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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 7

by Shawn Bailey

  Frankie took Kalen from Jonas and walked over to the crib and changed his younger brother’s diaper. Then he gave him a cup of juice. Kalen yawned and handed the cup back to him.

  “I’m going to take a bath,” Jonas said. He gathered his clothing, and went into the bathroom with his note.

  The telephone rang. Frankie reached over to answer it. “Hello?” He rubbed Kalen’s back until he saw him drifting off.

  “Hey, Frankie, its Adam. I was just checking to see if you guys were back.”

  “Yes, we just got in a few minutes ago.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m putting Kalen down for a nap. Why?”

  Kalen dozed off quickly.

  “Because I’m calling to see if you guys would like to go out to dinner with me.”

  “I’d like that,” Frankie said.

  “Then meet me in the lobby at six. I’ll see you then.”

  Jonas startled him. He hadn’t heard him come out of the bathroom. He was still fully dressed and there was a sound of water running in the tub.

  “Who was that?”

  “Adam. He invited us to dinner tonight.”

  “I can’t go,” Jonas said. “Sean is stopping by.”

  “Okay, then I’ll take Kalen with me,” Frankie said.

  “Don’t be stupid. I’ll keep an eye on Kalen. Go have dinner with Adam.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Kalen will probably sleep for a while, and Sean and I are just going to hang out and watch a movie.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Yeah, what do you think is going to happen if I’m alone with some hot-looking guy in a hotel suite?” Jonas asked with a mischievous grin.

  “Nothing. I’ll call before I come back just to make sure he’s not dominating you.”

  Jonas tossed a towel at Frankie. Frankie ducked and pitched it back. Jonas caught it. “What time are you going out?”

  “Adam told me to meet him in the lobby for six.”

  “Then I’m going to bathe first and then free the bathroom up for you so you can primp.”

  “Primp?” Frankie asked.

  “Yes, you know, bathe, shave, and put on after shave.”

  Frankie rubbed his bare chin. “Yes, the facial hair is getting out of control.”

  Jonas laughed. “What facial hair?” He entered the bathroom again.

  Frankie peeked in at Kalen. He was still asleep. Frankie tiptoed to the closet to see what he could put on. Adam had just brought him a new outfit….black pants, a black and navy-blue shirt, and a lightweight jacket to match the pants. Frankie had planned to hold it for a special occasion, but he didn’t want to go out to dinner in jeans and a T-shirt. Frankie looked at the clock. Five p.m. He had an hour to bathe, dress, and meet Adam downstairs.

  Jonas came out the bathroom. “Have you decided on what you’re going to wear? Pick out something cute to get his attention.”

  “Cute?” Frankie asked.

  “You know something to show off your body.”

  Frankie played along to see where this would lead. “I thought only women did that.”

  “Have you taken a look at Nico? He’s always dressed nicely, and he smells good.”

  Frankie sniffed himself. He smelled like sweat and baby food. “Okay, I’ll take a bath. And yes, I’ve picked out something to wear. But I’m not doing it for Adam. I’m doing it for me.”

  “Whatever,” Jonas said as he dressed.

  “What are you going to eat?”

  “I’ll order something from room service for me, Sean, and Kalen. Don’t worry about us. And don’t forget the condoms.”

  Frankie gawked at him. “The man has a lover.”

  “So,” Jonas said.

  Frankie shook his head, gathered his things, and went into the bathroom.

  * * * *

  “Where are your brothers?” Adam asked Frankie when he arrived in the lobby exactly at six.

  “Sean is coming over to watch a movie with Jonas, and Jonas miraculously has agreed to watch Kalen.”

  “So I’m stuck with you?” Adam asked.

  Adam looked terrific in an all-black outfit. And he smelled of expensive cologne.

  Frankie didn’t own any aftershave or cologne, but he did lather on some baby lotion. He always liked the smell of it. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Hmm. I think I can handle you. Let’s ride.”

  Frankie expected to walk over to the restaurant next door, but instead they entered another elevator that took them to the hotel parking lot. He was even more surprised when Adam released the locks on the doors of a sports car.

