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Fresh Cut Romance

Page 5

by Dee Dawning

  Gathering my thoughts, I glanced around the room I'd passed through briefly traveling to and from the boutique, yesterday. There were autographed photos of what must have been a hundred, mostly female celebrities lining the walls. And there was the doorway with a sign that said Loving Touch Designer Boutique.

  The receptionist was taking care of another customer so I headed over to my sister. As I started to sit, she spoke sharply, "Ten after eleven. And I busted ass to find a babysitter and get here on time."

  "I really wish you wouldn't talk like that."

  Her nostrils flared from her obvious annoyance. "Yah, yah, I know. I'm a regular garbage mouth. I forget you get offended so easily."

  "It's not me. I've heard you say similar things in front of your children."

  She pursed her lips. "Okay, Sister sis. Point taken."

  She knows I don't like it when she calls me that. "Please don't call me that."

  Tess frowned deeply. "Boy you're really on edge this morning. What's wrong? What was so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

  I started to answer when, in an impatient businesslike manner, a lightly accented voice rang out, "May I help you ladies?"

  I gazed toward the counter. The receptionist, a middle aged, curly-haired blonde, leaned against it, and drummed long artificial fingernails on the laminate top.

  "Yes, sorry, we'll be right there." I rose, then bent down and whispered to Tess, "I slept with him."

  As I walked toward the counter, Tess rose and hurried to catch up. In a loud whisper, she asked, "Wait up. What do you mean, you slept with him? Did you have sex?"

  After raising her eyebrows, the lady smiled knowingly as I arrived at the counter. Wearing a badge pinned to her chest that read Millie Kosyvich, Assistant Manager, she seemed to appraise me, her eyes giving me the once over.

  "Hi. Sorry, we didn't mean to ignore you. I'm Laurel Adams. I made an appointm—"

  "Ah yes, Miss Adams." She smiled. "I thought that might be you. Welcome to Loving Touch Spa and Salon. Ms. Ryan asked me to take special care of you and your companion. If you'll come with me, I'll get you started." Millie moved out from behind the counter and led us down a wide hallway.

  I grabbed sis's wrist and whispered in a stern voice, "We'll talk about this when we're alone. All right?"

  Flashing an embarrassed look, she nodded. "Sorry. You just caught me off guard."

  We hurriedly caught up and followed Millie into a dressing room that held several narrow closets and fixed benches. It reminded me of the locker room from my school days.

  "To start, you'll need to get undressed. Each of you take one of the unoccupied closets. Hanging inside will be a terri-cloth robe and disposable slippers. The door has an electronic combination lock, which you program with as many numbers as you want, but no less than three. I suggest at least four or five. You can place your valuables there or I can keep them up front, should you wish."

  I took off my watch and jewelry, placed them in my purse and set it on the shelf above the hanging rod. As I sat on the bench to take my shoes off I noticed that Millie was still there. "Yes Millie?"

  "When all your clothes are removed, put the robe and slippers on. I'll take you to the therapy room where Marla will give you each a salt scrub and then after you shower, a massage."

  I wasn't used to undressing in front of others, but it didn't look like Millie was budging so I slowly began to remove my garments. My sister, the physician's assistant, wasn't bashful at all. She stripped down and had her robe on before I got to my bra and panties, which I'd saved for last. When I finally took them off, I turned my back to Millie, who seemed much too interested. As soon as my bra was off, I slipped the robe on and then dragged down my panties.

  After I programmed the combination and locked the door, Millie flashed an artificial smile. "Very good, follow me please."

  Millie led us across the hall into a large room. We were greeted by an attractive, Hispanic woman in a skimpy, white uniform. "That'll be all, Millicent. I'll take over now." She turned her large sparkling cow eyes on us and said, "Ooh. You're both so pretty. I'm Marla. What're your names?"

  "I'm Laurel and this is my sister Teresa."

  "Pretty names, too. I figured you were sisters. Take your robes off so I can see what you have."

  Tess removed her robe, but I hesitated just enough that Marla figured it out.

