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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 4

by Shawn Bailey

“I’m just as surprised as you,” Adam exclaimed. He knew the song. His mother used to sing it to him. “It’s ‘A Lover’s Concerto.’”

  Frankie adjusted the mic before him and began to sing.

  “Eh? He can sing?” Adam asked aloud.

  “Apparently,” Nico said. “And very well.”

  Jonas joined in, strumming the guitar.

  “It’s The Toys,” Nico said.

  Tory nodded. “Yeah, none of us was born when that song was popular. I wonder where he heard it.”

  Adam shrugged and continued to listen to the romantic ballad, song by the young countertenor. It gave him goose bumps.

  The crowd applauded.

  They were scheduled to do four numbers. Frankie stayed at the piano and began playing the chords to K-Ci and JoJo’s, “All My Life.” He started singing, and Jonas sidled up to the other mic and joined voices harmoniously with his younger brother.

  Tory literally shuddered with delight as Jonas’s deep baritone gave the song much character. “Where have these young men been hiding?”

  “In plain sight,” Adam said as people in the audience joined in the song.

  “These kids have performed on stage before,” Nico said.

  Tory nodded. “Apparently.”

  Adam just sat there flabbergasted. The two blond demons hadn’t mentioned a thing. And who knew they could sing? “So do you want to handle them?” he asked Tory.

  “Only if you agree to be their manager.”

  “What do I know about managing a singing duo?” Adam asked.

  “You manage this hotel, don’t you?” Tory said, rocking to the beat. “You see to the guests’ comfort, order food and supplies, and cater to their every need. Managing someone who sings is the same thing.”

  “I don’t know,” Adam said over the din of the applause. He felt both excited and nervous by the prospect.

  The song ended, and the crowd rose to their feet and applauded, wanting more.

  “Let’s go congratulate your clients,” Tory said even before Adam agreed to be their manager.

  Adam got to his feet. “Are you coming?” he asked Nico.

  Nico shook his head. “No, this is your moment. I’ll be right here enjoying the rest of the show.”

  Adam blew him a kiss and followed Tory backstage.

  “You were fantastic,” Adam said, shaking Jonas and then Frankie’s hand. “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?”

  “You never asked,” Jonas said.

  Tory laughed, catching both brothers’ attention.

  “Fellows, I’d like you to meet my good friend, Tory Albertson. He’s a music promoter.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Tory said. “I really dug your act, and I think you’ll be good for my agency.”

  “What?” Jonas asked.

  “I want to sign you guys to a contract,” Tory explained.

  “But I want to play with an orchestra,” Frankie protested.

  Tory chuckled. “You will. We’ll hire one to accompany you.”

  Jonas looked at Frankie for a decision.

  “I thought you wanted to finish college, Jonas,” Frankie said.

  “Yes, but this is an opportunity of a lifetime,” Jonas replied. “We’ve been looking for an answer on what to do with our lives. Now we’ll get to do what we like best. We can stay together, Kalen, too.”

  Frankie looked nervous. He kept pacing the floor. “I don’t know about all this. It’s all so sudden.”

  Adam didn’t know why the young man wasn’t jumping at the opportunity. It sure beat the hell out of playing for tips in the park. “Maybe we’re rushing them. Can they sleep on it?”

  “Sure, it’s up to you to convince them since you’re going to be their manager.”

  Both Jonas and Frankie looked at him curiously.

  “Tory just nominated me, but if you have someone else in mind, I’ll understand,” Adam said.

  “No, you’ll be perfect,” Jonas said, looking at Frankie.

  Frankie put his head down and nodded. “Our parents always wanted us to be singers, but I just like playing the violin.”

  “This is the opportunity for you to do just that,” Tory said. “Both of you are truly gifted.”

  Jonas hugged his younger brother. “What do we have to lose? And we get to give Kalen a home and a fighting chance.”

  Tears misted in Frankie’s blue eyes as he realized what this could mean for Kalen…not for them, but for the baby they both loved.

  Adam smiled. What a great family.

  “Okay,” Frankie finally agreed. “Have your lawyer call our manager.”

