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Pumpkin Spice Up Your Life

Page 14

by Suzanne Nelson

  “You did all of this?” His voice was surprised but quiet. “For me?”

  I nodded, swallowing. This was it, the go-big-or-go-home moment. I pushed the words I’d been wanting to say for days up and out of my throat. “I wanted to tell you how I felt before, but then everything happened with Kiya, and I didn’t think it was the right time.” My cheeks were on fire, but I kept going. “I don’t want to mess up our friendship, but I don’t want to miss the chance for something more, either. Maybe I’m already messing up our friendship right now, but I’ve fallen for you and I—”

  His lips against mine, soft and full, stopped the rest of my words. As his hands cupped my face, my breath stopped, too. The world—the crisp breeze blowing, the dry leaves rustling—played a sweet, sweet symphony that only I—no, we—could hear.

  “Nadi,” Daniel whispered, shaking his head in happy disbelief, “I fell for you the very first day I saw you in kindergarten. But I figured the closest I’d ever get to you was being your friend.”

  “B-but,” I stammered, “you never said anything. All this time?”

  Daniel blushed. “Um, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re sort of amazing.” I laughed, blushing, too. Was this really happening? “I never thought I had a shot, so I never tried,” Daniel explained.

  “You could’ve tried,” I whispered. “You’re not too shabby, yourself, you know.” Then I hesitated, my joy taking a momentary tumble. “But Kiya … you fell so hard for her.”

  Daniel bit his lip. “It was … kind of complicated with Kiya. See, when you decided to go to Interlochen, I knew you’d get in. And you will. And it’s going lead to all these amazing adventures and opportunities for you. But knowing that …” He shrugged. “Well, I figured, sooner or later, you’d leave me and Woodburn in the dust. Kiya was my way of trying to get over you. I focused on her to forget my feelings for you. Before you had the chance to break my heart.”

  I stared at him in shock. “That’s ridiculous!” I blurted. “I’d never forget about you, no matter what happens with Interlochen.”

  “I know that now.” He brushed his thumb gently across my cheek. “It’s always been you, Nadi. Always.”

  I smiled, my heart bursting, and we pressed our foreheads together in a way that was familiar and new all at once. “This is going to take some getting used to,” I said.

  “It’ll be like it’s always been, except …” He grinned mischievously. “Better.”

  I laughed. “So, since neither of us has a date to Fall Formal …”

  “We’ll go together,” he said, filling in the rest for me.

  “I can’t wait,” I said, and leaned forward to kiss him again.

  The camera flash popped in our eyes as Daniel and I stuck out our tongues and struck a few more silly poses before the timer ran out. Then Daniel grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the photo booth to let Elle and Brandon have their turn. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit school gym after the brightness of the photo booth. The Fall Formal was in full swing, with dozens of kids on the dance floor and others waiting for their chance in the photo booth.

  A moment later, our photos popped out of the booth’s dispenser, and we bent our heads over them, laughing at our ridiculous expressions.

  “I had no idea you could wiggle your ears like that,” Daniel said to me.

  I giggled. “Well, I guess that’s one thing you don’t know about me yet.”

  “Give me some time and I’ll find some more.” He grinned. “Come to think of it, I have no idea how you dance.”

  “Really? It’s easy.” I nudged him with my elbow. “You move your feet side to side, and—”

  “Smart aleck.” He laughed. “We do have to dance at least once tonight, though.” I groaned dramatically, but he held up a hand to stop my complaint. “Nope, you can’t get out of it. You promised your mom and dad a dancing pic, remember?”

  “I did,” I admitted with some trepidation. “Crud.”

  But I had to smile when I thought back to my parents standing together on our front lawn, snapping photos of Daniel and me before we left for the dance. I’d called Mom last night to ask her for last-minute dress ideas, and after making sure I was comfortable with it, she’d shown up this afternoon. She’d rummaged around in our attic (which, as it turned out, Dad hadn’t even set foot in for the last six years) until she unearthed her vintage prom dress. It was a maxi dress with vibrant birds embroidered on a sky-blue background—just the sort of bohemian dress I could picture my mom wearing—and I loved it instantly. Mostly because she’d once worn it, but also because it made me feel as light and airy and lovely as the autumn sky itself.