  "Shy one, huh?" She waved a hand and untied my robe. "Don't worry, I'm not a lesbian like Millicent."

  "So that's why…"

  "She watched you undress. Yes?" She spread the lapels of the robe apart and sighed, "Kiddo, if I had a body like you I wouldn't be shy about it." She winked at me.

  I felt heat surge across my face, then down my neck and across my whole body as she pulled the robe over my shoulders and down my arms. "Buck up sweetheart, you're not the only one that gets naked in front of me. Your sister doesn't seem to have a problem."

  "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to this."

  "You'd better get used to it because my hands are going to feel almost every inch of your body."

  My face obviously reflected the shock I felt, because Marla bent over and began laughing. "I'm sorry, if you could have seen the look on your face…it was precious. Have a seat, both of you. Let's talk a little."

  Tess was already sitting. As I sat on a plastic chair next to her, Marla asked, "You're not a regular. Are you here for a special occasion?"

  I crossed my legs and kind of scrunched my shoulders together in a fruitless effort to cover my breasts. I glanced down and as I'd suspected, my areola's had pebbled and my nipples grew hard. Mortified, I wanted to cover them with an arm, but that would've been even more embarrassing than allowing Marla to see them. "I suppose. I'm having dinner with Jessie's brother tonight."

  "Julian? He's a cutie. First date?'


  "Well, you two make a damn handsome couple."

  "That's what I'm afraid of."

  "Why's that?"

  "It's a long story. Do you mind if we skip the salt scrub? I'm not up to it." I glanced at Tess. She looked disappointed. "But could you still do Tess."

  "Sure, no problem. Tess would you get on the massage table. We'll start on your backside."

  Tess smiled at me and mounted the massage table lying face down. Marla began applying the scrub solution on her back, arms, derriere and legs. Looking at me, she said, "You, I'd like to see go into the steam shower or if you prefer, the sauna."

  I'd never had either. "What's the difference?"

  She shrugged, "One is damp heat the other is dry. Wrap this towel around you."

  I gladly wrapped the towel around me, but stayed where I was. "I'd like to wait for Tess if I may."

  "If you wish." She patted Tess on the rump. "Turn over now, please."

  As Tess turned over Marla gazed at me. "Where was I. Oh yes, I'll only be a couple more minutes on your sister, but she'll need to take a quick shower to wash off the salt residue."

  Turning back to Tess, her eyes grew wide. "I see you trim yourself."

  "Yeah, It's a little bit of a pain, but I like it and my husband loves it." She winked at Marla, who burst out laughing.

  I could see what she was talking about and I had to admit, it did look better than my overgrown bush.

  "You know Tess, I could wax it for you and with the help of inhibitor, it would last two, maybe three months."

  "Really? What would it cost?"

  "Normally it would be eighty dollars, but if you want it, it's included with your deluxe package."

  "If there's one price I can't refuse it's free," Tess joked, let's do it."

  "Great, I'll do it to you during your massage. Now, I need to ask you. Do you want me to avoid your breasts and lower area?"

  "Just do what you normally do."

  I was shaken by the question she'd asked my sister. I wasn't sure if I would be able to let anyone touch me in those places, but then again as late as yesterday, I didn't think
I'd ever sleep with a man, let alone on the first date.

  * * * *

  After Marla finished the scrub, I took a two-minute shower to rinse off. Laurel went with me, but she kept her towel wrapped around her and stayed out of the water. "Okay baby sister, we're alone. Fess up. What did you start to tell me?"

  I almost laughed as she got this aw shucks guilty look on her face. "I woke up this morning in Julian's bed, naked as a newborn. Julian was naked too. Apparently, I'd broken my vows and made love, but doggone it, I don't remember any of it. I must have drunk too much."

  "I told Sarah about it this morning. She's the girl who did my hair, and she—"

  "Wait a second. You told her you had sex?"

  "Yes, she used to go out with Julian, mostly for sex and she advised me not to go to bed with him too quickly. I guess I blew it. Anyway, since I don't remember, she thinks he may have slipped me a date rape drug, Rohy…something

  A chill coursed through me. I'd never expected something like this would be brought up. "Rohypnol. I doubt that, it's not even legal in the states. What did you say?"

