Steeped in Blood
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Ables, Sergeant 105, 106
Abrahams, Cyril 128–132
Adams, Gavin 104
African National Congress (ANC) 100, 101, 122, 125, 134, 266
Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) 54
Agliotti, Glen 233, 236, 238
Ahrensen, Noel 4
Ahrensen (née Klatzow), René [aunt] 3, 4
Alice in Wonderland 13, 14
Allen, David 168, 171
Allen, Jack 22–23
Ames, Frances 103
ANC see African National Congress
Ancer, Bernard 73
Anglo American fire 82
Anglo American scholarship 126
Anstey, Len 81
April, Hilton 261–262
Armscor 151, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 189
arson 48–49, 51–54, 54, 67, 252 see also fire
athletics, drugs in 252
Attwell, Kevin 41, 42, 148
AWB see Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
Baker, Sally 186
Barclays Bank 128, 132
Barker, Anthony and Maggie 15
Barnaby, Frank 169
Barnard, Barry 88, 89
Barnard, Ferdi 138
Bartholomew, Bruce 222, 223, 224
Basson, Gawie 140
Basson, Wouter 138
Bateman, Chris 87, 95
Bellagarda, Joe 179
Bellagarda, Yvonne 179
Benzien, Jeffrey 105–107, 109, 110, 111, 112
Berman, Julian 7
Bester, Theresa 74, 76
Bester, Willem 192
Bierce, Ambrose 248
Biko, Steve 83, 88, 100, 102, 103, 124, 163
Birkett, Norman viii
Bizos, George 99, 121
Blackburn, Molly 121
Black Sash 121
Blake, William 11, 12
Blatchford, James Bruno [grandfather] 5, 6
Blatchford, (née Langsford) [grandmother] 5
Blunt, Anthony 4
Bodziak, William 224
Boraine, Alex 124
Botes, Pieter 100
Botha, Emarie 75
Botha, Marius 219
Botha, P.W. 135, 188, 195
Bourhill, Eddie 187–188
Bower (née Blatchford), Bertha [aunt] 6
British Scientific Workers Union 4
Browde, Jules 53
Buccaneer Shoes factory fire 74, 76
Bucwa, Kwanele Moses 115
Budlender, Geoff 84, 85, 86, 126
Burger, Staal 138
Burgoynes 55
‘Burning Car’ case viii
Burt, Henry 152, 154, 155
Burton, Denis 56–57
Business Day 62
Cairncross, John 4
Calata, Fort 119, 121
Cameron, Bruce 242
Cameron, Jean 13, 14
Cantril, Richard 32
Cape Argus 90, 163
Cape Times 86, 87, 289
Carolus, Cheryl 105
Carroll, Lewis 13
Carte Blanche 62, 208
Cavallier, Tony 185
CCB see Civil Cooperation Bureau
Celliers, Fanie 167
Chandler, Norman 168, 169
Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital 15
Chaskalson, Arthur 85, 86, 276
Cheadle Thompson & Haysom 80, 82, 97, 98
Christie’s 129
CIGNA 50, 51
Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) 99
Claasen, Jonathan 114
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr 42
Coca-Cola 261–262
Coetzee, Dirk 95, 96, 97, 98, 138
Coetzee, Leon 241, 244
Collison, Michael 66–69
Corbett, Michael 101
Corry, Janet 45
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions) 82
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research see CSIR
Cradock Four 119–122, 139, 141
Crick, Francis 21
CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) 67, 72, 74, 140
Currie, Donald 8–9
DCA see Directorate of Civil Aviation
Deal, Jimmy 183
De Kock, Eugene 95, 97, 116
De Lisle, Michael 10–11
De Melker, Daisy 213