  Now Daniel gave my hand a fortifying squeeze. “You look amazing,” he whispered.

  “Thanks,” I said, blushing. “You look pretty cute yourself,” I added, taking in how adorable Daniel was in his navy-blue blazer.

  “Well, we make a cute couple,” Daniel said, his eyes sparkling. “I understand why your parents want a commemorative photo. And I’m glad you and your mom are starting to talk.”

  I nodded. “Me, too. It’s still weird, and I’m taking it slow, but I have a good feeling.” I smiled. “I think she’s going to stick around Boston for a while.”

  “That’s great,” Daniel said.

  We were turning to go to the dance floor when I caught sight of Kiya, and my stomach gave an uneasy lurch. Kiya looked gorgeous in a royal purple dress and silver heels, her hair up in a braided bun. I hadn’t talked to her since Daniel and I had started dating, and I had no idea how she’d deal with seeing us together.

  She surprised me by giving us a friendly wave and motioning us over.

  “Oh, you guys!” Kiya clasped each of us by the hand. “I’m so happy for you!”

  She did look genuinely happy. “You really don’t mind?” I asked her quietly.

  “Nope. Coming to the dance solo has been awesome.” She grinned at us. “Plus, I’d never stand in the way of true ‘like,’ and I know it when I see it.”

  Daniel squeezed my hand as I blushed.

  “Oh, and that reminds me … I have something for you two! Can you wait a second?” She hurried to the coat room and Daniel and I exchanged mystified glances.

  She returned and held two cups out to us. “Pumpkin Spice Supremes, courtesy of the Snug Mug!”

  I stared at the cups. “How … ?”

  She gave a mini jump in the air. “My dad’s putting the specialty drinks back on the menu!”

  I glanced at Daniel, who looked as surprised as I felt. “Really? That’s great, but … why?”

  “Well … customers were complaining, and some regulars quit coming in.” She smiled at me then and leaned closer, adding a quiet, “Plus, I told him how those drinks were meaningful to a lot of people in Woodburn, too. Especially to some of my friends.”

  I felt a surge of joy. The drinks Daniel and I had learned how to make, all those years ago, were at the Snug Mug to stay. Before I second-guessed myself, I grabbed Kiya in a hug.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed in delight, returning my hug warmly. “You’re welcome. I guess I pulled off a surprise of my own, didn’t I?”


  I saw Daniel watching our hug with an expression of utter confusion on his face, and I had to laugh. Then I took a big sip of the coffee as Daniel did the same. “It’s delicious,” I declared.

  “Still not as good as mine.” Daniel grinned as Kiya and I gave simultaneous eye rolls.

  At that moment, the DJ started playing a slow song. With a quick wave to Kiya, I set both of our drinks down for safekeeping by the snack table, then snatched up Daniel’s hand. “Come on.” I led him onto the dance floor.

  Daniel pulled me closer as we moved into an easy sway. The dance floor was canopied with strands of white lights and fiery-colored autumn garland. Metallic gold and red balloons shimmered all around. Daniel’s hands held my waist, and every cynical thought I
ever had about school dances exited my brain as I fell under Daniel’s spell.

  “So,” he whispered playfully. “Does this beat our eighties movie marathons?”

  “Hmm.” I tilted my head to one side. “Those are pretty awesome, too. But honestly, this …” I gestured around us. “… feels sort of like we’re in a movie. And that’s pretty great.”

  Daniel grinned and dipped me backward. “I agree. And hey, we can do our movie marathon tomorrow night. Your place?”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Of course. As long as you promise to provide the pumpkin spice lattes.”

  “You know I will,” Daniel said. Then he kissed me, his lips lingering on mine in a long, sweet legato. “Still feel like we’re in a movie?” he whispered, holding me close.

  “No,” I told him, still tasting the pumpkin spice from his kiss. “This is even better. Because this is real.”

  When the trees burst into flaming color and the air turns crisp, give some of these cozy recipes a try, and you’ll be toasty warm in no time! Just remember to always:

  Use adult supervision when you’re using a waffle iron or heating hot liquids in a microwave or on a stovetop.

