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Fresh Cut Romance

Page 2

by Dee Dawning

  I noticed Sarah flinch, then recovering, she said, "All right dear, we'll start with a shampoo."

  While soaping and scrubbing my hair, Sarah asked. "Are you seeing Julian?"

  I opened an eye and gazed at her. Her brow was furrowed and her smile seemed tense, forced through a tight jaw.

  "No, we're just friends. Ow, that water's too hot."

  I saw her hand move back behind my head, and then the water cooled down. "I'm Sorry. You were saying."

  "He thinks I need some fun so he's taking me out."

  Her eyes seemed thoughtful. "I went out with him. I'm a few years older than him so I knew there wasn't a future."

  "Really? How long ago?"

  "Hmmm. Roughly a year and a half ago, I guess. He's a player you know? Breaks women's hearts. I knew what I was getting into. Mainly did it for the sex. But he still got under my skin."

  I was nonplussed. "Really. You went out with him to have sex?"

  "Sure. Fun too, but mainly sex. He's a great looking guy. I'm sure you've noticed?

  "Okay, let's get some curlers in your hair and get you under the dryer." She wrapped a towel around my head and helped me up.

  Back at her station, after blow-drying my hair, she put it in curlers. She acted quiet, seemingly deep in thought. When she finished she led me to a bank of dryers.

  My mind spun. Sarah's words in my mind eclipsed the hairdryer's loud drone. Mainly did it for the sex. He's a player you know? He's a great looking guy. He certainly is a great looking guy. Charming too. He's a player you know? Sure, fun too, but mainly sex. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex!

  We're in the museum, Julian takes me in his arms. He's kissing me. This is bad! No it's good! I should stop him, pull away! But I don't want to! I want to kiss him back, but I don't know how. I don't know what to do. They don't teach you how to kiss an angel, an angel, an angel.

  I woke up unsteadily, from a hand shaking my arm. "Oh! What?"

  Looking around I saw Sarah half laughing at me. "You fell asleep. C'mon, sweetheart. Time to make you beautiful."

  My face flushed.

  Sarah took me to her station and set me down. "How do you want it," she asked, "any ideas?"

  I gazed at Sarah's image reflected in the mirror. "No, what does your experience tell you?"

  Her hand grasped her chin. "Hmmm. Let me think. Who's your favorite actress?

  "I like Nicole Kidman."

  Sarah looked at the ceiling and shook her head. "No, someone young, preferably with dark hair, like you."

  "Then how about Sarah Jessica Parker?"

  Sarah shook her head. "No, you don't look like her and she's older than Nicole Kidman. I think you look like Kate Beckensale, but you have such a pretty face I don't want your hair to distract from it. How about if I fix your hair up with a ribbon and curls cascading over the ribbon?"

  "You're the boss and I don't have that pretty a face."

  "Oh, yeah? Wait 'til I finish."

  She turned me around and wouldn't let me see what she was doing. While Sarah did my hair, the manicurist, Lucille, came over and performed a quick manicure and pedicure.

  After Lucille left, Sarah applied makeup. After about ten minutes, she came around in front of me, stood back and took my picture. Just then, Jessie came by. "Sarah, fantastic job. My God, Julian can sure pick 'em. She's exquisite.

  Sarah stiffened slightly at Jessie's comment, but acted normal. Swinging my chair around, she said, "Ta-da."

  I didn't recognize myself. I didn't know if I was beautiful, but I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror.

  As I looked at my reflection, Sarah, beamed, put her cheek next to mine and looking at our reflection, said, "What did I tell you? Beautiful!"

  "Oh Sarah, It's…it's absolutely gorgeous. I don't know how to thank you."

  "Don't worry about it. I get paid to do gorgeous." She turned slightly and pecked my cheek. "But thanks for saying so."

  "I hope you're not going to be mad at me for going out with him. Are you?"

  Jessie was right there so she whispered, "Nah. He never was that interested in me, just sex. I'm pretty much over him and you've got a good shot with him. Good luck."

  Sarah's hand rested on my opposite shoulder. I reached up and grasped it, and just like that, we were friends.

  "Let me give you a little advice. Don't go to bed with him too quickly. I think that's what I did wrong," she whispered.