Dempers, J.J. 163
Deneys Reitz 52, 142
De Villiers, Leon 15, 15–16
De Villiers (Sanlam) 247, 248
De Villiers, Thea 16
De Witt Morgan 241
Dick, Gavin 185
Di Maio, Vince 202–203
Directorate of Civil Aviation (DCA) 171, 187
Dixon, Roger 221
Doubel, Alf 7
Downes, Roy 171
Drummond, Chris 159
Du Plessis, Barend 121
Du Plessis, Professor 25–26, 27
Du Preez, Max 96, 122
Du Preez, ‘Pat’ 206, 207, 208
Du Toit, Waal 98
Dynamic Wealth 241–246
Edmonds, Bob 22
Edmonds, Daphne 24
Edwards, Graham 211
Edwards, Susan 50, 51
Elim church fire 139, 141
Eloff, Frikkie 242, 244, 245, 246
Engelbrecht, Krappies 99, 123
Evans, Peter 71, 73
Fagan, Harry 22
Findlay & Tait 88
fire 47–48
investigation 14, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56
see also arson
Fischer, Bram 4
footprinting 222, 223–224
Forbes, Alan 35
Friedman, Maggie 136, 137
Froneman, Mark 142
Gardiner, Hugh 71, 72, 73
Gauntlett, Jeremy 88
Gencor 77–78, 80
George, Peter 235
Gevers, Dr 11, 12, 13, 14, 19
Gill, Dorothy 33, 34, 36, 41
Gluckman, Jonathan 83, 87–88
Goldstone, Richard 99
Goniwe, Matthew 119, 120, 121
Gordon (née Klatzow),
Gladys [aunt] 3, 4
Gordon, Okkie 161
Greeff, Joshua 274, 275
Green, John 38
Gugulethu Seven 86–91, 95, 99, 108, 110, 273
Gunn, Shirley 134
Hardy, Athol 184
Hare, John 171, 172
Hare, Jonathan 132
Harms Commission of Inquiry 138, 144
Harms, Louis 138, 144, 145
Hart, Gina 186
Hattingh, Christiaan Pieter 185
Hattingh, Flip 116
Hawtrey, Arthur 29, 30
Heath, Marius 237
Heath, Willem 228, 237, 238
Helderberg disaster 165–196
Hermanson, Sister Faith 23
Heyns, Anton 266
Hippert, Jimmy 193
Hlophe, John 274, 275
Hoffmann, Magistrate 92, 110
Hoffman, Paul 155
Hogan, Barbara 136
Holmes, Warrant Officer 211
horse racing 34–35, 252
Human, Justice 154
Israel, Syd 6
Jacoob, Zac 124
Jansen, Leendert 175
Jansen, Paul 104
Jenkins, Trevor 103
Jockey Club 34–36
Joffe, Mr 64–66
Johnson, Charles 233
Kassner, Grant 42
Kebble, Brett 228–239
Kebble, Roger 229
Kennedy, Robert F. 274
Khotso House 134, 135
Kingsmead School for Girls 24
King, William 75, 76
Kinross mining disaster 77–82
Kirby, Robert 170, 196, 264
Kirk, Paul 191
Klatzow, Cathryn [daughter] 51
Klatzow, Cyril [father] 3, 4, 6, 7, 15, 21, 36, 39
Klatzow, David
background 3–6
childhood 6–16
education 8–24
academic life
career 24–33
back-biting 32
competition 28, 32
research funding 32
handyman, life as a 30–31, 36
meeting and marrying Geraldine 24
divorce from Geraldine 30
meeting and marrying Shelona 50–51
forensic career, start of 33, 34
marriage and raising children 51
on the apartheid era 30, 84, 119, 124, 144, 149, 273
cases arising from apartheid-era oppression 86, 88, 96, 99, 100, 104, 105, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 136, 152, 180
philosophy on science 2–3, 149
Klatzow, James [son] 51, 125
Klatzow, Jonas and Leah [grandparents] 3
Klatzow, Leonard [uncle] 3, 4
Klatzow, Peter [brother] 6, 8, 9, 10
Klatzow, Shelona [wife] 50–51, 125, 136, 137
Klatzow (née Blatchford), Winifred Mabel [mother] 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23