  Use a clean work surface, and wash your hands before starting any recipe.

  Ask an adult for permission before consuming any coffee.

  Check all recipes with an adult for possible allergens before you begin!

  YOU’LL NEED: a waffle iron, cling wrap, measuring spoons and cups, a spatula, parchment paper, large mixing bowl, a liquid measuring cup, and a baking sheet


  2 ½ tsp. instant dry yeast

  1 cup whole milk, lukewarm (slightly warm to touch)

  2 eggs

  4 cups flour

  6 tbsp. light brown sugar

  3 tsp. vanilla extract

  Pinch of salt

  2 ½ sticks butter, softened

  ½–¾ cup pearl sugar


  In a large mixing bowl, whisk 2 ½ teaspoons of instant dry yeast with 1 cup of lukewarm milk. Let the milk/yeast mixture sit at room temperature for five minutes. Add in eggs, flour, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and salt. Knead with your hands or mix with a spoon until a sticky dough forms. Add in the softened butter and knead until just combined. (Note: This may seem like a lot of butter and it will make the dough very slick. Don’t worry! The butter makes the waffles extra delicious!) Set the ball of dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and cover securely with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to rise at room temperature for three hours. Once the dough has risen, knead in the pearl sugar (Note: Pearl sugar is small, pearl-sized balls of sugar. If you have trouble finding it at your local grocery store, you can order it online or from specialty baking stores. The more pearl sugar you add to the batter, the sweeter your waffles will be. You can experiment with the amount until you’re happy with the overall taste.). Then divide the dough into 8-10 balls. Cover the balls with plastic wrap again and allow to rise for an additional fifteen minutes.

  Heat your waffle iron (if the waffle iron has a heat setting, you want it on medium to high. Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to use the waffle iron). When your waffle iron is ready, place a ball of dough at its center and close the lid. Cook the dough for approximately 2–3 minutes, depending on your waffle iron, until the waffle is golden brown. Carefully remove the waffle from the iron with a spatula and set on a plate. Continue the process until you’ve used up all the dough. You’ll have enough dough for eight to ten waffles.

  Once you have your basic Snug Mug waffles made, you can have a lot of fun adding creative toppings to them! Here are a few ideas:


  Top a Snug Mug waffle with Teddy Grahams, three large toasted marshmallows, a drizzle of chocolate syrup, and a heaping mound of whipped cream.


  Top a Snug Mug waffle with one sliced banana, a generous drizzle of Nutella, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a heaping mound of whipped cream.


  Top a Snug Mug waffle with—you guessed it—one or two s’mores! Drizzle it with chocolate syrup, add some whipped cream, and enjoy!

  You can use decaf or regular espresso or coffee for all these drinks. If you don’t have an espresso machine at home, don’t worry! If your parents are coffee drinkers, they may have an AeroPress, moka pot, or French press handy. You can use any of these to make espresso. Just follow the directions for each! If you don’t have any of those options, you can make yourself a batch of strong coffee instead, using a regular coffee maker or a one-cup coffee maker (like a Keurig). One-cup pods are super easy. You can use one shot or two shots of espresso for any of these drinks, or about 1/3–½ cup strong coffee instead. If you don’t like coffee, that’s okay, too. Any of these drinks can be made as hot cocoa drinks (just substitute a tablespoon or two of chocolate syrup for shots of espresso). Or, as an alternative, you can make these recipes using steamed milk without the coffee shots as well.

  YOU’LL NEED: a 12–16 ounce coffee mug, a measuring cup, a microwave, a couple of spoons, a couple of small plates, and a handheld milk frother or whisk


  1 tsp. honey

  1 tbsp. graham cracker crumbs

  ½ cup whole or low-fat milk

  ½ cup strong brewed coffee or 1–2 shots espresso

  1 tbsp. dark chocolate syrup (like Hershey’s)

