Book Read Free

LAND of the FREE

Page 12

by Michael W. Huard

  "All of you must now realize where things stand. Today, we must move on in all directions and never look back. We can eventually build a new headquarters, but at this moment, we don't have the time. The entire human population of Boston Underground is in grave danger right now. The Corporation has struck our Q-Jin home base in New York. The results are catastrophic. They are onto us, and this location is no longer safe." The crowd knew a little about the destruction in New York, but hearing it firsthand from their leader had shaken them all to the core.

  Raegan continued with her address, "I will take an elite hit squad of sisters with me, and together we shall destroy Y-Wood . . . or we shall die trying. The rest of you will stay here and watch over the city. If you do not hear from us within a week, you must all go your own ways, as we did in days long ago."

  A sigh which was filled with anxiety sounded through the group and around the building. "Do as I say. It will be your only hope if we should fail." Raegan took a deep breath. "What we built here is nothing less than a miracle. We made a city from nothing. We choose love over hate. All races, all people, all humans . . . together we built this haven from nothing, with only our own hard work, using materials no one thought even existed in this world. I am so proud of each and every single one of you!"

  Raegan's words offered little comfort to the concerned crowd of people. Several ladies and other city leaders voiced their concerns. One older woman, wearing a red head scarf and missing her left arm, spoke out. "How will we survive alone? Where would we go? Can’t we hold the city?"

  Zaey stepped out from the shadows behind Raegan to answer the older woman. "You have to understand what Raegan is saying, people," she explained. "We believe that Y-Wood now knows we are here. The drones have gotten too close. The Corporation will be plotting to send all they have to wipe this place out. We, as leaders, have to try and stop them in order to save everyone’s lives. But if we fail, you have to run, it’s your only choice."

  Heads hung low as the entire city gathered together in a candlelight vigil to mourn the loss of their New York sisters and Q-Jin facilities. The city of people began to think also of themselves, their loved ones, their friends . . . and what may become of them in the coming days. Chaos and panic followed the vigil. Some fled the chamber, while others remained to discuss their fate. Children looked to their parents for answers, but there were none to give. "Quiet!" yelled Raegan, waiting for the raucous crowd to simmer down. "Jansa and Sinaye have just returned from New York and will fill us in with the details on exactly what happened."


  Y-Wood's CEO, Arn Marcou sat down for some well earned rest and leisure time. Marcou still looked middle-aged despite being ninety years old. His brown hair was falling out faster than he could replace it each week. He brandished a small mustache and an IQ of double the smartest man alive. He and the sexy fembot, Candy, would be chatting tonight. He needed some fun, so he wouldn't be working too late. He looked good. His tall stature was always dressed well, and it made him look rich and important. He felt as good as he looked. He really thought a great deal of himself.

  "Hello, Arn. I’ve been waiting for you, and I've missed you." His virtual mate smiled and entered the private room. She took the necessary eye scan and pranced over to the Y-Wood leader. She was wearing a teal blue, skin-tight mini skirt dress and long white boots. He was pleased at her appearance. She moved her long, curly brown manufactured hair aside so that he could admire her red lips and welcoming smile.

  "Every president . . . oh wait, there’s only one . . . me," he boasted, "needs their own private sex doll."

  Candy smiled at him. "So, how is my grand conductor this evening?" Candy asked. She grinned and dropped to her knees, facing away from him. She teased him with a slow crawl, showcasing her full, tight, round artificial bottom. She was his fantasy woman. He had dreamed her up himself, and he was never disappointed. He loved it when she crawled away and then back to him.

  "All women should be this obedient," he mused. It made him imagine those pesky Slayer women doing his bidding like Candy. One day, he would remove their brains and replace them with robotics and loyal AI, so they would all do as he instructed. He was laughing now at his own amazing plans.

  His genius mind was racing as it always did. Being the master leader behind the largest and most powerful Corporation in the world did make him think a lot.