Knobel, Deon 92, 108, 109
Kobrin, Janet 210–212
Kobrin matter 210–212
Kobrin, Raymond 210–212
Koch, Alfred 235, 236
Kossuth, Reg 37
Krebs, Maria 206–208
Krebs, Ralf 206–208
Kriegler, Johann 101, 132
Kriel, Ashley 103, 104–112, 141, 157, 273
Kritzinger, Klippies 98
Kruger, Jeremy 139, 141
Kruger, T.C.B. (Theuns) 171, 175
Landy, Charles 52
Lang, Dr 102, 103
Langa, Pius 276
Lategan, Jan 193
Lawyers for Human Rights 140
Lecante, Willem 241, 242
Legal Aid 250
Legal Resources Centre 84, 86, 143
Le Grange, Louis 87
Lemmer, J.M. 87
Lewis, Vic 51
lock-picking 59–61
Look, Flippie 171, 172
Loots, Beau 19
Lotz, Inge 1, 2, 163, 216–227
Louw, Leonard 246, 247, 248
Machel, Samora 166
Maclean, Donald 4
MADD see Mothers Against Drunken Driving
Magmoed, Shaun 114
Mail & Guardian 170, 196, 264, 290
Major, Tibor 129, 130, 131, 132
Malan, Dok 192
Malan, Magnus 188
Mamasela, Joe 96
Mandrax 145–149, 149, 253
Margo, Cecil 166
Margo Commission of Inquiry 172, 195
Maritime & General Insurance Co. v Sky Unit Engineering 51–53
Maritz, Frans 225
Marquess of Queensberry 64
Matodzi Resources Limited 234
Matthee, Mervyn 255–256
Mbeki, Thabo 267
MCC see Medicines Control Council
McIntosh, Jimmy 53–54
McLaughlin and Lazar 23
Medicines Control Council (MCC) 146
Mellett, Leon 87
mercury, red 169
Meyer, Lucas 185
Mhlauli, Sicelo 119, 120
Miggels, Isaac 161, 162, 163
Miller, Andrew Kenneth 186
Minnaar, Andrew 233, 234, 235
Miranda, Michael 114
Mitchell, Mickey 183
Mitton, Jimmy 179, 186
MK see Umkhonto we Sizwe
Mkhize, Saul 85–86
Mkhonto, Sparrow 119, 120
Mlangeni, Bheki 97
Mostert, Floris 137
Mostert, Pietman 92, 108, 236
Mothers Against Drunken Driving (MADD) 42
Mtimkulu, Siphiwo 103
Munitoria Building 54–55
Mxenge, Griffiths 96
Myburgh, Bert 26, 27, 28
National Party (NP) 95, 117, 150, 151, 154, 267
National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) 191
National Union of Mineworkers 79
Nassif, Clinton 230, 233, 236, 237
Ndita, Tandaswa 275
Neaves, John 52
Neethling, Lothar 42, 91, 98, 100, 124, 145, 148, 149, 175, 277
Nel, Jurie 92, 108, 161
Nelson, Horatio 5
Newton, Dr 55
Nicholas, H.C. viii
Nienaber, Constable 85
Nofemela, Butana Almond 96, 145
Noseweek 247, 275
NPA see National Prosecuting Authority
NP see National Party
Ntsele, Dominic 234
Omar, Dullah 194
Orr, Wendy 102–103
Paarl Print factory fire 75–76
Padi and Faith (murder victims) 82
Pahad, Essop 234
Pahl, Basil 72
Pauw, Jacques 95, 97
Paver, Vera 24–25
Perón, Eva 169
Personal Finance 290
Philby, Kim 4
Piet Retief massacre 122–125
Plewman, Chris 82
poisoning 213–215
apartheid-era attitudes 8–9
Ashley Kriel case 103, 105–111
atrocities 91
attitudes 57
Cradock Four case 120–164
Elim Church fire 139–142
fire investigation 42, 74, 75, 76
forensics 42, 100, 102, 145, 146, 148, 149, 175, 273
Gugulethu Seven case 86–91
Henry Burt case 152–156
incompetence 142–143, 212, 216
Inge Lotz case 1, 2, 216–227
Kebble case 228, 230, 233
Khotso House case 134–135
Mkhize case 85
Oribi Hotel
surveillance 138