  "Well first of all, I don't think Julian would ever do anything like that."

  Thank God!

  "But before I got a chance to tell Sarah that, Jessie came in and sa—"

  "Ho…hold on. You told two people you had sex last night before you told me." Jumpin' Jesus, my sister is a one-woman gossip machine—about herself no less. "Who's Jessie?"

  "She's Julian's sister. I told you about her."

  "The one who gave you the dress and all the nice stuff to go along with it."

  She nodded.

  I turned off the shower. "You never said her name. Hand me the towel, will you?"

  She stepped forward and handed me the towel. As I dried, she went on, "Anyway, I didn't tell Jessie, She heard us talking and asked what we were talking about. Sarah told her and about her suspicion and Jessie kind of blew up, saying her brother would never do anything like that."

  I put my arm around her. "That's crazy. I don't think he would either."

  "That's right. In fact, you know what Julian did this morning?"

  "No. Tell me."

  She grinned. "He fixed this wonderful breakfast and brought it to me in bed."

  "That was romantic."

  Gesturing with her hands, Laur grew excited. "I know. I've never been romanced before. I loved it. You know what was especially romantic?"

  I shook my head. "What?"

  "There was a bud vase with a red rose in it."

  "Ah, that was sweet. C'mon sis. Let's go in the sauna and work this out."

  While I poured a ladle full of water over the coals, she sat on an upper row of seats in one direction. I sat on the lower row, perpendicular to her. "So Sister sis, what are your plans?"

  "I really wish you wouldn't call me that." She put her hand to her chin and stared off thoughtfully. "I guess I'll have to talk with Mother Superior, maybe even Father Brennan. It'll be so embarrassing, but I can't keep it to myself and go on as a sister. However, before telling them, I've got to find out what I missed. I'm going to make love with Julian again, tonight, fully conscious, no wine or anything alcoholic, just sex."

  Naturally, my sister blushed when she said sex. She paused and then went on. "Having sex and not remembering is driving me crazy. Since I've failed God and sinned anyway—a big one no less—and plan to live the rest of my life chastely, I want to remember it. Does that sound strange?"

  "Of course not. I can't imagine having sex and not remembering how wonderful it feels."

  "Wonderful. That's what he said. That I was wonderful. I want to know the wonder of it before I give it up."

  I never realized how conflicted my sister was until a tear rolled down her cheek. "Laur, you know how I feel. I think you should have sex with Julian tonight and over and over again, forever. If forever doesn't work out, have sex with someone else until it does work out, then have babies and live a normal life."

  Laurel shook her head, "I couldn't have sex with anyone else after Julian. I'm not that way."

  Baby sister, you are so naïve. I hope you don't think Seth is the only sex partner I've ever had?"

  Her brows rose to accommodate her newly expanded eyes. "He isn't?"

  "Not even close. Remember Bobby Carter?"

  Laurel nodded.

  "He was my first, but not my last. I love sex. I'll bet you'll love it too. In college I probably had seven or eight partners, including a college professor I lusted after."

  "You poor thing." Laurel slipped off her seat, slid up to me and hugged me. "Did you report him?"

  I shook my head. "No Laur, I seduced him. I seduced most of my partners and I gloried in the music we made together. Then, when I met Seth, I knew he would be my conductor forever. We are that good together. That was probably a benefit of sleeping around if that's what you want to call it. I knew that no one would ever play my notes the way Seth did and still does."

  Laurel crossed her arms under her breasts. "Well, I'm going to make love to Julian again. And if it is good for me as you make it sound, who knows?" Laurel's normally innocent face suddenly formed a naughty smile. "Now, tell me Big Sis, why does Seth love your pussy shaved?"

  I almost fell off the bench at goody-two-shoe's use of the 'P' word—the only time I ever heard her use it.

  "Baby, you've never used the 'P' word or any swear word in front of me before."

  She giggled. "If I knew I could get that look on your face, I would have said it before. Stop stalling, why does—"

  Now, it was my turn to laugh. "All right, just don't say the 'P' word again, except in pillow talk with Julian."