  I was beyond shocked. As attractive as I found Julian, sex was out of the question. "Don't worry Sarah. I have no intention of sleeping with him," I whispered back, probably a little too loudly. I hitched my head and blinked my eyes in a so there gesture.

  Sarah laughed. "You're a cutie, here's my card. Call me, let's do lunch sometime."

  I took the card and kissed her cheek. "You're nice. Julian should take a second look at you. Even if you are older."

  She laughed again, embraced me and whispered, "If Julian is going though all this trouble, he only has eyes for you."

  Jessie took my hand. "C'mon Laurel, have I got the finishing touches for you." She led me back to the spa and boutique.

  When we got there, Jessie showed me what she'd selected. She had great taste. I wouldn't change a thing.

  Just then, Julian rushed in all excited. "Guess what?" He came to an abrupt stop and said, "Wow! You look great. He stepped into me and hugged me like at the museum but without the kiss. He pulled away his hands still on my forearms. "I like your hair up." He looked at Jessie, then me. "Janet came through. She got us reservations at Capo for eight o'clock."

  "Wow! That's great." I didn't know what or where Capo was, but Jessie seemed to approve.

  I looked at my watch. It was three-thirty. Except for putting on the gown and heels, I was ready, but our reservation was for eight—four and a half hours away. I looked at Julian and he seemed to read my mind. "I could take you back to the museum for an hour or so and if you don't mind me knowing where you live, I could follow you and you could get ready. We could leave from there."

  There was no way I wanted Julian to see the dorm I lived in. "Is Capo near here?"

  "Sort of. It's in Santa Monica. Why?"

  "My sister, Teresa, lives in Culver City. It would be much closer for me to get ready there. I live clear down in Torrance."

  "Fine." Julian let go of my forearms and took the dress and shoes from Jessie. "I'll be right back."

  As Julian left, Jessie pulled me aside. Speaking softly, "I've never seen my baby brother this excited about a girl. Here's a bag of accessories for you, too. Have fun and when you can, I want to treat you to a pampered day in the spa. Okay?"

  Overwhelmed by her generosity, I nodded.

  She kissed me on the cheek as Julian came back in. Then she turned to him and kissed him too.

  Swinging away from Jessie, he took my hand. "Are you ready, beautiful?"

  After I nodded, he led me out to his vehicle, opened the door and helped me in.

  * * * *

  I couldn't keep my eyes on the road for the trip back to the museum. She was so lovely, I kept sneaking glances at her. She's so nice. The couple of times she caught me gaping at her, she smiled. Is she the one? The girl I've been dreaming about. I think she might be.

  It was a slow afternoon at the museum. Very few customers.

  Holding hands as much as she let me, I took her through the Hominid Exhibition. "And this is a replica of Homo Habilis, commonly known as 'Handy Man'. At two million years, he's one of the oldest hominids that's been discovered."

  Displaying what I hoped was a winsome smile, I placed my hands on her trim waist. "That makes him about three hundred times older than the planet he lived on."

  Edging into her, a pleasant fresh scent—citrus with a hint of womanly sex—teased my nostrils. She leaned away and backed against the display glass. "As I already told you, I don't adhere to a strict interpretation of the bible, especially Creation."

  I eased in closer. Her precious breasts touched my chest, the budding
bulge in my pants brushed her abdomen. She's so lovely, she's perfect.

  I bent my head and planted a gentle kiss on her neck below her ear. I felt her shiver. She lifted her head up and back as if allowing me, no, wishing me to continue. How could I resist? My lips trailed wetness up and down the left side of her neck.

  Her arms slipped through the gap between my arms and body, her hands coming to rest below my shoulder blades. Resting her head upon my left shoulder, I sensed a slight tremor in her.

  My lips found and kissed her ear lobe. My tongue felt the rough cold object within—I remembered she wore small diamond studs. I sucked and nibbled on the lobe, stud and all. The tremor became a tremble. I heard a sigh. She was shaking and when my wayward tongue laved her ear, she moaned. Fully aroused, by the woman-child in my arms, I pressed myself into her. When her hands tightened on my back, I pressed again. Did she respond?