Piet Retief massacre 122–125
politicisation 277
procedure 210
riot control 30
security police 103, 191
Trojan Horse Massacre 113–118
Webster case 135–138
wrongful shooting 82
polygraph test 61–62
Pretorius, Christo 219
Pretorius, Torrie 191, 193, 194
Queensberry rules 64
Quincy 270, 271
Ramaphosa, Cyril 79, 80
Rasethaba, Sello 234
Ras, Leonie 229, 230, 233
Regina Mundi church, Soweto 150, 151
Reitz, Deneys 50
Reynolds, Peter 171
Rushton, Gordon 88
SAA (South African Airways) 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 180, 181, 183, 185, 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196
SAASCO see South African Air Safety Council
Sabbagh, Danny 235
SABC see South African Broadcas
ting Corporation
SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) 98
SACC see South African Council of Churches
Sachs, Albie 100
SADF see South African Defence Force
SAFEX Rules 245
SAIA see South African Insurance Assurance
SAMJ (South African Medical Journal) 28, 265, 266
SANBS see South African National Blood Service
Sandberg, Piet 55, 56
sangoma case 250–251
Sanlam 240, 241, 246
SAPS see South African Police Service
Schoeman, Bennie 218
Schroeder, Hein 167
Schultz, Mickey 238
Schutz, Peter 210
Schwär, Theo 92, 108
Scope magazine 208
Scottish Mutual International 241
Scott, Ray 179
Seady, Helen 82
Selebi, Jackie 236, 237, 238
Sewnarain, Jerry 31
Shapiro, Hillel 33, 37, 38
Shipman, Harold 158
Simpson, O.J. 226
Skeat, Peter 235, 236
Sky Unit Engineering 51–53
Sleight, A.W. 169
Smit, Koos 27, 28
Smith, Lionel Shelsley 92, 108, 203
Sneeuberger (locksmith) 59
Snelgar, Tony 171
Son, Die 290
Sonnenberg, Cecelia 4
South African Air Safety Council (SAASCO) 187
South African Airways see SAA
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) 92
South African Bureau of Standards see SABS
South African Council of Churches (SACC) 134, 135
South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions 76
South African Defence Force (SADF) 113
South African Insurance Assurance (SAIA) 62
South African Medical Journal see SAMJ
South African National Blood Service (SANBS) 28, 29, 265
South African Police Service (SAPS) 65, 227 see also police
Southeard, Greg 171
Southwood, Brian 172
Spruyt, Louis 11
Stamps, early Japanese 128, 129
Stern, Michael 8, 9, 10
Sterns 128
Strauss, Johann 73
Stroud, Maureen 38
Strydom, Johan 241, 242, 243, 244
Suzman, Helen 126
Swart, Blackie 185
Taljaard, Piet 193
Tambo, Oliver 8
Taylor, Jeremy 10
Taylor, Rob 9
Thatcher, Margaret 169
Thring, Wilfred 275
Tobias, Philip 103
Traverso, Jeanette 156, 276
Trojan Horse Massacre 113–118
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) 92, 195–196, 273
Tutu, Bishop Desmond 124
Tshabalala-Msimang, Manto 265
Tucker, Dr 102, 103
Twigge, Lieutenant 146
Tyson, Peter 32
Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) 105, 122
United Nations (UN) 147, 290
of Cape Town (UCT) 92
of Durban-Westville 29, 31
of Fort Hare 120
of KwaZulu-Natal 29
of Manchester 136
of Natal 29
of the Orange Free State 4
of Oxford 4