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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

Page 42

by L. C. Giroux

  “Now you are mine.” Allyn fought to stay standing. She gestured to the blankets he had laid out in the hope that she would forgive him. “Allyn, I forgive you.” She put her arms around his waist both to support him and comfort him. All the while avoiding touching his cock. He lay on his back on the blankets and pillows he had never felt anything so soothing. “Allain, you were always my champion. Please make love to me. I release you.” she whispered in his ear. And with that, she straddled his hips and slid herself down the length of him again. He reveled in the liquid warmth of her. His eyes flickered and the picture of her riding him came into focus. Her tawny skin and hair, her flushed lips smiling at him, her brilliant gold green eyes looking at him with such love and warmth were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The love he felt for this woman was like a physical touch. The orgasm started in his chest and spread through his entire body, curling his toes and clenching his fists. He sat up with her still writhing on him engulfing her in his arms, screaming into her shoulder. They lay there for a few minutes senseless from the utter release of their shared passion. Eventually they pulled covers over themselves and slept from exhaustion both physical and emotional. He woke to pain in his shoulders and her smiling down at him. He rolled her to her back pinning her under him.

  “Ma reine, you are devious with your little bracelet. That was worse torture than anything I dared dream up.” He cooed to her in French.

  “Hmmm, I wanted to do it when you were pretending to be Mr. Smith but you got so jealous.”

  “How did you know? I thought I was pretty careful.”

  “Allain, I could find you in the dark, chere. I am French. We live by our noses. Even if you had changed your cologne, I still would have been able to find you from your musk. Besides there is my mark.”

  "Your mark?"

  "The scar I gave you when I was a child." she ran her finger over the mark near his eye. "I marked you as mine even then."

  “You are a pretty little animal, aren’t you, ma reine? We will have to leave our little love nest soon but not just yet.” and he started to suckle her breast. “I still have prizes to claim.” Her laugh was like warm cognac on his tongue.


  One year and some months later:

  "Ally, ma petite, don't bounce on mamma's tummy, you'll squish your baby brother or sister." Violet lifted her daughter off her belly and held her hands as the toddler now jumped between her legs on the chaise. She looked over at her sister-in-law and smiled. "Marie, when Allyn called he didn't even give a hint of what the surprise was?"

  "Non, just that he had something happy for us." The two of them lay in the sunroom soaking up the last of the sun before the Autumn got gloomy.

  "Hello? Where are you two?"

  "Allain, we are in the sunroom." Allyn walked in shedding his suit jacket and tie with Michael behind him. He slid into the chaise behind Marie and started nibbling her neck. Michael kissed his wife and rubbed her shoulders before taking his daughter on his lap. Both of the men had cryptic smiles on their faces.

  "Violet, both of our husbands look like naughty schoolboys with their grinning, non?"

  "Yes, well they usually do but, they look especially guilty today. Spill it. What is the surprise? Are we all going on a trip? You wouldn't both be this excited about a present. What is going on?" Allyn looked around him at the people he cared most about. His arms wrapped tighter around Marie and he peered over her shoulder at their nursing son. He couldn't help himself and smiled even wider.

  "We added a new member of the foundation today. I have been recruiting him for a year now and I am thrilled he is coming on board."

  "Allain, I am very 'appy for you. 'opefully 'e will be able to take some of the work off your shoulders. Mais, it does not explain why you are both smiling like this."

  "Hmm, maybe Michael should explain." He looked over at his brother-in-law who reached over and whispered in his sister's ear.

  "Really! Oh Michael, I'm so glad. I think it is a wonderful idea."

  "Allain? Qu'est ce que c'est?"

  "Michael has agreed to come work for the foundation. He will be running a group of clinics that will partner with Médecins Sans Frontières coordinating longer term treatment in affected areas."

  "Marie, I actually owe this to you." Michael looked over at her.

  "Moi, I do not think so."

  "No, it is true, remember when you first got here and Violet forced me to have you read my character or whatever you called it. You said that I had a need to do more and you were right. Besides this way I can work along side my beautiful wife."

  "Yes, darling, since there seems to be no end to the babies that will be arriving Marie and I have hired a baby nurse. She comes highly recommended and she speaks French."

  "Always twisting the knife that I don't. Well that won't work any more." Michael smiled at his wife. "I've signed up to take the course the state department uses so I'll have some idea what the heck you people are saying about me now."

  "Good. Now when we visit my family in France or they come here again you'll finally be able to talk to them. Oh, here is our wonderful new nurse. Maricelle, I would like to introduce you to my husband, Michael and my brother, Marie's husband Allyn."