  Tory shook his and Jonas’s hand again. “Welcome aboard. I’ll have my lawyer prepare the contract. Where are you guys staying?”

  “Here in the Roosevelt Suite,” Adam answered. “But I had plans on taking them apartment hunting tomorrow.”

  Jonas gasped. “Nobody told me.”

  “That’s fine for right now,” Tory said. “But these guys are going to be big. Unless you find an apartment with plenty of security, we have to put them in a house. Once these guys are presented to America, their fans will try to get at them. They are going to have women coming out of the woodworks.”

  Frankie looked at Jonas and smirked. Jonas smirked back.

  Uh-oh. He’d only known them less than two days and Adam knew that meant devilment. What secret did these two share?

  Sean approached. He spoke to Tory and Adam, but turned his attention on Jonas. “What are you doing later?”

  “Nothing much. Why?”

  “You want to have dinner?” Sean asked.

  “I don’t know. I have to look after the baby.”

  “Go on,” Frankie said. “I can look after Kalen. Go and have fun.”

  Jonas agreed. “Okay, but I can’t stay out too late.”

  “You’re only twenty,” Sean said. “You can’t get into any clubs, but there are some nice restaurants in the area, even the one next door.” He looked at his watch. “I have to work until ten. I’ll come up to get you after I get off.”

  Jonas nodded and smiled shyly.

  Adam smirked. Bingo. Jonas liked guys just like him. No wonder the two of them smirked when Tory said they would have women coming out of the woodworks. Looks like Frankie will not only be eating alone tonight, but fighting off the women. He sighed. Too bad it can’t be the other way around. Oh well. Some things are just not meant to be.

  * * * *

  Frankie changed out of his suit and hopped into the shower. Adam would be bringing Kalen up soon, and he planned to play with his younger brother until it was time for them to go to sleep.

  Jonas had dashed in and changed and then headed out with Sean as soon as the other young man appeared.

  Frankie was just drying off when he heard a knock at the door. He wrapped a big towel snuggly around his waist and hurried to the door. Adam stood on the other side, carrying a very sleepy-looking Kalen. Well, there goes our playtime.

  Adam ran his gaze over Frankie from head to toe. “Looks like I caught you at a bad moment. You’re not entertaining some young lady in your room are you?”

  “Very funny,” Frankie said. “I just got out the shower.”

  Adam entered the suite. “Get into your jammies while I put Kalen in bed.”

  Kalen already had on his pajamas.

  “Okay.” Frankie dashed back into the bathroom, dressed, and reappeared drying his damp hair.

  “The cook is sending up food for you. I had ordered for both you and Jonas, but he has other plans.”

  “I’m used to eating alone,” Frankie said, looking at Adam. He wasn’t dumb to the heated look in Adam’s eyes as he ran his gaze over him earlier. “Sean seems to be a great guy.”

  “He is,” Adam said. “He’s cool.” He sighed deeply. “Jonas likes guys, right?”

  “Yeah,” Frankie answered. Too bad he couldn’t tell Adam how he felt. Maybe in a couple of weeks, when he was legal, but not now.

  “And yo
u’re okay with that?”

  “Yeah,” Frankie answered again. “Love has no sexual preference.”

  Adam stared him in the eyes. “No, it doesn’t.”

  Another knock at the door broke the tension between them. Adam backed up to answer it.

  A young man carried in a tray of food.

  “Stay and have dinner with me,” Frankie said after the waiter left.

  “Sorry, I can’t. Nico is waiting for me in the lounge.”

  “Oh,” Frankie said, lowering his eyelashes. “Okay, maybe some other time.”

  “Yeah,” Adam said, walking toward the door.

  “Have a nice evening,” Frankie said.

  Adam walked faster. “Get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow.” He opened the door and left.