  “Get in.”

  Frankie slid into the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt.

  Adam climbed into the driver’s seat, buckled up, and drove out of the parking lot onto the busy street.

  “Is this your car, or are you committing Grand Theft Auto?”

  “Very funny,” Adam said, shifting gears. “It’s mine. Do you like it?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t know you knew how to drive since George is always chauffeuring you around.”

  “Of course I can drive. What about you?”

  Frankie nodded. “I have a license.”

  Adam ran his gaze over him.

  Frankie tried not to react.

  “You look nice tonight.”

  “Thanks,” Frankie said, feeling a bit unsure of himself. He talked a good game, but this romance thing was all new to him.

  “And you smell good,” Adam said.

  “Don’t get all emotional. I’d been in a park all afternoon sweating and playing with Kalen.”

  “So you didn’t get all dressed up just for me?”

  Frankie scowled. “Now why would I do something like that? Where are we going?”

  “Since it’s just you and me I figured we’d go someplace you’d like.” They ended up at an oyster bar. “You can show me how to eat them raw so I can keep up with you younger guys.”

  “You’re not old,” Frankie said as they parked and got out of the car.

  “You’re eighteen and I’m thirty,” Adam said.

  “When is your birthday?”

  “January sixth,” Adam answered. “Which means I’ll be thirty-one in three months.”

  Why were they suddenly talking about age? “You’re still hot.”

  There were a lot of people going into the many restaurants in the area, and Cajun music filtered out of the door when Frankie opened it. Adam followed him in. “You think I’m hot?”

  Frankie nodded and smiled. “You’ll do for a guy.” The inside of the restaurant had dimmed lights and a lot of men at the bar watching a football game, ignoring the music.

  A waitress appeared. “Do you want to sit at the bar or a booth?”

  “A booth,” Adam answered.

  She showed them to a booth, took their order, and left. She returned several minutes later with a tray of raw oysters and condiments.

  Frankie lifted one of the shells, added hot sauce and lemon juice, and then ate the oyster. Adam watched him. “It’s good. Just don’t look at it.”

  “If you can do it, I can do it,” Adam bragged. He lifted one of the shells, added hot sauce and lemon, closed his eyes, and ate the oyster. “Hey, this is good.”

  “I told you.”

  They polished off the tray by the time the waitress arrived with the rest of their order…platters heaping with fried oysters, french fries, hush puppies, and French bread. They both ordered soda to wash it all down with. They talked about their future together as manager and musician.

  “I’ve been working on some songs,” Frankie said.

  “You write songs?” Adam asked.

  Frankie nodded. “I love classical music, but I’m not stupid enough to think just playing that will turn us into stars. Jonas writes, too.”

  “This just keeps getting better and better.”

  “But I think we still need someone to write for us until we get the hang of how t
hings go.”

  The waitress returned, and Adam paid for their food. They left the restaurant and got back into the car. Instead of heading toward the hotel, Adam got on the interstate.

  “We’re not going back?”

  “No,” Adam said. “We’re going shopping.”


  “Yes. You need things for the house.”

  “You shouldn’t be spending your money on us,” Frankie said.

  Adam laughed. “It’s only money, and Tory has already put you guys on an allowance.”

  “But we haven’t done anything,” Frankie said.

  “You’ve signed the contract. You are one of his employees now. He knows he has to invest money in order to make money. But this is my treat.”

  Frankie expected just to get some accessories, not the entire store. They left the mall with not only comforters for the bed, but other dry goods, cookware, and a potty for Kalen.

  “I suppose you’ll be doing all the cooking and cleaning.”

  “I suppose so,” Frankie said. “Jonas, if you haven’t noticed, isn’t the domestic type. My mother spoiled him rotten.”

  “I’ll hire you someone to take care of the yard, and then we’ll go look at cars.”

  Frankie’s head spent. “What do we need a car for when there’s a bus stop on every other corner in New Orleans?”

