford, 212

  Prophet, Witnesses’ record as, 199–234, 265, 300, 321

  Puerto Rico, 23–25, 107, 332–333, 345, 370, 374–375, 512

  Pyramids, 257


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