  Frankie bit back a sob. Why couldn’t he find someone as great as Adam to love him? He wiped at his eyes and walked over to the tray and lifted one of the covers. Grilled fish, mashed potatoes, and peas. The other had chocolate cupcakes iced in pink. Frankie sat down at the table and began eating. Afterward he crawled into bed and watched television until he fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  The alarm went off at five the next morning. Adam opened his eyes and groaned. After going back to the lounge last night, he and Nico had a couple of drinks before heading up to his room. Adam didn’t remember most of it, but Nico had asked him to call George to take him home because he wanted to get up early to go to church. Adam didn’t even try to stop him. He already felt like hell for leaving Frankie and letting him eat alone. All he did was call George and rolled over and went to sleep. He didn’t even remember hearing Nico leave.

  Adam dragged himself out of the bed and went into the bathroom. He needed a shower and aspirin for his hangover. He’d promised the realtor he’d meet him early, and then he would get back and have breakfast with his new charges.

  George waited at the curb later. Adam climbed into the front seat, wishing he’d made coffee.

  “Where to, sir?”

  “First to the nearest drive-through coffee shop, and then to the university district.” He gave George the address. “I’m meeting a realtor.”

  “You’re thinking about acquiring new property?”

  “Yes, maybe. You remember the blond darlings from yesterday?”

  “Yes,” George said.

  “Well, I’m their new entertainment manager and they need permanent lodging.”

  George chuckled. “How did you manage to get talked into that?”

  George had been his driver for several years now. He was ten years older and wiser. George had seen him at his best and at his worst.

  “I have no idea,” Adam answered. “I don’t even know what’s expected of me.”

  “Hopefully it won’t run into your work managing the hotel.”

  “Well, I don’t really manage the hotel. I hired someone to do that. Being the owner has some advantages.”

  George found a coffee shop, ordered him a coffee, creamer and sugar and handed it to him.

  Adam mixed in the cream and sugar and sipped. “Oh yeah.”

  “Next stop, Audubon area,” George announced.

  Interstate Six-Ten had a lot of traffic for a Sunday morning, but finally George made his way to the first apartment.

  “Isn’t this a bit far away?” George asked.

  “Well, my original plan before last night was to get both of them into college, but now I think I need to move them closer to my home or the hotel.”

  “What area are they originally from?”

  “I have no idea,” Adam answered. “All I know is that their parents died tragically in a fire about six months ago.”

  George removed his cap and scratched his head. “Go inside and talk to the realtor. I’ll try to pull something up about the fire on my tablet.”

  “Thanks.” Adam got out with his coffee and went in to talk to the man inside.

  George called him several minutes later. “They grew up on Esplanade. They lost everything. The one named Frankie saved his two brothers but couldn’t get to the parents.”

  “Thanks,” Adam said. “I’ll be out in a minute. I’m not saying no to this place. I think I need to talk to them to find out where they want to live.” He came out of the apartment later, shook the realtor’s hand, and promised to call him later.

  “So it’s back to the hotel?” George asked.

  “Yes. I want to take them to the seafood festival today so they can have some fun.”

  * * * *

  Kalen woke up bright and early crying for attention. Frankie slid out of the bed because Jonas slept so deep he would never hear him. Since their parents died, Frankie had taken over his younger brother’s care, leaving Jonas to look after his own health. Frankie let Kalen whine for a few minutes while he used the toilet. “You must be wet.” He lifted Kalen from the crib, grabbed the backpack, and took him back to bathroom. He gave Kalen a bath and dressed him. “You want to look nice for Uncle Adam.”

  He put Kalen on the floor so he could explore the room, while Frankie took out the board and ironed his and Jonas’s clothing for the day. Today he planned to use the hotel’s washer and dryer to clean all their dirty clothing.

  Kalen found his way over to Jonas and put his finger in Jonas’s ear.

  Jonas jumped in his sleep, and Kalen laughed and then squeezed his older brother’s nose.

  Jonas took one hand from under the cover and tickled Kalen’s belly. Kalen laughed.

  Frankie smiled. This is how happy every child should be.

  Jonas got out of the bed and stretched. He looked down at Kalen. “Frankie made you all nice and sweet-smelling. Now I have to go do the same thing. He sidestepped around Kalen and entered the bathroom.