  “Have you really thought about what being a celebrity means? You can’t just catch the bus once you get famous. The fans won’t give you a moment’s peace.”

  Up until a couple of weeks ago Frankie hadn’t given fandom much thought. He wanted to play for the orchestra and he didn’t think they had fan groups, but he could be wrong.

  “And you’ll need a computer and the Internet,” Adam said. “And no surfing for porn.”

  “Then how am I going to learn anything?” Frankie said playfully.

  Adam drove him straight to the house. The furniture had arrived. “Surprise.”

  “When did this happen?” Frankie asked, looking around.

  “Today. My mother came over and waited for delivery men to bring it.”

  “You made your mother come all the way over here to wait on a delivery?” Frankie asked.

  “Yes. She needed to get out of the house, and she loves doing things for me.”

  Frankie and Adam walked around the house putting things up. They made all the beds and put the linen in the closet.

  Frankie made Kalen’s bed, and when he turned around he found Adam staring at him through the door. “I can’t wait to move in.”

  “I’m going to miss having you guys at the hotel,” Adam said.

  “I bet you won’t. You can get back to work and you won’t have to worry about us.”

  “Oh, I’ll still worry,” Adam said. “I like being an older brother. And you guys have grown on me.”

  “I guess we should be getting back,” Frankie said, suddenly feeling the room getting warm.

  “What’s the rush? Didn’t you say that Sean was coming over to watch a movie?”


  “But you know that’s not all they’re doing?”

  Frankie put his hands in his pockets because he didn’t know what else to do with them. “Yes.”

  “Why don’t you give him a call and see if Sean is still there?”

  Frankie took out the cell phone Adam had brought him and dialed Jonas. Sean answered the phone. “This is Frankie. Can I speak to Jonas?”

  Jonas answered the phone. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. I was just wondering if you still have company.”

  “Yes. It might take a while.”

  “Okay,” Frankie said. “How is Kalen?”

  “He woke up for a minute, but he’s sleeping again. Are you with Adam?”


  “Are you going to be with him?”

  “I think so,” Frankie said.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay. Have fun.” Frankie disconnected the call.

  “Is Sean still there?” Adam asked.

  “Yes,” Frankie answered. “Jonas said he’s going to be there for a while.”

  “Then we don’t have to rush. We can just talk?”

  “About what?” Frankie asked, watching Adam come closer.

  “Us,” Adam said. He pulled Frankie into his arms and hugged him tight.

  Frankie gulped as the scent of Adam’s cologne made his senses go all wonky and his underwear get tighter. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “I just need to ask you one question,” Adam said. “Do you like me?”

  “Of course I like you. You’re a great guy and you’ve done so much for us.” Adam still hugged him.

  “No, I mean do you like me, like Jonas likes Sean?”

  “Are you asking me if I’m gay?”

  “Yeah,” Adam said.

  Frankie wrapped his arms around Adam’s waist. “Yeah.”

  “I thought so,” Adam said. “I like you, too. Have you ever had sex with a guy before?”

  “No, remember I told you I was a virgin.” He paused. “Are we going to have sex?”

  “Yes,” Adam answered.

  “But what about Mr. Washington? I thought the two of you were a couple.”

  “We were,” Adam said, releasing Frankie. “But he’s stepped aside so that I can be with you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Adam shuddered looking down on the beautiful naked form of Frankie. He’d never took anyone’s cherry before, but he knew he had to take his time and not do something to make Frankie more afraid than he probably already was. He had removed his shirt earlier. All that remained now were his black slacks and briefs.

  Frankie watched him, eyes wide, alert, and a little teary with delight.

  “Are you ready for this?” Adam asked as he slowly slid his zipper down.

  Frankie nodded. “I’m anxious to see your body. I bet it’s spectacular.”

  Talk about a boost to the ego. Adam removed his pants. His briefs followed. He stood away from the bed so Frankie could get a good look at him. “Well, what do you think?”

  Frankie lowered his gaze slowly and then smiled. “It’s just the way I imagined.” He moved from the bed, knelt before Adam, and wrapped his arms around his waist. He ran his finger through the silky black pubic hair before wrapping his fingers around his cock. “May I?”