  "While I sit here and enjoy you, young lady, there are a hundred scientists in the Y-Wood institute, all under my leadership, watching over machines making machines, and each one is developing ways to alter human genetic codes. I am something of a God, don’t you think?"

  The cyber-woman moved closer and rose up on her knees before him. She looked up at her master, "Yes, you are, my dear." Undoing his pants, she took out his cock and buried her head between his legs. He particularly enjoyed this part of his virtual creation very much. Her lips felt so real.

  Marcou had much to work on and much to think about. The Q-Jin's New York location invasion had been a glorious success. He had never doubted his victory. He truly could spend many hours wracking his genius brain over many things, but tonight he had other plans. Candy had him forgetting reality in no time.


  Jansa had to muster the strength to speak to those who remained. She and Sinaye gathered them together. "It has been so nice to be free. In a world where many resources are depleted, life still gave us a feeling of grandness. Probably even more special than before when times were perhaps easier," she proclaimed. "The healing required when a loved one is taken will never be simple." She comforted everyone as best she could.

  Jansa continued, "When we talk of God, we talk of the universe itself. He is a leader in our hearts and souls. There is a feeling, a force of faith, courage, and strength. This is why we all need to live on. This is our God."

  Jansa would never waiver on her speech. She knew she was right, and anything else was foolish to even consider, be it no God at all, or a God who watches over all and made choices for them. No one needed doubt today. They all needed her courage to continue on.

  "We will get through this! The loss of leaders like Wynne and the others will never go away. They will live on forever in our hearts. Yes, people can live on even after they die, they live in us, through us. It's no joke, it’s very real. We all wonder what happens when we die, right? This is the mystery of life for all us humans. The others, the prototypes, the robots, the associates; they move on, get fixed up, do the same thing over and over again. We wonder if we’re reborn. Or are we sent to another place? Or perhaps just rest in peace . . . thus living on in the hearts of loved ones. Our sisters will do just that. They will all live on!"

  Everyone listened intently to Jansa's inspiring words. "We will rebuild another headquarters even better than our last one. We will find more men, produce more children, and in time, we will move on."

  Sinaye stepped up to speak. "Together we will act as messiahs and again bring light to this dark world. Just when we think we may have hit rock bottom, we will rise up to the challenge and find a new way to survive."

  Sinaye then pointed to a little girl in the audience. A young child with the greenest of emerald eyes was ushered out before the gathering. "This is why we must never give up," Sinaye said with her hands resting on the child's small shoulders. "We must believe in the source, the God who gives us courage and faith to carry on for the generations to come."

  Sinaye continued with the end of her speech, "For all of you, today is and always will be a horrible day. Still, we must move on, we have no other choice. We shall forever mourn today's losses, but right now, we have to live for the future." A series of claps and cheers filled the chamber.

  Sinaye had done her best, but she knew of the difficulties which lay ahead for them all. She put her hands on Jansa’s shoulders, and she could see it too in her sister’s eyes. Y-Wood was closing in on victory. Sinaye offered her hope, "You know the others will not give up. They will move
fast. We need to stay strong, sister."


  Paka was now speaking on behalf of the Q-Jin leaders of Mars. "What we represent is hope for all places far and wide," spoke the Q- Jin. She was the dark-skinned Mystical Slayer, petite if not cut fine from her workouts of yoga and martial arts.

  "Mars itself is the most free and habitable planet in the universe." Scientologists have ruled Mars now for over 350 years and the 2033-strong council is still growing. We have more water now than Earth, and the Green Bug virus which has plagued Earth has never even been anywhere near us. This place is decent, and that’s the bottom line. If we keep the prison upgraded and never let it decay, funding will keep coming and we will not face the difficulties you all seem to foresee us having." She paused to let her words sink in. "The smartest minds dwell here. All we need do is use them wisely."