  Frankie heard the shower. He finished pressing their clothing and put away the board and iron. Kalen found his way over to the television, sat down on the floor, and watched a cartoon. A knock at the door disturbed the toddler. He got up and walked toward it. Frankie scooped Kalen up. “You can’t even reach the knob.” He opened the door and a waiter rolled in a cart.

  “Compliments of Mr. Montgomery.” He bowed and left.

  Frankie rolled the cart over to the table, put Kalen down, and began unloading it. “Waffles,” Frankie squealed as Jonas came in the room. “Sucks to be you.” The waffles were smothered in cooked apples and pears, topped with whipped crème, and sprinkled with syrup and pecans. “They must be for me.”

  “Don’t rub it in,” Jonas said, putting away his overnight bag containing his insulin and needles. He’d given himself a shot just now when Kalen wasn’t looking.

  Frankie uncovered a bowl. “Oatmeal, bananas, and baked apples. This must be for Kalen.”

  Jonas came over to the table and lifted the cover on the last plate.

  “Damn, that actually looks delicious,” Frankie said, looking down on the egg white omelet, bacon, and one slice of wheat bread. “I think it’s sweet that he’s trying to look after your health.” He munched on a piece of waffle.

  Jonas sat down. “I like omelets.”

  Frankie put Kalen in the chair next to him and then rescued three Styrofoam cups. Two contained coffee and the other juice. He got Kalen’s sippy cup and filled it. “Uncle Adam got you apple juice.”

  “Don’t call him that,” Jonas said. “He’s not our uncle.”

  “No, but he is our manager, so be nice to him.” Frankie paused. “How was your date with Sean?”

  “It wasn’t a date. We just ate dinner at the restaurant next door. It went okay. I’m thinking about seeing him again.”

  “Sounds like a date to me,” Frankie mumbled. He fed Kalen some food and then ate some of the apple and pear combination. He moaned.

  “Please do not do that around Adam. You sounded very sexy,” Jonas said.

  Frankie scowled at his brother. “I did not. Anyway, Adam is not interested in me that way.”

  Someone knocked on the door again.

  “We’re get
ting very popular,” Jonas said, not moving.

  Frankie answered the door.

  Adam smiled down on him. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes,” Frankie answered, letting him in. He thought Adam looked real sexy in the black suit and white shirt. He felt like grabbing him by the tie, pulling him down to him, and kissing him passionately.

  “Did you like the waffles?”

  “Yes, I love waffles. Thanks.”

  “Why are you up so bright and early?” Jonas asked Adam.

  “I had things to do,” Adam answered. “What kind of manager would I be if I lounged around in bed all day?”

  Kalen heard Adam’s voice and started reaching for him.

  “Hey, Kalen.” Adam walked over to the child and kissed him on the head. “Are you enjoying your breakfast?”

  Kalen nodded like he understood and smiled.

  “I came to ask you guys a question. Did you grow up around here?”

  Jonas nodded. “On Esplanade.”

  “Would you like a house in that area or someplace else?”

  Frankie returned to his seat. He spooned more oatmeal into Kalen’s mouth. “You’re getting us a house?”

  “Yes. I gave this some thought. You guys will need a place to rehearse, so you can’t very well do that in an apartment. Wherever you decide to live must be near a daycare for Kalen. So a large house would be a perfect choice.” He paused. “The hotel is in the Quarter, I live in the Garden District near Tory’s office. I’m not trying to influence you, but I still run a business and I need to be able to get to it quickly should something come up.”

  “A house,” Jonas answered. “But I don’t know about the Garden District. It’s too expensive.”

  “Don’t worry about money,” Adam told him. “You’ll be raking it in. And that reminds me. I have to hire you an accountant and me and assistant.”

  Frankie finished feeding Kalen and handed him his cup of apple juice. Adam hadn’t even bothered to sit down he just came through the door in full manager mode. “What’s your house like? Do you still live with your parents?”

  “I’m a grown man,” Adam said. “But they do live nearby.”

  Jonas chuckled.

  “I live in a nice place right off of Saint Charles Avenue. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms.”


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