  Then, when she kissed my neck, I suddenly craved her lips. I kept pushing and she reacted by pushing ever so lightly back. I reached down and lifted her chin toward my lips. When our lips touched, I felt a hot flash sear my face, the heat working its way to the hard source of my arousal. She sighed. I knew she wanted to go on, but when my tongue probed for an opening between her lips she didn't respond.

  Maybe she needs to be more aroused. I reached and grasped her breast as my tongue probed again.

  * * * *

  Julian had cleverly maneuvered me against the Hominid display window. I knew I should have slipped away when he moved into me, but this man seemed to have woven a spell upon me. My breasts rubbed against his chest and it felt good. When he kissed my neck, my heart skipped a beat and all of a sudden, I felt so warm I almost swooned. I must stop. Please God, help me. Give me strength. Or…or is this your will? I not only let Julian continue, I shamelessly willed him to, by exposing more of my neck to his moist, sensuous lips.

  And that's not all. As he thrust his hardness against me, my loins warmed and I instinctively responded and began to think of sex. I'd banished sex from my thoughts years ago when I'd made my commitment and now, here I was rubbing genitals with an angel—a non-believing angel at that! I wonder what he looks like naked.

  Still, I didn't stop him. When his lips found mine, currents of heat coursed through my body, terminating in my center. I sighed and pictured myself standing in front of Julian, sitting on a bed as he slowly undressed me. Undressed me?

  I felt his tongue on my lips. I'd read about French kissing, but didn't know what to do or if I even wanted to try it. I had just decided to let his tongue in when he shocked me so much by touching my breast, my lips and teeth separated and his tongue darted in. My core was so heated, I felt moisture in my panties and I couldn't breathe. Thankfully, we heard the voice of a young boy approaching with his mother.

  "You're kidding me, right Mom? Our ancestors didn't really look this ugly."

  Julian chuckled in the middle of the kiss and broke it. Then he pecked me lightly on the lips and we both looked in the direction of the voice.

  "That's right, Billy. They looked like that. Some of us still do, like Daddy's uncle Dave."

  Julian whispered, "That was wonderful but, I'd better get you to your sister's so you can get ready."

  "That's not funny Martha. Don't put silly ideas in the boy's head," countered a voice from most likely the father.

  Julian lowered his arms and his hand reached for mine. Upon finding and grasping it, we headed toward the voices.

  "Daddy, what is that?" came a young girl's voice.

  After a few steps, Julian dropped my hand and draped an arm around my shoulder.

  "That's a saber tooth tiger, Punkin. They were very dangerous, but they're extinct now."

  As we turned the corner, not an eighth of an inch separating us, I lowered my head on his shoulder. We smiled and Julian nodded at the family of four as we approached a mixed marriage couple and their children. The woman, black, pretty and a bit of a tease from her expression, acknowledged us with a single nod. She elbowed her husband and said in a loud whisper, "Young love, it's so wonderful. Remember when we were like that, sweetheart?"

  The man nodded and answered his wife. "I do, dear. It doesn't seem that long ago."

  The little boy paying us no mind said to the little girl, "That means they're not around anymore and I wish that's what you were."

  The girl hit the boy on the shoulder and began running the way we'd come. The boy ran after her, yelling, "I'm going to get you for that."

  "Yes, everything was so carefree then." The woman reminisced to herself as her husband ran after the kids.

  Julian squeezed, my shoulder. "I think I'd like a boy and girl like that some day. How about you?"

  My stomach sank, and a cold sweat coursed through my head and torso. I suddenly felt faint and leaned against him for support. I wasn't ready to answer his innocent question.

  Chapter Three – Teresa

  "We are sisters. We will always be sisters. Our differences may never go away, but neither, for me, will our song." Elizabeth Fishel

  Teresa was eight years older than me and had been married almost seven years. She married Seth at the age of twenty-five and had been popping out babies in twenty month intervals ever since. The youngest, the only boy, is fourteen months, which means she either broke the cycle or hasn't had the nerve to tell me she's pregnant again.

  Teresa and her family lived in a well-kept, older tract home about six miles northeast of Marina Del Rey and the ocean. I arrived at Tess's home and Julian pulled up right behind me. It was a quarter to six, not an optimum time since the family had sat down to dinner. She answered the front door and smiled good naturedly, but I could see our arrival was inconvenient. After hugging me and shaking Julian's hand. She took us to the kitchen doorway where she introduced Julian to Seth and the kids. Julian stepped in enough to shake Seth's hand and nodded to Carolyn, Emma, Beth and Stephen.