  A bemused look crossed Laurel's pretty face. "Pillow talk?"

  I snickered. "Never mind. Seth likes me to shave there because it's better for oral sex."

  Yuck, oral sex sounds awful. Laurel frowned and made a spitting sound. "Do people willingly do that?"

  "Yes. There's nothing wrong with oral sex. You'll see. And if you're still planning on having sex only one time, you should do everything, including oral sex."

  Staring blankly ahead, she didn't answer at first. Then, "I suppose you're right. I did feel Julian's thing this morning. It was hard. Saw it for a few seconds too."

  "Was it big?"

  I don't know. It seemed big to me, but it was the first time I've seen one in person. There was something mysterious about it. I had this peculiar desire to examine it, to put it in my…never mind. As for him going between my legs, isn't it dirty?"

  "No! Not if you clean up properly."

  "What about my secretions?"

  "If you mean lubricating juices from being excited, he will probably like them. Seth likes mine."

  "Really. What's it like, Seth going down on you?"

  "Mmmm. I'll tell you a secret. Seth is re-eally good at it. I like it as much as intercourse, maybe more. Nothing makes me feel closer to him. Having someone oralizing your sensitive areas is the most personal form of sex. And since you're planning on doing it with Julian, I'd have Marla trim your pubis. Better yet, have her give you the Brazilian wax treatment."

  Chapter Six—Baby Sister

  "An older sister is a friend and defender, a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights - and sorrows too." ~Pam Brown~

  We stayed in the sauna about twenty more minutes and talked. Curious as a kitten, discovering life, my baby sister was suddenly determined to experience as much as she could about that, which she'd so tenaciously withheld from herself—sex. She agreed to have the wax treatment along with me. I felt a little guilty about that, knowing that would put her sex life out of commission for at least twenty-four hours, maybe more, but I figured it would give Julian the time he wanted to convince Laurel to make love with him for the legitimate reasons of mutual attraction, respect and pleasure. Not to see what she missed, something to reminisce over and pine for the rest of her life. I also managed to tie up the one little loose end; that Laurel's virginal memb
rane was intact, by giving her a quick pelvic examination.

  "Hmmm. Don't be surprised if you spot again the next time you make love."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Your hymen was only partially ruptured. Hence with penetration you could bleed."

  "Gee, thanks. I'm glad you told me that."

  I felt like shit, tricking my own flesh and blood, but I believed it was for a good cause. Even if Julian didn't work out, which frankly, knowing how smitten he claimed to be seemed like a long shot.

  Afterward, we went into the shower room where we removed our towels and stepped into fusillades of spraying water from multiple levels and angles. We were naked again and Laur didn't seem to mind. Maybe she was loosening up in anticipation of tonight. I knew I would, in her position. In fact, I loosened up anyway. I wonder what Seth and I could do with my soon to be sore pussy.

  Next, was the moment I'd been waiting for. A massage and Brazilian Wax. I'd wanted a wax job ever since I began my personal pubic management. I'd think about going to get one and inevitably would chicken out, but not this time. I was already here, naked and looking forward to it. Unlike my sister who looked like she was going to an execution—hers.

  When we walked in Marla smiled. "Ready for your massages?"

  "Yes and Brazilian Waxes."

  Marla's eyes lit up. "Both of you?"

  "Yes, Laurel goes first."

  "No, you go first."

  "No…you go first." I took her arm. "I insist." And led her to the massage table. After Marla removed her towel, she and I both helped her onto the table. She was shivering. I held her hand and whispered calmly. "Remember, you're doing this for Julian."

  She looked at me and gave a single short nod.

  "Laurel, you know that once I do this—"

  I cleared my throat loudly and when Marla glanced at me, I shook my head violently, until Laurel looked over to see what I was doing. Then, I put my hand to my mouth and pretended to have a dry throat, clearing it several times.

  Marla winked at me and continued, "Umm…your pubic hair will not grow back for two to three months."

  Laurel nodded. "That's all right, I just want to look good for… Tell me, does it hurt?"


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