  Councilor Derringer joined Paka and took to the microphone. "The problems we face are still overwhelming people of the new republic at this point." Derringer was a short man, early forties, with thin, wavy brown hair and a deep voice which resonated across the audience. "The energy we’re lacking will all but destroy this settlement. Drastic measures need be taken. If we don’t join the Y-Wood Corporation, sooner or later we will all become a dying generation of Martians. You have to understand, we can’t wait long." He paused, letting his own words settle in with the people. "The women of the Q-Jin sisterhood have been wonderful in all that they have done, but time is running out."

  Paka and the councilman now guided the mix of rebels and political heads into what was simply known as "Sector M" within Mars' prison. What these people were about to witness would be far beyond their wildest imaginations. The prisoners here were the animals of the new world, those not even allowed to stay on Earth. Council members and guests of possible future funding walked with them. They walked through the prison, cell after to cell, for nearly twenty minutes. The inmates behind the bars were crazed with madness. For Paka, Derringer was an ally. He still worked for the Corporation, as did other politicians in the group, but all were united in the desire for change.

  Chapter 13

  Mahira thought back to her youth. She was a special breed and was born a tomboy from day one. The rebellious child who would never settle for anything other than her own choices had grown up hard. She had been a barefoot and scantily clad ball of energy. Her host parents were a group of seven people, four women and three men. Mahira's father was unknown, at least no one knew for sure, and no one really cared. She only liked one of the men, the one she had called "Daddy" from the first time she was able to speak. His name was Wraith.

  Wraith was a tall, lean, long silver-haired man. He was also a smart and combative guy. She had spent more time growing up with him than any of the other six. She hardly knew her brothers and sisters, other than they were not like her. She wanted to fight, just fight, nothing else. All that mattered was Wraith, her lessons on mixed martial arts, and her lessons about the use of weapons. Wraith, in his prime, had been a fighter and a good fighter at that.

  She loved to wrestle, to fight, to go wild. Mahira could envision herself, the little one training in punching, "Bob and weave," Wraith would yell to her, "keep your chin down, move left, move right, now back up and cut an angle, jab, cross, hook, now spin a back fist as hard as you can." He would continue with his relentless instructions. "Liver punch, use your hips and shoulders, drive that fist hard into their side, rise up into it, make it good, little wild one," he screamed as the two trained hard in her younger years. He admired her resolve to never give up. She could have a bloody nose, twisted ankle, or even have suffered a knock out hit. This girl always got back up.

  As a kid, Mahira was also known for her excellent kicks. Her form was good and her stamina to train without complaining gave Wraith the energy to covey all he knew to the budding young lady. "Position your arms correctly, shift your weight forward and higher, swing your hips into the kick, and now whip it out. Strike with all you got, go through the target." He taught her daily on the round house kick. In time, she would kick like no other, changing feet and hypnotizing all that would try to defend against her. When the time finally came to hand Mahira over to the Slayer elders, Wraith knew it was the right thing to do. He had taught her all he could, and he had no doubt she was destined to be extra special.

  The day Mahira left the house, Wraith had given her something. "Hey, kid, I have something for you. I had everyone work on it." He then passed her some material made up of red, white, and blue stars. "I figured someday you could maybe make it into a shirt or something? Maybe a small halter top, as I know you are not much into wearing heavy clothes." He smiled at her, "Love ya again, kid. And so you know, those colors once made this world proud. As will you . . . one day."

  When she finally joined her young classmates, she was already years ahead of them in combative training.

  Today, the time had come to use the skills she had learned as a child like never before. Everything she had trained for, everything she believed in, was so close to happening. She broke from her trance knowing that all the women had lots to think about.


  Raegan’s story of youth was very different to Mahira's. She too often found herself thinking back. Today would be one of those times.

  She looked back on her younger self running in a meadow, chasing butterflies with a homemade net on a stick. As she stopped to rest, thousands of birds flew overhead, and it was a sight like no other. She remembered wondering where they were flying to.