  "Enchanté, Messieurs. Madam, would you like me to take Allyson for you?"

  "Non, she is fine for now."

  Harold walked in wiping his hands. "Mr. Bellows, I have changed the oil on your roadster..."

  "Harold, I'd like to introduce the newest member of the staff..."



  "I take it you two know each other?" Marie quickly whispered in Allyn's ear. "Hmm, I see. Well, that won't do at all." Allyn pulled out his wallet and fished two hotel keys out.

  "Harold, my wife informs me that you spent a long time looking for this woman, is that true?" He almost laughed to see Harold blush, the man was usually unflappable.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Maricelle, am I safe in assuming from the smile on your face, that you are not unhappy to have been found?"

  "Oui c'est vrai, monsieur." She said quietly.

  "Fine, You can start next week. Harold take these. The Continental, put it all on my tab." When Harold tried to object, "I don't want to hear any argument. You have a week, with everything we owe you it is a drop in the bucket, please take it." Harold smiled at Maricelle and she grinned back at him. When Allyn turned to watch them go he saw Maricelle throw her arms around Harold and he spun her around. Allyn turned back when Marie flinched.

  "Ough, you are a greedy boy. Be gentle with your Mamman, non?" She turned to smile at Allyn. "'e is too much like 'is father I think?" Allyn fished a box out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Marie as he took their son.

  "Perhaps but I give better presents. Open it." She untied the ribbon and opened the jewelry box to find a bracelet of platinum links, some of which were set with diamonds.

  "Allyn, it is beautiful, but why?" He just smiled knowingly at her and laid his forehead on top of her head cradling their child. The peace and contentment were like nothing he had known...and immediately shattered by the wail of a still hungry infant. They both looked at each other and smiled. The baby had to sleep sometime.

  About L.C. Giroux:

  I think I'm like a lot of my readers, I'm married, got a kid, a house, a full-time job, I sew clothes, and I write contemporary romance novels in my (cough) spare time. Oh, you don't do that?

  It started in high school, I wrote a serial romance novel in a black and white composition book one chapter at a time. As each chapter got finished the book would get passed around to all my friends. They loved it and couldn't get enough. Except one of them left it behind after class one day and the only name on it was mine. I ended up in the Vice-principal's office trying to explain that it was fiction. In his defense, it was written as a journal. He couldn't believe I could know that much about sex and relationships if I hadn't done any of that. I told him he needed to watch more

  After years of stumbling around in more jobs than any other two people I know, I'm back to writing and loving it! I still have my day job in medical research but the fun starts when I get home.

  I write for women looking to inject some contemporary romance into their busy lives. To that end my work tends to clock in at about 40- 50 thousand words. Short enough that you can read it in between everything else you do but long enough that I can develop the characters a little.

  Reviews are crucial for a self-published writer so if you review one of my books on the site you got it from send me the link. As a thank you for taking your time I'll send you the full cover art from that book. You can have your own collection!

  Be sure to check out my website for news on upcoming books and my blog.

  I love to hear from my readers so feel free to drop me a note. I try to write back as quickly as possible.

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden with the written permission of the the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Author's Note

  His Lady Godiva

  His Lady Godiva Chapter One

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Two: Radiology Suite at the Clinic Building

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Three: The Morning of Surgery

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Four: The Hospital during the Nor’easter

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Five: Six weeks later

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Six: Monday Lunch Time

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Seven: Board of Directors meeting, Lyric Opera of Boston

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Eight: Logan Airport: Flight 486 arriving from Paris, a Saturday night in October

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Nine: The following Friday at the Gym

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Ten: Back in Boston

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Eleven: The Opera

  His Lady Godiva Chapter Twelve: The Hotel

  His Lady Godiva Epilogue

  Pay Back

  Pay Back Prologue

  Pay Back Chapter One

  Pay Back Chapter Two

  Pay Back Chapter Three

  Pay Back Chapter Four

  Pay Back Chapter Five

  Pay Back Chapter Six

  Payback Chapter Seven

  Pay Back Chapter Eight

  Pay Back Chapter Nine

  Pay Back Epilogue

  Wild Child

  Wild Child

  His Deception

  His Deception Prologue

  His Deception Chapter. 1

  His Deception Chapter 2

  His Deception Chapter 3

  His Deception Chapter 4

  His Deception Chapter 5

  His Deception Chapter 6

  His Deception Chapter 7

  His Deception Chapter 8

  His Deception Chapter 9

  His Deception Epilogue

  About L.C. Giroux:





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