  Tess asked if we would wait for her in the living room until she finished. We sat down and Julian tuned into CNN on the TV. After a short five minutes, my sister came in and sat on the loveseat opposite us. She seemed to apprise Julian and then me. She smiled. "Ooh, I like your hair."

  Though she said hair, I got the distinct feeling she meant man. I changed the subject. "Thank you. Don't you have to do the dishes?"

  She sat back in the loveseat, her face displaying amusement. "No, Seth volunteered to do them and clean-up too." She laughed. "Maybe you should drop in at dinnertime more often. So what brings you and your handsome man friend by tonight?"

  "Julian and I are going to dinner tonight. I came by to change into my new dress and shoes." I pointed at the shoebox and the plastic wrapped dress.

  Standing, she came over and grabbed the hanger hook and the shoebox. "Hmmm, what'cha have here? C'mon, let's go in the bedroom."

  I picked the accessory bag Jessie had given me, and followed right behind her.

  Tess stood just inside the bedroom door, and the minute I walked through the doorway, she shut the door and locked it.

  "Tell me all about him. He's beautiful. Where did you meet him? How long have you known him? Are you serious about him?"

  After shaking my head from her battery of questions, I said, "Whoa, slow down. I only met him this morning. We spent the day together. I like him. I like him a lot, but you know I can't get serious about anyone. He's a friend. Besides, he's…"

  "He's what?"

  Tears welled in my eyes. "Teresa. Julian doesn't believe in God."

  "How do you know?"

  "He told me. He called all religion Mumbo Jumbo."

  "That's unfortunate, but not a deal killer."

  I moved my hands, excitedly. "What do you mean? I'm dedicating my life to God and he doesn't even believe in God!"

  Tess squeezed her lips tight. "That shouldn't matter. Lot's of people have doubts about religion and he really seems to like you. The way he looks at you. It's not too late to change your mind."

  I shook my head. "I just c
an't. I gave my word."

  Tess grimaced and flashed a disdainful look. "You're being a fool, Laurel. I can tell that man is very interested in you. Does he know about you?"

  My brows furrowed at her question. "No, I have no reason. We're just friends."

  She laid a hand on my shoulder. "Well, I bet if we asked Julian, friendship is not what he wants from you."

  My hands started moving excitedly as I spoke, "I already know what he wants from me—sex."

  Her eyes thinned to slits. "How do you know that?"

  "The girl who did my hair used to go out with him, and she told me. He's a player and I believe her. He's already kissed me twice."

  Tess's jaw dropped, and her mouth fixed open. "He kissed you—twice? And you let him?"

  A flush of heat passed through me. "Yes, I wanted to see what it was like. It was a mistake."

  Her eyes grew big. "You didn't like it?"

  I was suddenly conflicted. "No, I did like it. I want to do it some more. I even thought about sex when he kissed me. That's why it was a mistake."

  Tess's eyes narrowed, and her brows furrowed. "You thought about sex?" All of a sudden, she reached for me hugging and kissing me on the cheek. "It's so good to know you're human. Are you going to do it?"


  "Have sex, silly."

  "Of course not. I'm not married and I'm not getting married. You know I'm taken."

  "That's your mistake, Laurel. Giving your life to God, instead of living it to the fullest."

  "But I want to do good things. I want to help others."

  "We've talked about this over and over. You do not need to be a sister in order to help others. But, hey, it's your life and if you want to waste it without ever sampling the true fruits of life, so be it. Now, let's see what you have here."

  As she lifted the plastic sheath off my dress, her eyes grew larger. "This is gorgeous. It must have cost hundreds of dollars. How did you…"

  "Before you get carried away, Julian and his sister gave it to me. He has a good job and she owns a fancy beauty salon and boutique in Hollywood. She's very nice."

  Tess took the shoes out of the box. "Jimmy Choo, These are lovely." She pulled a shoe out and after slipping her's off, tried the Choo on and stood. Then she looked at me. "C'mon, c'mon get undressed. Time's a wasting."


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