  Raegan's father had raised her for the first seven years. Her mother had been lost to the disease just a year after Raegan's birth. Her father had found a new girlfriend. She always had a kind heart, and a fondness of the artsy stuff. She, like Raegan, was a dreamer.

  Seven years with them had given her a good foundation, but her Slayer days would see her put over the top. She was good in school. Her teachers would say she was very smart, witty, and she excelled in the other activities such as mixed martial arts, which would give her the inner power and bodily skill she now relied on. Her dad had done a little fighting in his day. They shared many wonderful times together, and when her dad was shot in a religious banter the day before her eighth birthday, she had cried for two weeks, hidden down at the old cabin by the family lake. Raegan snapped out of her deep thoughts and whipped her hair backwards from her face.

  With a deep breath, she found her beloved Lomax’s arm draped over her shoulder. Lomax smiled at her. She wanted to have a deep conversation. He kissed her forehead. "I know you’re thinking something. Get it out before you go," he whispered to her. "Oh, and your speech was fine," he added. "All of you girls were born to do this; you were all bred from day one to make the world a better place."

  Raegan talked to him. "Do you think, babe, that one day, just one day, the world could go back to times of old? Maybe a democracy, a president-elected type set up?" Lomax shook his head to suggest this was not a possibility, and smiled back to her. Raegan could only frown. "Let's play chess, I have this incredible urge for a game of chess," she insisted.

  Lomax laughed at her, "I always beat you at chess."

  Raegan pouted her pierced lip and replied, "That’s about all you beat me at." The two grappled together as a playful wrestling match ensued, and they held each other close. Raegan changed her mind about the game of chess and just lay in her lovers arms instead. "Let me just rest here before I pack." The chess game would have to wait until another day.


  A beautifully sculpted naked body with flowing dirty-blond hair slipped into the lagoon. She was holding the hand of the man she loved, and he too followed her into the soothing water. They kissed in the pale moonlight, and all their emotions drained into one embrace. "I love you so much, Raegan. All my heart is yours," Lomax told her.

  The woman touched his soft face. "I know, hun, no matter what, we’ll always be together, I just know it."

  They sank into the water togethe
r and swam like fish, free from the stresses of life. Rising out of the water, they laughed, smiled, and held each other in a passionate embrace. It was a special night, and the Q-Jin felt so warm, so full of life, so happy. Then she awoke, snapped out of her trance and had a warm sweat upon her body. If only this dream could somehow be saved . . . she took a long deep breath.


  "Listen to me, they will be expecting you to go, they know you will want revenge, this is not the time to go to the Corporation’s headquarters. Wait and go at a more unexpected time," Lomax argued to the women gathered before him. "You wait and gather the best you have, and then plan the attack properly. Rushing in this very second will not make a difference."

  The women were unusually silent as he spoke.

  Mahira broke the silence. "If we wait, Y-Wood may very well wipe out all of underground Boston before we even get chance to make our move." Envy nodded in agreement. Raegan was lost in thought, while Chaya deeply pondered the Slayers' next move. "I thought were decided on the attack?" Mahira added.

  The group bantered back and forth for a while before Raegan finally gave her conclusion. "I think Lomax is actually right here. We are expecting them to attack us, but if you really think about it, they are also probably expecting us to retaliate against the New York destruction, and are probably waiting in force for us to come." She paced back and forth trying to make a final decision.

  "We wait," Raegan made her choice. "We still have one other location we can utilize for the safety of our citizens and families in the meantime."

  The rest of the day went by very slowly. The death of Wynne had devastated them all. She was such a good spirit and had always kept things positive, even in the hardest of times. As was tradition whenever a sister had died, the Q-Jin would honor their passing with a picture of the fallen held close to the hearts of each member while reciting their prayer of remembrance. O' Loving Father and Savior, send your angels to carry the soul of your servant from this earth to the heavenly place of eternal and everlasting life.


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