  A handful of mini marshmallows or 2–3 large marshmallows

  2 graham cracker squares

  3–4 milk chocolate bar squares


  First, drizzle honey onto a small plate. Sprinkle a mound of graham cracker crumbs onto a second small plate. Dip the lip of the coffee mug into the honey and then into the graham cracker crumbs, until the entire lip of the mug is covered in graham cracker crumbs. Pour ½ cup milk into a glass measuring cup, and microwave for approximately 1½ minutes. While the milk is warming in the microwave, pour 1–2 shots of espresso or ½ cup strong coffee into your mug. Stir in 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate syrup and stir. Remove your milk from the microwave, and using a battery-operated frother or a handheld whisk, froth the milk to desired foaminess. Pour the milk into your coffee mug. Next, toast some large marshmallows on a skewer over your stovetop or using the broiler on your oven (note: have an adult help you with this step). If you’re using mini marshmallows, you can pour them into your mug, and then place the mug under a broiler for 30–45 seconds to toast your marshmallows. USE EXTREME CAUTION when using a broiler or open flame. Place your toasted marshmallows atop your coffee. Make one s’mores using your graham cracker and chocolate squares, and place this atop your mug.

  Enjoy this ooey-gooey s’mores coffee in front of a crackling fireplace!

  YOU’LL NEED: a 12–16 ounce coffee mug, a measuring cup, a microwave, and a spoon


  ½ cup whole or low-fat milk

  ½ cup strong brewed coffee

  1 tsp. cinnamon

  1/16 tsp. vanilla extract

  Reddi-wip or whipped cream

  1 cinnamon bun (store bought or homemade)


  Pour ½ cup milk into a glass measuring cup. Microwave for approximately 1½ minutes. While the milk is warming in the microwave, pour ½ cup strong coffee into your mug. Remove your milk from the microwave and pour the milk into your mug (note: for a café au lait, you don’t froth the milk). Stir in the cinnamon and vanilla extract. If you like sweeter coffee, you can add a little bit of honey or sugar. Garnish with a heaping mountain of whipped cream, and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Carefully set the cinnamon bun onto the side of the mug.

  Enjoy this delicious cinnamon swirl after an afternoon of leaf-peeping and apple-picking.

  YOU’LL NEED: a 12–16 ounce coffee mug, a measuring cup, a microwave, a spoon, and a handheld milk frother or whisk


  ½ cup whole or low-fat milk

  1/3 cup Libby’s canned pumpkin pie mix

  ½ cup strong brewed coffee or 1–2 shots espresso

  Reddi-wip or whipped cream

  1/16 tsp. pumpkin pie spice


  Pour ½ cup milk into a glass measuring cup, along with 1/3 cup of Libby’s canned pumpkin pie mix. Microwave for approximately 1½ minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds until the milk and pumpkin are hot and well blended. While the milk is warming in the microwave, pour 1–2 shots of espresso or ½ cup strong coffee into your mug. Remove your milk from the microwave, and using a battery-operated frother or a handheld whisk, froth the milk/pumpkin mixture to desired foaminess. Pour the milk into your coffee mug. Garnish with a heaping mountain of whipped cream (if it’s the right time of year, you may even be able to find pumpkin-flavored whipped cream), and a sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice.

  Snuggle up with this coffee after a day of hayrides and pumpkin-carving!

  Turn the page for a sneak peek at I Only Have Pies for You!

  I approached the oven with a mixture of hope and trepidation. Could it be that I’d finally done it? I reached for the handle, then hesitated, breathing deep. The pie definitely smelled right. The kitchen of Pies N’ Prattle was steeped in the scents of caramelized butter, cinnamon, and apples. A promising sign.

  I opened the oven a crack and peeked in. No! The caramel apple pie I’d spent my entire afternoon making looked like a natural disaster. The crust was a sinkhole, cratering into the caramel apple filling; only its sad, crinkled edges remained.

  I ripped off my oven mitts and launched them across the room, letting out a cry of frustration. I’d always had a temper worse than a grease fire—flaring in an instant and tough to douse. My parents often laughed about the fervor with which I’d thrown myself on the floor as a toddler whenever I was told I had to eat my peas or go to bed. It wasn’t a trait I was proud of, but I never could seem to get a handle on it, either. In fact, I might’ve hollered again over my pie fiasco if the muffled voices of our customers in the main room hadn’t stopped me.


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