  Adam nodded. “Yes, oh yes you may.” In his wildest dreams he never envisioned this. “Ah!” he uttered as Frankie wrapped his soft lips around the head of dick and then began licking him gently. Small perfect fingers tenderly squeezed his balls. Adam shuddered, feeling like a teenager again. Frankie reached around and cupped his buttocks and pulled him closer as he moved his head back and forth.

  Adam reached down and ran his fingers through Frankie’s curly hair.

  Frankie stopped the blow job on him and looked up with big expectant eyes. “Am I doing this right?”

  Adam pulled him to his feet. “You did it perfectly.” He kissed Frankie’s love-swollen lips. “But I can’t have all the fun.” He lay down on the bed and showed Frankie how to lay on him to perform the sixty-nine. Frankie had a squeezable behind, fleshy and tantalizing.

  Frankie went back to sucking him and jumped a little when Adam finally wrapped his lips around his cock. His pre-cum had a combination sweet-salty taste, and Adam lapped it up quickly. He slowly rubbed a finger up the crack of Frankie’s ass, trembling with a maddening urge to be buried deep inside him. He’d come prepared with a tiny tube of lube with the hope that he’d read Frankie’s signals correctly. It would make preparing him for entry easy and not tear his delicate skin.

  “Let’s change positions,” Adam said after he’d sucked Frankie’s dick enough to get him aroused. He put Frankie on his back on the pillows and swooped down on him and kissed him passionately so the feelings would linger. He rubbed his body against Frankie’s, allowing their genitalia to touch. “I can’t wait to put my cock inside y
ou.” He stopped kissing his lips and moved down Frankie’s pearly white chest and stomach until his tongue landed in the pale blond pubic hair. Frankie had a much larger dick than he anticipated, neatly circumcised with a little slit. Adam tickled it with the tip of his tongue. He lifted Frankie’s hips and allowed his tongue to tickle the tiny little pink hole. Frankie shook above him. Adam didn’t stop to let him get a grip on what he was doing to him. The faster Frankie got comfortable with gay sex, the better.

  “Oh!” Frankie uttered as Adam slipped the top of his finger in. He clenched his buttocks.

  He felt unbelievably tight, and his own dick stood up and saluted. “I have to prepare you,” Adam said. “I’ll try to be gentle.”

  Frankie stopped resisting and actually started using his muscles to tighten around the finger that Adam had finally slipped inside. He’d taken the gel out of his pocket and squeezed some on his finger. Frankie jumped again and then relaxed as Adam rubbed the lube in.

  “That feels good. What is it?” Frankie asked.

  “Warming gel,” Adam said. “Cherry flavored.”

  Frankie chuckled and then groaned as Adam worked in a second finger.

  Adam chuckled, moved away from Frankie, and began stroking his own cock as he opened the condom. He slipped it on and rose over Frankie. “This is your last chance to walk away from this.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Frankie said, reaching for him.

  Adam positioned himself between Frankie’s legs, lay atop him, and began kissing him again. With one hand he raised Frankie’s hips and guided his cock to the hole with the other. He continued kissing him as he thrust his hips forward hard and sent the head of his dick inside Frankie.

  Frankie groaned against his lips as Adam inched more inside. The gel made it easier to glide, and Adam didn’t waste a minute taking control of the situation.

  Frankie’s groans turned to moans as Adam made love to him slowly at first and then with a little more vigor. He knew when he found Frankie’s pleasure gland because his young lover’s cock moved up toward his navel, rock hard and sexually oozing pre-cum. Frankie moved beneath him, rolling his hips. Adam fucked him harder. Frankie spread his legs farther apart, and his breathing changed. He bit his bottom lip. He’s about to come. Adam began humping him. “Don’t hold back, Frankie. Just let go.” Frankie’s back arched, and he moaned Adam’s name loudly. His cock spurted, and Frankie’s body shook. Adam slowed his roll to let Frankie catch his breath.


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